Four-Way Bride - Cover

Four-Way Bride


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - When she married him, she never thought she was marrying his whole family. But it was something that will keep her happy ever after.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Well, hi there!" Cal said with a grin as he swaggered up to the flashy car which had stopped in front of the ranch house.

The driver and sole occupant was a young woman with bright auburn hair done in a fancy coiffure. She wore dark glasses. Her pink lips glistened.

When Cal reached the side of the car, his gaze dipped into the luscious white cleavage revealed by her low cut blouse.

"Is this the Hinshaw place?" the girl inquired, her voice carefully modulated to achieve a sexy effect.

The small hairs on Cal's neck prickled. "That's right." He kept grinning. "Who'd you want to see?"

She removed her glasses. Her eyes were a limpid aquamarine. "You're not Pete Hinshaw, are you?" Her lips curved invitingly.

"No, I ain't. That's my brother." Cal was visually caressing the lissome lengths of the girl's sleekly stockinged legs. The hem of her miniskirt was almost lap-high.

"Is he around?" the redhead asked.

"Yeah. He's out at the barn, most likely."

"I wonder if you'd be good enough to call him."

"Sure. Uh, who shall I say wants him?"

"My name's Viv Lanier. I'm from Reno."

"Sure. Well, just a minute, Miss Lanier." Cal flashed another smile. "Don't go away now."

She laughed throatily and turned off the car's engine.

Cal hurried to the barn. He found Pete throwing hay down from the mow.

"Where the fuck have you been?" the older brother snapped. "Do you expect me to do every God damned thing around this place?"

"Keep your pants on. There's somebody out here to see you."


"A babe!" Cal's eyes glinted. "Man, wait until you get a look at her."

"Who is she?" Pete started down the ladder.

"Her name's Viv Lanier. She said she's from Reno, that's all."

Reaching the ground floor of the barn, Pete faced his brother. "And she asked for me?"


Pete headed out of the barn. Cal started to accompany him.

Pete stopped. "I'm the one she asked for. Knock down some more of that hay, why don't you?"

"Aw, for Christ's sake!" Cal grumbled, but he turned to the task.

As Pete approached the car he saw the reason for Cal's excitement.

"Pete Hinshaw?" the girl asked.

"Yeah." He squinted at her.

"Oh, this is going to be fun!" She smiled enticingly. "I'm a free lance writer, Mr. Hinshaw. Uh, can I call you Pete?"

"Sure." His dark eyes stroked the tops of her thrusting tits.

"Call me Viv... please. I made some inquiries around here and they told me you were the man to see about running a cattle ranch. I mean, I don't want to run one." She laughed softly. "I just want to write about it. I need some background information."

"Well, this place ain't mine. It belongs to my dad."

"But you sort of run it for him, don't you?" Her eyes were very wide and earnest.

"You might say that," Pete responded proudly, permitting himself a slight smile.

"Then you're just the man I want!" His hand was resting on the window ledge of the car, and Viv placed her hand atop it. "Where can we talk?"

Her warm, gentle touch sent a thrill racing through Pete's body. He feared for a moment that his cock might get hard.

"Well, uh, wherever you like, Miss... I mean, Viv. Uh, in the house?"

"You were working out in the barn just now, weren't you?"


"Then let's go there. I want to see what you were doing, and you can explain it to me. All right?"

"Well, sure... if you want me to."

He backed up, and Viv opened the car door. He watched her swing her legs around, catching a quick flash of her white panty crotch before she pressed her legs together and stood.

Viv remained close beside him as they walked to the barn. He was very conscious of her warmth. It seemed amazing that she had suddenly appeared from nowhere, asking for him. Her explanation was improbable, but Pete wasn't about to question it. She was there, and he wished to enjoy her presence.

"What a beautiful big barn!" Viv said. "What all do you keep in it?"

"Hay and special feeds... and other stuff. We keep the horses in a stable that connects to it."

"Why do you call the place Stallion Ranch?" Viv smiled up at him as they walked along.

"That was the name when my father took over. There used to be a lot of wild horses around here. The people who homesteaded this place made a living catching and breaking them."

"How interesting!"

"We still pick up a wild bronc every once in a while. My kid brother was trying to break one yesterday. He got throwed and busted his hip."

Viv seemed concerned. "Oh, is he all right?"

"He will be. He's flat on his back right now."

They had reached the door of the barn, and Pete stepped aside to let Viv enter first. He watched her cute buttocks undulate in her short, clinging skirt.

From the mow, Cal saw them enter. Curious, he put his pitchfork aside and descended the ladder.

"Well, there ain't nothing much to see in here," Pete said quickly. "Why don't we go into the stable?"

Viv glanced from Pete to Cal, who was approaching with a big grin on his face.

"Better keep knocking down that hay," Pete said.

"Aw, there's enough down here now," Cal replied. "What can we do for you, Miss Lanier?"

"I explained to Pete that I'm a writer looking for some background information about cattle ranching."

"This here's my kid brother Cal," Pete said reluctantly.

"Yes, I met Cal a little while ago." The redhead smiled at him warmly. "Call me Viv."

Cal took her arm. "Well, I'd be glad to show you around the place, Viv. Pete's going to be pretty busy."

"No, I ain't!" the older brother flared.

"Remember you was telling me you'd have to check the stock vaccination records? The vet's coming out in the morning, and you're the only one who can read your chicken scratches on them cards." Cal grinned mischievously. "Anyhow, Millie's apt to get jealous if she sees you with another gal."

"Who's Millie?" Viv asked.

"Nobody!" Pete snapped. His expression turned vicious. "She ain't nobody. Butt out, Cal!"

"I don't want to cause any problems, Pete," the redhead said. "I imagine Cal can show me what I want to see."

The husky young man tossed Pete a triumphant look as Viv let him lead her away. Pete glared.

"I didn't realize Pete had a girl friend living here at the ranch," Viv said to Cal when they were out of his brother's hearing.

Her concern about competition struck Cal as peculiar. He had mentioned Millie only to embarrass Pete. But since it seemed to matter to Viv, the younger man decided to use Millie to maximum advantage.

"Yeah, Pete's pretty sweet on Millie," he replied.

"You probably have almost as much to say about running the ranch as he does, don't you? I mean, even though he's older?"

"Oh, sure. I can tell you everything you need to know. I can show you a few things, too." Grinning suggestively, he gave Viv's arm a squeeze.

"That sounds interesting," she purred, letting her hip brush against him.

This is my lucky day! Cal thought. Pete can have cold-pants Millie. I'm going to get me something even better!

"Wow!" Viv murmured enthusiastically as her hand boldly stroked the front of Cal's snug jeans.

They had just toured the stable and walked around to the far side of it where there was a pile of clean straw. The location was secluded--out of sight from the house and from the work area at the other side of the barn. Viv had suggested that they sit down in order to "talk more comfortably." Relaxing in the soft straw, the exciting young woman had purposely leaned against Cal. Not one to let such an opportunity slip by, Cal had embraced and kissed her. His cock had hardened, and she had felt it pressing against her thigh.

With her soft, delicate hand stroking his eager member through his pants, Cal was fired into action. He pressed the beautiful redhead onto her back in the straw and began running his hands over her body.

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