Wild in the Country - Cover

Wild in the Country


Chapter 20

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Who would have thought that a dog is capable of raping women...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

The pretty and shapely, thirty-year-old blonde slammed her front door and stood with her back to it, panting with fright. Always so sophisticated and worldly compared to the local populace of Pickford's Meadows, Liz Clark now found herself in a situation with which she could not deal. Peeking through the curtains that now stayed permanently drawn over the living room window, she saw the big, menacing form of John Proctor standing there with the axe handle swinging in his hand. She wondered if she should call the police, but that would only mean trying to summon Clete Anderson, her hard-hearted erstwhile lover who still bore her a terrific grudge.

John Proctor was a forbidding-looking person at the best of times and his chubby, pouting, middle-aged wife had nothing to be liked either, but as long as the burly farmer was not bothered, he was as harmless as any bull in a pen. But somehow, one of the free-roaming dogs that ran with Lobo, or perhaps Lobo himself, had appeared too near the old harridan and frightened her, and the dog-pack hysteria that was gripping the country town and surrounding farming community had settled on Emma Proctor as well. In this formerly secure and peaceful town, women no longer walked the streets during the night, and only cautiously during the day. There were rumors of women and girls being set upon, though no one had yet dared confess that she had been sexually assaulted by these dogs, who had acquired a definitely mystic and ghostlike quality. Being dog-raped was not something one liked to broadcast throughout the conservative Christian community of Pickford's Meadows.

Yes, Liz had trained Lobo, and taught him the techniques that had made him such an excellent standby lover. She had never intended that he should rape human females, but it was after all the town's brutal police chief that had turned the loyal animal renegade.

Liz stood there trembling for a long time, then was struck by the injustice of having to cringe terrified in her own home from a man without any good reason to threaten her. Throwing back the curtain, she lifted her fist to the angry Proctor and made a show of picking up and dialing the phone. She pretended to be talking boldly and angrily, in a voice loud enough to carrying faintly through the window, and the farmer's resolve seemed to weaken. After hanging up, she stood there smiling at him with her hands on her hips, until Proctor turned, tossed the axe handle into the back of his pickup truck, and took off with an angry spinning of the wheels.

Apparently, he knew nothing of the tension between her and Clete. So much the better.

Up until the last couple of months, before Nancy's rape by Lobo and the beating by Clete that had turned the dog renegade, Liz had enjoyed living in Pickford's Meadows very much. She had had many friends and a lovely life. But now she couldn't walk the streets with her head held high. She found herself ostracized by people who once had been quite friendly and now it seemed that her only friend was, again, Lobo.

Lobo had begun to visit her again. Liz's house backed onto the woods ringing the small town and it was easy for him to come and go unseen. She usually left her bedroom window open so that he could come and go at will, and it was a pleasant surprise, just last week, when he had shown up with three more dogs, his young offspring through his mating with a bitch in the next valley. They were Dusty, the clever one, Sam, the swift one, and Bruno, the giant, whose huge inhuman cock exceeded even Lobo's in size. She often fed them, sometimes enjoying their maleness on lonely nights, and heaven knew there were quite a few of those since Nancy Pace's experience with Lobo.

Liz was jerked out of her reverie by a knock on the door. After making a check through the window that it was not Proctor returning to harass her, she opened to a young couple on the porch, a lovely, dark-haired young woman and a blondish and slender young man who sported designer stubble and a hand-held tape recorder.

"Hi," said the young man, handing her a card. "My name is Rodney Foster and this is my wife Tanya. I'm a freelance writer working on a story and I was told you could help me."

Liz stood there, eyeing the visitors with hostility. Just what she needed, more curious, gawking, finger-pointers.

"Now, who could have told you that?" Liz said with palpable sarcasm.

Rodney smiled and said, "It was Desirée Denning. She said you wouldn't mind."

The blonde softened and let a wisp of a smile drift across her lips. "Desirée's a dear friend. Please come in." And Liz stood aside for them.

Once inside, Tanya and Rodney sat down while their hostess obligingly made them some coffee. When she returned, they spent a while talking about Desirée.

