One Eye Snake Club - Cover

One Eye Snake Club

by thecsm

Copyright© 2024 by thecsm

Fantasy Sex Story: Son's best friend brother seduces son's MILF mom and Aunt. Or were they drugged. Mom and Aunt are both teachers at the same school the boys attend. The two MILF are blackmail into joining the one eye snake club. They find out there are three other MILF Teachers already in the club. At the end the son is the master.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Spanking   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student   .

My name is Eddy West, I just turned 14. I’ll be starting high school in the fall. Brad and Rick Arnold live next door. We’ve been friends forever. Brad is also 14 years old and starting high school. Rick who is now 16 will be a Junior in high school this fall. When Rick started high school two years ago, he decided he didn’t want to hang around his little brother and me, he was too cool for us. We are still friends, but we only hang together when Rick wasn’t out with his high school friends. I’m either at their house or they are at our house as we grew up. Hanging out with sleep overs at one of our homes. Our folks didn’t mind the amount of time we spent at each other’s homes because our folks are friends also.

The other day I overheard Mr. Andy Arnold talking with my dad (Cliff West). Guess I didn’t get in on the beginning of their conversion, but this is what I heard.

Andy: “Cliff, are you sure you don’t want to share that fox you’re married too? I would love to spend some alone time with her. If you know what I mean.”

Cliff: “You need to just knock it off. I keep telling you I’m not sharing her with anyone. Besides she will get piss off if I even mention it.”

Andy laughing: “I know, but I love rattling your cage.”

Cliff: “And you do a good job of it.”

Andy: “You better keep a good eye on her. Someone might just take her away from you.”

Cliff: “I’m not worry about that. She gets hit on all the time. She isn’t going to run off with anyone.”

Andy: “How about that hot sister of hers then.”

Cliff: “As you know she’s married also. She’s very loyal to Mike. You just need to stop. You’re married also.”

Andy: “Yes I am. But getting some strange pussy never hurts anyone. You should try it sometime. I have a few ladies I can hook you up with.”

Cliff: “Nope I’m happy with Sandy.”

I stop listening in.

Brad and Rick are over at the house. We’re swimming in the pool. I’m not sure who said this but someone told us we needed to wear tight swimsuits so women could tell we were packing a large cock. Rick and Brad were a lot bigger than I was, but I also have a good size package. Only women we have around us today are my mom (Sandy West) and her sister (Tammy Mays). They’re sitting around the pool watching us swim. They’re talking among themselves as they watch us. I think they were watching Rick mostly.

Like I mention earlier Rick is two years older than me. Since he started high school, he has shot up. He’s almost six two and has become a very muscular young man. He looks a lot like his dad. With his green eyes, short brown hair, and his charming smile. He draws a lot of attention from the girls in high school and even adult ladies. He knows the women all think he’s hot and loves showing off his body. He’s very confident for his age. Mainly because he has a large package. I know this because from our sleep overs we’ve all seen each other in the nude. He and his brother Brad, cocks are about eight inches long and very thick.

After the first time Rick had sex, the word spread about his fat large cock. It spread so fast even the female teachers all knew about him. It even got back to the women in our neighborhood. He started getting hit on all the time. Mostly because the girls in the high school wanted to know if the rumor about his cock was true. The female teachers all smile at him as he walks pass them in the halls. Which started the rumors about him. I’ve heard rumor that he’s been having sex with two female teachers at the high school and the school female principle. Plus, two of our MILF neighbors. I don’t believe the rumors but who really knows. He is very confident for a 16-year-old.

Rick gets out of the pool. His swim trucks being tight and wet clung to his body. His large package was very visible. We all notice mom and Aunt Tammy sharing at his crotch. (Guess who ever told us about tight swimsuits was right.) As he walks by them, he stops right in front of them: “It’s eight inches and very thick.”

Mom coming out of her daze looks up at him: “What?” Even Aunt Tammy looks up at him.

