Wild in the Country - Cover

Wild in the Country


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Who would have thought that a dog is capable of raping women...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

The three young men in Clete's office cringed at the ferocity of his diatribe. He paced up and down, banging his fist on desktops, kicking chairs. His hate for Mark Denning nearly exceeded the hate he felt for Liz's disgusting runaway dog. He had hated the dog and Liz ever since he had come in her back door and silently sneaked to her bedroom, only to find her moaning and bucking on her hands and knees on her bed with the great mixed wolf and German Shepherd dog's huge cock reaming her luscious cunt. He had gone mad then, and tried to kill the animal, but she had forestalled him long enough for the worthless injured mutt to limp away and be lost in the night. And now? Now he was back, renegade and ten times as dangerous, a wild beast that raped human females.

But now Denning had hurt him again, first in seducing Desirée Mitchell right before his eyes, and then in thwarting his plans to make himself a hefty reward for tracking the devil dog down and skinning him alive. But Clete had plans for revenge and it would be a drastic revenge. The hot little bitch would turn on and go crazy once he had the chance to fuck her and that was why the three young men, in their twenties, half-educated and unemployed, were in the office now. Johnny and Billy Canning and their sidekick Sam Quaid would lay the groundwork. All Clete had to do was get Desirée into his cells and he would soon have her begging for his cock.

Johnny was the oldest of the trio and natural leader, so he asked the questions. "What do you want us to do Clete?"

They owed Clete a favor, since he had caught them peddling drugs and he had turned them loose, on condition that they be at his disposal.

"Here's the gig," Clete said, calming down. "You got any coke on you?"

All three hesitated, then nodded. "But we ain't selling it no more."

Knowingly, Clete said, "'Course not, but I need you to get some. I want you to get a bag of it into Desirée Mitchell's house, into her bedroom, into a drawer."

"What for, man?" Johnny asked.

"You don't ask," Clete snarled. "You just do what I tell you to, understand?"

Johnny looked to his companions. "But Clete, she don't use the stuff. I'm sure of that."

The sheriff looked at them as if they were idiots. "That doesn't even enter in to it. By the time we're done with her, the whole town will think she does. You just follow my orders, if you don't want to get busted for peddling snow to the teenagers, you motherfuckers that don't sell no more." He looked at them again, his eyes telling them that he knew full well that they were still pushing drugs.

"Now, boys, you get up there tonight. Go in through the window and don't leave any traces. Slip a bag of snow in the drawer under her panties, so I know where to look for it. Before her parents get back from the city in a few days, I raid the place with Bollinger. You don't need to know the rest."

The three young men stared at him, only half comprehending. They could see it was a frame, but why? Johnny decided not to delve any further into Clete's arcane motives. He had no idea why he wanted to entrap the innocent blonde choir girl, but he did know that he had no desire to cross the big black lawman. Johnny had every intention only of staying in business and out of jail.

"So, what are you waiting for?" Clete shouted, and the three fellows made quickly for the door.

Desirée turned the key and let herself into the large rambling and luxurious home where she lived with her doting and protective parents. Tonight, for the first time since they had moved here, she was all alone in the big house, as she would be for another three days. Mark's trip to the convention had fallen just at the time she was rehearsing with the church choir for a performance they were giving in the capital next week for the nomination banquet. In just a few days they would return, but until then, she was alone in the big house, and she couldn't recall just when she had last been alone there.

The truth of it was that she missed Mark terribly. Last night they had made love again, against her better judgment. But she had failed to attain that sensual peak, that thing she thought was called an orgasm, as she had the first time out there under the elm tree a few days previously. It had left her slightly on edge, her body still tingling for more after Mark had spent himself. She had enjoyed it, up to the point where he had stopped, so instead of that soul-wracking orgasm she had enjoyed her first time, she had lain there. More, her mind moaned, more, while she had lain there with him for over an hour, before he had taken her home.

Choir practice had been long and exhausting and, guiltily, she had found her mind wandering to her absent lover and his body and that wondrous appendage between his legs that he pleasured her with. But in his absence, she found her guilt growing on her more and more. Her thoughts flip-flopped between lust and guilt, the latter making her cold and depressed while the former would eventually come to her rescue and warm her again.