"I haven't seen her since the wedding," Liz mentioned. "She used to come here quite often, but it seems that marriage has changed her situation." The older woman thought back on that day. Desirée had been strangely cold toward her and at the time Liz had felt that her invitation to the wedding had come only as a formality. She had no idea that the young, beautiful bride resented her for what she had experienced with the wild canine Lobo just a few nights after the last time she had visited this house here, and again a month later after her dream honeymoon in the Caribbean. They were things that Liz would never know as long as Desirée had a mouth to keep very tightly shut.

But still, Liz talked fondly of her young friend, about her musical talent, her lovely singing voice, her quick and lively mind, and usual sense of humor.

"Which she seems to have lost of late," commented Tanya, lighting a cigarette offered to her by her hostess. "Dezzy's been a bit melancholy this last week, and not her usual jocular self."

Rodney smiled. "Doesn't that happen to most women every month?"

"Desirée's never been one to let PMS get her down," Tanya said.

Liz nodded. "Dez is one of those perfect women. Never did anything wrong, just as sweet inside as she was outside. She's still down at the Church every Sunday singing her arias for the congregation and waiting dutifully for her politician husband at home on every other day. Never put a foot wrong as far as I know."

"I'd love to go on deifying Desirée Denning all afternoon, I'm sure," Rodney said, "but there are some other things you might be able to help me with."

Liz smiled and raised her eyebrows. "If I possibly can."

Perhaps Desirée's ears would have burned had she had her intuitions tuned and ready as her closest friends praised her virtues, but she was not in a psychic mood right now. There in the Denning home, where they had lived so short a time since their wedding less than a month before, a pall of resentment and shame hung over the occupants. Desirée's heart was breaking, for she could see her dreamland marriage of less than two months falling apart around her.

Things between her and Mark hadn't improved since that fateful night a week ago when the wild dog Lobo had bounded through their open bedroom window in the middle of their lovemaking and taken the newlywed bride for himself. Finding themselves in mortal danger after Lobo's savage killing of the rapist Johnny Canning, Desirée had unselfishly sacrificed her body to the lusts of the animal, right before the unbelieving eyes of her beloved Mark, and then found herself swept up in the wildly erotic scene, coming to climax after shattering climax beneath the hammering loins of the dog, while Mark, strangely excited by the lurid sight, had jerked his own fulfilment out on the sheets from just two feet away.

And Mark's resentment had not ceased to manifest itself for a moment during the last week. After Lobo had leapt out the window, he had dozed fitfully. But with the rising of the sun, he had arisen, looked around the messy room and soiled sheets, and as his young bride's eyes had opened to him, seen the sludge of heavy dog semen caked on the silky fur of her vulva, and run into the bathroom to be physically sick. Many times since then she had tried to awaken in him an affection for her, but he had remained cold. His goodbye kisses were merely ice-cold pecks and there was no hello passion when he came home at night. Since then, they had not made love or even come close to it.

Desirée had no way of knowing that a good deal of Mark's resentment was against himself for being totally unable to defend her from the raping dog. For the first time in his life he had felt totally powerless to deal with his situation, and those emotions had been exacerbated by the way his angelic, blonde bride had surrendered to the stimulation and turned into a wild bitch in heat beneath the driving cock of the dog Lobo. Again and again, the sight of her grunting and squealing, her ripe body bucking and churning, her lovely face twisted with erotic passion induced in her by the raping penis of another male-not even a human male- impinged on his memories. Blaming his own weakness for what had happened to Desirée, he then turned his self-loathing against her even as the vivid tableau of her degradation flashed before his mind's eye and made him afraid that he could never look on her again as he had before.

The girl had no idea how to deal with the hurt Mark was feeling, though she could well understand his revulsion of her, for she felt it equally for herself. She had not expected him to defend her, unarmed, against the dog, and she had only submitted to save his life, for she knew that she could not live without him. If only he would forget the incident for just a while, take her in his arms and make love to her deeply, cleanse the corruption from her womb, and give their relationship a fresh start. Her body burned for the touch of his hands, his lips, and his hard, thrusting penis, but all those wonderful things had been withheld from her for the intervening week.