Rick: “Since you’re staring at my crotch. I thought I would tell you it’s eight inches and very think.”

Aunt Tammy: “Oh my.”

Mom: “I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry.”

Rick: “No big deal. Now you know how big it is.” He walks over picking up a towel turning around facing mom and Aunt Tammy, as he dries himself off. Mom and Aunt Tammy get up, walking into the house.

We were all drying ourselves off now. Rick: “One day I’m going to fuck both of them. Maybe they’ll join the one eye snake club.”

Me: “In your dreams.”

Rick: “Maybe but what a dream.”

Me: “What is the one eye snake club?”

Rick: “My bud Chad Bates and I call us that and the small group of ladies we have had sex with are in the club with us. The small group of ladies will do anything for us to keep us fucking them. They seem to be addicted to our one eye snake.”

Brad: “Now that we are in high school maybe you’ll let Eddy and I join your club.”

Me: “Yeah, we can help fuck your little harem.”

Rick laughing: “I’ll think about it.” Which made me think he was just talking shit.

Guess I should tell you about my mom and Aunt Tammy. I’m not sure where to start. Every male I know finds both women very attractive. I have to admit I find them very attractive also. Neither one is a porn star, or a model. They are just beautiful women with, guess the best way to say it. They have some kind of sex appeal that men can’t resists.

Best way to explain, is just tell you about them. First let me tell you about mom: She had me right out of high school, she’s 34 years old now. She went to night school while dad watch over me. It took her a few extra years, but she finally gradated becoming a teacher. The bad thing about her being a teacher is she teaches at the same high school I’ll be going to this fall. Plus, my Aunt Tammy also teaches at the same high school.

Mom is 5’5’’ with long brown hair which hangs about 4 inches below her shoulders. She has brown eyes and a very pretty face. She’s not fat or too slim. I’m not sure of her breast size. I know her boobs are not too large or too small. I think she’s just right in the bust. They always jiggle when she walks. She gets a lot of attention. Not just young men but also from much older men. Some of these guys are very bold as they hit on her, even when my dad is standing right next to her.

I’ve heard my friends call her a MILF. They say she has one tight ass that wiggles as she walks. I’ve heard them talking when they don’t think I can hear them saying what they would love to do with her if they ever got the chance. Aunt Tammy looks a lot like mom. You can tell they are sisters. She’s a little shorter at 5’4”. She also has brown hair which is only shoulder length. She also has brown eyes. I think her face is prettier than moms. Men also hit on her all of the time.

Mom and Aunt Tammy work out together every day. They both work their asses off with several routines during the week: After their warmup exercises, they will lift light weights two times a week, run at least two miles every day, and cross fit training once a week. They still have a small tummy pouch otherwise both have a slim waist. They both look good in their two-piece bathing suits. Hell, who am I kidding, they look good in anything they wear.

A few days later I’m just hanging out at home. I wanted a snack and headed to the kitchen. Just before I get to the kitchen, I heard Mrs. Nancy Arnold (Brad and Rick’s mom) talking: “You two ever thought about getting some strange cock?”

Mom: “Come on Nancy you know I would never cheat on Cliff.”

Aunt Tammy: “I’ve thought about it, who doesn’t. But like Sandy. I would never cheat on Mike.”

Mom: “You’re right Tammy. Guess I’ve fantasized about it.”

Nancy: “If either one of you decide you want to. I have a few lads who would lover to help you out. They are very discreet. If you don’t want your husbands to know. I’ve been with them a few times. Andy knows about them. We have no secrets between us. He has a little harem of ladies who he keeps on the side.”

Mom: “Really you run around on Andy, and he runs around on you?” Aunt Tammy just looks at Nancy.

Nancy: “It’s no big deal. He gets some strange pussy and I get some strange cock from time to time.”

Mom: “I could never do that to Cliff. I know he would never cheat on me.”

