Terri's Dilemma - Cover

Terri's Dilemma

by Observer

Copyright© 1999 by Observer

Erotica Sex Story:

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   .

I don't like to be slapped.

Reacting instinctively, I grabbed the hand that slapped me and forced its owner down across my lap. I gave Terri ten fast solid hits with the palm of my hand across her tender behind. Then I stood, yanking her around by the arm to face me.

"Are you crazy? What possessed you to slap me? Have you gone nuts? Get your young ass out to the car. I'm taking you home right now, or you can damn well walk there."

With a sob, tears flowing from her eyes, Terri fled outside. I turned to my sister, blood in my eye. "What the hell was that all about?"

Furious, but unwilling to look at me, Jan said, "You shouldn't have hit her."

"I didn't hit her, I spanked her, big difference. Now I want to know what the hell *you* had to do with Terri slapping me. Then I'll deal with her."

I glared at my sister for a long minute, cold on the outside, raging on the inside. Janice just stood there. Evasive, unwilling to speak, she was obviously a part of what had happened, but was unwilling to talk about it. Seeing that nothing was to be gained by glaring, I went outside to see if Terri was sitting or walking.

The stupid bitch was sitting in the car. And crying, which she tried to stop when I came in sight.

As I got behind the wheel, I said coldly, "OK Terri, I have no idea what that was all about, and frankly I don't care. Slapping me was stupid." More tears trickled down her face. What a faucet.

Starting the car and pulling out of the driveway, I continued to vent. "You got your young ass spanked because you slapped me. I reacted. It's as simple as that."

Driving down the road, I kept scolding her in the coldest voice I could produce.

"I have given you no reason at all to slap me...

"You must have lost your mind to do such a stupid thing, or left your brains at home. Which is where you're gonna be as soon as I can get you there."

Terri just sat there curled up in the seat, puffy faced with a blank look, tears continuing to flow down her cheeks. Each sentence I spat at her caused a little jerk of her body. I had been getting sick and tired of this cunt, and she had finally given me an excuse to dump her.

I needed an excuse, any excuse.

The bitch was one of my sister's best friends, and a very good friend of many of my running buddies's girlfriends and fiancees, including Laura, my long time running buddy Mike's fiancee. Mike lived next door to my parents, and we had been friends since boyhood.

Terri's nominal boy friend, Jerry, was in the Army. Jan and Laura both thought Terri needed company. We were all part of a social circle that had existed since high school and even before.

Got all that? Let's just say I was dating the bitch because of family. Everybody who knew me understood what I was doing.

The only regret I had was the wasted time. I had been playing 'Mr. Nice Guy' with Terri for the reasons given. Between school and work, there was little time in my life for bullshit. I was stresssed out, horny, and frustrated by a dead end relationship, and Terri had ignited a powder keg of emotion within me.

Well, anyway, Terri would be history, just as soon as I could get her home.

She got out of the car without a word and ran inside her house as I peeled off from her driveway.

Laura and Jan gave me hell, my mother gave me hell, my stepfather laughed - until my mother gave him a dirty look - and various of my friends either asked me if I had lost my mind or wanted to congratulate me.

Throughout, I maintained a stony silence, except when I was talking to Jan. My oldest sister's a lady. Sweet, even tempered, Jan always played it straight with no stupid bitch tricks. She finally confessed.

It seems I had been sitting there not paying any mind to their chatter, and they noticed. 'Right, do not ignore the female of the species, ' I thought. Terri said she knew how to get my attention, slapped me, and got more than she bargained for.

I told Jan I did not want to go out with Terri, that she was a self-centered bitch and I was tired of her act. No way in hell I was going to have anything to do with the stupid broad, period. As for apologizing, sure, when it snowed in July.

My sister tried to reason with me. Over and over she said Terri was not a bitch. She got in my face, as only my sister could, and basically accused me of being an asshole.

"Fine, so I'm an asshole. If I'm such an asshole, why do you want me to have anything to do with Terri."

Jan said vehemently. "Someday, you're going to wish you had a woman just like Terri." Then she shut up. My sister loved me.

