Four-Way Bride - Cover

Four-Way Bride


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - When she married him, she never thought she was marrying his whole family. But it was something that will keep her happy ever after.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Millie awoke to the feel of a hard cock pumping in her vagina.

She blinked up at Cal's fleshy, smiling face. He was propped on straight arms, his light hair falling over his forehead as he rammed his sturdy dick in her palpitating pussy.

"You shouldn't... be here!" Millie panted. "You shit-- Wow! Oh, baby, that feels so--"

She was off again, writhing and bumping as her hot cunt milked at Cal's penetrating pecker. They came together, her wet pussy gobbling at the base of his shaft. Millie shook all over, and Cal ground his moist mouth onto one of her vibrating tits, licking and tugging at her nipple as he squirted the last drops from his balls.

"Baby, I'm crazy about you!" he breathed heatedly against her ear after their combined orgasm had finally tapered off.

"I thought... you were in love with Viv," Millie said, not really caring, but wondering at his sudden about-face.

"She's nothin' compared to you!" Cal said. "You're terrific, baby! I never was in such a hot, grabby cunt!"

Millie began pushing him away. "Don't say things like that! I'm married to Danny, and he's the man I love."

"But I can at least share you until he's up and around, can't I?" Cal asked earnestly as he looked down at her pretty face.

"No! You heard what your father said last night."

"Damn it, he don't need to know! I was real quiet coming in here."

"Cal!" Millie exclaimed, wanting to tell him his desire for her was hopeless, but not having the strength to do so after he had given her such a glorious release. Gus's solution hadn't worked out as he had thought it would.

Cal felt he had solved all his problems, at least for the next month or so. He got ready to drive into town, determined to tell Viv good-bye. He hadn't really wanted to give up his interest in the ranch, anyway, and now he didn't have to.

He even dared to hope that after Danny had recovered, he and his younger brother could somehow share Millie's favors. He had read a book about such things, and he didn't see why an arrangement like that wouldn't be possible for Danny, Millie and him.

He called on Viv at the small hotel in Kenyon where she was staying. The pretty redhead was surprised and apparently not too pleased when she opened the door of her room and saw Cal standing there.

"Honey, our date wasn't until tonight," she said with a frown.

Cal didn't smile. "Yeah. Well, that's what I came to talk about."

Viv backed up and let him into the room. She closed the door.

"I've been thinking things over," Cal began. "I'm afraid things ain't gonna work out for us."

Viv stood quietly, watching him and saying nothing.

"I like you a lot," Cal added. "But... well, I want to stay on at the ranch."

Viv moved forward and slid gracefully against him. He felt her firmly thrusting tits and the teasing curve of her belly.

"I know how it is to break away," she said gently. "But you're going to have to do it some time. And what we've got isn't going to happen again, for either one of us."

"Yeah, honey, but..."

Viv's moist, enticing lips brushed his, then caught hold, and her tongue slithered into his mouth. Though he had been with Millie just a few hours before, Cal responded.

He tried to push Viv away, but she was determined, wriggling her lithe, slender body against his bulky form. Her questing kiss warmed him to the tips of his toes.

"There now," Viv finally said as she backed up, smiling proudly. "You can't tell me good-bye after that, I'll bet."

Cal was surprised by her attitude. He had expected her to be all broken up by his announcement that they were through. She hadn't been. Still, she was working to hold onto him. The whole thing seemed cool and calculating, somehow.

"I... I still can't go away with you," Cal insisted.

Viv's blue-green eyes narrowed. The young cowboy thought for a moment that she was going to lash out at him angrily. He almost hoped she would. That would make it easier for him to turn around and leave.

But Viv did something that shocked and thrilled him. Dropping to her knees on the carpet, she immediately unzipped his fly.

"Hey, what're you--"

That was all Cal could say before the aggressive young woman drew his growing but still-supple penis out of his pants. She looked at the rosy head as she held the organ around its base, the knob hanging in mid-air. Then she bent and planted a moist, tingling kiss on the tip of his peter.

A thrill went through Cal, and his cock started to stiffen out. Viv smiled up at him.

"It likes that," she said. "How do you suppose it would like it if I..."

