Kingdom of Love - Cover

Kingdom of Love


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - At the Circus, somebody have to take care of those animals.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

The thick, black king snake twisted its way from round Joan Engle's neck and headed between the alley of her breasts. As it moved the forked tongue darted in and out of its mouth and there seemed to be a hiss. It was not possible to tell, however, if the sound came from the snake's mouth or was merely the sound of its cool, dry body slithering across the smooth flesh of the girl. Everything about its movement seemed to suggest silence and cunning. For the snake was a born killer. Oh, not of people, of course, but of their snakes. Especially its arch enemy, the diamond-back rattler. And this was a big King. Over six feet long and thicker in the middle of its body than a man's forearm. If one were to happen upon the scene by chance something ominous might appear to be taking place. But if the observer looked more closely there was a peculiar aura about the way the girl's head lolled back and her eyes remained closed. And the snake seemed to know what he was about.

He curled his way beneath her lovely breast, then doubled back on himself until his head passed directly across the nipple. As his long body glide slowly across the bud the girl rolled her head from one side to the other. The snake's head started up the slope of the other breast. He passed across that nipple, too, then down the other side and back below the underside of her breast. His thick body moved slowly in a figure shaped somewhat like an eight. Then he headed down the gentle slope of her belly- -slowly, very slowly, while the same strange almost eerie sound came from him.

The sound thrilled Joan with its persistence. She lay with a pond of cool water reaching just below the level of her pubes in the bathtub and thought: Will Eric go down?

Now was the time when the snake would decide if he would search along the water level for the entrance to her cave. She waited for the sound to tell whether or not the King was going down.

The chime sounded once on the bell from her telephone, and she let ring. Her hips sloshed the cool water around as if to beckon Eric and the sound increased.

He had been going for sometime around the figure eight track his body made as it dipped and wound around Joan's breasts, his cool white underbody sliding like a tunnel above the pink nubs of her nipples.

Her mind was centered on her cunt. Just above where the water level lapped was the stud of her clit and now the King's head looked over the scene. He could see the pink wings of flesh at the labial top and the wave in the water as it disappeared into the foliage around her twat.

The phone bell chimed again and Joan wished that she had brought it into the bathroom with her. Eric was disturbed by the noise.

She would have to answer it. The snake would not perform with the sound of the bell in the tile room. She answered it with petulance in her voice.


"Playing with Eric, dear?" Amanda Westmore's voice mewed in her ear. The older woman was teasing Joan.

Joan laughed humorfully. "You always know when I am; so why do you ask?"

"I'm envious, of course," answered Amanda. "You never bring him over here."

"You know he and Prince don't get along."

"Are you coming over tonight?" asked Amanda. "I've got some news I think you'll like."

"Did I get it?" Joan exclaimed excited with the tone in Amanda's voice and forgetting her question. Oh, if she only had gotten the job with the circus as assistant animal trainer!

"Yes, dear," said Amanda lovingly, unable to restrain herself from breaking the good news: "Are you still coming over tonight?"

"Of course, Amanda. Don't be silly," replied Joan. "But, did I really get it? It's too good to be true!"

"It's not going to be easy, Joan," the taskmaster in Amanda Westmore compelled her to warn. "You know that animals are dangerous and especially to you with your special cravings. You'll have to be very careful, Joan."

"Yes, Amanda. Yes, I will," said Joan reverently, as if she'd just been invited on the ark. "But oh, Amanda! I'm so excited; I'm just thrilled!"

The large pools of excitement in Joan's voice were infectious and Amanda asked, "Where are you and Eric, dear?"

"In the bathtub," Joan answered glancing down at the snake who lay calmly coiled around her breasts. "Sometimes Eric will do my clit, if I keep it above the waterline. It's wild trying to stay on the edge."

Eric's head came up and he turned the first foot of his body around until he looked levelly at her.

"Hurry over, Joan. I've told Prince you're coming and he's impatient. So am I!" breathed Amanda as she imagined the scene.

