Scorpio Madness - Cover

Scorpio Madness

Copyright© 1999 by Green Onions

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   BBW  

If you read the personals groups on the 'net you might think that only men are guilty of violating their marriage vows. Certainly we and we alone are singled out in the public eye for shame. But anyone who really believes that extramarital mischief occurs merely as a result of male misconduct is ignorant of logic, arithmetic, psychology, and literature.

I adore plump women and I married one. We've been together for a decade and we're still in love. She had gained some weight over the years and soon--despite all of my efforts to tell her how sexy she was--she had become embarrassed by her body.

It had always been a struggle to see her naked and eventually it became virtually impossible. Just because she was a size-14 with a cute little tummy. You'd have thought that it was the end of the world. Our sex life hadn't become extinct as a result, but it certainly qualified as an endangered species.

I'd always told my wife what a sweetheart she was and how much I loved her. I don't think there was never any doubt in her mind about my honesty, and she often told me how happy she was with our marriage.

But in the last few years she had also admitted to being less interested in sex and would not acknowledge that I was doing anything wrong. Massage, wine, sexy presents--it all seemed to have no effect on her indifference to the joys of the bedroom. The great irony was that I found her larger body more sensuous, at the same time as I was learning that I could no longer arouse her so easily. We were drifting apart sexually.

Was it my fault? Perhaps it was, but I didn't know what the problem was and she couldn't or wouldn't tell me. And no, there were no special health issues involved. We'd always been very open about that.

I'm not the only person in the world who's suffered in this manner. Many a woman has told a similar tale. She wants her situation to turn out perfectly and gives so much. But her husband has no interest in her. His needs, the kids'--yes--those are important. They require her attention and she gives her all. Grudgingly, sometimes, for his more material requirements. And lovingly for her children's needs of all sorts.

But at the end of the day, what becomes of her desires?

When I first met Rikki on the 'net a year ago, I had no idea that two marriages would be sexually rejuvenated as a result of our clandestine association.

At first, it was superficially amusing to correspond with someone whose name was the feminine form of my own and whose birthdate followed mine by just a day. We talked about our families and our friends. We traded recipes and picked apart movies. We mused about sports, politics, gender, and marriage.

But spring has a funny way of changing things. By that time we'd enjoyed each other's banter and chatter for months, and our friendship had matured into a secure place for both of us. That's when we became much more than mere acquaintances.

One night I broke down and told her how sexy I thought she was. Soon we were exchanging hot e-mail. She started reading my stories from various web sites, and began to write down some of her fantasies for me. We both dreamed about making an erotic movie: Rikki wanted to be an actress, I wanted to be a writer.

I was surprised at how compatible we were as sexual partners. For starters, we both like to give and receive oral sex; I guess you could say we're cum freaks. She loved to lick her fingers after masturbating and I would yearn to be there so I could taste them too.

Rikki told me her pussy got too wet for most of her lovers to enjoy sucking and I was enticed and intrigued. When she heard how much pre-cum I had during foreplay, she described how she would lick it off.

When I revealed to her that I liked to shoot my cum into my own mouth, she asked for a polaroid. Rikki joked with me about posting the scan and we shared our exhibitionist fantasy of seeing a picture of ourselves fucking and soul-kissing on the 'net.

Then Rikki offered to send me a pair of her panties if I'd send her a pair of my underwear. I got hard just thinking about the idea. I had to rent a P.O. box to do this but the taste and smell of her sweet pussy was well worth it.

The contents were still moist in the double ziplock bags but naturally I wanted to fully re-lubricate her essence, so I put the stained crotch in my mouth. Not only were her panties tasting of cum and sweat, but she had even peed a little bit into them.

I was shocked at first, but then I remembered the time when we were both drunk during one of our first phone sex sessions. Rikki had confessed to pissing all over the place during her climax. She got really hot again when I asked to listen to her doing it in a glass, and obliged me on the spot.

But there was nothing compared to physical contact. The sensual experience was of rubbing her newly re-moistened panties all over my face was sensational.

Of course I told her how excited the panties had made me during our next phone sex session. My juices and hers mixed for the first time after I masturbated in them. Rikki was close to climax by then and completely lost her cookies when I described the combined flavors to her while sucking on the well-used cumwear.

I later found out that her first lover had convinced her that it was normal to let go completely during her climaxes and that she loved to do it whenever she could. I had also become confused between peeing and cuming in my early adolescence, and had always wanted a lover who had the same 'problem.'

But for me it wasn't just a question of compatible interests. Nor was I merely hooked on her intelligence and sense of humor. Even the fact that she was an assertive person who knew how to ask for and get what she wanted wasn't the primary turn-on for me.

What excited me about Rikki was that she loved to be lusted after.

She was the kind of woman who could get wet because a man demonstrated his need for her sensuality. I once told her that I fantasized about pulling down her pants and sucking her pussy through her panties while she was talking on the phone. She loved the idea, and we exchanged pictures shortly afterwards.

We adored each others' photographs and I found that my need for her increased much more as a result. Rikki was tall and big--a pudgy country woman with a cute round face, warm hazel eyes, and gobs of shiny brown hair adorning a pleasingly-padded body.

She didn't wear a huge cup size, but her big breasts were proportional to the rest of her physique. I could see her plump waist flowing over her tight jeans and her full torso framed by thick bare arms. Even her hands were large and soft.

Rikki was obviously proud of her fleshy, muscular, big-boned form and her bright eyes and easy smile seemed to invite one to partake of its curvaceous delights.

It wasn't long before we were having phone sex two or three nights a week. Whole days would go by during which I could think about little else besides what it would be like to sleep with Rikki, and she assured me that the same thing had happened to her.

She told me that she no longer minded her husband's abbreviated foreplay during the rare moments when he would fuck her--all she had to do was to imagine what it would be like to go sixty-nine with me. And I found myself dreaming about her drenched pussy even during the all-to-infrequent occasions when my wife would let me seduce her.

We had both fooled around before. I had done so only a few times, with a very dear friend, but I'd felt incredibly guilty afterwards and had resolved never to do it again.

Rikki was farther along in the process. She had a lover in town whom she met infrequently and had been with two different men from the 'net in the last six months. One of them had sent her a "CU-seeme" video of him masturbating. She jerked off to it while her family was asleep.

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