Wild in the Country - Cover

Wild in the Country


Chapter 33

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Who would have thought that a dog is capable of raping women...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Tanya had led Robyn room by room through the lovely, rambling home that she was watching for the Mitchells while they were away in Europe. While Uncle Jim Devereaux's house was just as big, she found the decorating more tasteful and opulent in Desirée's parent's house. She was impressed with the library, the high bookcases and Desirée's own collection of books on music and its history. For her young age, Desirée was quite an intellectual, Robyn surmised. But then, she had always known that her friend was talented and intelligent. She found it doubly hard to believe Desirée's admission that she had had an affair outside her marriage with some, as yet, unnamed man.

She would have been shocked to know that that man was Clete Anderson, the black town sheriff, whom Desirée had mentioned only once and in the worst possible context.

But that would be something for another day, if any day at all. The fact that Desirée had admitted to that certain indiscretion took some of the sting out of Robyn's conscience for her affair with her Uncle Jim, with whom, it must be admitted, she felt a great admiration, affection, and yes, most certainly, attraction. For even while she hated herself for her weakness, it took a great effort of will not to go running back to the Devereaux house for more of the same sexual stimulation she had been enjoying for the last few days.

She supposed that moving from this lovely house to Mark Denning's much smaller home would have been something of a hardship, though she understood that true love makes many such things easier. So, why had Desirée started an adulterous affair? Still, in her position in her strange relationship with her Uncle Jim, Robyn told herself that she had no right to judge. Desirée's peccadilloes could in no way approximate the wickedness of her affair with James Devereaux.

"And this is the bedroom," Tanya announced as they walked in. It was a big and airy room with a large, double window and louvered closet doors. "Rodney and I sleep in here now, and if anyone wanted to peek, they could hide in the closet and see everything we did--if we ever did anything."

In the final days of August, the room was hot and Tanya walked over and opened the window. From her angle of vision, she did not see Lobo waiting, and for once she was glad, for she wanted Robyn all to herself and was sure that Robyn would be terrified to see the legendary raping dog in the room with them. Smiling, she turned back to Robyn, an idea forming in her mind. She had liked the feel of the younger girl's firm, ripe, hard- nippled breast when she had touched it earlier and she had felt her lonely woman's Lesbian longing for the other girl. Not that a man wasn't always better, just that this innocent, young brunette dancer was here and available and recently awakened by Jim Devereaux's randy penis just two days previously. Big Jim must be some man to have broken through this little cupcake's defenses.

Tanya laughed at herself, at the way she was thinking. Cupcake indeed! Robyn was just a couple of years younger than she.

Robyn was standing there, her arms at her sides, when Tanya crossed to her and put an arm around her waist, lightly pressing her left tit against Robyn's right.

"Cozy room, isn't it?" Tanya said in a low voice. "To think some kids are born to this, while the rest of us live like peasants. What's your place like back home, Robyn?"

Robyn smiled and she drew away from Tanya's friendly touch, though her body had been enjoying the tender brush of the older girl's breast against the sensitive nipple. "Like a peasant, of course. Uncle Jim's the rich man in the family and he's kept Priscilla bottled up like a rare perfume."

"Looks to me like she's rebelled in a big way," Tanya remarked. "How were you brought up?"

"Very, very straight."

Tanya drew the shy young girl down to sit on the bed beside her. "I don't suppose you ever felt like just up and breaking free?"

Robyn shook her head. "No, not really--well, not very often."

"I suppose your mother dragged you to church and told you never to let a man touch you," Tanya said, her finger lightly brushing the back of Robyn's hand where it lay on the bedspread. "But I guess you've seen by now that you missed out on a lot of fun."

Robyn blushed and dropped her gaze. She really didn't understand all the foreign, rebellious thoughts and impulses that whipped through her mind and flesh. She did know that she felt terribly ashamed by what she had done with her older lover, and somehow she blamed herself for enticing him into betraying the relationship of brothers, her father and her uncle. She also knew that the floodgates of her passion had been opened and, try as she might, found it impossible to stop the feelings from bubbling to the surface, upsetting her chaste scruples. Could she redeem herself from her own filth, now that she had committed fornication with her own uncle? Did she have the strength to resist these new impulses that had possessed her mind? She knew the best thing she could do now was to stay away from James Devereaux as much as possible.

