Mother Every Way - Cover

Mother Every Way


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She is very prudish, but with a plan they get her to loosen up, maybe a little too much...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Danny was as eager as his hard-on made him appear. He went immidiately to his mother and untied her belt, drawing back the front of her gown to expose her creamy nakedness. His eyes glittered and he licked his lips. Helen quailed before his fierce expression of hunger. She clutched his forearms, recognizing his physical tension by the iron-hard condition of his muscles. With as little attention to her resistance as if her hands were at her sides, he raised his arms and slipped the gown off her shoulders. She released his wrists and let the garment slide off her arms and tumble to the floor.

Her son breathed hard as he ran his hands over her. "I thought about you all day, Mom," he said. "I kept seeing you like this and getting a hard-on." He grinned wryly. "By the end of the first period my balls ached so bad I could hardly make it to the next class!"

She whispered. "Danny... " And she stopped, having nothing to say.

She quivered, standing motionless while he continued to caress her. Her flesh tingled and there was a pressure in her lungs she couldn't ease. She knew nothing would help the dryness in her mouth, but she kept trying to generate saliva. Time seemed to her to have frozen, and she had a weird presentiment that she would stand before her son through eternity, his hands stroking her and his eyes devouring her.

"Isn't that tub full enough yet?" he asked.

She tore her gaze from his face and looked down. "Yes! If we're both going to get in there, it'll run over if it's any fuller!"

He stopped and turned the valves, then helped her as she stepped down into the water. She sank grateful into the foam, thankful as she's expected for the momentary respite from Danny's attention. He followed her in and luxuriated in the hot, foamy water. The dark purple knob of his erection poked up just above the surface of the water.

"Wow! This is all right! A guy could get to like this!" he exclaimed. "Maybe chicks have the right idea!"

She smiled. "It's a woman's secret - the way we unwind."

He grinned. "Be as good a place to wind up as unwind," he remarked. "Let's try it." He pulled her around, her back against his belly, and forced her legs apart. To keep them spread to his liking, he raised his knees and planted his feet between her thighs. She raised her own knees to ease the strain and gasped when he grabbed her pussy. He wasted little time finding her clitoris. He rubbed it gently, the soapy water making his fingertips slide easily on its sensitive surfaces, and Helen gulped with sudden lust. Her cunt felt as if it would look like a fish's mouth at feeding time, snapping greedily at nothing.

She grunted and thrust her hands between her back and her son's belly to seize his cock. He forced the fingers of one hand into her cunt and pulled her forward, tilting her and forcing her even further open.

"Danny! Danny!" she writhed against him.

Her clitoris felt raw before he abandoned his massage and she was certain he'd sensed how close she had come to orgasm. He kept one hand at her pussy, still thrust deeply into it, and slid the other under her to squeeze her buttocks. His fingers probed toward her rectum, and she raised herself involuntarily for the penetration she knew would come. She felt one finger force its way into her, then gasped and cried out as another joined it. The dual insertion, with his hands filling both her cunt and her rectum, destroyed the last vestiges of her self-control. She jerked her legs around his and thrust her ass about wildly. Her arms shook with the force of her grip on her son's cock, and she used the rock-hard prick as a lever for her thrashing. Her boobs surged in and out of the water, splashing great gobs of foam up and onto the surrounding floor.

"Omigod! Omigod! Danny, I'm already cumming! AGHHH!"

"You've got a long way to go, Mom." Danny's voice sounded strained. "My cock's got a fierce load, and you're going to be all over it!"

She groaned, the rigidity of her climax reaction fading, and lay back panting. "Oh, my! Oh, my, Danny! I couldn't help it!"

"It doesn't matter. You can come over and over." He captured her clitoris under his thumb without evacuating either her ass or her pussy.

She shrieked. "NO! Please, Danny! It's too tender right now! Ohhh, please!"

He ignored her pleading and new streaks of intolerable excitement stabbed her. She struggle to stop him, but his legs held hers helplessly apart and she found his elbows had her arms trapped.

"Damn you, Danny! You just don't care if it hurts, do you?"

"Aw, you're just saying that, Mom. It really feels good, only you want to wait in between times."

"No! No, I tell you it hurts!"

"Pain and excitement are all the same... no, pain and pleasure. One of the guys said he read that in a book."

