Kidnapped Couple - Cover

Kidnapped Couple


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - By being kidnapped their eyes were open to new sexual horizons.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Swinging   Gang Bang   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

In the big, double bunk of their trailer, Harry Williams finished off the last gulp of his double Scotch, set the glass aside, wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and reached out for his wife, Vivian.

"Come here, damn it! I'm in the mood for a piece of ass!" he told her.

Vivian was bitchy, tonight. "What's the matter, Honey... you losing your touch... ?"

She was sitting on the edge of the bed pulling off her slacks, when her husband wrapped his brawny arms around her and pulled her back toward him, to plaster his lips to hers. After a moment or two, she squirmed away from him.

"Now... what in hell does that remark mean?" Harry growled, scratching his hairy chest. He lay nude in the bunk, big and bulky, his green eyes flashing a mean anger.

"Well..." she chided, half-kidding him, now, as she saw that he had taken her remark too seriously. "We've been on our vacation for three days... and nothing's happened... yet!"

"It's a little different!" he explained. "But I spotted a doll, today... and she's right here in this camp ground!"

"Well... ?"

"I thought I'd go to work on it... tomorrow!"

Vivian had been undressing while they were talking, and Harry watched her, avidly; he never failed to get a real charge out of watching his wife undress. She was down to her panties and bra, now. From long practice, he reached out to unclasp the hooks at the back, slid the garment over her arms and captured a bountiful, white breast in each big paw of a hand.

"Are you going to keep it a big secret... about who she is?"

"Hell... I don't know her name, yet!" Harry kneaded his wife's breasts, feeling their satiny smoothness, the berry-like nipples just beginning to become hard and erect.

"Since when does that bother you, Harry?" she asked, wriggling dexterously from his grasp and standing up to peel her panties down over the swelling curves of her hips and buttocks. She always managed to make it a sexy ritual, and Harry watched her with concentrated attention, his penis jerking with mounting excitement, as the black, silky hair of her pubic mound was exposed to his lewd gaze.

"It doesn't... really!"

"Yes... I know... only too well! Is she blonde, brunette... or what?"

"She's a true blonde, I think. She's the one I remarked about... when I saw her at that service station... remember? In that little town... about sixty miles back!"

"The one in the camper they were fixing there?"

"The same!" Harry assured. "She was wearing those tight hot pants!"

"Oh, yes... I remember!... And I'll have to do something about that!" she smiled.

"What do you mean... ?"

"I'm going to buy some hot pants... the first chance I get!"

"There you go... wanting to spend some more money... for something you don't need!"

Vivian smiled, coyly, and countered with, "Well... I've got to compete... somehow!"

"You don't need them! I like you better... without pants!" His eyes roamed over his wife's luscious body. "Now... come here, damn it... or I'm coming after you!"

She regarded him, coolly, through narrowed gray eyes and tossed back a stray strand of jet black hair, as her eyes zeroed in on the rampant, hardened length of his cock that stood out, yearningly, from his hairy loins. "Why, Harry... my darling husband... I do believe you've got something there for me tonight!"

Crawling onto the bed, she came up over him to capture his spearing prick between her legs, then clamping her thighs together tight around it she lay full length on top of him, the full orbs of her magnificent breasts mashing down against his big, hairy chest. She lowered her head, her mouth finding his to weld them together in a deep, soul kiss. Her tongue snaked deep into his mouth to be sucked and nibbled. Below, she felt the throbbing length of his big cock, where it lay, log-like, tight up against the sensitive flesh of her slit.

Harry enveloped her in his muscular arms, squeezing her to him hard, then, his hands began to roam down over the smoothness of her back to the full, mounding protuberances of her buttocks. His fingers dug into the satiny, resilient flesh to knead and massage, caressingly. Damn! She was still the most sexually exciting woman he had ever known and he had known quite a few... But, hell they're just the frosting on the cake! Vivian's the meat and potatoes... and she's right here... ready to fuck... anytime I want her!

He savored the sweetness of her mouth, sucking and nibbling on her tongue, then used his own to burst into her mouth, after a few moments. His big cock was jerking and throbbing between her legs, and he could feel the building warmth in her pussy.

Abruptly, Vivian raised her head and broke the moist, open- mouthed kiss. "Did you notice him? What's he like... ?" she asked.

"Who in the hell are you talking about?"

"The blonde's husband!"

"Oh, him?" Harry grunted. "He's just an ordinary guy medium height and build... around thirty maybe a little more..."

"That's what I was afraid of... !" she pouted.

"What's that... ?" He tried to pull her mouth down to his; at the same time he began to saw his big cock back and forth in her moistly throbbing furrow.

She resisted him long enough to answer, "You always pick out these fabulous women for yourself... and they always seem to turn out having just ordinary husbands! It's not fair!"

"Well, hell... I guess that's just the breaks!" He pulled her down, hard, and kissed her with open mouth and probing tongue.

Vivian mumbled around his tongue, "Someday... Harry, darling... I'm going to reverse that on you..."

"The hell you say!"