Nancy: “It’s your loss. If you ever change your mind. Remember I can hook you two up.”

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I didn’t want or need to hear any more. I went back to my room. I didn’t know if I should mention what I heard to Brad or Rick. I figure they may already know, so I didn’t say a word to them. It really wasn’t any of my business to tell them anyways.

My folks decided to throw an end of summer party this year. They didn’t want it to be a big blow out. So, they only invited the neighbors who they talk with. Turns out it was only about eight houses that were close to us. Their kids were also invited. Ever since they announce they were having a party; I’ve been looking forward to it. I think it’s a great way to end the summer vacation.

The party is this weekend before school starts back up. 20 people ended up showing for the party. Of course, the Arnolds show up. Rick’s friend Chad shows up with him. Brad, Rick, Chad and I end up in the basement playing video games. The little kids ended up in the basement with us. We really didn’t get to play any games with the little kids bugging us to play also.

The women are all wearing shorts with short sleeve blouse or a pull over t-shirt. Some have flip flops on while others were wearing some kind of sport shoe. The guys all have shorts and a T-shirt on and sport shoes on.

Rick: “I’m not hanging around a bunch of little kids. I’m going up stairs.”

Chad: “All the women are up there anyways.”

Brad: “I’m with you.”

As they went up the stairs I followed. We went outside where most of the adults were. Rick elbowed Brad. Brad looks at him as he points at Aunt Tammy and mom. They were talking with Nancy.

Brad: “Eddy I think your aunt and mom are the hottest ones here.”

Rick: “I don’t think, I know.”

Chad: “No shit, those two are two hot MILF.”

I look around, why I don’t know. I’ve seen all of the women who were at the party before: “Of course they are.” Rick, Chad and Brad laugh.

Chad: “You think we have a shot with them?”

Rick: “I think so. You have your camera?”

Chad: I always do.”

We’re ogling the two MILF. Maybe too long as Mr. Arnold walks up to us: “Boys you shouldn’t stare to long at a woman. You might make them feel uncomfortable.”

Rick: “Yes sir. You’ve told us that before. But those two are so hot. I just can’t help myself.”

Mr. Arnold: “I don’t disagree. Just don’t stare at them.”

The four of us at the same time: “Yes sir.”

Mr. Arnold: “Go talk with them. They won’t bite. There’s music playing. Go ask their husbands if you can dance with their wives.”

Me: “I’m sure I don’t need to ask.”

Mr. Arnold: “I’m sure you don’t have to Eddy. But Rick, Chad and Brad do.”

Me: “Yes sir.” He walks away to talk with others. Rick and Brad, walk over to where mom, Nancy and Aunt Tammy were talking. I follow them.

Rick: “Hello ladies. Is there anything we can help out with.”

Mom: “Not right now Rick.”

Nancy: “I’m going to check on Andy while you five chat.”

Chad: “We were going to ask you for a dance, but we can’t find your husbands.”

Aunt Tammy: “Why do you need to find Mike and Cliff.?”

Chad: “To make sure they don’t mine if we dance with you.”

Mom: “What nice gentlemen you guys are.”

Aunt Tammy: “They are over there by the grill.”

Rick, Brad and Chad walk over to them. I stay there with mom and Aunt Tammy. Mom: “Don’t you think you need to ask also?”

Me: “I would but you can only dance with one guy at a time.” Aunt Tammy broke out laughing. Mom starts laughing also.

Rick, Chad and Brad return smiling. Rick: “They said sure thing.”

No one was dancing at the moment. A slow song started as Rick held out his hand for mom to dance. Chard holds his out for Aunt Tammy. Rick holds mom tight, as Chard was holds Aunt Tammy tight, as they start dancing. Brad and I watch the four of them dance. I notice Rick slowly moving his hand down to mom’s ass, rubbing it while he whispers into her ear. Chad notice Ricks move and follows suit doing the same thing.

Me: “Did you see that, Brad?”

