Tempted Bride - Cover

Tempted Bride


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Grace cringed in abject fear against Ricky Karl's legs, an act that caused the fat man to laugh in a cruel sadistic glee a noise that sounded more like the nocturnal barkings of a jackal. "Go ahead, Andy. The snooty little cunt's all yours."

"Oh, please. No. You promised to help me. Don't. Oh, God! Please, Mr. Karl. He'll hurt me." She was trembling violently now, close to fainting but afraid to lose consciousness for fear of being handed over to the torturers.

Andy glanced down at her, puzzled at first by her frightened comments, then he realized she was stupid enough to think that Ricky really was handing her over to him for good. He laughed. "Shit, lady, I'm not going to kill you... yet. Not unless I kill you by fucking you to death. But I am going to fuck you. I watched that tight little pussy of yours wig-wagging back and forth while you were blowing Ricky and it was all I could do to keep from running over here and giving it to you from behind dog fashion."

Again in Grace's mind there was that surprising juxtaposition between happy relief at receiving another last minute pardon and revulsion at the man's obscene language and what he was requesting. Even as this thought was being formulated, Andy had begun undressing. She watched, in horrified abhorrence and close to nausea as he removed everything but his jockey shorts beneath which she saw the awesome shape of his penis--frighteningly long and thick even though it was still hidden by the cloth. The wiry muscles stretched like cables on the little horseman's body. He looked tough, capable, and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him.

"Get up. Take off everything," Andy demanded. "I don't want any of that frilly crap getting in my way when I shove my cock into your cunt."

Mortified and humiliated, Grace glanced once up toward Ricky as if seeking salvation, but the sadistic look of burning anticipation in his eyes made her realize there was to be no hope from him. She stood, still trembling but less violently than before, and unfastened her garter belt. Slowly, using both hands, she peeled down the hose on her right leg and stepped out of it.

Andy watched as she removed the brown sheer hose from her other leg. Then she was standing before him, eyes downcast and subservient. She was taller than he by at least four inches, but that didn't matter... he had the great equalizer between his legs. When he got through reaming out her proud little cunt, she'd know a real man had fucked her and his goddamned height wouldn't make any difference at all. There was only one thing more he wanted, and he said, "Don't take offense, Ricky, but do you mind if I have the cunt wash out her mouth. I don't relish kissing a mouth full of your cum."

Ricky giggled obscenely. "Go ahead, Andy. Let her gargle with whiskey."

Grace heard all this without any emotion. She had numbed her body and her brain so that she would feel nothing, hear nothing. A bottle of bourbon was shoved into her hand as Andy snarled, "Go ahead and gargle, you sweet little cocksucker, you."

Grace tilted the bottle to her lips and swished the liquor around in her mouth. She looked mutely toward Ricky, but found only amusement on his moon face. She swallowed the whiskey, choking and gasping, and then feeling the need of assistance in getting over what was obviously going to be a horrible time, took another long, deep drink before putting the bottle back on the table.

Ricky stood for the first time. His wrinkled little sausage of a penis was almost too small to be seen beneath the repulsive roll of fat that hung like a white rubber tire below his navel. He jerked his head toward the couch. "Fuck her there, Andy; I'd like to see the action you get out of her goody-goody little pussy."

Andy grinned nastily, then the smile faded from his mean tight little face as he looked at the voluptuous young brunette standing like a slave on an auction block in front of him. "You heard him, cunt. Lie down on the fucking couch and spread your legs."

As if she were a zombie, Grace did as she was instructed. She could feel the slight scratchiness of the couch pushing against her naked back and buttocks as she lay back, resigned and unfeeling, awaiting whatever depraved obscenities that might be heaped on her head.

"Look at this cock, baby. I want you to see what Daddy's got for that little pussy of yours," Andy crooned.

Grace turned, not knowing what to expect, then gasped when she saw the awesome size of the jockey's penis. It seemed almost bigger than the man. No woman could ever take that without being split apart; that massive cudgel would rip her from vagina to anus if he tried to put it inside her. She swallowed, now unable to tear her eyes from the frightening sight.

Ricky asked, "Wouldn't you like her to suck on it? She's a talented little cocksucker."

