Wild in the Country - Cover

Wild in the Country


Chapter 27

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 27 - Who would have thought that a dog is capable of raping women...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Priscilla Devereaux stood in the kitchen, drinking a cup of strong coffee and watching her father and Robin talking happily in the living room. It was funny that the young girl could be so attached to Jim Devereaux. Priscilla never had been, in spite of his open-handed generosity with her in all things. She would never forgive him for using his power and influence to break up her and Mark's love affair and delivering him into the sticky little hands of the piano teacher she hated. And now Robin was taking lessons from her! It seemed that Desirée was everywhere in Priscilla's life, and she resented it to her very core. She had perhaps one hope of achieving her goal, and that was to get her into bed again with Clete and make sure she ended up with the photos with which to blackmail Mark's young bride.

Priscilla glanced again at Robin, who seemed to be content to sit and bask in Devereaux's dry sense of humor. Little bitch could spend her whole summer sitting at Dad's feet if she wanted, as long as she stayed out of Priscilla's way.

And then the phone rang. She let it howl for six or seven rings before her father shouted from the living room, "Pick it up, Priss, damn it!"

She did.

"Am I talking to Miss Priscilla Devereaux?" said the quiet, vaguely-familiar man's voice. She'd heard the voice before, but where?

"Yes, this is she," Priscilla answered. He'd better not be selling anything.

"I have a message for you, from Mark Denning."

She shivered at the sound of his name. "Yes?"

"He couldn't call you himself, he's involved at the moment, but he wanted me to ask you if you could meet him out at the old Pace stone mansion. Do you know the place?"

Priscilla caught herself nodding affirmatively. Could it really be true? But it was the perfect place, an elegant old house, fully furnished, yet unoccupied for the last thirty years. A perfect place for a tryst, comfortable, cozy, and secluded. Rumored to be haunted and avoided by everyone since Nancy Pace's rape there by the marauding dog Lobo.

"Yes, I know the place," she said very quietly, unable to trust her ears.

"Mr. Denning wants to know if you can meet him there at one o'clock."

Priscilla's fevered mind made some quick calculations. "Yes, certainly," she said, not worried that she might sound too eager or accommodating.

"Then he can expect you?" the man's voice asked.

"Yes, I'll leave right away."

She hung up, giving a disdainful parting glance in Robin's direction. Let her waste her time with the old man, she thought.

Priscilla hurried out toward the stable. Riding over the hills direct would get her there in time, she knew.

Priscilla couldn't help the uneasiness she was beginning to feel at not seeing Mark's car yet parked by the Pace mansion. If this was some kind of a- Perhaps, he'd gotten tied up in town for a while, or perhaps his little slut-wife had interfered with his schedule. Damn him, whatever, she had no intention of returning to the ranch until she'd seen him face to face here, alone again, then made her own demands! He was going to find out that Priscilla Devereaux usually got what she wanted, and that once she did, no one took it from her!

Damn, she was hot, too! Riding western-style above the saddle for any distance had always exhausted her legs, and for the last ten-minutes she'd been forced to re-seat herself, the provocative massaging to her young loins immediately re-firing her sensual excitement. If she kept it up she was going to slip into a series of uncontrollable orgasms for sure, and this morning she definitely did not want that to happen before she got to young Mark Denning!

She reined the big palomino to a stop, looking around for a vantage point where she could dismount and not readily be noticed, even by a chance glance. The perfect place presented itself to her searching green-eyes... a tiny alcove with rock-formations, grass for Chester, and a backdrop of dense wood. Pleased, the auburn-haired girl headed for it.

Swinging down from her mount, Priscilla tethered Chester loosely behind a near-concealing rock, then surveyed the almost deserted, panoramic landscape. She saw nothing moving. Goddamn! She thought, thinking back on that night just last week when she had used drugs to seduce Mark's wife. She was a deliciously beautiful young bitch, that Desirée Denning... and the way she had licked and sucked her pussy under the influence of the mind warping LSD that night not long past! Just the memory sent tiny spasms of shimmering lust stabbing through her aroused young loins and heated, soft belly. It wasn't over between them yet, regardless of the outcome with Mark! She had to have more of the delectable young creature's cunt and tongue, while watching the black beast Clete fuck her from behind!

She sensed the uneasy pressure within her and glanced around for a place to relieve herself. She knew the plumbing was turned off in the old house, so she couldn't flush the toilet, and she didn't want to leave anything embarrassing in there for Mark to find when he got there. She had left in such a hurry that she had had no time to attend to her morning needs.

Not wanting to curtail her view, she chose a small rock and moved behind it, lifting her leather skirt to lower herself into an obscenely squatting position. While the gushing little stream flowing from her cunt sent further tingles of licentious arousal rippling through her, she imagined how she was going to make love to Mark down there, inside the house when he arrived. Urinating in the open this way had always turned her on, like a little girl squatting behind a bush in the front yard, certain that no one could see her... but thoughts of Mark were adding much to the sensation. There was something naturally erotic in pissing, with her skirt up like this, she thought, making no effort to expedite, or shorten her moment of sensual exposure.