'The cocky little bastard!' she thought of Danny. 'This time he happens to be right. It's really just too much pleasure to take. But that pleasure pain bit could get dangerous!' She gave up analysis; pleasure had overcome reluctance and she was flailing about on his hands again.

She reached such a high pitch that she only vaguely knew when he pulled out his fingers. She was conscious only of the fact that she was terribly full and deliriously happy at one point, then empty and yearning at another.

He lifted her up and sat her down on his cock with the head lodged at her rectum.

"Easy the first time." she cautioned him.

He didn't force her down, only guided her hips as he withdrew support, letting her own weight force her reluctant sphincter over the great bulb.

"Oh, Jesus!" she groaned aloud as her sphincter slowly dilated and swallowed the fat knob of his cock.

Her ass burned furiously, lacking sufficient lubrication. Her finger nails dug viciously into the flesh of his bare shoulders and her jaws clenched so tight that her neck hurt as she settled slowly onto the long shaft, silently enduring the fiery sensation of first entry.

When they were first married and still experimenting she had done this several times with Art. After the initial pain passed she had enjoyed it immensely. But that had been a long time ago and Danny was much bigger than Art.

"Oh, no! Danny, it's too much! Please, don't!" she begged. "Not so deep, Danny! You're going to hurt me!"

But Danny appeared to have further plans for her in his own build-up. He lifted her higher during one of the strokes, and she writhed helplessly while the wide shoulders of his cockhead tugged against her asshole and her sphincter slowly stretched enough to give up its enormous prisoner. When he lowered her again his cock drove upward into her cunt. There was no change in the motion, except she slid faster each time she was dropped, slamming onto the base of his cock with jarring blows. And the sensations seemed more intensely sexual.

Then, with excellent timing, he shifted his stiff organ at the peak of her stroke, doing it so fast and smooth that she was unaware of it having moved until she slammed down and her butthole exploded with pain at the sudden forceful insertion. She was moving so rapidly that her own momentum had completed half the stroke before she could react. But even as she slowed her downward movement Danny's hands were already on her hips, grasping her hipbones firmly, forcing her to continue downward until the cheeks of her buttocks rested on his thighs.

"Oh, it hurts!" she protested.

Danny held her buttocks tightly against his pelvis, the full length of his stiff phallus sheathed in her tortured colon, and shifted beneath her, grinding and rolling and bucking.

Another fraction of an inch in either length or breadth would have been too much, would have ruptured her.

When he relaxed his grip on her hip bones she gave a shuddering sigh of relief and lifted only a little before she settled carefully onto him again and began to ride him slowly, enduring the delicious torture of his immense organ stretching her colon.

When her thighs grew tired and she faltered he slipped his hands under her buttocks and lifted her, dropping her suddenly. The full length of his fat rigid phallus slammed up into her asshole with an impact that made her winch and cry out.

"Oh, Danny!" she groaned. "You're too damn big for this."

He lifted and dropped her repeatedly, and she knew she was sliding the full length of his cock with every stroke. She lost track of time and began to wonder dully whether she was going to cum or faint.

On the next upstroke he shifted again and she came down with her ass still burning but empty and her pussy crammed full. The sensation was so intense that lights exploded in her brain, she quivered from head to toe and her cunt clenched spasmodically on her son's cockshaft. Vaguely, through the mist of her climax she heard Danny's voice. "That's a good one, huh, Mom?"

At last - and still without having reached an orgasm - her son peeled her off his cock. He thrust her away from him, pressing her back against one side of the tub and kneeling astride her body. "How is it, Mom?" he asked. "Good, huh?"

He grinned proudly and thrust his belly forward grasping his cock in one hand a rubbing it across her mouth. Even in her dazed condition, her pussy hardened and her mouth watered at the sensation of the velvety cockhead on her lips. She dabbed at the thin coating of his fluid with her tongue.

"I'm something special, huh, Mom? Boy, I know some things to do!" He placed his hands in her armpits and lifted, sliding her more nearly erect. "I'm ready now, Mom. I thought this up by myself!"

He pressed against her, laying his cock in the cleft between her breasts, his thighs shoving up and in against the fullness of her globes. Raising her hands, he placed her palms on the outer slopes of her boobs and pushed until her flesh closed over the base and lower shaft of his cock. His balls rested against her solar plexus, bumping when she inhaled. His cock reared from between her breasts with its head touching the point of her chin.

"See, Mom? Room service! Boobs and mouth at the same time! Okay?"

