Kingdom of Love - Cover

Kingdom of Love


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - At the Circus, somebody have to take care of those animals.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Why not stop by Myrna's trailer on the way to the dogs?" Amanda suggested as they stepped out of the railroad car.

"All right." Joan skipped down with her hands clasped behind her back. Like a youngster she pretended there was a hopscotch figure and jumped a leggy dance through all nine squares in the imaginary pattern.

Will she never stop being a child? Amanda wondered as she watched the girl hop. For her sake, I hope not too abruptly, she thought.

Myrna's trailer was next to the elephant wash and one of the brutes trumpeted a greeting upon seeing the girl. She couldn't have, thought Amanda. It's too ridiculous to even think about. Why do I always think the cause is sex when it comes to Joan? Perhaps because it so often is.

They reached Myrna's trailer and found the door ajar. She was not home when Amanda stuck her head in and called.

"I wonder where she's gone." Amanda's face wore a worried frown.

"Perhaps we should look for her." Joan shared her concern. "Maybe she's with Andy. You said you told her about the zoo."

"That's a good idea. Where do they keep the cages?"

Joan led Amanda across the grounds to the big side tent. It was noon at the circus, and everybody was bustling about. The yard and tents were filled with people, yet they all ignored the pair.

Evidently they felt the loss of Myrna's act was reason enough to ignore the girl, and Amanda felt a chill despite her heavy wool suit. Gradually Joan's skip became a walk, then a shuffle as she glanced around at the stony faces.

"Have you seen Myrna?" she asked one person hopefully, and an arm waved vaguely in the direction they were heading. That was all.

Their mood changed to one filled with grim purpose. Myrna's whereabouts became their sole goal and the dogs were forgotten in the car.

Amanda had the impulse to call aloud. But she stifled it as they passed into the shade of the big tent. It was hot and still. Amanda guessed that everyone would be avoiding the area of Andy's cage and wondered if it would not be silly of Myrna to go and mope there. If she knew her sister at all, she had a hunch she would not be there.

Myrna was not anywhere in sight when the lion's cage came into view. And Joan stopped in her tracks.

"She's not here." Joan's voice was quiet and reserved.

"Is that Andy?" Amanda asked about the proud golden cat. She could see him prowling behind the bars. She heard him cough, then growl low and plaintively to Joan.

"Let's go," Joan said, unwilling to approach any closer to the lion. Amanda understood. There was no need to punish the girl. She felt guilty enough--of that there could be no doubt, especially after seeing her swift change of mood.

"Where next?" Amanda asked.

"I don't know." Joan turned away and started to leave when a sound caught her ear. "Over here." She suddenly changed her direction. Like a dog following some distant calling, she stood poised for an instant, then headed for the training ring.

As they approached the noise, Amanda saw ahead the broad, incredibly muscular back of what to her mind she thought must be Tarzan, or some such manifestation thereof. He was magnificent from behind and covered only with a loin cloth. God, breathed Amanda to herself, what a beautiful man-beast from the rear!

"That's Justice," Joan said as she heard Amanda's breath quicken.

"My God! He looks beautiful!" Amanda breathed in a whisper.

Justice must have heard them approaching, for he suddenly turned and Amanda saw his front was even better looking than his rear. He was easily the most perfect man she had ever seen. She could not get over the shock and her pussy began to throb. She faltered with the intensity and felt the lips of her twat soften and cream against each other with desire.

He turned back for a moment to whatever it was he had been looking at before they came up, then suddenly back to them as if he were caught between two opposing forces.

I want him, Amanda thought. Like nothing I've ever wanted before! Her pussy creamed until she thought she could feel it run into her pubic hair.

"There's Myrna." And although Joan's voice interrupted Amanda's thoughts as they reached the man, Amanda did not seem to hear. She was locked into a rapturous stare of sheer desire and Justice could not help staring back.

What is this? Must be Myrna's sister, Amanda. Looks like a strange one to me, Justice thought. But the look of lust on Amanda's face took place in his eye as a beautiful event. Forgetting her clothes he suddenly wanted his hands on her naked flesh. His cock hardened and Joan saw the head peek past the loin cloth edge like a gnome.

"Look over his shoulder, Amanda. Your sister's fucking Clyde."

"What?" said Amanda from a daze.

Justice heard her clearly, though, and shot Joan a look of incomprehensible depth.

"There's Myrna, Amanda."

"Oh, I see," said Amanda from far off. Her voice sounded as if she had not really, though her eyes were focused to the center of the ring.

There was Myrna with her head thrown back nearly to the ground while she straddled the front of the sitting pony's haunches and rocked a bugaboo. She was absolutely lost in a world of her own and the horse's.

The sight was so enthralling that Amanda's hand covered the huge 'O' of surprise her mouth had become as she sighed, "Oh my!"

Slowly Myrna was lowering herself, then rising up as all the while her body danced in torrid rocking jabs around the pony's cock. Her mouth hung slack while her eyes seemed rolled up into her head from the thin line of white Amanda could see. She lolled her head from side to side. Primitive snarls stuck in her throat, then grunted up with the rasp of each breath.

Jesus, thought Amanda. Christ! But I want a man. And her eyes roamed away from the horse fucking her sister to Justice's face. She was hardly surprised when he read her thoughts and grinned.

Just then Myrna screamed. It was clear from the contortions her body was going through that she had reached her peak.

It's ironic, thought Amanda, she cums on a horse cock like the world's at an end--while I look into the eyes of the first man I've admired in more years than I can count. Sometimes coincidences can be weird!

A mood of melancholy fell over Amanda as the full impact of the tragedy which had taken place during the last twenty-four hours took hold of her. She mused to herself, Poor Myrna. Somehow I feel free of her now and I don't know why. And deep inside I'm so glad. Oh, you beautiful man thing, I want you so bad I ache all over?

Her fingers fumbled with the jacket which suddenly had too many buttons. She was frantic to expose herself to Justice. When her fingers would not work fast enough to satisfy the craving urge, she ripped the heavy wool away from the buttons with a powerful thrust that left her in an Amazonian stance.

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