Stripping off her clothes, she walked into the bathroom and took a shower, washing her full, melon-like breasts, watching the dainty nipples firm and distend with her attentions. The impulses that began to sizzle through her brain made her feel dirty again, so she began to soap herself between the legs, washing her now oozing, slimy, wicked vagina. It seemed the more she washed, the hotter and slimier it became, flushing with her natural lubricants in a very unchaste way. With a moan of self-disgust, she forced her small hands away from her body, stepped out of the shower, dried, and wrapped the towel around herself. She went to her bathroom, still feeling the heat of her self-arousal, wanting to stop herself from giving in to what she felt was coming over her.

Having climbed in through the window, Johnny and Billy Canning and Sam Quaid had just begun going through Desirée's drawers, looking for the proper place to deposit the incriminating materials, when they heard the girl's footsteps coming from the bathroom. She had come home unexpectedly and they had nearly panicked when they heard her come into the house, but out of fear of Clete's wrath they had stayed to finish their task. But, knowing almost nothing of women and not knowing where in these many, many drawers that held the many, many clothes of the rich man's daughter, they had taken too long in finding the spot where Clete would look for the cocaine.

Now they heard her soft footsteps coming from the bathroom and again their panicked, wild eyes cast urgently around the room. There was no time to get through the window quietly, and if they were seen leaving, they would never be able to get back in again. Damn it! Johnny thought. Why had he brought the other two with him? This had been a one-man job, and now the three of them were going to be caught.

With a brief flash of inspiration, his eyes lit on the louvered doors of one of the large closet, still standing open from their search. He gave the others a strong jerk to get them moving and they all crowded into the closet beneath the two dozen jackets that hung on the rail. Johnny quickly and quietly pulled the door shut, nearly all the way, fighting to still his excited breathing, crouched shoulder to shoulder with his dull-headed companions.

Through the crack in the door, he saw her come into the room, while the other two watched through the slats of the closet. He could only hope that she would soon dress and leave, giving them a chance to finish their mission and sneak away unnoticed. But he knew that if she wanted to dress in clothing hanging in the same closet with them, they would most certainly be discovered.

They were flabbergasted with what happened next. Astonished, titillated and aroused.

Without noticing on this warm night the opened window, Desirée dropped the towel and stopped briefly before the mirror, noting the big, full, uplifted tits that always seemed to get in the way, the firm, concave belly and, as she turned with a coquettish pirouette, her heart-shaped bottom with the plump, round buttocks, each surmounted by a delicate dimple at the base of her back, the straight, silky honey-colored hair that lay perfectly, feathering out over her plump labia from the moist, hot split of her vulva. Her legs were perfect, long like a model's, but slightly plumper around her thighs, making her wonder if she shouldn't do a bit of dieting.

To think that she had cradled Mark between those thighs and that he had entered her with his penis...

Oh, oh, oooooh! Desirée's hands moved to her body again.

Johnny, Billy, and Sam crouched inside the closet, breathing heavier with each passing moment, their youthful excitement rising as they watched.

"Son of a bitch!" Sam whispered, and Johnny nudged him to silence. But Johnny's tongue was fairly hanging out and he rubbed the front of his pants as he felt an erection growing. Though the three of them made good money peddling drugs in Pickford's Meadows, because of the high class status of the people living there, they seldom achieved sex with any of the women, which meant that for recreation they had to go into Tucksville and avail themselves of the prostitutes plying their trade in that more modest neighborhood.

Desirée was running her hands over her big tits now, pinching the rosy nubs while they hardened and swelled, the tender, stippled aureoles contracting and deepening in color. They saw her close her eyes, the lashes fluttering girlishly as her feminine feelings expanded in her belly. She let her hand crawl tentatively down her belly to the wet spot where the fire was growing, to that warm fold of her desire, which immediately began to dew with the nectar of her arousal.

