Underground Model - Cover

Underground Model


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

A few minutes before the two girls had worked up their hot passions to the great climatic peak, Larry had crept quietly into the studio, taking in the lewd scene with ice cold anger in his eyes. But now when he saw Patricia watching him, Larry seemed to relax his forbidding countenance. He noticed that the new girl didn't appear to be very worried at his sudden appearance, in fact, she showed little loss of composure at all.

Ellen climbed to the floor and gave her brother a challenging stare, making no attempt to hide her nudity. Patricia rose from the couch and placed one arm across her breasts and the other over the soft hairy mound still throbbing between her thighs... more of a gesture of modesty than shame.

"Well, I see you two have got to know each other pretty fast," Larry commented wryly. He exchanged a knowing look at his sister, then relaxed his stance even more. "What do you think?" he asked his sister. "Is she suitable for our work?"

"Oh, yes!" Ellen responded eagerly. "There's no doubt about it." She placed her arm possessively around Patricia's shoulder, carelessly letting her hand rest on the upper swell of the girl's right breast.

Watching the stimulating scene, Larry felt his penis slowly rising uncomfortably within the tight confines of his pants. Patricia moved nearer to Ellen, feeling the older girl's hand now slipping further down her chest and encompassing the ripe globe of her breast, and stared back at Larry. Her eyes looked openly at the swell in his trousers where his cock was still stiffening... then she spoke to him for the first time, her voice still breathless from her sexual encounter with Ellen.

"I'm ready to begin posing right now if you want me to," she told him demurely. "What would you like me to do first?"

"Ellen will take you into the dressing room while I set up the equipment," he said, still amazed at the young girl's composure. He turned away from her then, busying himself by checking the cameras and lighting stands. Ellen took Patricia's hand and walked with her to the small room at the back. It contained nothing but a huge double closet and a separate, full-length mirror.

Ellen pulled the closet door open and revealed to Patricia a large selection of bras, panties and silk stockings, all hanging neatly in a variety of sizes and colors. She rummaged quickly through the stack of underclothes.

"Let me pick you out something special," she said, finally bringing out a black bra with a pair of almost transparent cups, a white garter belt, and the tiniest pair of pale blue bikini panties that Patricia had ever seen. They consisted of nothing more than a wispy vee of material at the crotch and black strings which fitted below the hips to hold the flimsy garment in place.

After Ellen had assisted Patricia into her costume, she led the girl back into the studio. Larry looked up from his camera and gave a low, breathless whistle, studying every line of Patricia's body, every curve and crevice of her form. He could feel his cock twitch nervously up against his tight crotch to another stiff erection, though he was able to keep his voice steady when he finally spoke again.

"OK. Patricia," he said. "If you'll just stand there against the backdrop with your legs slightly apart and your hands on your hips, I'll take a rear view of you." He looked through the viewfinder of his Polaroid camera and adjusted the focus. Then, walking over to Patricia, he lifted her head around so that she was looking pertly over her shoulder. Still not completely satisfied, he bent and lifted the lacy edge of her panties a little higher over her buttocks, letting her soft flesh there spill even more generously out of the briefs.

Larry moved back to the camera and pressed the button, then waiting a minute, he pulled the finished print out of the back and scanned it briefly with a professional eye.

"Very nice," he commented. "Come over here and see, Ellen."

Ellen walked over to him and looked at the photo, raising her eyebrows in approval.

"You've really got a natural talent for posing, Patricia," Larry told her. He whispered secretly into his sister's ear for a few moments... but Patricia was unable to catch any of his remarks. When he had finished, she saw Ellen nod in agreement... and then Larry finally informed her that he wanted Ellen to film a special movie with him posing as an underwear salesman and Patricia as the young innocent customer.

Patricia agreed and within five minutes, they had arranged the dazzling spotlights over the "area of action" and Ellen was installed behind a 16 mm Bolex, trying out the zoom lens so that she could be certain not to miss any detail of the pair's intimate movements.

The camera started to whir, and Patricia began to play out her role perfectly, adopting just the right mixture of pretty demure artlessness which excited Larry and Ellen's jaded lust so strongly. For the role, Patricia had changed into another costume and looked sweetly pert in a schoolgirl's uniform of black and white, her short skirt nearly revealing the tops of her jet-black stockings.

Larry showed her a brassiere and she put her head coyly to one side, looking at it as if she couldn't quite make up her mind on a purchase. He spread his hands, indicating that she really ought to be measured before buying so important a garment... and Patricia nodded her head, turning around so that he could help her to unfasten her blouse.

Delicately, Larry unhooked her bra and placed it on the counter. He slipped both of his hands under her arms and closed his fingers around the bare breasts which the young girl was now offering him for measurement.

Ellen zoomed in for a close-up of her brother's hands as they massaged Patricia's round, full bosom, then zoomed out again to include the picture of the two of them... Patricia's eyes closing in pleasure as she received a prolonged and determined breast-fondling.

When he had finished his sensuous massaging, Larry reached over and picked up a pair of lacy panties which lay on the counter and then offered them for the girl's inspection. Patricia put one finger pensively to her mouth then looked from him to the panties, and then back again. Pointing to the panties, she made it clear by a skillful piece of mimicking that she wanted Larry to try them on himself in order that she could judge the effect!

At first, Larry pretended to be completely shocked at this weird and indecent suggestion, but Patricia indicated plainly that unless he did as she requested she would leave the shop without buying anything. With a helpless shrug, he unzipped his trousers and lowered them to the floor. He stepped out of them, slid down the pants, and allowed the inquisitive girl a long view of his stiffening penis.

His rigid shaft stuck proudly in the air and Patricia, with girlish glee, urged him to draw on the tiny panties which he had offered her. Obediently, he started to pull them up his legs and managed to get them as far as his thighs. Here, the tight, silky panties stoutly refused to be drawn over Larry's bulging penis. Try as he might, he was unable to stretch them so that they covered his fleshy manhood.

Patricia helpfully joined in the struggle, seizing Larry's cock and squashing it first this way and then the other, trying to jam it into the V-shaped base of the panties. She managed it at last, thrusting the hard, excited weapon within the confines of the flimsy material by holding his cock with one hand and pulling the waistband of the panties wide with the other. It surged violently outwards under its strange bondage, straining the silk to the breaking-point. With this task finally accomplished, Patricia forced her "salesman" to sit down while she delicately peeled off her own panties seductively down almost to her thighs, pausing when the elastic top clung just below her pubic region.

She moaned and covered the hairy treasure with her hand, massaging the mound and the outer lips while Larry watched with lust-crazed eyes. A few long moments of this torture lasted, and then the girl finally relented. She quickly tugged her pants right off her graceful limbs and stood posed sexily in front of him, dressed in nothing but her garter belt and black, nylon stockings!

Drawing Larry once more to his feet, Patricia hugged him firmly against her, squashing her bare tummy tightly against his penis, rubbing herself back and forth in slow rotations to get his cock as hot as possible... caressing her hard crotch into Larry's tightly-constrained cock. Then, taking his hands in hers, she moved them around her waist and laid them firmly on the plump cheeks of her buttocks.

Ellen crouched down and filmed in intimate close-up the sight of her brother's hands rubbing wildly over the globes which she herself had massaged into orgasm so recently. He pinched and pulled at her young, firm flesh, passing his fingers into the crack between the twin mounds of luscious softness and dipping their tips against the brown, damp anus which was now exposed so shamelessly for the camera's steady stare.

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