Andy wrapped the fingers of his left hand around the mid-part. Even with both hands on it, there were still two inches of trunk and the mammoth head uncovered. He looked over toward Ricky, grinning. "Naw, no blow job for me. I never told you this, but when I was twelve years old, I met a woman who could really suck cocks; I mean, she had her own little Hoover vacuum cleaner in her mouth. That was when I was twelve. You know something, Ricky, I was five feet ten inches tall and had a two inch pecker. When she got through sucking on me, I was five feet two inches tall and had a ten inch cock."

Ricky blinked then began guffawing as he realized Andy had just put him on. Grace tried to shove herself even deeper in the couch. These two men undoubtedly were the lewdest, the most depraved individuals she had ever encountered in her life. Their obscene conversation and words scraped like coarse sandpaper against the tender sensitivities of her soul, in spite of the fact that she thought her mind and body had been sealed off from them.

"All right, cunt. Spread your legs, I'm going to ride your little pussy just like I was in the Kentucky Derby," Andy said, his eyes glittering now with a lewd anticipation.

Grace knew there was nothing she could do but obey. No sense in asking anyone here for mercy or forgiveness or gentleness. Her eyes locked once more on that long thick cock extending out from his loins. He was going to hurt her, she knew beyond a doubt. He would relish hearing her scream, would delight in every groan of pain that was pulled forcefully from her body. And Ricky, sitting now over there on the chair, would equally enjoy her pitiful moans and pleas.

Grace lay still, resigned to her fate, with her thighs spread wide waiting, waiting for the rape of her helplessly young vagina, Stan's vagina, to begin. Her belly quivered in fear and she could already almost feel the terrible pressure, the stretching as his huge penis pressed nakedly against the open lips of her small, defensively clenched vaginal opening.

Andy bent down over her prostrate body, and without warning fastened his teeth harshly into the nipple of her right breast. In spite of all her resolutions not to cry out or give them pleasure by letting them know how much she was hurt, she groaned in pain and attempted to twist away from the sudden sharp torture. With her first movement of escape, Andy used his hands--strong powerful hands accustomed to handling reins and recalcitrant horses--to hold her tight down against the cushions of the couch. When she lay acquiescent again, his hands began playing over the softness of her thighs and hips. Now his lips roamed wetly over the whitely palpitating mounds of her breasts, Grace felt an unwanted pleasure coming from his lewd caresses.

"Go to it, boy," Ricky said in encouragement, as he felt a new arousal beginning in him from the sight of the coldly aloof and "holier than thou" young wife being subjected to the gross indignity of being treated like a common street whore.

Andy's lips slobbered over the soft sensitive areas of her body, and although there were moments when it seemed he was being gentle, his hard, cruel eyes were greedy mirrors of his sadistic desire. Impatiently now, he moved his left hand down across her abdomen and used his middle finger to explore her softly quivering cuntal crevice. Grace squirmed down further into the couch, seeking to evade his touch. Andy grinned nastily, then looked over toward Ricky. "That blow job she gave you must have turned her on a little. She's wet between her legs, almost ready to fuck." He teasingly rotated his finger up into the moist, hot furrow of her vagina and was rewarded by a frightened moan of pain. Even before her vagina had grown accustomed to the worming finger, a second one joined the first.

"Oh please! You're hurting me," Grace wailed, hating herself for voicing her pain, for being unable to numb that secret part of her down between her helplessly open legs.

"Shut up, bitch," Andy growled. "When I want you to bark, I'll throw you a bone." In retaliation for her protest, he mercilessly ground his fingers in as deep as they could go into her helplessly spread vaginal opening. Grace bit her lips this time to keep from crying out, but she was unable to keep the tears from welling up in her eyes.

Apparently satisfied that she was as ready as she would ever be, Andy said, "Spread your legs out wider, baby, I'm coming now. You're going to get screwed like you've never been screwed before. You're going to twist and squirm when this prick of mine sinks all the way into your belly. And before I pull it out again, you're going to be screaming and begging for more." He glanced down at her in amusement. She was shocked by his words, the bitch probably never had a man talk to her that way before. And suddenly, he knew that when this one--unlike the hookers and lay-about wives he was used to fucking--started begging, she would actually be begging! He also knew instinctively, had known ever since he saw her cunt making little circles back behind her as she hungrily sucked on Ricky's cock, that she was going to beg. Oh, she would fight it... would do everything in her power to keep from getting with it... but once his prick got inside that tight little cunt, her pussy would get so hot that she would be crying for it. The thought served as a goad and he knew he had to have her now.