His hard hands smoothed down over her full-rounded buttocks that were now gyrating, undulantly, against the shaft of his massively solid cock that lay like a log the length of her pulsing cuntal furrow. Their mouths were welded together, tongues searching and savoring, and his hands dug in with strong-fingered kneading of the pliant flesh of the twin orbs that moved so lithely against him.

After a few moments, Harry decided it was time for his little surprise. Deftly, he rolled his wife to her back, reached under his pillow and grasped the object he had hidden there earlier in the evening. Vivian kept her eyes closed as he continued to kiss her, then surreptitiously, he brought his hand down until it was just above her pubic mound, the bullet shaped, battery-powered vibrator aimed right at her slightly exposed slit. Just as it touched her, he flipped the switch on and ran the ogive-shaped, vibrating head down between her legs to contact her already hardened clitoris.

Vivian's eyes flew open with surprise. She knew what it was instantly, as the vibrator sent arching sensations flashing through her whole body. She shivered with delight, and a moan came from her lips, as she broke the wet contact of their kiss.

"Oh, Harry... you did bring it... !" she exulted.

"No... this one's new! It's got batteries in it!"

"Oh, it feels wonderful... darling!"

Vivian's dark-gray eyes smoldered up at him, as below, her white, tapering thighs parted to allow him full access to her gently throbbing pussy, her hips already undulating with building sexual arousal.

"I thought maybe you'd like it!" Harry rumbled, directing the smooth, plastic vibrator down through the sensate furrow of her cunt until the bullet-like head was lined up with her vaginal opening. He heard her mewl with pleasure, and her loins rose to meet it. Holding the vibrating dildo in place, steadily, he looked down to watch her gyrating hips as she tried to capture it.

"Don't tease me... Harrrry! Shove it in! I want to feel it up inside of me!"

"Okay... on one condition!" he bargained.

"What's that... ?"

"Suck me off!"

"Oh, yessss... darling! You know I'll do it for you... any time!" she agreed.

"I just wanted to make sure you would!"

Then, with a swift jabbing motion, he shoved the dildo deeply into his wife's cuntal passage, as far as it would go. He knew she'd like it that way. She had really learned to turn on... fast, since getting that first vibrator. Hell! It's just a matter of training... or conditioning! He held it deep in her passage, for a moment or two, watching as her cunt lips moved back, as she screwed her hips back and down into the mattress, then nibbled their way back up the vibrating shaft, erotically.

The dildo, vibrating deep in her belly, produced almost instantaneous ecstasy for Vivian. The powerful sensations swept through her like a tidal wave, and she responded to it with a deliciously soaring joy. Her head began to thrash back and forth on the pillow, her jet-black hair becoming entangled, strands of it sweeping across her distorted face.

"Oh, God!" she moaned. "Fuck me with it... now Harry! I'm going... to cum... in just a little while!"

He began to thrust the vibrating surrogate cock in and out of her voracious, heated cunt, simulated the natural motions of a penis. From experience, he knew it really wouldn't be very long until she exploded in orgasm.

It hadn't always been that way for her. He remembered: Hell! A year ago she didn't like to fuck hardly at all! But, she learned! Christ when I used the vibrator on her that first time... and she found out she could pop... any time she wanted... and just keep on popping... if she wanted to... there's been no stopping her! Then, there had been the experiments with swapping... And, since we've been doing the swinging thing... joining up with the club... and all... she can't get enough fucking... and that's just the way I like it!

His wife began to gasp, her breath coming in short, jerky pantings. "Faster! Deeper!" she demanded.

Kneeling above her, then, Harry began to thrust it in and out of her demanding cunt with more force, pushing the mechanical cock into her as far as he could. With his other hand he reached down to the silky black hair of her pubic mound and used a finger, lightly, on the blood-distended shaft of her clitoris, rubbing across it in tempos with the fucking motion in and out of her cuntal passage. As he knelt there, between his wife's lovely legs, manipulating her to orgasm, his lanced-out, hardened cock jerked and throbbed, involuntarily, with the eroticism of his act. He was hot... ready to fuck, but he could wait, he decided. It'll be like heaven... when she gets her mouth to working on me!

Suddenly, she was there! She came convulsively, her body shuddering with delicious rapture, as her release washed over her body. "Harrrrryyyyy! Oh, darling... that's it! I'm CUMMING! I'm CUUUUMMMMMMMIIIIINGGGGG! AAAAaaaaaaauuuuuggghhh! OOOOOOOOOoooooooAAAAaaaaauuuuugggghhhh!"

Her legs splayed to either side, and as Harry watched, he saw her face contort in exquisite agony... then begin to relax into beatific beauty, again, as the euphoria of her rapture overcame her. He pulled the vibrating dildo from her clasping cuntal passage, switched it off and tossed it aside on the bed. Coming down on top of her then, he kissed her lips, tenderly, and held her tight while her quivering body gradually relaxed.

After a few moments, she opened her eyes and mumbled against his mouth, "Oh... that one was nice, darling... but later on... tonight... I want you to fuck me... too!"

"Okay, Doll... ! Anything you say!" He agreed, rolling from on top of her and sprawling out on his back beside her; then he went on to ask, "That remark you made... about pulling a reverse on me... you don't have any ideas about picking up guys, on your own do you?"

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