The lovely, blonde girl's breath came unevenly. Mark, oh, Mark, where are you my love! she cried within. She knew what was going to happen now and she couldn't stop herself. Even before her love had taken her virginity under the elm tree last Sunday, Desirée had learned to relieve herself. It had an awful name, masturbation, but it had actually helped her calm her feelings with herself alone rather than giving herself to some unworthy man. And Mark was not here to help her, being away at his political convention with her parents. She was all alone here at the house, out in the middle of their peacefully, private thousands of acres. No one would know but her, no one would see.

Walking to the bed, she dropped back on the sheets, parted and raised her knees, and let her middle finger slither down through her wet feminine furrow to the aching, fire-filled nubbin of her clitoris. Her hand was educated enough to know exactly what to do. She found the precise spot of greatest stimulation and, throwing her conscience to the winds, began to bring herself to the culmination she had missed last night with Mark.

They could all see right up between Desirée's legs to the pink gash dripping girl-nectar into the crack of her ass where her little, vermilion asshole twitched innocently. Her bottom was rolling with a womanly grace as she stoked herself lasciviously, gasps of passion rising from her throat and she stroked around the scarlet swelling of her clitoris. Her breasts quivered with the shaking of her womb as her sensations grew and they knew that she would soon climax and gush her juices onto the bedcover.

Johnny was getting cramped in this position and he knew he would have to shift soon or his legs would fail him. And then he heard movement beside him and with disgust became aware that Sam had his cock out and was stroking it to relieve himself in the same way Desirée was doing. His reaction was to shift away from Sam, which unbalanced Billy, who tumbled to his right, dragging down a long fur coat, the hanger hook pulling down the rail with all the clothing supported by it. It made enough racket for anyone to hear, and then Johnny stumbled forward, knocking the doors open.

Desirée sat up with a startled, horrified gasp, kneeling on the mattress, covering her big tits with her too-small hands, watching the three young men pile out of the closet. Johnny was the first to compose himself and knew they had to cover up their presence here somehow. What were they doing here? They could not be had for planting dope. At the best that would end their business here and at the worst land them in the state prison. They would have to invent another reason for being here, to cover Clete's plans, and disappear from the area, hoping that the girl had never seen them before in town and wouldn't recognize them.


Johnny pulled his T-shirt over his head and unbuckled his pants, letting them drop to the floor so that he could step out of them. As he skinned off his shorts, revealing a giant, throbbingly stiff cock, he said, "Okay, darlin'. Time for some real fun."

Lobo loped across the fields that surrounded the Mitchell farm, following the faint beacon of the house's lights. He knew Clete was hunting him and that meant finding new haunts, places he had never gone before, where the vengeful sheriff would not think to look. At the distance, Lobo's sensitive nostrils detected a familiar scent, similar to that of others he had known, yet different, fresher, cleaner, finer, yet at the moment, stronger. The exact origin he was not sure of, yet he knew the scent and followed it avidly, his reaction naturally male and instinctual.

After a quick dash across a grassy meadow, Lobo drew silently toward the open window of the large, rambling house. The scent was unmistakably estrous, the smell of arousal, and as he reared up and placed his forepaws on the sill, he fully recognized the lovely person of Liz's friend, the female his mistress had called Desirée. She was aroused, in heat, and kneeling on the bed, facing a trio of standing young men. One of them was standing with his great, red male member jutting out before him. Lobo gave a low growl when he saw them approach her, for he considered her reserved property, whom Liz had guarded and kept untouched.

"Spread her out, guys," Johnny said, his acne-pitted face brightening with a smile. "I'm going to taste that pussy."

Desirée struggled while Billy and Sam grabbed her and pushed her back on the bed. She tried to keep her knees together, but they were too strong as they pried her creamy thighs apart and doubled them up alongside her ribs, opening up her intimate femaleness to these strangers as it had never been before. Johnny's grinning face came down over her exposed genitals and he could smell her girlish arousal.

"Please don't do this to meeeeeeee," the girl begged, jerking from side to side in the steely grip of Billy's and Sam's hands.