And, there was one other thing that nagged at her mind and her conscience, something that threatened her happiness even more than that incidence of Lobo's rape and that was the little party of drugs and sex she had been seduced into by her new "friend" Priscilla Devereaux. It had come at the wrong time for her, missing Mark while he was away in the capital and needing a friend after losing her feelings for Liz, who had owned the murdering, raping devil beast that had now twice violated her innocent body. Priscilla had drugged her somehow and led her into that orgy with the execrable Clete Anderson, the chief of police. What was worse, she had filmed the encounter while Clete had wildly shafted her from behind. A copy of the video tape had come through the door just two days later and now, somehow, Priscilla was planning to blackmail her.

Since Priss was wonderfully wealthy herself, Desirée was sure that the blackmail entailed some other thing besides money, though what she could not surmise yet. But Priscilla's phone call just yesterday had left her in no doubt as to the seriousness of the threat. Friend! Priscilla was nothing but a treacherous bitch whose friendship had lasted only long enough for her to get Desirée to compromise herself in the most serious way.

Shaking herself, the young bride offered her sweet lips to Mark for a goodbye kiss but was rewarded only with the usual cold peck on the cheek. As he walked out the door, Desirée dabbed at the tears on her cheeks and turned to the phone. She felt awful this morning. It seemed that she always had this splitting headache on Monday mornings, and though it seemed to pass by the evening, it worried her. If these headaches did not soon cease, she knew she would have to make an appointment with Pastor Hemmings, who was also the town physician. Picking up the phone, she dialed Dr. Hemmings' office and made an appointment for Wednesday at ten o'clock.

"So," Rodney said after making a note in his book, "this dog, Lobo, belonged to you before going on the rampage."

Liz nodded, taking a drag on her cigarette. "That's what they say. But whether it's my Lobo on the rampage or some other dog, I can't say for sure. He was always very gentle with me."

"And what about these allegations that he killed a young man and some cattle on a ranch near here?"

Liz laughed. "Have you ever known a German shepherd to kill cattle? If you ask me, I'd say it was a hoax with my runaway pet as the scapegoat."

"If you don't mind my asking, Mrs. Clark, why did he run away?" Rodney pressed.

Liz looked down and her eyes clouded. "Someone here, someone I knew, brutalized him. He had to run away to avoid being killed. He never returned."

"I see," Rodney sympathized.

Tanya spoke up. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom, Liz?"

"Go ahead. It's down the hall on the left."

Tanya got up and while Rodney continued with the interview, she went down the hall to the end and opened the door on the right. The light was off and the room in shadows so she had closed the door before she noticed that she had turned in the wrong direction. Flicking on the light switch, she discovered the large bedroom and the open window. She was turning to leave when a horrifying sound froze her in her tracks. It was a sound she heard in her nightmares since she had come to Pickford's Meadows and had her own first experience with the horrible legend of Lobo. She had hoped never to hear that sound again, for she associated it with her sordid session with the wet-tongued dog that Rodney and Liz were talking about, an event that neither of them had the slightest knowledge of.

That day, on one of his regular runs in the cool whispering woods which bordered on the rear of the property, the dog found himself not far away from Liz's house. For him and his brothers, as well as his sire, Lobo, Liz's house was a kind of refuge now since the senior dog had led them back here to safety, away from the hunting parties led by the angry cop Clete Anderson. Liz had received them affectionately and supplied their needs and shooed them out the back to safety when danger was near. Now he saw another beautiful human female, and he had learned recently from his mistress Liz exactly what these hind-leg-walking females were for. He had been feeling the rut in himself and now Liz had sent him this gift. For a moment the big German shepherd stood stock still in intense concentration. Then, as he saw Tanya moving to leave, he gave forth with another menacing growl.

The dark-haired beauty was almost out the door now, trying to leave him, but his menacing growl stopped her in her tracks. Tanya sensed his presence and turned around, giving a startled jerk as her eyes fell on him again.

"Oh, doggie," she breathed in a voice seeming to have lost all strength. "Excuse me, I was just leaving." Tanya's soft, throaty, tremulous voice encouraged the big animal to come nearer and he stopped right next to Tanya as she timidly extended a hand to rub his head. The motion of her arm made her taut full breast move sensuously and catch the dog's attention. Without hesitation, Bruno lowered his huge head beneath the girl's loose, summer skirt and then his long thick tongue shot out to lick hotly over the panty-covered mound between her thighs.