Hemmings moved among the rocks, frantically trying to remedy this new problem. He had attracted the dogs here using Desirée's panties that he had saved from his meeting with her two days before. He had frozen them in a sealed bag to keep the scent fresh and strong and he had hung them from the rail on the veranda, surmising that the dogs would come by again somehow. Actually it had been a calculated risk which could have gone awry had the roaming animals not responded. But he had expected Priscilla to enter the house and he intended to trap her there with at least one animal.

Her unforeseen stop to pee up in the rocks above the house had thrown everything into reverse and now he found himself frantically running up toward where she squatted out of sight over fifty yards away. The two video cameras and their tripods were especially cumbersome and he doubted that he would easily be able to find a good, concealed spot to set them up.

Very carefully, silently, he moved up into the rocks. The last thing he wanted to do was surprise her and ruin his carefully-planned setup.

Hemmings very quietly set up the cameras and used the zoom lens to zero in on her from different angles, watching salaciously while Priscilla lifted her skirt, squatted, spreading her buttocks wide, and sent an amber stream of urine into the dirt between her feet. He used the 64-power digital zoom to get a real good close- up, then left that camera there to move to the other for a different angle, making sure her face was well defined.

Priscilla knew that she had to do more than piss, knew that she would have to use her panties to clean herself up. The jouncing of the horse had stirred up her bowels and she felt a movement inside her. Not very romantic, but Mark still wasn't here and she wanted to be comfortable when they rolled into that big, four poster on the third story of the mansion. But it was a good thing Mark was late, because, by the way she felt, she would be five pounds lighter by the time he arrived.

Hemmings couldn't believe his eyes. Not that as a doctor he hadn't seen a woman defecate before. It was just that this exposed, squatting young woman was the beautiful Priscilla Devereaux. From behind her he saw her lovely buttocks spread, saw her puckered little anus swell and open, while the brown mass of feces began to emerge, wet and shining, extruding itself into the air, moving down toward the ground between her feet. He heard her sigh while her asshole gave a little sputter and then a louder fart, and then she gave a grunt as she began to push out another great turd.

The doctor chuckled to himself as a third followed the second, leaving a substantial pile on the earth beneath her. No wonder she was such a problem to everyone. She was full of shit! he thought impiously. Now, where were those dogs?

And she was still in that exposed, squatting stance when the vicious growl filled her ears like a building roar of thunder! Physically unmoving, Priscilla Devereaux raised her widening, green-eyes in immediate apprehension, the huge German shepherd dog standing not ten feet in front of her with its bared fangs gleaming, causing the blood in her veins to figuratively turn to ice! And behind him stood another huge animal, looking like they had been born of the same litter. Had she not recognized the closer beast, she would have recognized the silver dogtag that hung from his powerful neck!

Lobo! She saw the word embossed on the silver tag. The wild-pack leader! Oh my dear God!

The other greyish brute slunk from the shadow of the rocks then, and Priscilla heard the whimper choke up from somewhere deep inside her bosom. She started to move, her nakedly exposed legs hurting now from their strained position, but the monster dog's warning snarl froze her there, and it was that very guttural sound that sent Chester galloping off in the wild-eyed fright back into the hills!

The immense brute moved sleekly toward her, fangs still bared, its amber-glowing eyes like something out of a horror film as she squatted openly in her obscenely widespread position, the very fear of life and death raging through her! She fell backwards-shamefully onto the filth of her own feces, smearing her back and thighs with it-before the menacing approaching beast, her brain frantically trying to conceive some way of pacifying its ferocity! And then... she remembered Nancy Pace, and what Desirée Denning had unwittingly told them last week! Slowly, but intentionally, she raised her long legs, drawing them back to luridly present her nakedly exposed, young loins before the vicious brute. She even undulated them teasingly, as if she were offering them to a man, feeling the warm mud her urine and fecal matter and the earth had mushed beneath her naked back!

Oh, God! They would kill her! She would die here, smeared and stinking of her own piss and crap. Between them, they'd tear her to pieces! Uncontrollably, she whimpered loudly, begging for mercy!

Lobo moved over and around her in hated rage. He raised his head and growled once to bring the other shaggy-haired beast who was his companion between her raised white legs. Fury rampaged within his powerful canine body. They had mistreated his golden- one, used her in ways that greatly displeased him! This one, this female, was evil, and she must now know punishment! Again, he growled viciously, and the grey dog moved forward; his heavily parting tongue hanging wetly in anticipation from his open, strong-fanged mouth.

Never in her spoiled young life had Priscilla Devereaux actually known such fear! But she did at that moment, as she squirmed her body down in the mud produced from her own excretions, her shapely white legs drawn back, her trembling, taut buttocks raised to obscenely display her vulnerable, hair-fringed loins before the pair of feral brutes encircling her! She gasped in total panic at the sight of the grey, wolfish animal moving between her lewdly drawn-back thighs, his huge, vicious-appearing head not inches above her nakedly defenceless vagina! She stole a frantic glance at the immobile statue of Lobo standing off to one- side as if judgingly watching, but then her eyes quickly fastened once more on the menacing beast centered between her widely-parted legs!