Lowering his face, Johnny could see into her palpitating, wet slit and his tongue slowly came out and gave her pussy one long swiping lick, from anus to clitoris. Desirée cried out and her knees jerked outward reflexively. Johnny plunged his tongue into the already sopping hole, twirling it around and around inside her vagina, his nose pressed into the lush pelt of her blonde pubic hair. Then he began licking her clit greedily, feeling her crotch jerk against his mouth as the sensations shot through her. Again and again, he laved her, hearing her moans of outrage deepen, then stop, and then change in tone. He was doing exactly what her fingers had been doing a moment before, only better, in a way not even her hand could do it.

Johnny grinned. The little blonde bitch was turning on, but how could she help it? Johnny knew how to eat pussy. It was his second best talent. His first was coming up. He came to his knees and looked down at Desirée's swollen vaginal opening, clenching and relaxing above the squirming little hole of her anus, where the juices had run into the crevice and glistened invitingly. While his companions gaped with curiosity, Johnny moved his hand to the girl's trembling crotch, inserting his thumb into her vagina. While she thrashed and squirmed in the grip of the other two, his middle finger slid unimpeded into her anus.

"Ooooh, noooo!" Desirée wailed. "Don't do that, pleeeeeeease!"

But Johnny went on inserting his digits into the girl's warm twin holes, all the way to the palm of his hand, so that through the walls of the passages he could feel the intruding fingers. Desirée moaned while Johnny began fucking them in and out in unison.

"What you doing?" Sam asked.

"A Brunswick," Johnny rasped excitedly. "She's my bowling ball tonight and I'm going to bowl a strike."

Billy was rubbing himself, unzipping his pants. "Hurry up, man, and fuck her, so I can get some."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "What's the use of being here if we can't have at her cunt too."

Desirée cried out at the use of the obscene word even while her loins began to burn with the action of Johnny's fingers. He watched her pussy and anus clinging to his caressing fingers and decided it was time to make proper use of her. Drawing his fingers free of her fleshy, wet grasp, he shook himself and crawled up over her, grasping his massive cock and directing it to the splayed lips of her vagina. She struggled, but weakly, as the broad head of the cock, much larger than Mark's beloved organ, butted against her tingling clitoris before sliding down to the tiny elastic opening right beneath it. Johnny looked into Desirée's terrified, wide blue eyes, his face contorted with lust, and pushed forward with his hips, parting the walls of her slippery vagina and moving the knot of his cockhead inexorably inside.

Johnny moaned in concert with the outraged Desirée as he moved into her tight, unbearably pleasure-giving pussy, all the way inside, deeper than Mark's deepest-ever penetration, until his pubis pressed firmly against her crotch and his big, swollen balls swung into the cup of her anus. He was in, damnit, inside this beautiful bitch's cunt, and it felt like heaven. Without the slightest hesitation, Johnny Canning began to fuck in and out of Desirée's unwilling vagina, probing deeply, feeling her intimate caress, the caress she could not help giving him.

Billy peered from close up, his face just inches from where his older brother's big cock, shining with the girl's juices, was sawing back and forth in her almost virgin lovehole. Sam looked down at Desirée's face, contorted in torment, her eyes alternately closing tightly to block out the reality, and opening wide in horror.

Desirée's mind was a torrent of grief, horror, and arousal. They had taken what belonged solely to her beloved Mark, using her vagina for their sexual pleasure only, without her offering it. Still, the feelings the cock was creating in her pussy, totally independent of her emotions, were rising on their own, shooting up through her womb, belly, and breasts, to her throat and the top of her head. Her cheeks were flushed with unwanted arousal and her eyes half-closed as the light in the room became overpowering. She moved her hips, trying to squirm away from the big cock stretching her tender, tiny vagina, touching unknown trigger points inside and outside it, but she found that her hot little hole gave up its retreat over and over and pushed itself back down over the hard shaft.

Her hips began to roll, back and forth, and she felt her legs parting wider, on their own, without her making them do it, her buttocks spreading to the slap of his hairy balls against her tingling bumhole. Billy and Sam, seeing her involuntary response, released their grip on her legs while her hips began working up and down to Johnny's cock plunging faster and deeper into her cunt with each stroke. Desirée's hands, which had been pushing ineffectually against Johnny's chest, now opened and moved over the back of his shoulders, clearly pulling her rapist closer.