The young coed felt a tingling on her thigh and saw that it was coming from the stroking of Tanya's magic fingertips.

She was very lovely, Tanya was, with long slender legs like Robyn's and a glow in her eyes that seemed to mesmerize her. Her face was very close to her own and she could feel the older girl's breath on her cheeks.

"Here, Robyn," Tanya whispered. "Let me take your hurt away."

As Tanya's lips moved toward hers, Robyn felt her own breathing quicken, and then, like an electric shock, the contact of labial flesh against labial flesh shot a bolt of current through her body that ricocheted up to the top of her head. Robyn moaned with startled passion and felt Tanya's hands playing over her clothed body as her unresisting lips were pried open by a questing tongue.

"Baby, you're going to feel so good before the day is out," Tanya said. "You'll be in no hurry to go back to that other place."

"Oh, Tanya," Robyn moaned, feeling Tanya's fingers tracing her thigh up to her moistening crotch. "I've never done this before. Not with a woman."

The older girl was unbuttoning Robyn's dress, slipping her hand into her warm cleavage there, palming the ripe mound and carefully tweaking the hard, tingling nipple. Tanya eased the younger brunette back onto the bed, feeling success within her grasp. One hand slipped inside the leg of Robyn's panties and found the moistening slit of her baby vagina, and there was an uncontrolled moan as her fingertip found the teenager's clitoris, which was swelling in response to the knowing caress. No man could stimulate a woman the way another woman could, for only a woman knew the exact trigger-points of sensuality in a woman's body. Tanya concentrated on Robyn's hot clitoris, only dipping inside the girl's pussy briefly to collect lubricant on her probing fingertips.

Robyn's words were garbled now, unintelligible against Tanya's French-kissing mouth, her hips swiveling uncontrollably up to the magic caress, and she felt her loins grow loose with a flood of juicy feminine nectar that was being released. As it had just a few days before with her uncle, an expanding glow suffused her loins that weakened her ability to resist, to pull away from the maddening, wicked caress of the older girl's talented fingers and lips. While Robyn lay there on the bed, her mind reeling with this new dreamlike reality, her moral strength and resolve melting into the sheets, Tanya carefully worked her clothing and damp panties off her smooth flesh.

Tanya sat on her heels, caressing the girl's skin lightly, drinking in the sight of pristine, youthful beauty, so lovely as to rival the angelic Desirée's. It was a wonder that Robyn and Desirée were such good friends, but it was a tribute to their innocence that neither resented the other's beauty. Robyn's creamy flesh, the silky, dark pelt lying on her soft and deeply-cleft mound of Venus, and the glowing pink of nipples and aureoles the size of silver dollars, made her look as delicious as a sundae. Tanya wanted an intimacy with this lovely creature, wanted to caress and love and be caressed and loved in return, and felt a need to enslave her to her will, to make her want to come back again for the pleasure she was going to teach her.

The older girl slipped out of her own clothes, always keeping at least one hand on Robyn's humming flesh, keeping the fires stoked in the girl's vibrant loins. Then she moved over the squirming, young body, her hips near Robyn's face, her kisses pecked their way down over the flat, graceful sweep of her belly, the lovely vortex of her navel, to the generous, fragrant patch of dark brown hair at the junction of her firm thighs. Tanya could smell the girl's natural perfume as her lips brushed the silken curls and her tongue pushed through the growth to the hot, moist crease of her vagina. Gently, her hands opened Robyn's legs a bit wider and with careful fingers she parted the adorably furry labia. She peeked into the tiny, red hole and the clitoris swelled before her eyes. Slowly, her tongue came out, found the right spot just this side of the erected tip, and began to lick it expertly.