"Oooooohhhhh!" she gasped out as the wolf-like brute lowered its head and licked out with his hotly ravaging tongue, its wet heat saturating her helpless young loins like a sudden jolt of lightning! Twice more, she cried aloud in confused fright as the mighty dog obscenely flicked its wetly burning tongue into the sensitive intimacy of her unprotected cunt lips!

"Oooohhh... oooooohhhh... my God... my God... !"

Priscilla gutturally moaned, her entire panic-stricken body quaking uncontrollably beneath the bestial tonguing of the massive grey-dog! It sliced through the thinly moistened crevice separating the ragged, hair-lined lips of her cunt like a searing, flexible blade! With raised head and dreading eyes, she saw her teeny, erect clitoris frantically quivering! God, if it could scream, it would, she thought insanely as the brute continued to splay her pink cunt-flesh wide open with its hot, rapaciously licking tongue!

Oh Christ... could it actually be happening? Two massive wild animals obscenely ravishing her... yet, one simply watching while the other sensually destroyed her with its devastatingly working tongue! Oooohhhh... ! She'd go mad from its inhuman licking of her cunt alone! Oooohhh! Ooohhhh... somehow... somehow, she had to keep control of herself! Wh-What would happen next? What... what did they intend to do with her when they grew tired of this... ? Again, she anxiously glanced toward the mighty German shepherd with the medallion, knowing now that he... it... whatever, decided all things! It was unbelievable but true! The huge, handsome beast hadn't moved! He stood as if waiting... waiting while the other licked and splayed her open, lewdly upthrust loins in calculated, mind-shattering ravishment!

God, in all truth, she felt as if she were being totally destroyed! As if she were standing judgement... and there wasn't time to recount all the sins of her wicked young life! She began to toss her head from side to side in uncontrollable cadence to the grey dog's searingly swirling tongue claiming the tiniest secrets of her feverishly reacting cunt! Oooohhh... oohhhh... s-she would gladly give her soul to the lowest entity... just as long as it didn't stop... never, never stopped... !

But it did! And all when a ferocious growl emitted from the waiting Lobo! Priscilla felt her hesitant breaths suddenly knotting in her throat as she watched and waited wild-eyed to the movements of the powerful animals! She saw the wolfish dog back off, then lie down, rolling onto its back! Lobo moved behind her, incredibly nudging at the top of her head with his nose! They weren't gentle nudges, nor was his growl less than menacing!

Fearfully, Priscilla guessed at his meaning, immediately responding. She lowered her legs and raised up to her knees, feeling the continued pushes of Lobo's great head against her skirt-covered buttocks as she crawled upside down on all fours above the animal's huge pulsating genitals, her legs spread wide over his nose! Then she sensed the brute's head raise between her kneelingly spread thighs and once more begin to lick the burning, wet crevice of her open pussy, its fluid, wetly searing tongue spraying and licking up into her flushed cunt-lips with maddening intensity!

Oh God almighty! She'd cum a thousand times this way, the auburn-haired bachelorette thought wildly, reaching back to obscenely pull her leather skirt up as high as it would go and give the beast unhindered access! If only it didn't stop! Insanely rising sensations of unqualified lust were beginning to rage furiously through her hotly fired genitals and trembling belly to the massive animal's wildly ravishing tongue!

The further erotic excitement churned inside her as she felt the cool wetness of Lobo's nose sniffing back between her nakedly exposed buttocks! Abruptly his heated tongue made sensual contact with the tiny, puckered hole of her anus, then began to lick up and down the smooth, wide crevice, while the grey-one tongued incessantly at her inflamed cunt from below!

"Oooohhh... oohhh God! They're licking my pussy and rectum at the same time!" Priscilla coarsely groaned, sensing the powerful German shepherd's hotly snaking tongue-tip once more at the tiny puckered mouth of her asshole, the end of it curlingly attempting to worm its way up inside the sensitive, soft-fleshed lips! Oooohhh... she was going to go right out of her mind with the unnatural lewd pleasure they were bringing her... and then she sensed the first bubble about to burst inside her! S-She was going to cum like never before in her life... yesss she was cuuuummmminnnngggg... !

Her half-naked, young body, skirt pulled high up over her hips, convulsively jerked and writhed on her knees before the unceasing savagery of their hotly licking tongues, her legs and belly trembling in her erotically whirling bliss as shrill gasps of sensual delight squealed helplessly from her throat! Minutes later, while their lashing tongues continued to lave back between her nakedly grinding loins without let-up, she could feel herself cum again... and yet again! Her brain beginning to deliriously whirl from the intense strain down between her widesplit thighs! Unintelligible whimpers and babblings tumbled from her slackened lips as the oral rape to her screaming loins endlessly went on!

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