"Ahhh," Tanya gasped involuntarily as that thick wet tongue sent little shivers running over her sensitized flesh, and her nipples rose into hard little buds of desire. In utter terror, remembering her experience with Lobo just recently, the strength left her legs and she collapsed onto her soft, round buttocks.

"Oh, please, don't..." Tanya breathed.

Bruno backed away a moment, momentarily discouraged by the tone of Tanya's words. But he began to whine excitedly, his front feet doing a little shuffle that moved him nearer and nearer to the lovely body he had already tasted. Seemingly unable to control himself, the big shepherd locked his teeth on the front of her blouse and pulled, tearing the fabric away to bear the lovely mounds of her bosom, then laving his moist tongue over one tingling breast. Then he turned his attention to the other one. When Tanya crossed her hands over her breasts to fend off the big dog, Bruno snuffled a hot trail down over her smooth belly and then began to sniff excitedly at Tanya's skimpy panties where her skirt had flipped up, letting his nose slide all over the stunned woman's scantily covered loins.

"Oh, no, not this again?" Tanya said, half in alarm, half in awe. She was sitting up now, drawing away from the dog's persistent attentions. For a moment Bruno stepped back, staring with unmistakable hunger at the half-naked female body before him. Tanya knew that this definitely wasn't Lobo-he was noticeably larger than his sire-but it was obvious that the huge German shepherd was equally sexually attracted to women, and as much as she had enjoyed her perverse session with Lobo last week, in retrospect she had decided that she shouldn't repeat the experience. But then again, what could she do now? she thought, as an electric thrill shot from her moistening pussy up the tips of her panting breasts.

Half closing her lustrous dark eyes, the sensual young female fought to dominate her fright and lay back on the carpet, letting her arms move down to her sides. Then pressing them in, she squeezed her sleek breasts together, making them peak up together like miniature pink-capped mountains.

"Okay, big boy," she whispered up to the dog, giving up the fight, her body automatically remembering the joy she had felt with Lobo. "You can lick them." She didn't have to say it again. Bruno moved forward eagerly, dipping his head to let his cold nose thrust inquisitively into the deep cleft between the taut white mounds, and then once again his massive tongue shot out, licking wetly over the soft resilient flesh below.

"Ooooohhh," Tanya breathed out blissfully. "What a tongue... what a sexy tongue."

She arched her back a little, pressing her throbbing breasts upward, moving them in little circles, trying to help Bruno's big tongue as it trailed hotly over her palpitating flesh. "Oh, lover, lick, lick hard, make my tits hurt," Tanya moaned. Her legs were slowly writhing, her heels digging into the soft carpet as Bruno licked on. Closing her eyes, letting her head roll aimlessly back and forth, the panting young woman let an army of fantasies invade her mind. For long moments she imagined Mark Denning with her, straining forward to slide his hot grasping mouth over her shivering nipples. But then she suddenly realized she didn't need fantasy. Here was this German shepherd standing over her, his huge tongue dipping into her soft breasts, driving her to a frenzy.

Reaching up, Tanya gently took Bruno's head in her hands and began to guide his muzzle over her nakedly quivering flesh, first one nipple, then the other, then underneath to stroke up and over onto the pebble-hard sensitiveness of the tips. With each hot burning swipe of that pleasure-giving animal tongue, Tanya could feel an answering spasm deep down between her legs as the wildly erotic sensations radiated outward from her tortured breasts to pluck maddeningly at her hungry loins. She could feel the hot juices building up inside her vaginal slit, beginning to soak the narrow crotch-band of her panties.

The hot secretions bubbling deep inside Tanya's still covered vagina began to become apparent to Bruno too. A heavy, rich, musky smell began to permeate his sensitive nostrils, further exciting the eagerly licking animal. For a moment he was unable to tear his attention away from the softly quivering breasts beneath his lashing tongue as Tanya held his head down tight against their trembling curves. The lovely brunette was half-mad with passion now, writhing and moaning on the carpet below the eagerly licking dog, little choked gasps escaping through her clenched teeth, Rodney and Liz forgotten in the next room. It might have gone on endlessly, but finally, the heady seductive odors wafting up from under those tiny panties proved too much for the big German shepherd.