'What was going on that I was not privy to?' I thought. 'The spanking wasn't that big a deal, so why are Jan and Laura so pissed?' Something devious was in the air, and I didn't have the time or inclination to figure it out.

With mostly eighteen hour days of school and work, Terri became a vague memory almost immediately. Even in my late night fantasy sessions where I tried to soothe the raw edge of my libido, the only thing I could really remember about Terri was her eyes.

Terri had dark brown eyes. So brown they were almost black, large and set above high cheekbones in a face that was framed by mahogany hair almost the same shade as her eyes.

Her eyes were drilling holes in me from across the room. Most of her dancer's legs were showing from under a short white sun dress I had never seen before. Medium breasts framed by a low cut neckline, full war paint, trim waist, and hair brushed till it glowed, all contributed to make Terri look good, good enough to eat.

It was a set up of course. Both of us invited to the same party - typical devious bitch trick - I was now supposed to go over, kiss her feet and beg to be forgiven.

Fat chance of that. I ignored her ass, heedless of what had happened the last time I didn't pay attention. Chatting up a sweet young thing who looked promising, I felt an arm link with my own. Turning, there was Terri giving me a big smile. Sweet thing took one look and split.

Now I was really pissed.

"What do you want Terri, feel like slapping somebody?" I poured it on, no mercy.

"No," she flushed, looking down. Then working up her courage, she flashed her deep brown eyes trick at me and said, "No, I, uh, I just," she hesitated, then said, "Wanted to, uh, wanted to talk to you."

No way I was going to drown in her eyes. I just looked at her coldly and waited.

Then, with ice in my voice, "So talk."

Terri said with a slight stammer. "Not here, it's too, uh, well public."

I looked her up and down taking in the sights. After rudely lingering on her breasts for a while, my eyes finally found hers. We played stare-me-down and she lost.

Finally I said, "OK, go find my car, it's open. I'll be there in a few minutes."

I walked away and pretended to look for the sweet young thing, ignoring Terri's ass. Sweet young thing had disappeared so I decided to let Terri cool her heels some more and found a toilet. As I got rid of some beer, my unruly cock was telling me to pay attention.

At least the memories would be sharper now that I was observing Terri with fresh eyes. There was no longer much in the way of family or friend obligations to honor with respect to her ass.

Outside, I was half expecting Terri to be elsewhere when I checked my car. A part of me was hoping otherwise, the part between my legs. Where previously I was oblivious to most of her charms, I was now confronted with a completely unexpected vision, and my libido was howling and barking at the moon.

She was sitting sideways in the passenger seat, waiting, a huge grin giving lie to the tension between us. I gave her a long look, then let my instincts take over, deciding to take her to my apartment for our confrontation.

The closed car concentrated her faint perfume and girl odor into my nostrils. My cock immediately began giving me orders in reaction to the scent. I struggled to get my libido in check as I started the car, rolling down the windows halfway to dispel the aroma that was attacking my judgement.

"Look, I really..." Terri started.

"Don't talk until we get there, not a single word," I ordered, holding up my hand to cut her off.

As I drove toward my apartment, I glanced her way a few times to pacify my cock, then ignored her as I drove. She was hard to ignore. Her nipples were hard from the stress, and I could see almost half of her breasts. In the dusk light of evening, the short white sun dress blazed like fire against her tanned slender limbs.

'Careful son, don't get screwed up with the body and face, this cunt is devious and dangerous, ' I said to myself. 'What you really want to do is find out her version of why she slapped you, make peace to reduce the family bullshit, then gracefully take her home and go try to find sweet young thing, ' I thought, as I tried to lie to myself.

Suppressed memories of her face and figure surfaced as I drove. A white blouse, white short-shorts, bending over to get a soda from a cooler; a flash of long legs from under a short skirt as she ran to catch a ball; hot smooth skin against my arm as we crowded into the back seat of Mike's car. And Terri's special scent, the same scent that was driving me crazy right now.

A short time later we pulled up in front of my apartment. I got out and walked toward the door, ignoring Terri. After a moment's hesitation she got out of the car and ran to catch me. Then she put her arm in mine so we would look like we were together.

