Underground Model - Cover

Underground Model


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Larry Holmes awakened refreshed and rested after his long night of work in the studio, selecting and rejecting the latest stills for the new pin-up magazine, due out on the first of the month for publication. If he had a choice, he would have gone to that Hollywood party with Ellen last night, but he reneged at the last moment, knowing that the deadline would not be met if he did. Now that his work was completed and he could safely assume a large profit for his toils, he considered the new day with a feeling of optimistic adventure.

He quickly showered and dressed, then made his way down to the sunny kitchen overlooking the ocean, hoping that Ellen would be up and preparing breakfast.

The kitchen was empty and the rest of the house was still quiet. Apparently Ellen had another rough night of it, he chuckled to himself as he turned on the electric range and plugged in the coffee pot. It was a well-known fact that his sister had one of the busiest cunts in town and would take on anyone, man or woman, if she felt inclined to do so. That was the beauty of sex, he thought, the more you used it, the more awakened your senses became, until like Ellen, you prowled around other unsuspecting civilized people just waiting for a new conquest, always horny and hot and never satisfied with the new encounter after it had been used.

He had his usual hearty breakfast of fresh fruit, two boiled eggs, Danish pastry and coffee which he consumed in rapid gulps. Now he was ready for his first cigarette of the day, smoked in a holder with a filter in it to soften the harsh bite of the tobacco. He poured himself a second cup of coffee and sat down at the table again to study the contents of the manila folder that Ellen had left out for him the night before. The cover of the folder was labeled in bright red ink, "New Inventory."

Larry opened the folder and smiled approvingly down on a glossy photo of Patricia Massey, one that Jennifer had taken from her portfolio when she was out of her room. He reread the name attached to the picture, and recalled his conversation over the phone with Jennifer a few days back.

Jennifer really was a very good agent, he thought, tracing the outline of Patricia's body with the tip of his finger. He and Ellen had reason to be extremely grateful to the girl, for without her a large proportion of their amatory adventures could never have happened: she seemed to have a special talent for picking out the most exciting, the ripest girls that were available...

He closed the folder and took a deep drag on his cigarette, letting the smoke completely fill his lungs, then slowly exhaling it into the air forming his lips around it in a tight oval ring. Larry's expert eyes correctly identified Patricia as a relatively innocent young ex-suburbanite who wanted to make it big in the city. He had met the type on many previous occasions and they were invariably the most exciting, the most adaptive of lovers. But lately the supply of such girls appeared to be dwindling. Perhaps Hollywood was losing its appeal for them; the myth that the movie capital was a Mecca of golden opportunities was possibly in the process of being shattered.

How ingenious of Jennifer to find one of this fast-dying species! She was worth every penny of the large fee she charged him for such rare and captivating girls. Larry smiled as he thought of what a delicious encounter it would be to have a fresh new body under him again... there was no doubt in his mind that he would have her, and soon.

The kitchen door suddenly opened, breaking his reverie, and a magnificently proportioned girl entered the room. She looked as if she had just stepped out of the shower and was clothed only in a scant transparent negligee and panties.

Her glittering blonde hair was swept up on top of her head, its freshly-shampooed tresses reflecting light as if she possessed some inner form of illumination. Her lightly-tanned body peaked and curved beneath the sheer material as if it were going to burst forth with every step she took. The white pair of nylon panties that were stretched as tightly as possible over her loins accentuated the tanness of her rippling, full-fleshed thighs, as she ambled towards her brother with the agility of a stalking panther. Ellen carried herself with an air of complete self-assurance, her head high and her lips perpetually pursed in a promise of moist-mouthed sensuality.

Her movements embodied sexuality in every fiber of her body, and her smoldering eyes clearly showed their inner desires... her sole purpose in life was to seek the gratification of the senses. Ellen's body was a wonderment in itself, considering the fact that she was thirty years old. Her breasts, though large and generous, were as firm as a young girl's of twenty, they proudly jutted out from her slim limbs in two huge mountains of flesh, promising fulfillment of her womanly charms to anyone that ventured to try their luck.