"Okay... oh, Amanda, I'm so thrilled about the job!"

"I'm sure you are, my dear. Come quickly now Goodbye." Amanda hung up.

"Bye," said Joan to her disappearing voice. She hung up the phone, and then turning it upside down she spun the quarter sized wheel that shut off the chime.

Wow! A job with the circus! Amanda was certainly a marvelous friend to have.

The snake resumed its body crawl over Joan's naked flesh. It was nearly an unimaginable sensation to the girl. Each time she tried to describe the feeling of this cool white corridor of life passing over her sexual organs, she somehow failed. Amanda was the only one Joan talked to about it, but still the immense pleasure of such bestial eroticism was not possible to put into words.

Eric's gaze had returned to the foliage where it met the water line, and he poked his head toward it.

Yes, Eric, I want your head down there, Joan thought. Her breath increased until the mounds of pink nippled ivory flesh around which the snake was winding began to heave evenly.

The King used their melon shaped heft to support himself while he inched his head lower and peered through her pubic hair. The pink crease was the way to the water. It would be warm as its lips clutched his neck. Warm and wet it would soothe his cool flesh. He entered the tangled muff of luxuriant hair around her mound. He was the master here.

Nothing he would meet in this land would disturb his pleasure. He would push his head between the wings of Joan's pussy lips and stroke himself wet. The cool flesh of the King's head slid between the lips of Joan's cunt as Eric tested his way.

"Yes," Joan moaned aloud. Her hips longed to rock a cradle around the snake's head, but that would lap the water and Eric would back off. She must stay on the edge and vibrate her body. Then the water like a cool tongue would soothe her with its edge just below the stud of her clit while the snake's head rocked.

His limber neck followed each curve of the flesh of her inner lips while it sought to lather up her fluids and lubricate their flesh. Joan lay back and glistened while the King felt the flesh beneath his body sweat. Her body fairly hummed with each of Eric's strokes. The sound of the hum was transmitted through her to the water with their sex.

Joan's mind floated off in erotic remembrance and she thought of Prince, Amanda's Great Dane. The gold coals of his eyes came back to her as she remembered the dog's black headed face--the triangles of his shapely ears as they stood puckered up over his glowing eyes--the wrinkled slope of his intelligent forehead frowning handsomely up at her that night in the park five years before.

She had been clinging naked to a tree trunk when his cold nose had nuzzled her butt; she had whirled and found him there. Then, only thirteen, she had been captivated by the dog's proud stance and stroked his silky form with her hand.

Joan saw her young body move nakedly along the black length of the dog. Her flesh glowed tawny in the yellow moonlight.

Eric stroked his oarsman neck and shot a fleet of thrills canoeing through Joan. Her body vibrated with it.

Like a child, she had caressed the dog and then mounted him, playing horsey.

In the tub Joan's hands found her breasts and she cupped the palms' centers about her rubbery nipples and revolved them slowly on the turgid flesh. Blood flowed to the tips. The palms of her hands became electric with her sweat as she sucked them on the ruby tips of her tits.

Joan's thoughts saw the elven-like creature she was that night with Prince. He had been there at the moment when she had freed herself from inhibitions about sex. From that night on, the dog and his owner, Amanda Westmore, had been instrumental in shaping her life. The black dog fucked her and she liked it. She reminded herself deliciously that tonight there would be more of their sex.

Eric's thick body was rubbing her pussy into quite a lather. Like a rigid fist he held his head on the end of his body and stroked between Joan's pink pussy lips, as they moistly caressed him with hot cum.

The fluid was electric on his skin. His head bobbed freely beyond the lips; he was a massive muscle soaking in the heat. Joan felt the bliss of orgasm flood her loins as her body fairly sang with pleasure. The King's lubricated body would stroke there as long as she would let it now, but at this moment that was not enough.