Brad: “Yep. maybe they’ll get lucky.”

Me: “I doubt it.”

Both women seem a little startled as they both immediately swipe their hands off their ass. Mom seems to be blushing as she whispers into Ricks ear. He smiles as they both are whispering into each other’s ear now. Chad and Aunt Tammy were also whispering to each other. I look over to where dad and Uncle Mike were to see if they notice what happen. They seem not to notice.

I was intrigue at how bold Rick and Chad were. I never would have thought they would do anything like that in front of all of these people. Rick was smiling as he slides his hand back down onto mom’s ass. This time he squeezes her ass hard as he whispers into her ear. Mom laughs as she swipes his hand away again. Chad and Aunt Tammy just continue to dance and talk to each other. When the song ends, they return over to where Brad and I was. Rick did try to keep mom dancing, but she wouldn’t. I wanted to give them both a high five but didn’t since mom and Aunt Tammy were with them.

Mom: “Rick thank you for the dance. You’re going to make some young lady very happy one day.”

Rick: “Maybe we can dance again later.”

Mom: “Maybe.

I didn’t listen in on what Chad and Aunt Tammy were talking about. The four of us guys walk over to where the food was. I notice other people were now dancing.

Me: “You two got balls the size of a bolder.” They both smile.

Rick: “Did you see me squeeze that hot sexy ass?”

Me: “I sure did.” As I high five him.

We got some food. Rick and Brad go over to where their dad was. Chad goes with them. I move over and sit close to where mom, Aunt Tammy and Nancy were talking. I don’t think they notice me being so close to them. Or didn’t think I could hear them talking.

Nancy: “I saw my son and Chad get a good feel of both of yours rear-ends while you dance.”

Aunt Tammy: “You can’t blame the young man for trying.”

Mom: “Rick didn’t just rub my butt. He got a good feel of it.”

Nancy: “That’s my boy. Just like his dad.”

Mom: “You should have taught him better matters.”

Nancy: “Don’t act like you mind it. I watch you two whispering to each other.”

Mom: “I was just telling him it wasn’t nice of him to play with my rear.”

Nancy: “Maybe you were, or maybe you want some strange cock from my son.”

Mom: “You know better than that.” Nancy just laughs as she walks away.

Aunt Tammy: “For a young man Chad has a big cock. He made sure to rub it on me. I think he was hard.”

Mom: “Rick was rubbing that monster on me also.”

Aunt Tammy: “Mike is going to get fuck good and hard tonight.”

Mom: “So is Cliff.”

Aunt Tammy: “They better not get too drunk.” They both laugh.

Mom: “Rick is one hell of a smooth talker. If I wasn’t married and a lot younger.”

Aunt Tammy: “Chad is also a smooth talker.”

Mom: “Maybe the rumors about Rick and Chad are true.”

Aunt Tammy: “Maybe. I hope not. I’m not sure who the teachers are, but they would be in deep shit if it ever got out.”

I was done eating and didn’t want to listen anymore. Guess everyone has heard the rumors about Rick. I walk back over to where the guys were. They just finish talking with Mr. Arnold.

Me: “I hear you two are smooth talkers. What were you whispering to the two Ladies.”

Rick: “First I know it’s your mom and Aunt. But they are not ladies. They are two hot MILF teachers. I just told your mom what I wanted to do to her. If she would only give me a chance. Hopefully what I told her will give her something to think about.”

Me: “Really!! You one bold ass dude.”

Chad: “I was telling your aunt the same thing. Just like Mr. Arnold has told us. What to say to a sexy woman if we wanted to take them to bed. Might as well try it out on them two.”

I was surprised: “I didn’t know your dad was instructing you about women.”

Rick: “Doesn’t your dad. Well, you’ve heard of the rumors. They are true. My dad and mom both know about my little club. They both support me. Mom has even help me out with the three sluts I already have in my club.”