Once inside the apartment, she looked around curiously, seeing it for the first time. Under strict instructions from Jan and Laura to behave, I had not only overlooked her womanhood, I had never even invited her into my lair.

"Sit on the sofa, I'll get us a cold one," as I started my campaign to make peace.

On the way to get the beer, I detoured to change into a T-shirt and a pair of cotton sweat shorts. She was giving me a look, so I'd show her my bicycle-hardened legs and a shot of my crotch. Two could play this game.

Approaching the sofa, I almost lost control. Terri's burnished dark brown hair glowed with reflections from the table lamp. One long slender leg was swinging as it rested partially off the couch. She was sitting sideways with her other leg crooked up under the outside one, pensively leaning against the back of the sofa. Handing her a beer, it took all my will power not to jump her.

The white dress still glowed against her flawless skin, displaying her body in a way I had never seen, or more truthfully, had deliberately ignored. My cock noticed, and started to give me fresh instructions, which I tried to disregard as I sat opposite her, sideways, and renewed my study.

Her ripe, red, luscious lips sucked on the end of the beer bottle as she took one, then another large swallow with her head thrown back to expose her slender neck and push her breasts at me. The bitch was doing everything she could, short of speaking the words, to say "Come and get it."

I controlled myself, barely, and just continued looking at her, trying to catch her eye, and waited, with small sips of my beer. As Terri drank from her own bottle, I could see her eyes flick from one part of my body to another, finally resting with a direct gaze on my face and eyes.

We silently held each other's eyes for long minutes. My cock had hardened to a solid mass, uncomfortable and tugging against the leg of my shorts. I ignored it, but Terri didn't. Her eyes dropped down to my crotch, then up to again hold me with her look.

"You're hard," she smirked.

Some of the 'ice' in my voice had melted when I answered her. "So? That's not why we're here. You wanted to talk, so talk." The bitch actually grinned at me. I guess she thought my erection somehow put her back in charge. I used every ounce of my control to make sure she was wrong.

Her face changed and became serious when softly, sincerely, she said, "OK, look, I'm sorry I slapped you, I mean it." (Sincere? This bitch?) "Uh, I also have something else to tell you... I really need to talk."

I relaxed my guard a little, checking her out one more time, eating her with my eyes. A long swallow of beer, then my good guy smile, as I said, "OK Terri, maybe I shouldn't have hit you on the ass so hard, you're a good kid," I lied, "So I'll listen."

"Well, I'm not a kid. And I'm not good, either. Just please," she hesitated, "Let me get it out, all of it."

Her eyes locked on mine for a bit and then she dropped her gaze to my crotch, saying "But I can't talk with your big thing sticking up in your pants at me. Please, would you cover up a little. You won't be sorry, I promise."

I chewed on this last promise for a while as I sat back to listen, getting my unruly cock under control and covering up with a leg. This was getting curiouser and curiouser.

"How about including why you slapped me as part of this discussion," I suggested with a hard edge to my voice.

Terri looked down, not at my cock, but to collect her thoughts while I waited patiently. A parade of emotions crossed her face as she organized whatever it was that was working on her. The pause gave me an opportunity to continue to inventory her charms. Finally, I looked away. 'Why torture myself?' I thought.

All the time we were dating, I had noticed she was pretty, but the situation we had been in, the near shotgun relationship, had blinded me to how lovely she really was. That and her bitchy ways.

"I know I've been a bitch," still softly, then with more force as she looked at me with laughter in her eyes.

"I deserved what I got," Terri said sweetly.

My face must have registered surprise, although I don't know why. She was obviously intent on apologizing, for whatever reason. But a statement that 'she deserved what she got, ' was not what I expected.

It was impossible not to smile back. Another memory flashed in my mind, of her looking at me across a room, then quickly glancing away before I could read her expression.

"That's all I've been thinking about for the past two weeks."

I knew that was true. In a vague way I had been aware of long conversations between Jan and Terri, Jan and Laura, Laura and Terri and probably other females as well. I think even my mother got in on the act.

"But I'm not really a bitch."

