Tonya Harding, Slave-Girl! - Cover

Tonya Harding, Slave-Girl!

Copyright© 1999 by Your Friendly Author

Chapter 17

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Celebrity   MaleDom   Spanking  

Tonya walked, naked, through a dark forest; the trees were too thick for her to see anything above, but she knew it was the middle of the night. Somehow, she was able to make her way through, but she had no idea where she was going, or where she'd come from; she also had the distinct feeling she was being watched...

She knew she needed to find something here in the forest, but what? Aside from the way out, she didn't have a clue what she was looking for, so she didn't know how she'd be able to find it.

Tonya froze; something cold had brushed up against her foot! She gasped as she realized that a snake was slithering across her foot, slowly starting to move up her leg! Instantly, her skin was covered with goose bumps, and Tonya stood helplessly, hoping that the snake would crawl somewhere, anywhere else...

"Are you ssssssscared of me, Tonya?", the snake asked, in a hissing voice that caused Tonya to jerk in astonishment.

"You... you can TALK!!!"

"Yessssss, Tonya," the snake hissed, "It becomes... necessary, sometimes..."

"Where am I? And who are YOU?"

"You're in the foressssssst, Tonya," the snake hissed again, as it slithered up her body, looking her straight in the eye, "And asssssss for me, I'm just a sssssssnake..."

"Why are YOU here? And why am I here?"

"How exssssisssstential, Tonya! Sssssso many quesssstionsssss, my sssssssweet!", it continued, hissing, "And I sssssupposssse that you want ME to anssssswer thosssse quesssstionsssss for you, issss that right?"


"What sssshall you offer me for my ssssservisssessss?"

"I...", Tonya hesitated, "I don't really... have anything that I can give you... I... I'm sorry..."

"I'm sssso ssssorry, too, my ssssweet," the snake replied, sadly, "But it sssseemmssss that you sssshall wander aimlessssssssly through the foresssst, ssssanssss my assssisssstansssse..."

The serpent slithered off Tonya's body, slowly slinking away as Tonya fell to her knees, pleading.

"NO!" Tonya begged, "Please don't leave me here alone!"

"Very well, my ssssweet," it hissed, with a sense of victory, "Ssssimply sssstep between thosssse two treessss, and I sssshall reconssssider..."

Tonya stepped in between two trees which stood about 3 feet away from each other, looking at the snake, quizzically.

"Now, plassssse your feet on the rootssss of the treessss, and plasssse the palmssss of your handssss assss high up on the trunksss of the treessss assss you can..."

Tonya spread her legs apart, placing one on each tree's roots, then she reached up as high as she could, and placed her hands on the trunks, palms down. The moment she was finished, she felt her hands and feet being grabbed! She tried to pull away, but the trees had suddenly grown to cover the girl's extremities; she was totally immobilized!


"LET ME GO!!!!" Tonya yelled!

"Don't ssssell yoursssself sssshort, my sssweet," her hissing companion retorted, "There isss but ONE thing you might ssshare with me, and you sssshall do sssso..."

"Ohmigod, NO!!" Tonya screamed, realizing what the slimy snake was planning for her, "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!"

The slithering serpent spiraled around Tonya's left leg as she tried in vain to shake it off; her bondage permitted her too little movement to do any good! Slowly, it made its way up her body, giving her a piercing glare, then clamping its mouth to hers, and giving her an open-mouthed kiss, letting its tongue flick against the back of her throat! It pulled back, and Tonya looked at it, white with fear!

"I sssshall not harm you, my ssssweet," the snake spoke, "Your body sssshall ssssimply be the ssssource of my pleassssure..."

Tears came to Tonya's eyes as the snake's tiny forked tongue started to lick her face; the flickering tongue didn't feel too bad, but the awareness of what lay in store for her filled the ex-skater with horror! She was totally helpless, and about to be raped by a snake!

The serpentine body writhed and slithered its way down Tonya's body, leaving wet trails of snake slime in its wake; the flickering tongue darted out frequently, leaving no part of her body untouched! She felt the tongue on her arms, her torso, her legs, her back, and then, her breasts!

The snake clamped its mouth on Tonya's left nipple, but didn't sink its fangs in; it merely started sucking and flicking its tongue against the captive nipple. Tonya started feeling horny, in spite of her revulsion; a soft moan escaped, not un-noticed by the snake, who said nothing...

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