Four-Way Bride - Cover

Four-Way Bride


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - When she married him, she never thought she was marrying his whole family. But it was something that will keep her happy ever after.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

After saying good night to her husband, Millie went to her own room and immediately to bed. With her guilt eased and her body pleasantly relaxed after her soft but satisfying climax with Danny, the young bride had no trouble falling asleep.

It seemed only minutes later, though actually it was about two hours, when she was jarred awake. Arms were around her, and a hard column was thrusting against her belly.

"Cal!" she exclaimed, staring directly into his face in the dimness. "Get out of here! You have no right--"

His thick lips sealed her mouth, preventing further protests. Millie's brain reeled as his aggressive tongue stirred her mouth while his hand palmed the shivery mounds of her bottom.

It's starting all over again! she thought with alarm. No, I can't let it!

But the old problem remained: If she were to resist, there would be a fuss and Danny would surely find out. Also there was the more subtle but equally troubling problem of her own sensual responses. Cal's kiss and touch were already stirring her up.

What's wrong with me? Millie wondered desperately. A man only has to touch me, and I'm ready to fuck or suck! That isn't normal. I must be a fiend!

But her self-remonstration didn't change the way she felt. The feeling grew stronger as Cal's lascivious kiss and impudent petting continued. Soon Millie's loins were on fire, and she had to have the only treatment that could extinguish the flames--a cock, properly applied, between her legs. After two consecutive orgasms without having her pussy pierced, the passionate young woman desperately needed to be fucked.

"Come on and stick it in me!" she panted as she broke away from Cal's kiss and grasped his horny prick.

"Suck it a little first... just a little," he begged, his labored breathing revealing an excitement at least as strong as hers.

"I want you to fuck me this time," Millie said, dropping all pretense of reluctance.

"I'll fuck you, don't worry! That's why I came here. But put your sweet lips around it, baby. Just for a second."

Millie slid toward the foot of the bed and tilted Cal's pecker. She bowed, her golden hair showering across his belly, then seized his meaty prickhead in her mouth. She nibbled on the rubbery glans, sucking and swallowing. She played with Cal's nuts.

"Baby... yeah!" He tousled her silken hair. "God, you do that good! Oh shit, I love it!"

Millie loved it, too. But she wanted to do more than suck him. She had to have his rod inside her.

After several slurping, gliding plunges of her encircling lips on his firm prick, she raised her head. She threw a leg across him and mounted up, aiming his sturdy lance into the aching hole amid her blonde pubes. She dropped until she was sitting on Cal's balls and his hard cock was sticking all the way up inside her.

"Jesus, you're tight!" he exclaimed. "What a pussy!"

"Shut up and fuck!" Millie demanded, realizing that she sounded like the worst kind of tramp, but not caring any more.

She began to twist her hips and bob up and down on Cal's upthrust prong. He joined the salacious rhythm, bumping into her snug, slippery sheath each time she lowered her crotch.

Millie and Danny had screwed this way a couple of times during their honeymoon, just for variety, but he had preferred to be on top. Millie rather liked to top-ride, because it let her control the pace of the copulation.

Cal gazed at her big tits bobbing in the moonlight, then grasped them and kneaded the full, firm mounds like baker's dough as Millie posted on the saddle of his loins. His thick cock voluptuously stretched the tissue of her pussy as it rammed up and down, in and out. When she rotated her channel around him, the stretching was even more luscious.

As the excitement mounted, Millie fell forward onto her arms, thereby bringing her hot clit into firmer contact with Cal's stroking shaft. She gasped and writhed, shaking her head and wobbling her large tits in his grasping, milking hands.

Neither of them noticed the opening of the door and the arrival of a third person in the room. Pete stared at the moonlit spectacle on the bed, and jealousy assailed him. Where did Cal get off, taking over his territory this way? He had let Cal have her on the prairie because it had been necessary, but that didn't mean he was going to give his younger brother free rein.

"What the hell's going on?" he barked, not realizing how stupid the question sounded.

Millie stopped screwing and stared at Pete, her mouth falling open.

"Aw shit, what're you horning in for?" Cal growled.

"You're the one who's horning in," Pete said angrily, "and I don't like it."

"Why don't you ask Millie how she feels about it?" Cal suggested, breathing hard. "I know how she feels. Her cunt is grabbing onto me like crazy!"

"Shut up, both of you!" Millie whispered urgently. "Do you want Danny to hear?"

As it happened, however, Danny wasn't the one they had to worry about. He was soundly asleep. The boys' father, plagued by insomnia because of his problems with the ranch, had heard footsteps in the hall for the second time within the span of a few minutes. The footsteps had moved in the same direction each time and therefore could not have been made by the same person leaving his room and returning. Gus concluded that both his elder sons were up and about.