My face must have registered skepticism, as she went on hurriedly, "Laura is the bitch. She runs Mike around in circles. I feel sorry for him."

'Now isn't this a turn of events, ' I said to myself. Among the choices I had, remaining silent and just looking at her was the one I selected. But I did nod and encourage her by saying, "I see." By this time the ice had left my voice and was replaced by a tone that was almost friendly.

"Oh you, you don't see at all, you're just being nice." Too right she was.

Terri paused to drink more of her beer. Shifting around on the couch, giving me flashes of smooth thighs, she went on, "And you really have been nice to me."

"Sometimes you're easy to be nice to," I said for lack of anything original.

"And obviously sometimes I'm not. But the real me is *not* a bitch," the lovely young girl said emphatically.

"Then why did you slap me," I demanded.

More sips on the beer while she worked up to whatever the finale was going to be, I just sipped and watched. Another memory flash, Terri giggling with Laura then turning serious when I glanced her way.

"It's, well," she hesitated. "It's," Terri hesitated again, sucking her lower lip and obviously reviewing her words mentally. Finally, "I think I'm in love with you," she said with a rush.

'Hello?' I must have looked the perfect fool as I gaped at her confession. "So what does that have to do with slapping me," I blurted? "I mean I thought you loved Jerry - Jesus, Terri!"

She reached over to put a hand on my leg, saying, "Oh, I don't mean the same way I love Jerry." Of course leaning over meant her breasts were more exposed. I tried to ignore the show (and the remark about Jerry), and just concentrated on listen to whatever she was trying to tell me.

"I was just playing a game with you, waiting for Jerry to come home. When you spanked me,... well,... I woke up," she said brightly. Then hurriedly, Terri said, "I found out I loved you too. But not the same way. It's hard to explain."

"Try me, I'll listen to anything you have to say." By this time my voice had lowered to the most seductive and appreciative timbre I could muster.

"I've had a crush on you for years," Terri gushed, "And even though I love Jerry, I was excited when we started going out. You do something to me with your eyes that Jerry doesn't do."

"And that is? I asked.

"Hmmm, maybe later. Anyway, you were sitting there ignoring me and Janice. Something inside me said slap you, so I did."

"Smooth move, Ajax."

"Well, you're not ignoring me anymore," Terri countered.

"That's true," I admitted.

For a long moment I just looked at her, drinking her essence with my eyes. Terri's skin glowed with that rare sheen only a few women have. Terri just waited to see what I would say next, looking into my eyes intently. This time it was I who looked away, then down to her hand on my thigh.

"You're gorgeous, Terri," I admitted.

That comment unleashed a torrent of fresh words.

"Laura and Jan have been telling me I need somebody strong, at least stronger than Jerry... Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this," the lovely girl started in again.

"Terri, you can tell me anything. I said I would listen."

"You always listen. And that's important. But there's something else," as she started to rub my leg.

I pulled her hand to my lips, and kissed then released it. This had become a defining moment for me. Up until now I had been treating her badly. As we talked, I found my defenses had gradually worn down. Terri was reaching inside me to a place I thought was protected. I couldn't help darting my eyes around her oval face, a classic beauty, inventorying and imprinting every detail in my mind.

Kissing her hand again, I found my voice asking?, "What do you want from me Terri?"

"I don't know how to ask," she said.

"Look Terri," I said gently. "I have been on my best behavior with you for reasons that should be obvious. If I ignored your charms, it was for good reason. My plan right now was for us to get back in good graces with each other, be friends, and that's it. But you've thrown me for a complete loop."

I knew damn well what she wanted. The questions were, should I, or could I, resist.

"Maybe being just friends isn't what I have in mind," Terri said, placing her hand back on my leg, inviting me to find out what she did have in mind. Terri's scent invaded my brain again. I was not programmed for serious relationships at that point in my life, and this conversation was getting very serious indeed. I had to take a different tack.

"I guess I ignored you because what I really wanted to do was drag you to some dry creek bed and fuck your brains out." I tried to shock her, still resisting Terri's insistent march into my heart. Thoughts of what my parents or her mother might think or do were also surfacing in response to Terri's ploys.

