Underground Model - Cover

Underground Model


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Patricia was dressed and out of the beach cottage by ten o'clock on Monday morning. She steered her MG convertible along the hot black asphalt highway that led to the Santa Monica turnoff, grateful for the openness of the car... as usual the day was heavy with smog and humidity. The sweltering morning had been in the nineties and would probably go much higher before noon. She drove leaning slightly forward in the seat, so that her back would not touch the hot leather of the car seat; but even so, she could feel sweat gather at the back of her neck and run down the ridge of her spine.

The skirt of her dress was pulled up around her hips to take advantage of the air rushing through the ventilators, but the air too was scorching, like the day, and gave little relief. Vehicles jammed the wide highway, even though the morning rush hour had long past, and Patricia tried to concentrate on her driving, deftly switching lanes to keep up an even speed so that she would not be late for her appointment.

She had deliberately spent Sunday down on the beach, cultivating her tan in a state of blank-minded apathy, refusing to speculate on the experience which was in store for her. It was best to go into it with a completely open mind, she had decided. The important thing to remember was that she was conducting her own life now, moving of her own free will into a possibly exciting... and certainly financially rewarding modeling job.

At the studio, Ellen impatiently checked her watch for the third time, any second now the new model should be turning in at the gate. She was alone that morning because Larry had been forced at the last minute to go down to the printing company and straighten out a few technical problems, leaving Ellen to interview and appraise the now eagerly anticipated Patricia. He had left her alone with the new model with great reluctance, warning his sister repeatedly that she was on no account to make advances that would scare the new girl off.

She lit up a fresh cigarette and poured herself a tall screwdriver, adding a double shot of vodka to calm down the excitement building up in her stomach in anticipation of the new arrival. She was aware that for the last year her "afternoon cocktails" were starting earlier and earlier in the day, until like this morning, she usually began her drinking right after breakfast... sometimes she would even skip breakfast and start her daily liquid diet soon after awakening. She still managed to preserve her fresh beauty by eating expensive health foods and getting plenty of exercise before the fattening alcohol could build up in her system.

For her birthday last year, Larry had a sauna bath constructed out by the pool where they both frequently perspired in the nude, jumping back in the cool chlorine water when the heat had been more than they could stand. Twice a year, Ellen spent a week or two, depending on her time schedule, at a luxury health spa near Palm Springs. Here, she was pleasantly starved on a diet of lean meat, broth and vegetables, most of them raw, for the price of four-hundred dollars a week.

The amazing thing about the Spa and its sublime dietary tortures was that she always felt so "fit" and relaxed when she left. The warm circulating baths, massages, and daily exercises were conducted on a rigid schedule, toning and trimming every muscle of the body into a supple firmness. Now, as she studied her well-toned body in the full-length mirror, she decided the money was a good investment after all, for one of her greatest fears was that someday she would lose her attractiveness to other people.

She took another sip from the tall, chilled glass, and quickly pushed the ugly thought from her mind. The present... the here and now was what really mattered to her... and right now Ellen could safely state that she was probably one of the most attractive women in town. She almost purred with self-satisfaction as she continued to pose in front of the mirror. She knew her body and beautiful face could be used in a position of power to obtain just about anyone she desired, man or woman. And right now her thoughts were fully concentrated on the luscious new model, whose arrival she had been looking forward to with mounting expectation... Not only because she wanted the new magazine to be a success, but also because she had a yen in her sex life for something new and exciting.

From time to time her sex life required the extra stimulus of an innocent young girl. One who could be seduced without too much difficulty, but who could play out her participating role with a certain enticing amount of reluctant hesitation. Ellen smiled to herself again, feeling sure that she wouldn't spoil anything by gently indulging in a few harmless fun and games with the new girl. Besides, if the new model turned out to be genuinely reluctant, Ellen had a tiny pill which was guaranteed to shed the girl of any remaining inhibitions she might possess.

The whirring electric door chimes interrupted Ellen from her sexual plotting, and she quickly set down her drink and walked briskly to the door, opening it and viewing Patricia with open admiration.

"Patricia?" she asked hesitantly, knowing full well who the girl was from the picture in Larry's portfolio.

The young girl nodded, outwardly nervous and suddenly shy in front of Ellen. She had never expected her new employer to be so beautiful and glamorous looking. Standing by her now, Patricia felt drab and unattractive... surely they would never be interested in her unsophisticated looks and inexperience... Jennifer must have exaggerated her abilities to Ellen and Larry, she thought, and she felt like turning and walking away before facing the inevitable rejection, but Ellen's manner seemed warm and friendly enough and she was talking to her now as if she had been a long-time friend, stopping by for a visit.

"So nice of you to come down," Ellen beamed at her, opening the door wide and ushering her into the house. "I'm Ellen Holmes... unfortunately, my brother Larry has been called away on business. He won't be back for an hour or so." Ellen followed Patricia into the house running her eyes professionally up and down the girl's figure as Patricia looked around her wonderingly at the beautiful luxurious interior of the sprawling ranch home.

