Spreading for Teacher - Cover

Spreading for Teacher


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jack came in while Fawn was still sprawled on the bed. The softness of the bedspread made her feel lazy, cozy, even safe and secure.

"Well, did the old coot leave the money with you?" asked Jack.

"Huh? No. I thought you'd gotten it."

"Damn son of a bitch!" Jack exclaimed. "He ripped us off. And there's not a goddamn thing we can do. He'd can me in a second if I tried to put the bite on him. And you, well, there's no telling what he would do to you if I got him pissed."

"You mean he didn't give you one red cent?"


"Shit," was all Dawn could say. She lay back, staring up at the ceiling. It had been fun, but half the fun came in knowing she was doing something that would gain her the money for the car.

"I'll make it up to you, darling. Really I will."


"Well, I can think of a couple ways. I mean, you're all stripped for action right now."

"So get into action, man!" she told him.

He crawled beside her on the bed. Their mouths touched, then crushed together. The kiss was long and satisfying.

Almost as satisfying as what he was doing with his hands.

One hand gripped firmly around her tit and began rotating it in larger and larger circles. She was gasping for air by the time he threatened to yank the mound of titflesh from her chest.

He managed to keep the turgid nipple captive between his thumb and forefinger the entire time.

His other hand found the pool of drying jism on her belly and smeared it around. As it caked, it made her skin pucker. The whole scene should have repelled her.

It didn't. She wanted more.

"Please, Jack, ohhh, yes, fuck me now! I want your cock so bad I can taste it!"

"Do you want it in your cunt or mouth? I can't tell from the way you're talking."

"It doesn't matter!"

Then she was robbed of further speech. His exploring hand pressed into the smoothness that was her pussy mound and probed lower. A finger jabbed out into her sex gash. Instantly coated with her inner juices, the finger began wiggling to and fro.

"Ummm, ungh, ohhh!"

"Like it, don't you?" he asked. "You'll do anything for me, won't you? How much do you love me?"

"I... I'd do anything for you, darling. Anything at all!"

"Just in return for me stuffing my prick in here, huh?" He worked his finger against one of her labia. Making sure he was stimulating it, he then jabbed out and into her twat.

His finger was suddenly surrounded by hot, clinging flesh. The moistness of her pussy lips didn't even begin to hint at the humid interior. His entire hand was covered with her cunt juices. She was frothy and ready to receive something more than a cock.

"Want a cock or a tongue up there?" he asked.

"Ummm, oh, it doesn't matter. Why not taste me? Eat me out good!"

"Never could turn down the wishes of a lovely young girl." He dived down, his tongue racing along the smooth skin. He worked his way across her cunt mound, the stubble prickly against his tongue.

Then he went a few inches lower and drew her clit in between his lips. Sucking, he drew the meek little organ erect and began working on it with his tongue.

He pulled it from the sheath of protective flesh until it was slippery against his lips. Sucking, he held it prisoner. Then he began giving it the tongue lashing it surely deserved.

His tongue drove the girl wild.

Her hips thrashed and bucked on the bed. He followed her every movement, his tongue never leaving the tip of her most sensitive flesh. The clit wasn't going to be allowed to escape, not while he was on the job.

His tongue swirled around and looped around the very base of the tiny spire. With slow, deliberate strokes, he worked his way to the very tip. This was the most delicate portion of her body. The lightest touch was enough to give her the release of orgasm.


Her crotch jammed hard against his mouth as she came. His tongue was relentless. He never stopped licking and sucking on her clit the entire time while she was rocking through her climax. As her body relaxed and she collapsed back to the bed, he explored still lower along her sex gash.

"Shove your tongue up me! Tongue-fuck me good!" she pleaded.

He needed no urging. Tasting her oily, salty, slightly acrid fuck juices was enough to guarantee he'd keep going.

He lapped his tongue all along the edges of her pussy lips. The puckered flesh seemed to quiver under his tongue. His rough, wet tongue communicated to the girl how much he desired her, how attractive he found her.

Hands gripping her asscheeks, he lifted. As her ass left the bed, his tongue surged out and into her pussy. He felt the hotness of her cunt all around his oral organ.

Then he began giving the girl her wish. He tongue-fucked her to the best of his ability. Back and forth, he drove his tongue into every single niche he could find. The soft, velvety folds of her pussy were stroked lovingly. When the dewy drops of her cunt juice coated his tongue, he worked a new area.

All around the rim of her gash was fair territory. The sensitive pussy lips were actually quivering with excited blood pounding into them when he dipped back into the well of her twat.