With a whine of exasperation, Bruno pulled his head away from Tanya's grasp and began to nose at the moaning woman's partially covered loins. Desperately the excited shepherd licked at the wispy piece of cloth, trying to get at the maddening essences beneath, his huge tongue spilling over and rasping across the tender flesh in the hollows of Tanya's loins.

To the sensually writhing brunette, this proved even more exciting. Rolling her nipples harshly between her own fingertips, the moaning young woman ground her hips down into the carpet, tantalized almost beyond endurance by the long pink animal tongue licking over and around her screaming pussy depths, fended off by her single remaining garment. For just one second Bruno nosed aside the tight cloth, his nose pressing into the softly curled pubic hair, but the material slid back fast to block his access to her sweet-smelling cuntal depths.

"Oh God," she moaned, reaching down to slide her fingers under the offending material. She was just starting to work it down over her hips when she suddenly realized where she was--right on the carpet. Suddenly, the gasping Tanya decided nevertheless that perhaps it might be a little wiser if she and Bruno went to the bed, to avoid getting carpet burns on her delicate skin...

Staggering to her feet, the raggedly breathing brunette stepped to the bed, her nakedly swaying breasts tantalizing Bruno's questing tongue.

"Come on doggie," she called needlessly. Bruno would have followed her to the ends of the earth. For a moment, the lovely half-naked woman stood in the middle of the king-sized bed, trying to decide what to do.

Standing right in the middle of the white satin sheets, the still-trembling brunette once again hooked her thumbs in the elastic waistband of her panties and pulled down, all the way down to her ankles, bending over gracefully as she did so. With one kick the panties flew across the room and Tanya stood up, completely naked, her lovely sleek body a seamless curve, its perfection highlighted by the twin rosy peaks that capped her breasts and the rich dark curls that punctuated her smoothly swelling hips. Brown was her color, from the rich cream of her skin to the lustrous thick cloud of hair that spilled down over her slender shoulders, making a perfect frame for her dark, beckoning eyes.

"Come here, honey," she said, her voice husky. She stood waiting as the big dog came nearer, then, slowly sinking to her knees on the white satin sheet, the lovely naked woman took the dog's massive head in her hands. He licked her face for a moment, then once again darted his tongue out to her firm-pointed breasts, but Tanya pushed him away for a moment and lay down full length on the bed, her lovely coloring warming the shining white satin. Drawing up her legs so that her knees were slightly bent, Tanya let her thighs fall wantonly open, baring the passion-drenched slit nestled high up between her long graceful legs. Reaching down, the excited woman slowly pulled apart her pussy lips with her fingers, exposing the glistening pink flesh within.

"Lick it, darling," she begged. "Lick my pussy like you licked my breasts."

Would he do it? she wondered. Would he thrust his powerful tongue up into her hot cunt the way he had let it lash into her breasts, the way Lobo had done before? Hardly daring to breathe, the panting woman watched that big head move closer to her defencelessly naked genitals. For a long moment, Bruno just stared at the hot moist feast spread out below, then his nose thrust forward inquisitively, sliding up the tender flesh of Tanya's inner thigh.

"Oh!" she gasped out from the sudden shock of that cold dampness against her naked flesh. She gritted her teeth to keep from crying out in tortured frustration as the nose swept lightly over her pussy hair, barely touching the needing cunt lips below. Oh, God, she thought to herself, she needed more, much more if she were not going to go completely out of her mind. Then suddenly, without warning, Bruno's tongue shot out to dart lizard-like in between her waiting pussy-flesh, splaying out wetly over her soft pubic mound, digging insistently between the desire-swollen outer lips to trail a line of fiery bliss into the moist inner pinkness.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh," Tanya half sobbed, her lovely body spasming into an arched curve as the first wild shock of that invading tongue rocketed through her waiting body. "Aaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhhh," she continued to moan as time and time again that mighty tongue licked out, sliding wetly the full length of her palpitating little pussy slit, starting at her tiny anus puckered below, and trailing up over her clenched vaginal opening to finally end with a nerve-shattering swipe over her erect and painfully-throbbing clitoral bud. Again and again Bruno licked at her glistening wet nakedness, driving the sex-maddened woman to heights of passion she had never known before.