She capped her mouth over the ballooning head of the organ which now stood stiffly out from the front of Cal's jeans.

"Wow!" he exclaimed, and his hands lit in Viv's hair.

She sucked his cock with long, looping lunges, the glans skidding along her tongue and into the opening of her throat as her lips gobbled along the spit-slick shaft. Thrills rocketed upward in Cal's body, making his head light.

Suddenly Viv stopped sucking him and let his horny pecker snap upright. She rose to her feet, smiling foxily.

"Now why don't we get into bed and fuck?" the glamorous young woman suggested.

Cal had to struggle to adhere to his purpose. But his mind had been firmly made up, and he had the Hinshaw toughness.

"Naw," he said, shaking his head and backing up. "I've got to go." His cock wilted.

At this point he fully expected Viv to curse him. But her eyes merely glinted with new determination. She dropped to her knees in front of him again.

Scooping one hand into his clothes and bringing out his soft, hairy balls, she used the other to stuff nearly his entire penis into her mouth. Her wild tongue lashed the flaccid but meaty organ as she sucked urgently at its base, her nose rubbing against the coarse fabric of his jeans.

Cal released a voluptuous groan, and his cock became pipe- like once more, forcing Viv to back up. She tugged at his tensing nuts and rolled them as she licked and sucked at the knob of his penis.

Though he clung to his decision to tell Viv good-bye, he knew he wouldn't be able to leave her until she had brought him off. He began to rock on the balls of his feet, fucking his stiff dick in and out of the girl's pink, moist lips.

Viv tried to withdraw as before, thinking that now she could get him to agree to go to bed with her. But Cal clutched her curly head and held her in place. He kept stroking his iron-hard penis forward and back, in and out of her mouth.

Viv was dismayed. The last thing in the world that she wanted was to suck this dirty cowboy to a climax. But she seemed to have no choice. His big dick was sticking into her face, pumping like crazy, and he had such a firm grip on her head that she couldn't get away.

Her efforts to resist had stimulated Cal all the more, and he was only a few strokes away from a climax. Fucking Viv's mouth even faster, he strove for the beckoning prize. His balls swung, slapping the girl's chin as he rhythmically rammed his pecker into her throat.

Viv gagged and gurgled, desperately trying to keep from vomiting. Her eyes watered. Suddenly Cal gave a lusty groan, and the cream bubbled up from his balls to stream hotly down the tube of his cock. The thick slime splashed into Viv's throat.

Horrified, she tried to keep from swallowing the nasty stuff, but couldn't. One gulp went down. Cal, however, let go of her head in his excitement, and she was able to back up. She took his next spurt on her tongue. Closing her throat, Viv held the bland- tasting, musky semen in her mouth. Cal spurted again, filling her mouth even fuller of the stuff.

Finally she was able to back up sufficiently to dislodge Cal's prick. It swayed away, dripping the last of his charge. Semen drooled over Viv's pink lip and down her chin.

She struggled to her feet and rushed into the bathroom. Cal stood with a strangely bemused expression and listened to her spitting furiously into the john.

By the time she returned to the bedroom, his penis was restored to his pants and his fly was closed.

"That, uh, wasn't very nice," Viv scolded mildly. Then she forced a smile. "But I'll forgive you, darling... this time."

"Sorry, if you didn't like it," Cal said, turning toward the door. "I was trying to leave before, but you wouldn't let me."

"You mean, you're still going to walk out? After that?"

"I've got to," Cal said, opening the door. "Sorry to hurt your feelings, but..."

"Why you miserable creep!" Viv exclaimed.

At last Cal had drawn from her the explosive response which made him feel better about telling her good-bye. He grinned and stepped into the hall.

"Prick!" she screamed after him.

An elderly maiden lady, just entering the hotel's small, unattended lobby, stopped in horror. Cal tipped his hat as he edged around her and left the building. Viv slammed the door of her room.

"Well, I never!" the old maid exclaimed. She marched to, the hotel desk and began beating on the bell to summon the manager.

It was mid-afternoon at the ranch when Pete looked up from the work he was doing near the barn and caught a glint of sunlight off an approaching car. He recognized the sporty machine as that of Cal's girl friend.