Robyn moaned loudly, her thighs yawning reflexively just as her soft, cushioned crotch snapped upward into Tanya's face. The tight buttocks parted and the older girl could see the tight, vermilion halo of Robyn's anus. Pushing the tip of her nose against it, she went to work with her marauding tongue, all around the rim of the vagina and up and down the slit, from above the burning love-bud to the twitching anal orifice so intimately exposed.

Robyn's eyes rolled, her eyes only seeing hazy, unreal things, as the tongue working down between her legs spread fire through her womb. Better with her tongue than even Uncle Jim, Tanya lashed the girl's pussy into a roiling heat, and saw the thick lubricant ooze from the maidenly slit to run down through the valley between the rolling asscheeks. Tanya lapped happily, slavishly, knowing that soon the girl would do anything to perpetuate the wonderful sensations, would reciprocate in spite of the revulsion she might feel naturally to enjoying another woman's body and attentions.

The teenage girl, just introduced to world she did not know existed, allowed herself to be swept along on a tide of sensuality. She felt it growing, just forward of her tailbone, expanding through her womb and vagina, to the full, jiggling mounds of her ripe tits. She knew it was going to happen, that she was soon going to explode from Tanya's lewd ministrations. There was no protest from her when her foggy vision saw Tanya's leg swing over her head so that the older girl's knees rested on either side of her head. It a burst of affection she wrapped her legs around Tanya's neck and her arms around her waist. Her vision cleared and she found she was staring into the same moist and aromatic orifices that Tanya was licking and pleasuring of hers.

"Oh, Tanya!" Robyn cried, planting a kiss in the wet cleft of Tanya's cunt. "Sweet Tanya!" Her tongue came out and went to work in the way she could feel it happening to herself down below. This was lovely! This was heaven! Why had this never happened before in her life? She wanted it to go on forever, forever and more, and soon, she knew from experience, her body would crave her uncle's thick, hard penis. More, oh please, more!

Lobo, lurking outside the bedroom of Desirée's former bedroom--as it was his custom to wait to be invited in to mount Tanya's willing body--smelled the aromatic air of sex drifting through the open window. Two distinct odors, from two distinct females, both young, both healthy, but only one of the scents was familiar. The other, slightly more delicate and without any trace of canine contact, drew him like the most expensive perfume draws an amorous young man. Rearing up, he planted his forepaws on the window sill and peered through at the two interlocked bodies on the bed. He could see the wet underside of the unfamiliar female, knees raised and parted, the brunette head of his sometime mistress moving in between the gaping thighs, her tongue lapping doglike at the anus and hairy cuntal split.

A barely audible whine escaped his throat and he saw Tanya's head rise. Her eyes opened and she made a wry expression, which of course Lobo could not decipher, then grudgingly smiled and lifted one hand up, beckoning him into the room. More than happy to comply, Lobo launched himself silently into the room, stopping obediently short of the bed, and then sitting down like the loyal animal he could be, holding his lust in check for the moment. He had enough animal faith in Tanya to wait--for a while.

Tanya worked on Robyn's soft, hot, flowing vagina with other things in the back of her mind. When she had seen Lobo in the window, her heart had sunk, for she knew Lobo was here for his daily attention and at this moment she didn't want to leave the teenager's fragrant, wet cunt to offer herself to the dog. She definitely did not want Robyn to know she had been carrying on with the dog, for that would be letting the cat--or the dog--out of the bag in a major way. The damage would be irreparable. She was sure that the teenager would be so shocked and outraged at the idea that she would never be able to keep quiet about it. But Lobo was here for sex, to mount and copulate with a human female, and he was not used to being denied. Tanya should know, for both she and Liz had been training the dog pack personally for weeks. It had been Liz's idea of revenge on the town that had ostracized her, and the dogs had been trained to take women in the same way lions demanded raw meat.

