Spreading for Teacher - Cover

Spreading for Teacher


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Virgin cunt, huh? I'll be damned," came a soft voice from across the room.

Fawn looked up, suddenly frightened. She hadn't known she had an audience to her very first lay. Standing by the door, picking his fingernails clean with the long bladed knife was Ears. He was looking like a cat that had just eaten a canary.

From the look on his face, Fawn knew what Ears was thinking about. She tried to chastely cover up her cunt and failed. Jack was in the way.

"Hey, don't bother hiding that little pussy from me, doll," Ears said, smiling even more broadly. "I seen my share."

"What do you want, Logan?" snapped Jack. "I didn't invite you in."

"Hey, man, cool it. I didn't want to intrude on your knocking off a piece of ass, honest. But the door was open and, what the hell, you know?"

Fawn didn't like the way he leered at her. Yet, there was something in the man's demeanor that attracted her in spite of herself. He took command and she liked that. But she felt obliged to stand beside her man.

"Jack said he didn't invite you in. What do you want besides indulging your sick peeping Tom desires?"

"Hey, a filly with a little fire. You can really pick 'em, Jack." A quick snap and the wicked blade vanished. Then Ears drifted over to the divan and dropped down into it. "I just wanted to tell you the boss said no to you having a few extra days on that debt you owe us."

"Look, Ears, this is embarrassing."

"Yeah, I bet. You with a limp cock and half bare-ass naked. Yeah, I can just imagine!"

He laughed loudly.

"Jack," said Fawn, hastily pulling her skirt down as soon as the man moved a little, "is there anything I can do?"

"No. This is between me and them."

"Hey, now, don't go sayin' things like that, Jack boy," said Ears. "I'm thinking I got a few bucks ahead. How about me loaning you the couple yards till you get paid?"

Ears licked his lips as he looked at Fawn. The intent was obvious. He wanted a little young stuff in return for not collecting the bet for a few more days.

Jack hastily looked from Fawn to Ears and back again. "Uh, look, Fawn, this is an awful lot to ask, but, uh..."

"What will he do to you if I don't... you know?"

"Maybe kill me. He's a brutal man."

"Now, now, Jack baby, not that brutal. With a soft, willing chick, I can be real gentle. Yeah, real gentle, indeed." He smiled, revealing a broken tooth.

Fawn shuddered. She didn't like the idea of selling herself to the bookie, but if she didn't there was no telling what he would do to Jack. She just couldn't sit by and let Ears kill Jack. Not after the fucking he'd just given her. He'd opened up new dimensions of her sexuality for her.

He'd made her a woman, a real woman.

She owed him something.

"If I do let you, what then?" Her voice broke from nervousness.

Ears laughed harshly. "I let your boyfriend have till Friday afternoon to cough up the bread he owes. That's it."

"You don't erase the bet or anything else?" she asked. There was a hidden world here she knew nothing about but she wanted to get the most out of letting the man fuck her.

"Hell, no! The boss would skin me alive. I'm loanin' your lover boy the money out of my own pocket. You're the interest, honey. What's it gonna be?"

"Jack?" she asked, her voice a frightened animal.

"Up to you. I... I'd really appreciate it if you would. I'll do anything I can for you. Give you an A for history," he finished lamely.

Ears laughed. "Give 'er an A, huh? Christ but I wish I was a goddamn high school teacher. I'd give every fuckin' one of the skirts an A if they'd let me fuck 'em."

"All right. Go on. But you'd better give Jack the time he needs to get the money together." She sat primly on the carpet, her legs crossed. The rough shag brushed across her sensitive pussy lips and made her acutely aware that she had no panties on.

Ears was running the zipper down on his trousers. His cock leaped out, eager to bury itself up the sweet, young pussy.

"On your hands and knees, bitch. I'm gonna fuck you like a bitch in heat. You like it like that?" Seeing her confusion, he added, "Or do you know? Shit, I think you are a virgin."

Fawn firmed her lips and said tartly, "You just wait. You'll find out for sure!"

She quickly got on her hands and knees like the man had instructed her. Not certain what was in store, she braced herself. Her entire body was tense, expectant.

She felt the man scoot up close behind her. His hands reached under her skirt and hiked it up over her waist. Her naked ass was exposed to his leer. For the first time, she had the fleeting feeling she'd made a mistake, that she should have let Jack take his bruises like a man.

Then she felt the probing finger working between the thick slabs of her rounded buttocks. A deep, wracking shudder passed through her young body when that finger dipped lower and lower into the humid crease of her ass.

"Like that, don't you?" the man demanded.

"Y--yes. I do!"

"Good. Here it comes in even deeper!"

She almost fell flat on her face as the man's finger drove hard against her anus. He pressed into the tightly clenched little muscle and then surged all the way up her ass. Once buried up to his third knuckle, he began wiggling his finger.

She thought she'd faint.

The sensation deep up in her bowels was totally different from having a cock in her cunt, fucking her. This was both stimulating and repulsive. She hated herself for liking it, yet couldn't deny her body craved the anal attention it was getting.

"You sure do groove on that," the man said. "I can tell when a chick likes something. You're gonna love this."

Suddenly her ass was empty. He'd yanked his finger out. Before she could protest, she felt his denim-clad thighs pressing into her naked ass. The thick shaft of his cock spread her asscheeks and drove hard for her cunt.

When the blunt tip of his prick rammed into her pussy lips, she screamed. It hadn't hurt. The cry was from surprise. Surprise and the sudden knowledge she was actually wanting this man's prick!

It didn't matter to her who was fucking her as long as she got enough steely hard prick up her cunt!

The man's cock drove between the well-greased sex lips and up into her cunt. She sighed deeply and felt his cock begin its way up into her belly. She almost collapsed when he bent forward and put his entire weight on her back. His cock was all the way up her cunt--that made her feel weak and rubbery in reaction--but the weight pressing down was almost too much.

"Don't fall flat on your face, you stupid cunt!" he snarled. "Take it all, damn you!"

She cowered at his harsh words but the feel of his prick moving gently inside her comforted the girl. She stiffened her arms and held up his entire weight.

"That's more like it. Now, shake your shoulders a little," he commanded her.

She obeyed and found her bra coming loose. Somehow, he had managed to unfasten her bra as well as unbuttoning her thin blouse. As she moved, she found the man's hands clamped firmly on her dangling tits. The suddenness of it sent a brand new thrill of delight into her youthful body.

"I... I like it!" she exclaimed, surprised at herself for admitting it to this man. She should have been hating every second of this forced sex. It was just the opposite.

She loved it.

"Yeah, thought you would," he said. His hips moved in slow, deliberate strokes. He was fucking her with languid motions.

The girl decided to ride along and enjoy it the best she could. And there was so much to enjoy!

She tried to sort over the feelings assaulting her body. The feel of the cock in her almost-virgin cunt was nice, too nice for words alone to fully describe. But there was more, so much more! The way the man's hands worked on her tits told her he was an expert at this type of lovemaking.

He stroked down the soft slopes of her jugs until all the blood rushed to the very tips. Then he took the nipples between thumb and forefinger. Rolling the turgid pebbles of flesh around sent daggers of desire lancing deep into her chest. She told him how much she enjoyed it.

"I never felt anything so, ummmm, so gooood! The way your hands press into my tits really turns me on!"

"Yeah. Does all the chicks. But what about my cock? Like it?"

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