Quickly then, he levered up over her, his arms stiff, his powerful hands resting on her well rounded shoulders. He dropped one hand down between their bodies taking the hard pulsating prick between his fingers and guided it forward, using the thick rubbery head to part the softly curling pubic hair and the warm, ripe lips of her naked cunt.

Now that the moment was at hand, Grace turned her head to the side on the couch, closing her eyes with a shudder as she felt the first contact against the sensitive outer lips of her fevered pussy. She held her breath, lying absolutely still in utter subjugation beneath him, not daring to breathe... like land before the storm.

Then she felt the first harsh unrelenting pressure against the tight elastic opening of her vagina; it was at that moment her breath rushed out of her body in one long sustained protest, "Ooooooooh."

Andy grinned cruelly and pushed.

"Aaaaagh," she cried as the huge head slipped through, brutally stretching the tight rubbery opening until Grace was sure that flesh and bones were being split--like the wishbone of a chicken. Suddenly all her good intentions of bravery fled as the pressure continued and built up. "Oooh, God. Don't. You're hurting me. Please. YOU'RE HUR... TING... MEEEEEE." The last was screamed at the top of her voice, as pain forced her eyes open and she saw his cruelly grinning face sadistically looking down at her. He was killing her, she would die right here. Nothing could be more painful or agonizing than this, and what made it even worse was the undeniable fact that the sadistic beast was enjoying her pitiful pleas, was enjoying watching her suffer beneath the barbaric cruelty of his slow relentless penetration of her cunt.

Andy listened with undisguised sadistic pleasure to her abject pleas. He had known ever since he first wormed a finger into the warm damp confines of her pussy that she was going to be hurt because she had the tightest little cunt of anyone he had felt in years. This was prime stuff! She was goddamned near a virgin, he thought, and not very many peckers had been shoved between those creamy widespread thighs. When he finished with her, she'd throw rocks at that young punk of a husband of hers. Christ! Here she was squealing like a stuck pig and he hadn't even gotten more than his head inside yet; she'd go absolutely ape shit when she felt all ten inches banging on her ribs like a stick being drawn across a metal picket fence.

Abruptly, the cruel smirk on his face faded, replaced by an implacable masque of sheer animal desire. The feral lust was upon him; he could stand it no more, watching this helpless, innocent young wife spread-eagled beneath him with the head of his thickly pulsating cock disappearing like an ostrich into the softly curling hairs of her warm, moist cunt.

He decided to quit screwing around and get down to the fucking. He had to fuck her--had to, right now!

Andy's hard muscular little body fell forward, his weight crushing her firm, succulent breasts hard down against her chest. He thrust his hips forward with one mighty shove and his long sleek cock slid into her open cunt with a savage fury, mercilessly spreading the soft moist flesh of her warm vaginal walls before its lust-hardened head. "Aaaaagggghhhh," Grace screamed, her eyes wide and unblinking in sheer agony. There was no stopping the skinny man, his mammoth cock thrust in with all the force of a battering ram and her vainly resisting pussy opened wide against the barbaric onslaught. Down, down, down it drove until, with a loud groan of lewd delight, his testicles slapped heavily against the defenselessly upturned cheeks of her tightly clenched ass.

"Ohhhhhh, God!" she wailed beneath him. She thought her vagina had been horribly stretched when Jim Meloney had done it to her, but this man--this little jockey--had filled her cunt to the point where it felt as if the handle of a sledge hammer had been shoved into her, as if his plunging cock had ripped and torn and defiled not only her outer parts but her innermost depths. He had lanced into her without mercy, sending a pressure wave of pain roaring before his penis so great that she thought she would lapse into unconsciousness. Now, an infinitesimal second later, his huge throbbing rod lay sunk deep in her belly, and she could feel every hard tiny little ridge pressing tight against the soft, tender walls of her pussy. It was hot, powerful--something incredibly primeval, prehistorically reptilian... frightening in its indestructibility.

