Kidnapped Couple - Cover

Kidnapped Couple


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - By being kidnapped their eyes were open to new sexual horizons.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Swinging   Gang Bang   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

After spending an hour or more in locating a service station that had a proper set of spark plugs for the truck-camper, followed by yet more wasted time, waiting for the attendant to install them, in between pumping gas and servicing other cars, the afternoon waned, which made Stan and Lois quite late getting to the State Park.

Stan had become irritable and grumpy because of the delays, and as they had continued on to the park, he was more snappish with her. He ate the meal she had prepared for him, in silence, then he decided that the radio had not been working right. As Lois tidied up the camper, washing the dishes and cooking utensils, he had taken the radio out of the truck's dash to fix it.

Now, he was fully absorbed in it, tracing out the circuits and testing various parts. Lois knew that it was one way he had of excluding her. He would be too busy... again...

She hadn't really figured out, yet, what had gone wrong with their marriage. Stan was only thirty years old. He was strong... virile and potent. Sure! He worked hard at a responsible job as shop foreman But, lately, he had been full of excuses... Lois was pretty sure that there wasn't another woman although the idea had crossed her mind. God... it'd just kill me... if I ever found out that Stan was s-sleeping with another woman... making l-love to her...

Then, she'd tried to look at herself, objectively. She was only twenty-two, and she knew she was attractive. Always she did everything she could to enhance her loveliness... so she couldn't be driving him away from her on that score.

They argued. Most of their disputes centered around money... and sex. Wryly, she thought about it; the parody was almost comedic. Five years ago, when they were first married, there was too little money... and too much sex... as far as she was concerned. Now, with Stan's promotion to foreman, the financial problems were no longer acute... but sex... ? Well, it seemed almost as though Stan had lost interest, gradually... until they reached their present state.

That's why she was wearing her tight hot pants. She had bought a couple of pairs, especially for this vacation trip, hoping that showing off her figure to Stan would regenerate some of his former interest. Nothing had happened... yet... at least not with Stan. He had only made some snide remark about not showing her ass like that in public... and to put on something decent.

Yesterday, she remembered she had gotten attention because of her hot pants... but from the wrong man. Ugh! That motorcycle rider... the same one that passed us on the road... and said those awful things to Stan... and made that nasty sign with his hand... He's the same one that was looking at me... and almost undressing me with his eyes! I could almost tell... what he was thinking... ! She flushed, slightly, and glanced over at her husband, nervously. He was totally absorbed in his tinkering with the radio, not paying any attention to her at all.

Finishing up her housekeeping chores, Lois decided she needed some fresh air and an invigorating walk. She put on a light sweater, picked up her purse and told her husband, "I'm going out for a walk... Honey. Would you like to go with me?"

"Huh..." Stan looked up at her, reluctantly, "No... you go ahead... I want to finish up on this..."

She left the camper, knowing that it would be useless to try getting him interested in her... again, tonight... The last time had been the middle of last week! Damn it! She was instantly sorry she bad thought it... but that was really what she felt. If I were some kind of an old hag... I could understand it! I want to be a loving... giving wife... but just because I won't let Stan do some of those... awful, far-out things to me he gets all upset... and won't do anything!... At least, that's what it seems like...

Thoughtfully, she walked along the blacktopped Park road. No one stirred in the semi-darkness. Tents, campers and trailers were curtained or in darkness, and she began to wonder whether or not she might have made a mistake in venturing out.

Suddenly, she stopped dead. A man's voice roared out of the darkness, somewhere over to her right. "TERRY! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER HER... RIGHT NOW!"

From the slope above, the frightened voice of a girl called back, "I'M COMING! I'M COMING!"

The words were shocking. She had no intention of listening to such vulgar people, so she took a few more hesitant steps in the direction she was headed, torn by indecision. Perhaps, she should go back to the camper... but I've only been out here a few minutes. As she walked on, the voices were too low for her to hear, but then the commanding voice of the man came clearly to her again, "ALL RIGHT... GET THOSE GOD DAMNED RAGS OFF! I WANT YOU BARE-ASSED NAKED!"

Now, she knew she didn't want to listen. It must be a man and his wife, she decided... And, he wants to... make love to her! Something like that was too intimate... too personal. I'd die... if I knew somebody were watching... or listening to Stan... and me... !

Lois stopped, turned around and headed back toward their own campsite. The unseen man's voice cracked out, "NOW... give me your belt!

The girl's voice trembled, "P-PLEASE MICKEY... I-I REALLY DIDN'T HEAR... Y-YOU..."


Stopping dead in her tracks, Lois realized that something was going to happen. It sounded like the man was threatening the girl with a beating. Confirmation of her impression came in the next moment.

"OH, NO! GOD NO!" There was fear in the girl's voice.


An involuntary gasp escaped Lois' lips. Oh, God! He is going to beat her... with a belt!

Horrified, she listened, against her will, as the girl pleaded, "P-PLEASE... DON'T... MARK ME... ?"


Then, clearly, in the still, night air, Lois heard the unmistakable crack of leather on bare flesh. She found herself re-coiling with each of the three blows. My God!... ! What can I do?

She thought of running back to tell Stan... try to get him to report it... but there was only a moan from the girl. It must have hurt her... terribly! She didn't leave; instead, she crept closer, her curiosity getting the better of her, and she wondered: What kind of a man... would beat a woman I-like that... and what about the woman who would take it... without crying... ?