"Look at the pussy go!" Billy said, his hand finding his own painfully stiff cock.

Johnny fucked away in Desirée's tight, wet pussy, feeling her pushing against him, her cunt clutching warmly at his cock. She had surrendered to it, was going after the release she'd been seeking before he and his friends had crashed out of the closet and turned the girl into what she was becoming now - a sensuous, impulsive woman.

Lobo dropped to the ground, pacing furiously. The sweet- bodied female was being mounted by the young man, mating with him. He had felt that she was reluctant to be bred by the pock-marked man, and there was jealousy there in his savage heart. He had always been attracted to her, to her softness, to the color of her hair, the lilt of her voice, the uniquely delicate smell of her female hole between her legs. It made him angry that some other male was fucking her sweet cunt, that he was being left out of the mating after all this time behaving himself in her presence with Liz.

Lobo reared up again, launching his massive, powerful body up through the window.

Desirée was in a world of her own, filled with blessed cock, heaving her body up to the unknown male giving her this joy. She was completely out of her mind now, her world centered in her vagina and the penis that was plunging wetly into it, over and over, again and again. She felt her climax growing on her, pushing conscious thought to the back of the mind while this physical ecstasy blocked all other senses. She no longer could think or feel anything but the thrusting cock inside her.

With its movements her body impulsively chased her climax, somewhere knowing that it wouldn't end with that, that there were two other men who were waiting to use her, when suddenly she heard a distant sound, a savage growl somewhere outside her sphere of feeling. She felt the lovely, plundering cock inside her quickly soften and shrink, leaving her just shy of her orgasm - again.

Jeez! It's him... the goddamned dog!" a cursing boyish voice exclaimed in panic. "I'm getting out of here!"

"Come on, Sam! It's the fucking wild dog!" another choked as Desirée lay spellbound, her head swimming in paralyzing fear at what was taking place.

Suddenly, there was nothing, but the sound of three pairs of feet running out of the room, the slam of the front door familiar to her ears, yet, she was still nakedly spread-eagled to the bed! For a long, long moment, Desirée lay in deathly silence, trying to determine if they had really gone and why? Finally, she realized that she had truly been abandoned by the three rapists. Her entire nakedly exposed body trembled fearfully as she rolled her head, then lifted it.

She saw him then! He stood at the foot of the bed, massively dominating the entire room! His rounded eyes were like two glowing ovals of burning fire in his huge head, his vicious mouth partially open to display the gleaming white fangs there! Mother of God! That's why her attackers, whoever they were had run! It was him... Lobo... the animal who'd raped Nancy Pace! She had seen him before, but she had not remembered him so big. He was positively massive, it seemed, like a small horse standing there in the room!

Forgetting her nakedness, Desirée tried to scream, nearly choking on her own saliva! She stared with raised head, seeing the great beast leap agilely onto the bed, then lick at his lips in the manner of gentle dogs she had seen a thousand times! God, no matter what else, he'd driven the others off, she thought, watching him raise his savage head high, then... move forward toward her! His powerful jaws were just above her throat! He was going to - Going to - They lowered right above her face, and he sniffed gently at her ear. It was then that she noticed the silver tag that hung from his neck, embossed with the name of Liz, his erstwhile mistress, and Lobo, the great savage dog that attacked defenseless women and raped them.

Anxiously, she tried to find her voice. Should she scream now? But no one would hear, for there was no other human being literally within three miles at least.

Lobo whimpered, simultaneously wagging his head and tail. From primeval ages past, hot-blood flowed through him. In his animal-eye he surveyed the naked, securely tied human female before him. Her hair reminded him of the noonday sun, and animalistically he licked out with his tongue. She was lying back on the pillow watching him, her eyes staring with stark fear.

His own burning orbs surveyed her again, and then, he moved closer above her, leaning down to lash out with his wet, hot tongue against the smooth flesh of her naked white belly.