Since his younger brother was out on the range rounding up some strays, Pete put down the harness he had been mending and ambled over to the open area next to the house where he waited to greet the visitor.

Viv brought her car to a stop and smiled at him. "You're just the man I want to see!" she cheerfully announced, swinging the car's door open.

Pete ogled her lovely legs as she brought them around. Again she was wearing a miniskirt that was so short it revealed a flash of panty crotch-pink today. Pete's penis stirred.

"How come you want to see me?" the lanky young man inquired. "I thought you and Cal was..."

"Cal's very immature, I'm afraid," Viv said. "I've always liked... older men, anyway." Her hands lit on the buttons of Pete's work shirt. She toyed with them while smiling up at him.

Considering that Cal had taken Viv away from him at the beginning, then had muscled in on Millie, the elder brother would have been happy to beat Cal's time, if it were a question of that. However, Viv's pitch was just a little too blatant.

He had been suspicious of her from the start, but he hadn't been able to figure out her game.

"Ain't you got enough facts yet for that story you're writing?" Pete inquired coolly.

Viv took her hands away from him. "Well, not quite." She looked around uneasily. "Where's Cal, anyway?"

"Out on the range. He won't be back till supper time."

Viv smiled. "Oh, that's good!" She took Pete's arm and turned him around. "Let's you and I walk over to that big old haystack next to the stable."

Pete went with her, though his mind churned with suspicious resentment. Where did she get off anyway, he wondered, wiggling her butt around there, first making a play for Cal and then for him? What did she think he was--some simple boob who would be so grateful for the chance to screw her that he wouldn't ask any questions?

When they reached the large pile of straw where Pete had watched her surrender to Cal the other day, she drew him down beside her.

"Now, isn't this nice?" she purred, practically flashing a sign that read Kiss me!

"You sure you're a writer?" Pete stuck a straw into his mouth.

Viv blinked. "Why, yes. I told you that the first day I was here."

"What kind of a story are you writing? Maybe I'll want to read it some time."

"Do you read much?" Viv asked, chuckling. Her eyes seemed to mock him.

"Quite a bit," Pete replied evenly. "The nights around a ranch are pretty dull."

"Your nights don't have to be dull from now I on," the red- haired girl said boldly, placing her hand on the warm, tightly packed crotch of Pete's jeans.

He sprang at her, pushing her onto her back in the straw. "What the hell's your problem, baby? Are your pants so damned hot you've got to throw yourself at every man you see?"

"Pete!" she exclaimed, breathing hard as she stared up at him in surprise. "What an awful thing to say!"

"That's how it looks to me. First you go after Cal and let him screw you fifteen minutes after you meet, and now you're onto me. Why us, baby? Ain't there any hot cocks in Reno?"

Viv was speechless. She decided she had underestimated Pete, and perhaps Cal, also.

The lanky man slowly released her and leaned back. "You're a damned good-looking babe and--don't get me wrong--I wouldn't mind playing with you. But the whole thing seems kind of funny."

"All right." Viv sat up. "Cal and I had a fight. I wanted to hurt him, and I thought the best way to do that would be to have an affair with you." She suddenly smiled. "But I like you, anyway. I did from the first. It was only after Cal mentioned that you had a girl friend that I even looked at him."

"What girl?"

"Millie, I think Cal said her name was. You remember him telling me."

"Millie's my kid brother's wife."

"Oh." Viv's pink lips pursed.

"That still don't answer the question of why a gal like you is so easy to make. Baby, you're no dog. If you was, maybe I could understand."

"Okay, forget it." Viv stood and brushed the straw off her. "You've made me feel cheap, and I don't care for that."

"Another thing," Pete said thoughtfully as he remained seated, sucking on the piece of straw. "Why was you so hot to take Cal away from here?"

"I'm not going to answer a lot of stupid questions."

Viv turned and started to leave. Pete leaped off the straw pile, caught her by an arm, and spun her around. She gasped and stared at him.

"Who sent you to see us?" Pete asked, getting a sudden brainstorm. "Was it Trevor Reed?"

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