"Aaaahhhh... God... why haven't I ever done this all week?" Tanya moaned. "If I'd only known you'd been around, big boy." Her softly flexing thighs spread mindlessly apart to open her burning cunt wider to the slavering animal, but that was not enough. Drawing up her knees so that they pressed tightly against her breasts, the young woman rolled herself into a quivering ball of primordial lust. At the same time she reached desperately down and taking Bruno's head, pulled it hard against her screaming convulsing loins, wanting his tongue to plunge deep, deep up inside her burning pussy.

But her new position had also spread wide her ass-cheeks, and the fascinated Bruno was presented with a new target: Tanya's tightly pursed little anus. Licking lower, the big animal began to torture the rubbery opening, even managing once to dig his tongue slightly inside. His helpless victim went nearly insane with this obscene new assault, her whole body jerking and lunging on the bed while choking gasps of sexual need bubbled up from deep in her chest. Bit by bit her delirious ravings fell into a rhythmic chant, keeping time to the dog's depraved lickings up between her wide-split crack.

"Oooooh, ooooohhhhhh, ooooohhhhhh," she moaned. "Keep licking... licking... it feels so good... make me cum, going to cum... oh, faster, harder."

Eagerly the big dog licked into the aromatic feast below, his senses filled with the rich taste and smell and sight of this nakedly aroused human. Little by little a fierce burning was growing in the animal's own loins, brought to life by the writhing woman who begged and pleaded under him, nestled in the sensuous silkiness of the white sheets. Harder and harder the big animal stroked his tongue into the sex-slippery cunt so shamelessly offered up to him, at the same time growing ever more excited himself.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes... that'll do it... that'll make Tanya cum. Keep it up. Just another second or two..." The dark-haired beauty was moaning and twisting in completely abandoned lust, feeling a wild pressure building, building far up inside her belly, stroked into life by Bruno's lust-firing tongue. Powerful spasms began to seize her helpless body and she was letting herself go with it when--suddenly to her horror she felt Bruno's head wrenched from her grasp and her quaking cuntal flesh knew a terrible absence.

The shocked young woman raised her head questioningly to see what had robbed her of her orgasm. "W-What's the matter, Bruno?" she asked pleadingly.

The big animal was backing slowly away from her, a confused look on his face. "Come on," Tanya begged, "come on back and do it to Tanya. Please, baby, just a little more, just a little more and I'll cum..."

And then she saw it--his cock! As the young woman stared wide-eyed at the furry belly of the big German shepherd, she saw his huge penis slowly emerging from its hairy protective sheath, long and scarlet, needle-pointed and menacing. Longer and thicker it grew as the dog's excitement increased, until finally it stood out huge and rigid, a drop of viscous seminal fluid gleaming jewel-like at the very tip, a glistening promise of the animal's potency.

"My God!" Tanya breathed to herself. She'd seen a few cocks in her life, but never anything to match this. It was so damn big! Tanya found herself wondering if a woman could take a thing like that inside her without being split apart. But the most fascinating thing about the mighty organ bared to her gaze was its obscene scarlet coloring, growing out of the dog's pale-furred belly like the stalk of some lewd plant. And that cock was meant for her: She knew it, Bruno had become aroused while licking her pussy and now it looked as if he wanted to use that huge weapon on her!

This was much more than the lovely brunette had bargained for, here in Liz Clark's bedroom. It was so sneaky, while Rodney was interviewing Liz about this very matter, but at the same time, Tanya's aroused pussy was clamoring for more attention, something to push her over the edge into her orgasm. "Oh, doggie," she whimpered, her mind in a turmoil. God, what a huge cock. How would this enormous thing feel driving hard up inside her belly? she wondered. Wider and wider the young woman's eyes grew as she stared at that mighty obscene shaft dangling and dripping just a few feet away from her, crazy images beginning to flicker through her mind of that hairy body possessing hers as even Lobo could not, locked to her in totally depraved embrace. Just then the German shepherd whimpered pleadingly, and that did it. Bruno wanted her--his need was as great as hers!

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