She wanted to scream now, Desirée realized, rant at the top of her lungs. She swallowed tightly, watching him move toward her, then lowering his head, his length of pinkish seething animal- tongue licked moistly over her muscle-tightened belly!

Again, he did it, the hot, spread length of his tormenting wet tongue causing incredible sensations to spiral through her, immediately awaking the unsated passion she had quickly forgotten in her terror! She strained her sight to gape at his animal-face, to read some direction in those fire-filled, wild eyes! Oh God, he had saved her from a cruel gang rape! And he knew it - he knew it!

Once more, she raised her head to gaspingly watch his long hot tongue licking upward over the quivering white flesh of her soft belly! Higher and higher he inched, until he was finally lapping the rounded, full undersides of her exposed breasts, ever creeping upward over them toward their tiny, marble-hardening nipples... and at last, there! She couldn't restrain the little moan that escaped her lips when his feverish, moist tongue actually reached them, wetly grazing the pink, sensitively rising buds again and again to send maddeningly arousing spasms whipping through her nakedly bound body!

Oh... oh God... what was happening to her? She must be losing her mind! The lust she had wallowed in with the young man had numbed her wits to the point of stupidity! This ferocious brute could, and well might, tear her to pieces if the notion took him! Somehow, she had to find help before it was too late, before this moment of gentleness left him! Again, she felt the impulse to scream, but worse, what might her shrieking voice do to him? It wasn't as if she could scramble from the bed and try to evade his attack! She with her big, heavy breasts, was not nearly fast enough for that, helplessly vulnerable to those massive jaws and sharp, gleaming fangs!

Dear Lord, she could hardly think with the inconceivable rising heat his fiercely licking tongue brushing wetly over the naked mounds of her breasts was creating inside her! She heard him whimper deep in his throat, her widened stare fixed on his almost loving performance. Then, his blazing eyes raised to meet hers, their desire-fed glow level with her own. She held her breath as he moved upward and startlingly began to run his warm, liquid tongue in hot caresses over her face, with obvious canine affection!

A feeling of gentle warmth filled Lobo's powerful body as he tenderly licked over the pleasing, soft beauty of the female- human's flesh. The pleasant taste of her breasts, and now her smooth white face intrigued him anew. This was not the same, he sensed, as the vengeance he had fulfilled with the other young she-woman. No malice toward this one raged inside him as it had for the one he had first seen in the company of his worst enemy, the sheriff. Her warm human-eyes reflected emotions that he could understand in the depths of the mysterious brain he possessed. Yes, she was one that he could claim now, for his own!

Desirée reflectively rolled her head to shy her face away from the brute-animal's hot, licking tongue. There was no question in her mind but that he was sort of kissing her, showing her in his own way that she needn't be afraid, that he wouldn't harm her! Why she felt that she could fathom his non-human meaning was beyond her, but she was certain she was right! It was almost as if uncanny vibrations were passing between them, and suddenly she realized that, denied her release now three times in the last 24 hours, she was no longer trying to avoid the heated attention of his warm, moist tongue, but giving herself to it with tightly closed eyes!

Abruptly, he stopped. She felt the weight of him jiggling the bed and snapped open her eyes to see. Oh God, he was moving down between her loosely-spread legs! She raised to watch him poise his great head between her open thighs, then slowly lower it, his heated animal breath taunting the sparse blonde pubic hair there! His cool, wet nose brushed against the soft, hot flesh of her inner-thigh... and finally, the still flushed lips of her vaginal crevice! She heard him whimper as he sniffed her fresh, female excitement, taunting her susceptibly naked loins as though he were making an actual seduction!

Once more, the urge to scream filled her, but was rendered utterly useless as she felt his warm damp nose suddenly rubbing wetly against the smooth, tight rim of her tiny cringing anus!

"Oh... oh, my God!" she gasped out, as if she were pleading to another person, Liz's words suddenly finding some realistic meaning in her racing mind. "Don't... please don't!" Oh... ooohhhhh!

His wild tongue snaked out to lick wormingly up and down the smooth vale surrounding her tightly clenched little anal mouth, the tip lapping teasingly up over the pinkish dimple, and its defensively-clasped rim!

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