He immediately thought about Millie. From the time she had arrived at the ranch, Gus had noticed both Pete and Cal eyeing her. And during the last couple of days she had seemed nervous, as if reluctant to look either him or his sons in the eye. When he had asked her if everything was all right, she had assured him it was, but he had been unconvinced. With Danny flat on his back, his beautiful young bride offered a powerful temptation to a couple of horny bucks like Pete and Cal. Gus understood, because his own loins had responded to Millie's plump, writhing ass and erect, quivering tits.

The old rancher got out of bed and put on his robe. Moving quietly, he left his room and walked down the hall to the room Millie was occupying. Standing close to the door, he listened.

"... don't you ask Millie how she feels about it?" Cal was saying. "I know how she feels. Her cunt is grabbing onto me like crazy!"

Gus stiffened, his leathery face turning red with rage. Cal obviously had gotten to Millie, and it sounded as if Pete was trying to horn in. Gus could hear Millie's voice, but it was pitched softly and he couldn't make out what she said.

Considering only that he should put a stop to the outrageous adultery, for Danny's sake, Gus opened the door and entered Millie's bedroom.

The eighteen-year-old blonde had resumed actively screwing Cal, even though Pete was standing next to the bed and staring at them. All three were oblivious to Gus's entry into the room.

The furious intensity of Millie's grinding atop Cal, her white back undulating in the moonlight and her buttocks bobbing up and down, struck Gus motionless. It was clear that Danny's bride wasn't being forced; she was the aggressor in the powerfully erotic scene. Gus felt heat surge into his loins. His old pecker, which rarely saw sexual action any more, stretched out against his bulky robe.

Pete also was hard with excitement as the young fuckers on the bed strove to a heaving, quivering finale. Millie's passionate wail mingled with Cal's lusty groan as he spurted his warm cream deep into her belly. They sighed in unison, and Millie fell motionless atop him.

When Gus finally found his voice, he barked in a rasping whisper, "Cal! Pete! Get outa here!"

Millie gasped. She rolled off Cal and desperately tried to cover herself with the bedclothes. But by that time Gus had seen all of her, including the hair-fringed, gaping hole where Cal's cock had been.

As Cal scrambled off the bed, sweeping his robe from a nearby chair, Pete faced his father defiantly.

"What's the idea of breaking in here?" the elder son demanded.

"Keep your voice down!" Gus snapped. "What's the idea of you being here in the first place?"

"That's Millie's business, not yours."

"Come on, Pete!" Cal urged, struggling into his robe. "For cripe's sake!"

Gus whirled on his younger son. "You're the worst! You bedded your brother's wife."

"Pete screwed her before I did," Cal hissed.

"Is that true?" Gus asked Millie. His eyes condemned her.

The thoroughly shamed young woman wished that she could die. "Yes... yes, it's true!" She buried her face in her hands.

Pete reluctantly--turned toward the door, following his embarrassed brother.

"Wait!" Gus whispered urgently. His sons faced him. "Not one word of this to Danny, understand? And both of you leave Millie alone from now on."

"Yeah, Pop," Cal said, eyes downcast.

Pete was silent. He left the room behind his brother.

Gus turned toward Millie who lay crumpled on the bed, sobbing gently. The bedclothes covered her bottom, but her white, graceful back gleamed enticingly in the moonlight.

Gus's erection had lapsed. However, he remained uncomfortably aroused. "Why'd you do it?" he asked tensely.

Millie raised her head and looked at him. "Oh, Gus, I'm so sorry! They were after me and... Oh, I miss Danny so!" Again she pressed her face against the bed and sobbed.

The middle-aged man felt compassion toward her. Danny had told him she was a virgin on their wedding night, which meant she had been a good girl until Pete and Cal had led her astray. It was a cruel twist of fate which had caused Danny to be injured right after instilling her with a need for sex.

Recalling how passionately she was screwing Cal, Gus wondered how he would be able to keep her away from his able-bodied sons until Danny recovered. If he didn't figure out a way, Gus felt, the family would be torn apart.

The solution suddenly occurred to him. At first he was unwilling to accept it, but common sense as well as the heat in his loins argued in its favor. Danny wouldn't be capable of understanding, Gus realized. But Danny wasn't going to find out, if he could help it.

Gus approached the bed and placed his hand gently against Millie's back. She stopped crying and looked up at him.

"Don't blame yourself," he said, his tone surprisingly tender. "I reckon you couldn't help giving in to Pete and Cal."

"Do you really mean that? Oh, Gus!" Grateful for his understanding, Millie wanted to throw herself into his arms. But she restrained the impulse just in time, realizing she was nude beneath the sheet which she held around her.

The white-haired man smiled at Millie in the dim light. There was warmth in his crinkly blue eyes. "I'm gonna help you stay away from Pete and Cal. You want to do that, don't you?"

"Yes!" Millie eagerly replied. "Danny's the only one I love."

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