Man and woman lay there in silence for a moment, both staring at each other, woman waiting and afraid to move, man feeling the hotly pulsating walls of her cunt enclosing his prick like a strong hand of a dairy maid that squeezed and let up, squeezed and released, milking his cock against its will.

Andy flexed his hardness deep inside her.

"Auuuuuuggh!" she grunted, closing her eyes in pain, "Please don't move."

"You've really got a tight little pussy, baby, but we'll stretch it out for you, starting right now," he taunted, flexing it once more.

"Aaaagggh, please don't." This time it was a deeper moan, with her face twisted in pain and neck muscles straining out from the force of her resistance.

Then, the lewdly grinning man began a slow, teasing rocking motion between her thighs, and each inward thrust was like a tiny explosion of a fire bomb inside her, burning and searing the soft, nerve-filled flesh. As his motion widened the tight narrow passage of her cock-filled little pussy with short, smooth strokes, Grace groaned in hopeless defeat beneath him.

Ricky stood up now and moved quietly over to the copulating couple on the couch. He had seen fuck shows before, but there was something about the earlier arrogance of the previously aloof and untouchable Mrs. Hope that aroused him more than he had been for years. He watched as the thick white shaft of glistening penile flesh, shining now from her involuntary cuntal lubricant drove relentlessly in and out of the coral pink lips of her hot moist vagina. The little jockey was really pouring it to her, he thought, as he watched the rapid rise and fall of the rider's buttocks and heard the sound of naked flesh smacking naked flesh. Even as he stood there watching, he sensed a sudden change in the woman's physical behaviour. Earlier she had tightened every muscle in her body--fighting the brutal penetration, being completely uncooperative. Now he saw the first signs of weakening, of submissive resignation from her. It was a simple thing, almost unnoticeable. Her toes had curled in tightly against the tuft of the couch, and her calf muscles had begun flexing with each new inward thrust of Andy's cock.

Grace knew her body was about to betray her, just as it had revolted against her morals and inhibitions that night when Jim Meloney had first made her an adulteress and plunged his prick into her. She fought against this new betrayal, praying silently for succor, but it rapidly became apparent that prayers and will-power were useless against an emotion and need older than mankind itself. Abruptly her body took complete command from her resisting mind and began reacting involuntarily. Lewd flames of desire were suddenly sparked and, blown by the gale-like winds of her own wanton needs, spread throughout her abdomen and streaked through her veins until her entire body was consumed with a fiery lust. She no longer had the will-power or desire to fight him; she had lost the battle and now she knew that in spite of her revulsion and horror, she was about to surrender completely to this man who unmercifully fucked into her between her open legs. She looked up and saw Ricky Karl standing less than three feet away. His eyes were glazed in a lewdly shining lust as he watched them and his fat hand had enclosed his penis, stroking it as though he were mesmerized. The lewdness of that event, combined with the thought of what her naked body was doing--of what was being done to her naked body--sent helpless chills of unwanted sexual sensation running along the base of her spine.

Helplessly, hesitantly, she began to twist and writhe beneath the rhythmically fucking man. With a low groan of complete submission and pleading she reached up and locked an arm around his neck, pulling his face down to hers. She shoved her tongue with a wanton abandonment deep into his throat, as inarticulate mewls of feral, slave-like acceptance bubbled from her lust constricted throat.

Andy, feeling her body beginning to react, slipped his hands down over the naked curves of her hips to the supple, smooth white moons of her heaving buttocks; he cupped them harshly with each hand and began pulling her suddenly eagerly cooperating ass cheeks up toward him on each punishing inward thrust.

Grace flexed and unflexed her buttock muscles as his thin fingers kneaded them like bread dough, and at the same time pulled her thighs back a little more, causing the moist wet hole of her cunt to spread open even more in an effort to receive his mammoth prick to greater depths.