Larry was amazed that the fast pace of her party life left no trace of wear on her face and body and he smiled at her appreciatively, acknowledging to her that she was at the peak of her animal magnetism, even to him, her own brother. When she walked into a room, she dominated it utterly, always drawing looks of envy from the other women that came close to hatred, and completely hypnotizing the males with her exquisite beauty and charm. Her lovers, of both sexes, had been so numerous that she would have lost count of their number had it not been for the fact that she kept a carefully-detailed record of their particular methods of love-making...

This dossier, to which her brother Larry contributed as well, took the form of a neatly-indexed, cross-referenced file of papers; with a separate sheet for each person either Ellen or Larry had slept with. Details of their physical appearance, their age, sex, coloring and... most important of all... their individual preferences and idiosyncrasies in regard to sex. This was merely one of their hobbies, though. Neither Ellen nor Larry had any intention of using their dossier for any other purpose except for a permanent reminder of their most pleasant hours.

How lucky it was for them that their career in the photography business afforded them every opportunity of practicing their desires! Their parents had both been killed in an automobile accident when Larry and Ellen were in their late teens, leaving them with a generous amount of money and a successful family portrait studio. A few years after that, Larry had gradually made the transition in clientele, dealing exclusively with pin-up and "artistic" pictures. This change was a huge success because their models were carefully picked for each special effect, and their poses were in the most lewd positions imaginable.

They sold their material (sets of photos, three regular monthly magazines) entirely through the mails. Slowly, with the minimum of advertising, they had built up a faithful clientele both in United States and Europe.

In addition to the separate stills, Larry and Ellen also published a regular series of undeniably pornographic magazines, and it was from these latter activities that they both derived their greatest pleasure and satisfaction. The high salaries paid to the publishers of their materials ensured that they were safe from official interference. Their only major problem was in keeping up the supply of fresh and unknown models, for Larry knew it was of utmost importance that his models appear innocent and youthful to the eyes of his clientele, otherwise they would go to other magazines that offered them what they wanted.

He depended heavily on agents such as Jennifer, an ex-model herself, to supply him with the girls who were the exact image of what Larry and Ellen needed: unprofessional and inexperienced young girls who longed to break into fashion or photographic modeling.

Larry had been highly successful in seducing the majority of this youthful crop of females... apart from his powerful position in relationship to their ambitions, he was strikingly handsome in a healthy, boyish way. His tall, slender frame was tanned a deep bronze from the generous southern California sun, and he had an easy wit and natural charm about him that affected almost every woman he met with an instantaneous and powerful magnetic attraction. His sandy-colored hair was styled in a brush cut neatly framing the even features of his face in perfect symmetry.

Now, his steel gray eyes gloated openly over the stalking figure of his sister as she went straight to the counter and poured herself a steaming hot cup of black coffee.

"Good Morning, Love," he greeted cheerily, now focusing his complete attention on the beautiful body standing so near to him that the fragrant scent of her body odors caused him to sit erect with excitement.

"What's so good about it brother dear," she answered dryly, carefully sipping at the hot liquid, not quite alert yet after the previous evening of excess drinking and sex.

Larry ignored his sister's outwardly distant manner, because he knew that Ellen secretly enjoyed appearing in her underwear for him; about the house she rarely bothered to put a dress on and the constant sight of her underdressed body in its high-charged and sexy underwear provided Larry with a great deal of inspiration for his photographs.

"Well, pussy cat," he chided, "it might be a lot more pleasant, if you would refrain from some of your nocturnal wanderings. By the way, who wound up your partner last night?"

Ellen came over to the table and stood beside Larry, leaning her curvaceous thighs against his arm, then squeezed her lush body into the chair beside her brother.

"I'm a big girl, now... remember?" she said softly, not in the mood to start an argument."

"Ok, Ellen... Forget it. I just wanted to find out how the party went last night."

"Oh, the same as usual... no new modeling material, if that's what you mean."

"What do you think of this one?" Larry opened the manila folder, and handed the glossy print to his sister.

"Very, very nice," Ellen purred, staring at Patricia's picture with open admiration.