Ellen steered Patricia into the spacious, sunlit living room and invited her to sit down on the large custom-built couch situated before the ocean-view windows.

"Even though Larry's away right now," Ellen said, "I can fill you in on what type of modeling we'll expect from you... But first, how about a tall, cool drink? I know it's still early," she added noting Patricia's surprise, "but it's the only civilized way I can find to beat this ghastly heat."

"Yes... please," Patricia accepted. She was desperately trying to act casual and aloof in front of Ellen, and the drink would serve to steady her nerves a bit.

"Screwdriver?" Ellen asked.

"Yes... fine."

While Ellen was in the kitchen preparing the drink, Patricia took time to survey her luxurious surroundings. The livingroom was a spacious, superbly furnished and decorated room, and Patricia felt suddenly overawed by the setting. She realized that the couple must be extremely wealthy to afford such a beautiful home. In the corner of the room was a large grand piano, the wood dark and gleaming in the morning sun. She walked over to it, inspecting the dustless keyboard and running her hands over the smoothness of the polished wood. The lid on the piano was closed and on the top of it was a small statue, of a jade green reclining cat. The oriental design of the intricately carved face aroused her curiosity, and she picked it up to examine it more closely. The heavy weight of the statue surprised her, for at first she thought it was porcelain enamel... she gasped in amazement upon suddenly realizing it was made of solid jade, and quickly placed it back on its velvet cushion.

Ellen came back into the room carrying two fresh drinks in her hands, secretly amused at the awed expression on Patricia's face.

"Do you like my cat?" she asked, handing Patricia the vodka drink.

"Yes... it's beautiful, I've never seen anything so delicate and lovely in my life. It must have cost a fortune," Patricia added, and then was suddenly embarrassed because she had crudely brought up the price.

"It was very expensive, my dear," Ellen acknowledged. "However, if you have a taste for such things and also have a strong determination to be a successful model... it won't be long before you too can afford such frivolous objects d'art for yourself."

"Oh, yes I am determined," Patricia replied, eager now to please the lovely, exciting woman beside her. "I haven't had much experience, Miss Holmes, but I'm very quick to learn... I'm sure you'd find me suitable for the job."

Ellen patted her on the hand. "Please... no formalities," she insisted with a friendly gleam in her eyes. "You must call me Ellen, and I'll call you Patricia... OK? After all, if we're going to see you in the nude and in your underwear, we can hardly use those polite, distant forms of address... now can we?"

Patricia smiled and nodded her head. She already was beginning to feel at ease with this beautiful woman, even if she did belong to a different class from herself. Ellen seemed to be completely aloof from the wealth that surrounded her as if she had known it every day of her life, and even though her speech was a trifle pretentious, her warm and friendly manner convinced Patricia that Ellen wanted to be friends with her.

"How would you like to go down to the studio with me now, and I'll show you around before Larry gets back," Ellen suggested, noticing gleefully that Patricia had quickly gulped the drink down in her nervousness. While in the kitchen, Ellen had dissolved the persuading pill in Patricia's drink, and she knew now that it wouldn't be long before it's aphrodisiac stimulation would take hold of the young girl.

Patricia stood up, swaying her body slightly, and the room seemed to dissolve momentarily in a shimmering rush of bright colors. What's come over me, she thought dizzily, the excitement of meeting Ellen and the summer heat was too much for her body to take all at once. Ellen took her arm, apparently not noticing her shaking limbs, and led her down a winding spiral staircase.

As they walked together, Ellen still holding her hand and chatting about the photography business, Patricia felt strange and warm sensations pulsating through her body. Ellen's face seemed to be uncomfortably close to hers, and she could now smell an intoxicating perfume emanating from the older woman's skin. It made her feel very warm and sensually aroused, as though the scent's aphrodisiac qualities had penetrated quickly to her own bloodstream and stirred up a deep and very sweet sexual urge.

They entered a large basement which had been converted into a staggeringly well-equipped photographic studio. Spotlights, floodlights, an impressive array of still and moving picture cameras, a variety of tripods, beautifully painted backdrops; armchairs and couches; various "props," such as giant teddy bears and an imitation shower... all of these were neatly in place, leaving plenty of room for rearrangement of scenes.

Ellen walked over to the far wall and turned on the main overhead light. "That's the changing room," she said, pointing to a door close to where Patricia stood. "And over here," she continued, "is the various equipment and film that Larry uses while he's in a shooting session." Ellen guided Patricia around the studio, showing her how everything worked, explaining that it was important for a model to understand these basic principles in order to attune herself to the photographer's commands.

As Ellen completed the tour of the studio, Patricia was growing increasingly aware that her body felt the unmistakable yearnings of sexual desire. She tried to fight back the tense, prickly longings, but the thought of all the naked and semi-naked girls who had posed here in the studio, in alluring and abandoned positions, only served to heighten her itchy, hot-blooded feelings.

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