The pain had disappeared almost at the same time she had relaxed, to be replaced with a wild sexual abandon she could not control. Grace closed her eyes, slavering her tongue up into his mouth, feeling his tongue fencing with hers, feeling his teeth, the roof of his mouth savouring the faint taste of tobacco and whiskey in his throat. Moments before the cords in her neck and thighs were standing out hard and tense as she fought him; they still stood out, but now it was from ecstasy as she writhed beneath him in the fevered wantonness of her desire. There was no longer any thought in the world but the delicious sensation of lying beneath this race track bookie who was fucking her against her will; she wanted to give back to him the pleasure he was giving her. Abruptly, she lifted her knees and wrapped her legs around the man's heaving buttocks.

Andy slaved above her, deliberately changing techniques-- riding high on her to scrape her clitoris, riding low on her until she felt the harsh slap of his balls against the nakedly exposed little crevice of her ass... thrusting inward with great force and leaving his prick buried to the hilt for a moment or two, all the while making it jump and jerk against the tip of her cervix-- and then going into longer, smoother strokes that drew his cock nearly out of her clasping, steaming vagina on the backstroke before plunging forward into her uplifted buttocks again.

She felt him push his hand down between their two thrashing bodies to the point where his prick was sliding smoothly in and out of her fevered pussy, and then felt him begin to fondle the soft fur-lined cuntal lips milking at his all-powerful rampaging cock. He continued to finger pussy lips and clitoris until low lust-laden groans of animal desire gurgled out of her throat. Her widening vagina had accommodated his mammoth hardness, now it seemed to be trying to greedily devour the whole of his wonderful instrument... that hot, throbbing pole of lust-hardened flesh bringing her such sweet and unbelievable torment.

Andy grinned knowingly as he felt the first fevered twitching deep within the velvety clenching well of her cunt. The bitch may have looked frigid and cold as an iceberg when he first saw her but she was a hot little number now about to go out of her fucking mind at the reaming her heated little pussy was receiving from his hard driving cock.

Suddenly he, too, was losing restraint. The milking his prick was receiving from her twitching vaginal muscles was causing his usually ironclad control to weaken. He quickened his thrust, hot and pulsating and deep, and the resulting delight caused her to croon and babble incoherently. He put his hands under her knees, pushing them back hard and up until they were on both sides of her head, making the plane of her throbbing cunt wide open to the pile-driving, brutal thrusts he began throwing into her. It should have caused her to cry out--most women did. But instead of pleading for mercy, the crazy little bitch wanted more! He couldn't believe it!

"Oh... ohhhh... harder, more. More... deeper, fuck harder!" she began to intone beneath him, her face an unrecognizable masque of lewd desire and abandonment.

Again he quickened his thrusts, grinding hard and deep, his cock drilling high and hard up into the never-before touched hidden recesses of her womb. They both grunted and moaned deliriously, with Grace giving back everything she received.

"You are a hot little cunt," the bookie groaned and there was, for the first time, genuine admiration in his voice.

The lewd compliment, coupled with the exquisite feeling deep up in her belly, resulted in a message from loins to brain--a message she found hard to believe, but that magnificent pressure building inside her was not to be denied. This was it! Oh, God, she was coming closer, closer...

"Harder, Oh God... fuck harder. Oh... ohhhh," she wailed. "Give me... give... more! Fuck me, fuck me... " but her craven begging, which Andy had been waiting to hear, fell on deaf ears because the little jockey was so close to his own release that he heard nothing, saw nothing... felt everything.

Grace panted and writhed, hearing the hoarse gasping of the man atop of her breathing as though he had just about reached the tape in the two thousand metre run. His cock raged and hurtled into her, and nothing had ever felt so wonderful before. She tingled from the tips of her toes to the back of her head, and without any more notice, the tingle became a convulsion.

She gasped as it hit her, gasping, "Andy... I'm cumming. Oh, God. Beautiful... wonderful... I'm cummmming. Aiiiiieeeeeeeee." Even above the violence of her own orgasm as she bucked and jerked against him, she felt his cock grow even larger--ballooning in size--and then begin to pump hot, thick sperm deep up into her hungrily quivering belly. She locked her arms around his muscular little body, wanting this exquisite bliss to last forever.