"Jennifer's sending her over here Monday. I think she'll fit in just right for that special edition that we're preparing for this winter. You know, the one we were going to set up as a snappier edition of 'Fashion Shots'."

Larry was referring to a project which Ellen and himself had planned for several months. It was to be a definitely pornographic translation of their monthly glamour magazine 'Fashion Shots' in which girls were usually posed trying on various items of sexy underwear and lingerie.

For the newer version, a "sales lady" was to be included in the photos, assisting the girl to get into the bras and panties. Ellen was going to take this part, but so far they had been unsuccessful in finding a suitable girl to play the role of the buyer.

They wanted someone who could appear to be a regular girl, outwardly shocked at the indecent fondlings of the extremely forward "sales lady." It had been difficult to find a girl with just the right expression... and Larry wanted this particular magazine to be his best: he wasn't prepared to shoot it unless the model came right up to his preconceived ideas.

"She looks wonderful!" Ellen commented, "I only hope she can play the role." When she spoke, she teasingly let her long tapered fingers caress the inside of his thigh, knowing that this fondling could drive her over-sexed brother up the walls if she persisted long enough without giving in to him.

Larry put his hand around her and rested his palm affectionately on the smooth flesh of her buttocks... feeling the warm, semi-nude flesh of his sister's bottom under his fingers. At the contact, his penis gave an involuntary twitch inside his tight-fitting slacks, stirring uneasily and uncurling slightly as the softness of Ellen firm-fleshed bottom moved against the light pressure of his hand.

Ellen nuzzled her face against Larry's, her lips brushing his cheek.

"Of course, even if she's just what we want, we'll have to bring her along very carefully before we suggest that she poses in that way," Larry warned her. "I think we rushed that last girl too much, remember? I told you she was getting nervous about what we were asking her to do! We should have played her more carefully, more slowly..."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous!" Ellen interrupted. "I've told you hundreds of times that most girls love posing for sexy pictures. It inspires them to show off their womanhood. And once they've done a few ordinary ones it doesn't take very much to persuade them to go a little further." She teased him again, letting her fingers stray right over the growing thickness of his cock, and gently squeezing it until it burst forward against the material of his pants, ripe and hard.

"I know that dear," Larry told her patiently. "But when it comes to the extra special photos you've simply got to be subtle about it. It doesn't do a bit of good plunging in at the deep end, everything should be relaxed... natural. Besides, I feel we've been too careless with the last couple of girls that posed for us. Remember how Gloria took off like a startled fawn when you started to fondle her?" Larry traced his fingers along Ellen's shoulder, watching as his nails raised momentary red marks on his sister's flawless skin. They faded rapidly and returned her flesh to its normal white and tanned beauty. He stared, fascinated, as the welts appeared then vanished under the pressure of his manicured fingernails.

"You really do have the most exquisite shoulders," Larry whispered, caressing Ellen's youthful skin, and trying at the same time to focus his attention back to the matter at hand. But it was very difficult to concentrate now that Ellen's fingers were brushing so insistently over his covered loins. The bitch knew exactly how to touch him there! She was deliberately arousing him to cut short their argument!

"All I'm saying is that we should be extra careful with this new girl," Larry finished weakly. Ellen had lifted her legs over the far side of the chair so that she was sitting in his lap. The voluptuous weight and heat of her thighs burned through the thin material of his slacks and Larry could feel his sister's fire spread from between her legs and melt down on his hardness, sparking it with renewed life.

"Let's play it safe with Patricia, shall we? Let's be slow and easy with her, O.K.? That's all I'm asking. I've waited a long time to find a girl to do this magazine with us, why spoil things by scaring her off. Especially since she looks so perfect for the role."

Ellen wound her arms lovingly about Larry's neck. "You're the boss, big brother!" she whispered sexily. And Larry, feeling the pressure of his sister's breasts against his chest, feeling the sweet fragrance of her breath and her skin so intimately close to him, gave up the struggle.

Larry slid his trembling hands around her body until they held his sister possessively around her bare midriff. She leaned more closely to him, taunting him with her almost naked femininity.

"Here?" he whispered, a catch of desire in his voice.