Me: “I heard the rumors, but I thought they were just rumors. Your mom helps you seduce the women?”

Rick: “You can’t tell anyone. Let’s keep everyone thinking it’s just a rumor. Yes, mom has help me out big time. Dad gives me advise.”

Chad: “I think it’s time to dance with those two hot MILF again.”

Rick: “I get Tammy this time.”

Chad: “Sounds good to me. Remember what your dad just told us.”

Rick and Chad walk over to the two ladies. Rick didn’t say a word. There was another slow dance song playing. He just held out his hand for Tammy to dance with him. Chad did the same with mom. Mom and Aunt Tammy hands me their drinks. Without saying a word, the two women take the guys hands. The four of them walk out where other couples are dancing now. I watch the four of them dance again. This time the guy’s just whisper into the ladies’ ears. With mom and Aunt Tammy whispering back.

Brad: “My dad is going to try and help out Rick and Chad. He’s going to try and get your dad and Uncle so drunk they pass out. My mom went home to bring back her special punch for your mom and Aunt.”

Me: “What?”

Brad: “I don’t think anything will happen. But my mom and dad are going to try to give Rick and Chad an advantage to get into their panties.”

Me: “I don’t think it will work. Special punch?”

Brad: “I don’t know what’s in it. I think she puts some kind of drug in it. I’m not sure what she puts into her punch.”

Me: “I don’t think your mom would do something like that.”

Brad: “I hope not.”

The dance ended. I handed mom and Aunt Tammy back their drinks. Rick whispers to both women for a few more minutes. Mom and Aunt Tammy just listen. Finally, Rick: “Just think about it. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

I keep an eye on mom and Aunt Tammy. Mrs. Arnold comes back over with some kind of punch. She makes sure mom and Aunt Tammy have a large glass of it. Nancy only let the women at the party drink the punch. She wouldn’t let any of the guys even try it. Mr. Arnold is making sure dad and Uncle Mike have a full beer in their hands.

Chad and Rick are back flirting with mom and Aunt Tammy. Mom and Aunt Tammy are laughing at whatever the guys are telling them. Ricks and Chads hands start roaming all over the ladies’ bodies. They’re rubbing on their shoulders or their backs. Sometimes rubbing on the women’s rear ends and getting away with it. Mom and Aunt Tammy for some reason just let them. It didn’t look too bad. Nancy ensures moms and Aunt Tammy’s drink stay full of her special punch. I don’t know what is in the punch, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting anyone who has drinks any of it.

The neighbors with little kids are now getting ready to head home. Mom: “Before you leave make sure you take some of this food with you!!” Mom carries out boxes for everyone. As the guess leave, I notice most of the people have left. Only ones left were the Arnolds, Chad, and our family. The Adults are in a group talking. Chad and Rick join Brad I.

Brad: “You two make any head way with the two hotties?”

Chad: “I’m not sure.”

Rick: “It’s still too early to tell.”

Me: “I overheard you telling them to think about it. Think about what?”

Rick smiling: “I made a pass at them. Of course, they both said no.”

All of a sudden dad and Uncle Mike slowly sit on the ground. They didn’t fall down they just slowly sat down. Mr. Arnold moves out of their way. Mom jumps back putting her drink down moving fast over to dad. Aunt Tammy was beside Uncle Mike.

Mom: “The asshole is pass out. Andy, you let them drink too much.”

Mr. Arnold smirking: “It’s not my job to control how much they drink. They drank as much as I did.” He lied.

Aunt Tammy: “Looks like I’m spending the night.”

Mr. Arnold: “Rick, Chad! Get over here. Help me get these two into the house.”

Mom: “Eddy you help out also.” The four of us move over to where dad and Uncle Mike lay on the ground.

Mr. Arnold: “Sandy, where do you want us to put them in the house?”

Mom: “Put Cliff on his bed. Mike goes into the guess bedroom. Eddy show Mr. Arnold where to drop these two assholes.”