Even a lion could be made to wait a minute to feed, but Tanya had no idea how to please him with Robyn lying here hot and pulsating, her pussy leaking like a river. How was she going to get the girl out of the room without her seeing Lobo so that she could assume the position and allow Lobo to take his pleasure? That would mean, of course, destroying this magic moment with Robyn with no chance of reviving it ever again. No, Lobo had faithfully showed up and made a mess of things this time, and there was no way out of it.

As soon as Robyn saw the dog...

Tanya moaned, feeling Robyn's tongue stabbing into her wet cunt, her cute little nose snuffling against her anus. The girl was learning well, and since this was a safe pursuit, safe sex with no chance of unwanted pregnancy, she could be made to indulge regularly, at least until Rodney found his libido and she didn't need it anymore from another female. But Tanya was terrified to think that Rodney, through this lapse of discretion, might find out that his own wife was involved in the bestiality story that he had been chasing the way Quixote chased windmills.

The younger girl's lashing tongue swiped up and down Tanya's appreciative slit, lapping up the liquid offering streaming out of that experienced lovehole. While the girls mutually pleasured each other, Tanya glanced furtively at the increasingly restless dog. Things were going to get very embarrassing soon, and she regretted having invited the dog in, which she had done mainly to keep anything else from happening. Now, she feared, the worst was going to happen. The dog would soon leap upon her, demanding copulation from her while Robyn watched terrified and shocked. It was coming soon and she could see only one way to keep her secret covered up.

Tanya leaned to her left, rolling on the surface of the king- size bed, so that their positions were inverted and Robyn was on top. Her lovely bottom was raised in the air above the older girl' face, and while Robyn, after little hesitation, returned to her cunnilingual work, Tanya lovingly ran her fingers up and down in the folds of the plump vulva before her face. She slid her two fingers in until the tight vagina gripped them pulsatingly and Robyn moaned with passion.

"Oh, Tanya," she sighed. "That feels soooo good."

"I bet you'll be ready for a cock soon," Tanya answered sweetly, her tongue jabbing at Robyn's redly-throbbing clit.

Robyn only moaned in disappointment, for she knew that the only cock she had ever known was miles away, in Uncle Jim's pants.

Her fingers still busy in the inner surfaces of Robyn's labia, Tanya turned her head and looked at Lobo, motioning him toward the bed. Like a shot, Lobo was up, climbing lightly onto the bed, and she took the silver chain around the dog's neck and guided his snout to the hot and receptive split of the teenager's vagina. Lobo sniffed curiously, decided he liked the delicate, sweet odor, and whipped his tongue out into the delicious, innocent furrow of the girl's cunt. The first delightful touch of the canine tongue sent irresistible waves of fire through the girl's loins, causing the downturned melons of her breasts to swell with undreamed-of pleasure. Her nipples reddened and hardened even more, scraping against Tanya's belly and prompting a hand to leave her pussy and squeeze her teenaged tits.

Lobo licked and slavered, as he had been taught, with the purpose of preparing this sweet human vagina for his canine penis. The girl's moans deepened and her hips began pumping uncontrollably back and forth, pushing her needing sex-hole toward his face. Oh, my, what is Tanya doing to me? Her tongue feels fantastic! went the thoughts through the innocent mind of the young female.

From below, Tanya watched it all, catching the drops of Robyn's pussy juice on her tongue as it drained in a string from her super-stimulated slit. The young dancer's hips were moving in swiveling circles now as the flames of arousal spread wildly through her fertile belly. She could not think now, could not remember her strict and moral upbringing, as the feelings swarmed through her loins like ants, invading her most private and sacred regions in a way she had always hoped until now to avoid. But she belonged to Tanya now, to the tongue that laved her sizzling pussy with pure, irresistible joy. Because of the feelings that now were melting her feminine core, she could not feel the change in the texture and shape of the tongue that was bringing her this incredible pleasure. Tanya kept the plump labia spread wide to Lobo's lapping tongue, watching the bared clitoris swollen and throbbing with the stimulation. She could feel Robyn's moans of ecstasy vibrating through her quivering tits to her own soft belly, and she knew it was time to lead the teenager to the next phase in her sexual development.

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