Ellen stood up slowly in front of the ocean bay window, scanning the horizon with smoky lust-filled eyes. Why not, she thought, they should take more advantage of the expensive privacy they both worked so hard to maintain. She reached down without a word, removed her panties and threw them on the back of the kitchen chair. Then, she lifted her thin negligee high above her head and straddled him, the whiteness of her rounded buttocks poised directly over the hardness of his long thick cock.

"Here!" she breathed into his mouth. "Here, my darling..."

Larry, still sitting in the chair, moved his hands around his sister's back, half-supporting her, raising her so that her body lifted slightly above his.

"Help me get it out," he pleaded, almost breathless from the delicious nearness of her.

He slithered the pointed tip of his tongue around the sensitive outline of her full mouth, as she eagerly unzipped his pants and pulled out his erect cock, momentarily holding it in her hands like it was a valuable art treasure. Her large pulsating breasts pushed forward as she raised her body even higher, breaking contact with his mouth and almost smothering him as he leaned her tits against his face to gain support in her awkward position.

Still holding her brother's pulsating cock firmly in her hands, she leaned back and positioned her buttocks on the edge of the table, pulling him to a half-standing position as she moved. Larry's pants fell loosely to the floor and his fingers ran down both sides of her curvaceous hips, caressing them with loving adoration.

Ellen, with a small gurgling noise, continued to run her cool, slender fingers up and down the underside of his prick, teasing it until the long thickened rod jumped and pulsed in front of her. She knew every inch of her brother's body, but each time she touched Larry's cock she felt the same terrific thrill--it was as if she could never quite believe that she was being so daring... so outrageous as to enjoy her brother in this incestuous and taboo fashion...

Their half-nude bodies were clearly exposed in front of the large bay window, but neither of them cared... the only thing in their minds at that moment was to somehow quench the hot fire that now burned deeply in both of them. As she played with him, Larry dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her creamy white titties. He fondled her nipple until it grew large and stiff beneath his touch, the jellied flesh of her well-filled breasts exciting him beyond belief.

Ellen liked nothing better than to have her breast manhandled as roughly as possible, he knew that. The fiercer, the more violent the caress... the greater her pleasure. He squeezed his fingers around the firm, white globe, digging them ruthlessly into her, pulling and stretching them like a large piece of baker's dough.

His manipulations thoroughly delighted his sister, and she flicked her tongue deep into his mouth and started to french kiss him slowly, allowing the moist saliva to dribble from her mouth and onto him. She kissed him urgently, rubbing her mouth sideways on his, at the same time gripping his cock with fierce desperation... squeezing it so tightly that Larry feared his blood would cease flowing through it. With her free hand, she strayed her sharp finger nails softly over the sensitive tip of his cock, provoking her brother into a deeper frenzy of passion through the tortuous manipulations.

Larry brought his right hand down to the soft waiting pubic mound nestled seductively between her lithe thighs. He parted the soft fleece gently and worked his finger slowly into the warm moist crevice, gently massaging her there, and softly squeezing his fingers open and shut around the spongy softness of her slightly quivering vaginal lips.

Ellen began to softly moan and twist her body from his delicious massaging, and continued to stroke her fingers rapidly over the sensitive tip of his cock, coaxing a premature dewdrop of cum from it. Lubricated by this droplet of sperm, Ellen's finger moved down further to the tight elastic ring of his puckered anus, fidgeting tenderly around the opening and giving Larry a delirious feeling of sheer, obscene delight. She moved her other hand up to the nape of his neck, caressing the sensitive bone there which she knew only too well brought Larry to an almost unbearable pitch of nervous excitement.

These dual manipulations ignited Larry to a higher feverish pitch of excitement and lust, and his hands began to move furiously, massaging and probing at her trembling cunt, until she too was a complete bundle of raw nerve and unreleased tension. Ellen uttered a low gasp, and spreading her long tanned legs wide apart, proceeded to prop her feet on the window ledge behind him. Her loins were now completely open and exposed to his staring gaze, with the moist pink opening secreting tiny drops of warm wet fluid, so ready was she for his immersion into her.

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