Finally, her legs went limp and splayed out obscenely on either side of the jockey. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she took one deep sigh. Then, abruptly, the earlier wave of humiliation and shame came back to her, flooding her mind, as she recalled where she was and what had been done to her and who was lying atop her with his thick savage penis still buried deep inside her gently palpitating vagina. Tears began streaming down her cheeks. She lay there motionless, eyes closed, beaten as Andy slowly pulled out of her, his deflated prick slipping from her vagina with a lewd, wet, sucking noise. He stood, wobbling slightly.

The sight of the beautiful young wife being fucked into insensibility had caused Ricky to go almost out of his mind and, with his stubby little cock as erect as it had been earlier, he impatiently straddled the girl the moment Andy got up. He placed his two fat hairy knees on each side of her rib cage right under her armpits, his penis lying in the cleavage between her breasts.

Grace was too weary, too sated, to fight this new assault upon her body. She lay there, eyes closed, as Ricky pressed her warm soft breasts tight against his cock and began sawing back and forth. He worked for less than a minute before he suddenly grunted, and his prick began shooting out spurts of white, hot cum that splattered against her chin and face and throat, and clung like translucent elongated pearls in her disheveled raven black hair.

She stoically bore this latest indignity feeling neither revulsion nor hatred for the degradation, knowing with a sure certainty that this was only the beginning of a long and arduous ordeal. She was a prisoner of these two men, a prisoner just as surely as if she wore a striped uniform and was locked and chained in a dungeon. There was no place she could go where they would not find her, no one--not even the police to turn to for protection without being eventually betrayed. She knew now that her only salvation would be death or to become one of them, one of their whores. She could not begin to imagine what other vile depraved demands would be made of her. She knew only one thing--survival-- and she would do anything they asked.

Andy had gone over to the bar where he watched, with considerable amusement, Ricky fuck the naked young woman's breasts. He knew how the evening would wind up, for Ricky did have a few peculiar hang-ups, like having the broad stand spread-legged over him and piss in his face. Well, everyone was entitled to get their kicks any way they could. His eyes narrowed as he slowly raised the double shot of bourbon and sipped it. Ricky was off the broad now and Andy could see the long, slender body of the woman in repose. He thought once again about the view he'd had of her when he first came into the room, of her being on hands and knees with that magnificent young ass waving high in the air behind her like a beautiful target with two bull's-eyes. He'd scored with one, that left an untouched bull's eye... her asshole! He glanced down at his prick and saw it slowly crawling to new life. Yeh, he thought with growing excitement, yeh! "Tiddle-de-dee-- Tiddle-de-dum; lookout asshole, here we come," he mentally said, remembering the old limerick.

"Hey, boss," he called to Ricky, "you finished? Can I borrow the little snatch again?"

Grace did not catch the significance of the word "boss", and it did not dawn on her until much later that in reality Ricky had been calling the shots right from the beginning--that the person who would order her beating or enslavement or execution would be the fat man... not the little jockey.

Ricky beamed down at his cum slowly flowing down the chin and throat of the young, already well-fucked bride. Fucking her in between those soft, incredibly warm tits had been very exciting indeed, just as he had known it was going to be. She really was a splendid specimen--not only body-wise, but also in her earlier moral arrogance which had been broken so easily. After watching Andy screwing her silly, he knew just about everything he needed to know about her capabilities. She was going to make a good addition to his stable. He rated her excellent at the moment, but if she had a particularly strong bladder, he would unhesitatingly raise that rating to "Superior." He found himself growing excited at the thought of the treat in store for him, so much so that it took him a second to realize that Andy had spoken to him.

"What is it, my boy?" he asked, without taking his eyes off Grace's sperm spattered neck and chin.

"I wanted to know if you were through with the little bitch for a minute. I'd like to try it on again for size."

"Of course, of course," Ricky said. "That's why she's here. Go right ahead, but first... " He waddled across the room to the refrigerator behind the bar and pulled out two bottles of beer. He unscrewed the caps from both of them as he carried them back to the couch. "Here you are, my dear. Drink these."

Grace opened her eyes and saw the proffered bottle of beer. "No... thanks... " she said weakly, thinking it was an act of kindness on his part and not wanting to hurt his feelings. This idea was promptly shocked out of her mind when Ricky snarled viciously, "I said drink it, you bitch." Bewildered and frightened, Grace sat upright and accepted the bottle. She took a little sip.

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