"You don't have to drag me anywhere. And I love dry creek beds," said Terri as she leaned toward me, nails digging into my leg, lust in her eyes.

I gently took her hand and that was enough. Her empty beer bottle was deposited on the end table as she fell on me, kissing me with her full lips. I could feel the heat of her body radiating against me, her unique smell driving into my brain. Her hips and legs moved around and against me as her lips captured my mouth with their hot embrace.

Using my strength, I pushed her up and into a sitting position again, saying, "Wait," as I held her shoulders in my hands and drilled her eyes with mine. I was making one last effort not to get in over my head.

Always, prior to this moment in time, my view of women was simplistic. Fuck 'em if I could, forget 'em if I couldn't. Don't get involved. Don't fall in love. Don't get trapped.

'Don't, don't, don't, don't, ' swirled through my head as I groped for words to sort out unexpected emotions.

Locking my eyes on hers, slowly and quietly, I said, "Terri, wait. Before we go any farther... Are you absolutely sure?... Do you want me,... for me?... Or do you want me for substitute Jerry?"

I didn't say anything about whether or not I wanted her. My cock was hard as a rock, and nothing I could say would have convinced her that I didn't want to ravish her on the spot, dry creek bed or not. The one clear emotion in my fuddled brain was that I did not want a one night stand with Terri. I wanted more, much more, or nothing at all.

"No, to be honest, I'm not sure... But I'm almost sure... And I want to know, I have to find out... Please!"

My ram was up, my hammer was cocked. Yet I hesitated. Terri no longer fit any convenient label. Bitch yes, but not really, at least not full time. Cunt? I didn't think so.

My brain kept spinning with conflicting emotions and thoughts. The "Love" word had disarmed me, opened me up, and proved me vulnerable after all. My sister's words rang in my ear, 'Some day you're going to wish you had a woman just like Terri.'

Bemused, horny, in lust, I sought familiar ground. Reaching under her dress to cup her sex, I found proof of her desire. Her panties were soaked, and her loins hunched forward to give me more access. As I kissed her lips, moans came from both our emotion charged throats, and we surged against each other. Our lips and tongues danced together as we tried to absorb each other through our contact.

Another bubble of concern surfaced in my brain as we stood up, clinging tightly, both of us unwilling to give up any skin-to-skin contact.

"When do you have to be home?" I murmured against her lips.

"Laura's covering for me. Not till late tomorrow."

"What about, uh, what about birth control, uh?" as almost all constructive thoughts were on the verge of leaving my head.

Terri turned up the heat. My obvious concern for her protection found a chord within her. Her thighs were squeezing my hand between her legs, and she was rolling her breasts against my chest as she pulled me to her with arms around my back. My free arm was around her waist, thrusting inside her dress, unzipped by one of us. With an effort of will, we pushed apart, helping each other to undress, mine first, then hers. I pushed her panties to her feet then picked her up in a fireman's carry over my shoulder, and headed to the bedroom, Terri laughing and kicking her legs.


One of my thighs was between her legs as she hunched against me, a solid nipple between my lips as I gently squeezed her other breast. My cock was riding against her left leg slicking it with my flowing lubrication.


My tongue was in her belly button, hands cupped around her full ass, pulling her loins up against my chest to trail wet juices across my body. Her hands in my hair, then pushing me down toward her need, gasping.

Her uncovered bud visibly quivering in front of my eyes as I dove into her sex, faint musk smell filling my nose, driving into my hindbrain. I licked her engorged labia, swollen with her desire, her hole parting before my tongue as I thrust into her to release more moisture.


My tongue and lips were dancing on her clitoris as her thighs pressed against my head, her hands in my hair, then a long "Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh," from her laboring lungs as she reached the first peak in what was to be a long night of pleasure. Then an Eeek, of delighted surprise as I licked and pushed against her puckered anus with my tongue.


Riding me, her labia alone held the underside of my turgid manhood, sliding while she held me down and moved upon me, my hands tattooing a gentle beat on her buttocks. I inhaled her body with my eyes, eating her soul.


Her hand clasped my cock as she imprinted my sex into her mind, licking the seeping precum from the tip for taste, then a quick suck, teeth betraying her lack of experience. Her eyes pleading wordlessly, demanding...