"Keep going! I... I feel all tensed up inside. Cut me loose. Use your tongue and set me loose!"

He managed to unleash the beast of sexual desire chained within her body. Frantically now, his tongue shot back and forth until he was imitating a cock fucking her cunt.

She came.

She came a second time when he moved out of her twat and sucked hard on her clit. The girl was a powder keg of desire. The merest touch of his tongue was enough to ignite the seething fires of orgasm inside her young body.

I... I can't take much more! You're wearing me out!"

"What I like to hear! You're gonna get the full course of mouth love, darling before I'm done, though. You'll really be worn out then!"

He sucked one of her sex lips into his mouth and gently nibbled on it. This tensed her body and she clamped her satiny thighs firmly on either side of his head. For a moment he was completely deaf and blind.

He could think of worse places to be trapped--a lot.

As long as his tongue was able to move, he was content. The salty female fluids dribbling from her cunt weren't flowing fast enough for him. He puckered up his mouth, clamped firmly on her sex lips and sucked.


She screamed as she came again. He was lighting a string of firecrackers and all of them were going off in sequence. Her body housed those potent little firecrackers. And his tongue was the match. No matter what he did to her cunt, she'd come. Over and over and over, she'd come.

He kept her strung out sexually until her body was totally wrung out of all emotion.

"How was it, darling?" he asked her.

"Oh, Jack. It was super! I love you so!"

"And I love you. It just makes me sad I can't get you that car. Not right away. And you know how money sort of flows away these days. I just wish there was some way to get that fifty bucks for the car." He looked up at her, her face framed by the twin peaks of her boobs.

She heaved a big sigh. "I guess I can always find another customer. Damn that Mr. Grimes. I never pegged him for a chiseler."

"Never can tell about these people. But look, if you're serious, I can find someone willing to pay good money to, uh, enjoy such a fine, lovely young girl as yourself."

She snorted. Fawn no longer thought of herself as a young girl. She was a woman, a lady about town who knew the score. If only Jack would acknowledge the fact, things might be less strained all the time.

Still, she loved the man. And he was doing things for her. No one else ever had. He was arranging for the car her parents refused her. That showed who really cared for her.

"Get your men up here and I'll try to make sure they pay this time," she said, somewhat dejectedly. The idea of hooking wasn't that much to her liking, even if the money was attractive.

What else could a fifteen-year-old girl do to earn a couple hundred dollars in less than an hour? And that had been the actual amount Red and Fred paid. Jack had believed they were going to pay more.

"You mean it, darling?"

"Yes, Jack. Bring 'em on."

They were almost more than she'd bargained for.

"Now you stay dressed up like that unless they say something different. Okay?" Jack said.

"No, damnit, it's not okay. I don't like dressing up like a little girl. This flowery dress sucks. And the white stockings and these little white patent leather shoes disgust me. I'd rather have my platform shoes back."

"It doesn't go with the Little Bo-Peep outfit. Just shut up and do what you're told."

"Look, Jack..."

"Shush. They're here."

Fawn quieted down although she didn't care one iota for this ridiculous outfit. Still, if it got the money Jack needed, it might be worth it.

It damn well better be, she thought.

The teenager did a double take when she saw the two coming in the door. She didn't believe what she saw. The man was like a Greek god. He was so beautifully muscled she simply didn't believe he could be for real. He was something out of a dream.

But it was the woman who caught and held her attention. The woman was dressed in the most bizarre outfit the young girl had ever seen. Wearing a high black corset that pushed her tits cruelly upward and together, the woman virtually pranced around the room. Fawn didn't understand how she could even balance on the high-spiked heels on her boots, boots which came up to mid- thigh.

The soft black leather of those boots made Fawn want to reach out and touch them. They looked like fine gloves from the tight fit. Underneath, the woman had on black net stockings held up by a garter belt.

Flashing black against the milky white of her crotch was the woman's bush. For a second, it took Fawn's most intense concentration to understand the woman's crotch was naked. In spite of all the leather and trappings, her cunt was exposed.

The girl looked back at the man for an explanation. He was tall, heavy with muscles. The blond crewcut made him look like an Army recruiting poster model.

"You," the woman snapped, pointing at the girl with a black- gloved finger, "on the bed."

"Now look here, lady. I..." and the teenager was slapped across the face. The force of the blow sent her reeling toward the bed. As the edge of the bed hit the backs of her legs, she simply sat down, stunned.

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