Despite the revulsion she experienced at his egotism, she throbbed from the combined stimulus of the pulsing warmth between her boobs and the heavy scent of the bulb at her lower lip. "Okay, Son," she murmured. A spasm of desire seized her and she grunted. "Yes! Yes, Danny!" She lowered her face, her mouth opening widely to envelop his cockhead.

Her son pumped his hips slowly, his shaft sliding freely between the foamy surfaces of her boobs and his cockhead rubbing a path along the roof of her mouth to the arch of her throat. The tip of her tongue jabbed into his slit, exploring the quivering walls, and she sucked frantically. He pumped faster, a recurrent tremor betraying his growing agitation. Helen kneaded the sides of her breasts without being conscious of the act and pushed them to present her nipples to the friction of her son's belly.

Danny bent his neck abruptly, resting his chin on his chest and gritting his teeth audibly. His cock pulsed and steaming, thick jism welled into the back of Helen's mouth. She gulped, swallowing his cum as fast as he pumped it, the sweet-sour flavor making the back of her jaw buzz. She had a moment of detached realization that she wasn't going to come and an immediate surge of satisfaction in the knowledge. Her dazed condition cleared abruptly, leaving her alert and calm.

When Danny's rigidity ebbed, she was content to allow her own passion to cool without resolution. She sucked his cockhead dry and removed her hands from her breasts. Danny continued to lean against her for a time, then slid back into the water to rest.

"Whew!" He grinned wearily at his mother. "Whew! Some fuck, MOM!"

She returned his gaze coolly. "Danny, it's time we started treating that word with proper respect."

"Huh?" He stared.

"Fuck is a powerful word. ^It's short and pungent and earthy. It's sound sort of reaches down into a person's guts and makes them feel like what it means. It loses all that if it's used at the wrong times or with the wrong meaning. Understand?"

"I guess so." He shook his head slowly.

Helen actuated the drain lever and rose to her feet. She reached across to the towels and handed one to her son, sponging at the water that coursed down her own body.

"Hey!" Danny protested. "You said I could dry you!"

"You can. I'm just getting the worst of it so I won't make a big puddle on the floor."

"Oh." Danny toweled himself rapidly and clambered out of the tub.

Helen accepted her son's help as she stepped out and stood quietly while he fondled her through the towel. His hands aroused her, even through the thick terrycloth, and she made no effort to resist the impulses that coursed through her. She permitted herself to squirm when she felt like it and to thrust her pussy harder against Danny's hand when he dried it, frankly parting her thighs to heighten her pleasure. But when she was dry and Danny had tossed the towel aside, she vetoed his attempt to resume his feeling- up.

"Huh? But, Mom!" Danny looked deeply puzzled. "What's wrong?"

"You're looking forward to another two hours of sex, I suppose."

"Well... well, aren't we going to?"


"Why not? Aw, shit, Mom!"

"Danny!" she drew herself erect. "That'll be all of that kind of language."

"But gee, MOM! What's all the fuss?"

"No fuss. Just time we understood each other. Time to find out where each of us stands."

He attempted to divert her. "Rather lay," he said with a grin.

"Of course!" She smiled. "Look, Danny. You've got to learn a lot yet before you can spend all your time on sex. Maybe then you'll know better. The point is, this thing of ours got started in a sort of misunderstanding. When you found those doors open and barged in on me, you made some remark about having had the wrong idea about privacy. Well, modesty's another word that has something to do with privacy. Privacy and modesty mean just about the same thing in this house now as they did before that day.

"The same kinds of off-limits things, Mom?"

"Yes. You caught me in the very worst spot in my changeover of ideas and... well, values. I'm not going into that with you, but things were so confused I let you assume things that weren't true. And I let you make plans that aren't going to get carried out."

"Like what plans, Mom?"

She saw an edge of fear in his expression. 'He knows he's about to lose something that he thought he had sewed up', she thought. She felt a pang of sympathy, but her obligation was clear. "Like your idea we were going to play sex games every time the coast was clear... that you had a license to play sex games with me whenever you felt like it. It's not going to work that way. You lucked out about getting a real life demonstration of what Mr. Duffy was talking about. You even got to try out some pretty wild ideas of your own. But that's as far as it goes. I get my sex from your father, and I like it. When it's time for you to get yours, you're on your own. I'll answer questions. I might even listen to fantasies sometime and tell you how they affect me - or whether I think they're possible. But I'm not going to be a guinea pig for you."

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