Knees up seeking her shoulders as I mounted her, glans penis finding her entrance as if it were born there. Thrusting all resistance aside, I entered her body hot tunnel, which was gently revolving as her hips told the story of what she wanted from me. "All of it," she breathed against my lips.


I pushed slowly into her tightness, no obstacle meeting my penetration, except she was little used and I had to force my meat into her with strong pushes. She bucked up against me, working to take me, hair spread in a halo around her head.


"Ohhhhh, it hurts," as an expression of pain momentarily distorted her face. Without remorse, I pressed on, with primeval need to make her mine, conquer and merge.


First a quarter, then half of my cock entered her clasping vagina, as our lips and tongues played music and her arms held me against her body, breasts swollen, nipples rubbing against my chest. We became almost as one as the head of my manhood dug hard into the back of her vagina, a scant inch still left outside to somehow find room within her.


Her legs shifted downward and wrapped around me, as her pelvis arched up to take the rest of meand succeeding. Our pubic hairs intertwined then pressed tightly together as my hardness speared completely within her. My balls came to a rest against her buttocks, and I could feel the the wetness of her fluids draining down onto the bed below us.


Guttural noises coming from my throat, and long "Aaaaahhhhss" from Terri as I moved in and out of her loins in a waltz of love and lust. Prodding, pushing, thrusting, rotating, squeezing, my sex and her sex became our sex as we strove toward completion.

My flashes of comprehension slowed and became continuous as the sharp signals of impending orgasm worked their way from my crotch into my forebrain. I raised up a little to gain more leverage - to see her eyes tightly closed, her attention focused on feelings generated by our merged sex.

It seemed we had been making love for hours.

Her tunnel was a sea of oil and tightness as nerve endings never known before sang to my heart and mind. The bottom of her tunnel had opened before me, and now I was just gently coming to rest on each complete stroke within, feeling the hard nub of her womb entrance attending my intrusion.

Her senses knew I was reaching the peak, and she strove to follow me. Muscles pulling, arms tight, legs locked, her head went back with an effort to reach the summit of desire with me.

As my shaft hardened on the last full thrust, holding at full depth, her tunnel clamped around me. With a final heave of her loins, her pussy sucked up on the underside of my cock, pulling, as everything within me was impelled up my tube and into her secret depths to find welcome.

We were rigid against each other as one spurt, then another, fired into her belly, swelling the end of her womanhood. Forced into her womb, drenching her depths, my seminal reservoirs emptied into her contracting and clasping womanhood.

As I started down from my orgasm the thought that I might be making her pregnant, seeding her, making her belly swell with my life's seed, sent a final, delayed, hot stream of searching, racing semen into her. Her eyes flew open and our eyes locked as I am sure we both realized we could be creating Life.

We kissed each other's face and lips and looked in each other's smiling eyes as we came down from the heights, our organs shrinking together, maintaining a seal, keeping my seed within her. Her legs came down beside mine, but her arms never left me as I rested on her body, letting her feel my weight, our loins still joined together.

A chill shivered my cooling body and I raised up to again look into her eyes. Her eyes opened again and gazed into mine.

Then she smiled. The smile and look of a well-fucked, well-loved woman. I now had a label for Terri, and it grew within me. I had found a woman where I thought there was just a girl, and I had found something else that I would need to think about later.

Rolling away from her, I lay back exhausted to find that she had rolled with me, curling around on the bed like a cat to lap at my flaccid cock, tasting our mingled juices. Making a face, she looked at me wordlessly.

"Towel, bathroom," was all I could manage.

Terri got up from the bed a little stiff legged, and started toward the bathroom. Then she stopped with startled eyes as her hand came down to intercept the rivers of my seed flowing down the inside of her thigh.

She cupped what I felt certain to be a very tender and sore pussy, looking at me with a grin. "God, it's so much. I didn't know you had it in you."

"I had it in me, and gave it to you," I said smugly.

"Thank you sir,... I think I'd better go clean up."

"Bring back two wet towels and I'll clean you, please."

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