Tonight she would feel the long thin heat of the Great Dane's prick slice between her legs. A groan of want seeped from the girl's pouting lips with the thought. The water in the bathtub sloshed and Eric looked up.

The lust in his eyes was a rage of life as he looked for the cause of the disturbance. Joan's face was to him a distant cliff hiding some intruder as he regally surveyed the countryside.

She saw the full slopes of her mountainous breasts on each side of the snake's head like a gunsight and lined the notch up evenly. Her flesh glistened with her own sweat like a desert of heat and she wondered what Eric must feel. Did he take the water shimmer of her flesh for heat? With something like regret she took his trunk in her hand and led his head up her wrist. His eyes were angry at the disturbance as he cast about the room, retreating. Quickly Joan dipped her arm by the white tile tubside and the King glided safely into the lair of his cage.

Joan thought of Amanda again as she slid lower into the cool water and felt the edge of it slice up her stomach to her breasts. She palmed the water up at the pouting nipples and felt it rinse her off.

She writhed her lithe, tawny body in the tub like an eel until she felt refreshed.

Amanda had been such a fine friend, she mused. Getting a job with the circus was the culmination of Joan's dreams after five blissful years with Amanda and Prince.

All through high school, with Amanda right there as the school librarian, Joan had explored bestial sex. Timidly at first, of course, but with increasing passion until now its realms intrigued her more every day.

Joan rose from the tub and stepped out. Her long graceful legs glistened wetly and her feet left prints in the heavy nap of the bathmat. She toweled up the length of her calf feeling the cotton nub bring blood into her tingling flesh. She imagined the coal black flanks of the Great Dane humping between the buns of her ass: his red cock cutting through her wanton pussy with knifelike piston strokes; his neck cords standing out with the grip of his forelegs about the girl's waist.

She again saw herself as the child she was that first night with Prince. Mounted on his back as though he were a horse; her pussy open and fluttering wetly along the ridge of his silky black spine. Then Prince had moved from beneath her, spilling her off onto her rear. She lay spread-legged on the cushion of the park's green grass while the dog licked his pink tongue up her slit. It had happened almost before she knew it and her body had gone on to drink in the pleasure.

She lay with her face to the stars. A bright sky with pinpricks of twinkling lights shone from a full moon overhead. The bottom of the dark blue bowl in her sight was laced with treetops at the underedge. For a while she had seen the greenish moonlight shed Autumn all about her in impossible colors while the great dog licked his dry pink tongue like a spoon into her pussy and nicked her cut. Lightening bolts cracked through her as she felt Thor's thunder beneath the jowls of the Dane: their yellow flash sang and the night seemed to throb in her face.

She was alone with a huge dog and gaining exquisite pleasure from his tongue. She had cum for the first time in her life.

Prince tasted the sweet fluid as it crept from between the walls of her box and seeped deeper into her butt. Before she fully understood the animal's purpose, he was beside her and nuzzling between her hip and the ground.

Joan remembered how the muscles had bunched cordlike in his powerful neck for an instant before he rolled her over onto her face. Then the dog was between her legs once more and his muzzle snorted its way into the vee and up she came to her knees. It was so neatly done that Joan knew then that the dog intended to fuck her and she panicked at the thought. As she started to crawl away the beast growled with warning and she hesitated in fright.

The dog was on her in that suspended moment. He took her with all his lust like a pink blade knifing between her legs His forelegs hugged his slim powerful hips to the curve of her ass, as he socked his hindquarters into her glory hole.

Betraying everything she knew by her mind to be true, her body responded to the deeper voice of her soul. Her orgasm grew like the red-yellow moon lighting the sky. It glimmered in her, then came roaring up from beneath her like a train and she shot hot, nearly scalding torrents of cum rolling down the ivory curves of her inner legs' marble flesh.

And suddenly the hot spurt of the dog's semen spat from his cock and seared between her torrid pussy walls. Then in some unearthly voice he howled the pain of his pleasure to her and backed-off, his tail between his legs.

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