Mr. Arnold: “Okay guys grab an arm and let’s get them to bed.” Chad and Rick got hole of Uncle Mike. I help Mr. Arnold with dad. I knew I didn’t have to show Rick where the guess room was. He already knew.

After we get into the house and where the women couldn’t hear us. Mr. Arnold: “Guys I couldn’t get them drunk. I gave them some good old sleeping pills. They should be out until way pass lunch time tomorrow.” Rick and Chad just smile. I give Mr. Arnold a nasty look. I don’t think he saw it. Brad just followed us into the house.

After we get the two men on top of a bed, we all walk back out to the yard. Chad: “They are sleeping safely and soundly.”

Mom: “Help me get this food inside. The rest can wait until tomorrow.” It didn’t take us long to get all of the food inside. Mom, Tammy and Nancy put all the food up. The three women chatted away as they work. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

I turn some music on. I use mom’s music list which was all slow music. Chad: “Brad I hear your good and taking pictures and videoing. Here’s my camera. I need you to take some pictures later. I’ll let you know when to start.”

Brad: “Okay. I might need to take a few now to get use to your camera.”

Chad: “No problem. Let me help you to make sure you know how to use it.”

Rick walks over to his brother whispers something into his ear. Brad: “I understand. Will do.”

When the ladies were finish in the kitchen, they join us in the living room.

Rick and Chad stand up. Rick: “Mrs. West would you like to dance?”

Nancy: “Go on just because your husbands pass out don’t mean we need to end the fun.”

Mom: “You’re right Nancy. Yes, I would love to dance.”

Chad: “How about you Mrs. Mays?”

Aunt Tammy: “Why not.”

Nancy looks over at her husband. He gets the hint, and they leave.

I hear mom: “Rick please stop, you’re driving me crazy.” I think she said it way louder then she wanted.

Rick: “Since Mr. West pass out. I think you deserve to have fun.” Mom just smiles resting her head on Rick’s shoulder.

Brad taps me on the arm: “Let’s go into the kitchen and see what happens.”

Me: “Okay” We both move into the kitchen. I sit on a kitchen chair. I move the chair and myself over to where I can peek out the door into the living room.

The four stop dancing. Rick has his arm around mom’s waist as they walk over to the couch. Chad has his arm around Aunt Tammy’s waist as they walk over to the love seat. Mom: “Where is everyone?”

Rick: “Looks like mom and dad went home. Rick and Brad most likely in the basement playing a video game. Let’s talk for a while. Then we can dance some more.” Chad and Aunt Tammy were already sitting talking.

Mom seeing her sister talking with Chad: “Okay. What would you like to talk about?”

Rick leans towards mom. Pulling her against him as he tries to kiss her on the lips. Mom turns her face, and he ends up kissing her on the cheek. Mom: “Rick we can’t. This isn’t right. I’m married. You’re a student at the school I teach at. This just isn’t right.”

Rick: “But Mrs. West you just told me I was driving you crazy. We can do this. Your sister is kissing Chad.”

Mom looks over at Tammy. Sure, enough Chad and she are kissing. Mom turns back to Rick to say something. Before she could say anything, he attempts another kiss. This time his mouth finds hers. His tongue slips into her mouth between her lips as they start kissing each other.

I notice Brad was filming the couples kissing. I turn back so I can also enjoy the show. I’m imagining it was me kissing the women. My cock is getting hard as I wish I was the one kissing Aunt Tammy. I look back at mom. Rick has reach down to the bottom of mom’s top. Pulling her top up. Her white bra comes into view as he pulls her top upward. They stop kissing as he continues pulling moms top over her head. He tosses it onto the floor.

Mom reaches behind her back unfastening bra. Taking it off revealing her tits. I just cannot believe my eyes. One that mom let Rick take her top off. Two she took off her bra letting Rick full access to her tits. I’m not understanding why she isn’t fight him. Wondering if it has anything to do with that punch.