The man rasped, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" There was silence for a few moments, during which Lois tried desperately to tear herself away and go back to the camper, but now, she had crept close enough to see the outlines of motorcycles. Oh! No wonder... It's those awful people... from that motorcycle gang! There was a terrible feeling of slashing, unreasonable fear that gripped her belly. Dear God! What if he hears me... e-eavesdropping on them... ? She didn't want to be involved, but the fear of being heard... the possibility of getting caught held her immobile.

"WELL... MAMA... THAT OUGHT TO BE A LESSON TO YOU!" The man's voice had a tone of self-satisfaction in it.

Lois knew that she couldn't sneak away without being heard... at least while the couple were silent, so she waited in self- conscious discomfort for them to start talking, again. Her eyes strained in the darkness, until she was barely able to make out the forms of the man and woman. They were on the ground, lying on a sleeping bag. Then, she saw another figure, bulky in leather jacket, sitting on the table, feet on the attached bench, and whoever it was... was watching the couple on the ground... too! From the bulk, the manner of lounging at ease, Lois decided it must be a man. If she moved, now, made any noise... that unknown watcher would see her, from his vantage point on top of the table. God! Now, she was trapped. She couldn't leave... without being seen or heard!

The man's voice came to her, softer this time,



Lois listened, unwillingly, to the girl, as she mouthed the obscenity, biting back a gasp that came, involuntarily, to her lips. They're going t-to make love... now... ! But... why would she want to do it... with him... after he beat her... like that... ? She couldn't fathom it. Understanding of it was beyond her. She didn't want to stay there and listen... B-But... if I leave now... I might get caught... and... She didn't want that. She was sure of it!

After a few moments silence, she heard the unseen, unknown girl say, "OH, GOD... MICKEY... I'M SO READY... FOR YOU! LET'S FUCK... RIGHT NOW!" So... his name is Mickey? I wonder if he's the leader... the one with the big, black beard... ? She felt the hot flush crawl up her neck to her cheeks, as she remembered: The same one that was practically raping me with his eyes!


The girl spoke, again, after a moment. Her voice was excited... sexy. "OH, MICKEY... MICKEY... I DON'T CARE... WHETHER YOU FUCK IT... OR SUCK IT... BUT P-PLEASE... DO SOMETHING!"

Lois saw them move, and she shrank into the shadow of a bush, beside the road, unconsciously, creeping closer, even as her sensibilities were assaulted by the language she had to listen to, as she stood there in the darkness.

"OH! OOOOH... GOD! MICKEY! DON'T DO THIS... TO ME! DON'T MAKE ME WAIT... !" It was the frantic voice of the girl.

Actually, she couldn't see what they were doing, very clearly, but the girl's next words drew a graphic picture for Lois. There was no mistaking what they were doing!

"OOOOOOOHHH! YEEEEEESSSSSSS! OH, THAT'S IT! SUCK ME! LICK ME... GOOD! OH, IT FEELS... SO GOOOOODDD!" The girl's voice was vibrant... exultant with passion. Oh, God... he's really doing it to her... u-using his mouth... on her... h-her g- genitals... !

Against her will, Lois imagined herself there... on the sleeping bag, her thighs spread, obscenely, while that man's tongue licked at her most secret being... and she was suddenly aware of an all-pervading warmth in her loins... and a moistness between her legs that she knew and recognized as sexual arousal. She couldn't believe that it was happening to her. How could... listening to this vulgar filth... m-make me feel this way? Ugh it's nasty... and vile! How could she like it... so much... ?

... Then, in the stillness of the dark night, Lois heard obscene sucking sounds. She was sickened... at the same time as the smoldering fire in her own pussy began to burst into an open, naked flame.

"OOOOOOHHH... MY GOD!" the girl's voice trembled.

Lois trembled with her, as intense, erotic sensations scorched her belly. Oh, no! It can't be! I can't let myself get all worked up... over something like this! She had to leave, now... before it was too late!

The man sitting on the concrete table top shifted his position, and his head turned in her direction. Oh, God... don't let him see me... here! She tried to make herself invisible, shrinking further into the shadows. The head swiveled back to watch, again, and she heaved a sigh of relief.

Now, the girl, on her back, on the sleeping bag was pleading with the man she called Mickey, "MICKEY... ! OH, MICKEY... USE YOUP BIG COCK... NOW! FUCK ME... IN MY CUNT WITH YOUR HARD COCK... ! PLEASE OH, PLEASE... ! I'VE GOT TO HAVE YOUR COCK... INSIDE ME... FUCKING ME! TEAR ME APART WITH IT! OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!"




Again, straining her eyes in the darkness, Lois, who had been an unwilling witness, before, became absorbed in the couple's sexual congress. Never would she have admitted--even to herself-- that she was engaging in voyeurism... but she had to see, now! She saw the dim outline of the man's buttocks, as they were raised, then lowered, swiftly, to drive his hardened cock into the girl's vagina. She had to bite back a gasp of her own, as she heard the girl's moan of pleasure, "OOOOOOOHHH... DARLING!"

The man's next words shocked her. She had always associated- -or equated--love with sex. The girl's darling had seemed so natural. Lois knew that she would have said the same thing, but Mickey evidently thought otherwise, as he barked, "CUT OUT THE DARLING CRAP... RIGHT NOW! THIS'S JUST PLAIN FUCKING... FOR THE HELL OF IT... UNDERSTAND!?"

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