Rick: “That’s so much better.” Mom smiles as she tries to hide her lust for Rick. Chad has Aunt Tammy topless also. Rick leans back pulling mom up onto his lap sideways. One arm around her waist as the other hand gropes her tits. With his fingers pinching and rolling her already hard nipples.

Mom: “You can’t tell anyone about this.”

Rick: “Who would I tell. No one would believe me.”

Mom’s head falls back as her hair hangs down; she gasps: “Aaahh fuck. It feels so good.”

Rick smirking: “I told you; you would enjoy it.” As he roughly mauls one tit and then the other. Mom not resisting him. She squirms against him as he roughly plays with her boobs. She seems to be enjoying her tits being roughly play with.

Rick: “Are you enjoying yourself?” As he digs his fingers into the flesh of her tits.

Mom: “Maybe.” Her body trembling as he plays roughly with her tits. Mom’s breathing quickens as she is enjoying the rough treatment of her boobs.

Rick moves his hands down to her shorts. He unzips them. He starts pulling them down. Mom lifts her bottom so he can pull them off of her. He removes her white panties with her shorts. With her fully nude now. He slides his hand across her belly. Getting them between her legs. He starts stroking her pussy.

He storks her pussy for a few minutes. Mom’s enjoying him fingering her, Rick: “Now be a good girl and get on your knees.”

With out any hesitation mom looks at him smiling as she gets off his lap, getting on her knees. Mom fingers fumble as she unfastens his pants. Pulling his pants off letting them fall to the floor. She takes his large fat cock into her hands. She stares at it in disbelief on how big it is. I can’t believe mom isn’t yelling and fighting Rick. There had to have been something in that punch, but what.”

Rick smirking: “Good girl. Show me how you suck cock.”

She looks up at Rick, smiling. She takes her tongue licking around his cockhead. Using one of her hands lightly pumping his thick shaft. His cock starts getting bigger as she plays with it.

Rick: “That’s it, Mrs. West.” Mom mouth opens wide as she stretches it over his cockhead.

As mom’s mouth slides down his shaft taking a couple of inches at a time until it enters her throat.

She starts bobbing her head up and down on his large fat cock. I watch her head bob steadily on him. She’s working her mouth up and down on Ricks 16-year-old hard meat.

Rick: “Fuck, you do know how to suck cock bitch.” He reaches for her head. His fingers twisting around her hair.

I’m mesmerized from what I’m watching. I desperately wanted to free my erection and stroke it. I knew I couldn’t and stay hidden.

Mom gags as Rick pulls her head down on his cock. Forcing all of his manhood into her mouth and down into her throat. Stretching her jaws wide open. Holding his cock in her mouth.

Rick almost laughing as he looks down at mom struggling to breathe. Her hands start slapping his thighs in a frantic protest. Holding her in place for what seem to be two minutes. He watches her face turn red before he allows her to pull away from him. Mom coughing with drool running down her chin. She looks up at him with saliva plaster around her mouth. Her chest heaving as she tries to recover her breathing.

Mom: “Not so rough. I’m not use to it.” I couldn’t believe she wasn’t mad.

Rick smiles as he stands up pulling her upright with him. He roughly pushes her down onto the couch. With her ass on the couch. He stands over her. Putting his hands back on her tits. Mauling them unforgivingly. mom didn’t move letting him have his way with her. She leans back on the couch on her elbows. Slowly spreading her legs. Mom being completely naked, Rick has a look of triumph. He was fully in control of her.

Rick moves between mom’s open thighs. As he prepares to mount her. He raises and parts her legs even wider. Giving him full, unobstructed access to her pussy. I have a clear view of her waiting, pussy. From my hiding place I watch the scene in front of me. My erection is throbbing painfully, as I watch Rick takes his thick cock in his right hand. He begins rubbing his cockhead up and down on mom’s slit until her pussy opens up for him.

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