Two Sisters - Cover

Two Sisters


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

The next few weeks were hell for Sybil. She'd been seeing her landlord Mr. Hansen constantly and finally the guilt she felt at her odd coupling had gotten the better of her. She could hardly look herself in the mirror anymore... and yet, every time he called for the rent, she paid him off in little pieces. Ten dollars one day, five the next... just feeding him enough to keep him coming back for more. If her scheming was correct, as well as her arithmetic, she could keep him coming back for at least two more weeks. And all she had to do was keep her sewing machine humming, mending those seams and putting in zippers.

Something had to break and soon, that Sybil knew. Life couldn't go on like this! Without trying, she'd shed four pounds in one week, and her nights were twisted with erotic dreams and plotting. Her psyche was stretched about as far as it would go.

Still, even as she sat at her sewing reaching, she felt an undeniable lust spreading through the entire lower portion of her body. Her full thighs pressed together and the tender hair-lined cleft between them snuggled moistly up against them, wanting a more definite caress.

That, Sybil knew, would be taken care of in a few hours when Mr. Hansen came to pick up ten dollars more towards the back rent payment. That allowed just enough time to get her hair washed and set at Irma's Salon.

"I'm not going to let you have this letter from Daddy until you take us to your house," June said, pouting prettily.

"Yeah, it's not fair that you've been coming to our house and meeting our friends and eating our lunches..." cut in May. "You know all about us... but we know nothing about you!"

"Oh, all right," Sid shrugged his shoulders, eyeing the French post-marked letter that June waved like a carrot before his nose. Those precocious wily girls had cornered him again, and he couldn't see his way out of this dilemma. Damn, he needed that check... badly. Sybil had been on his case about the unpaid bills for weeks now, and his better senses told him it was time to take care of business, instead of playing around like today was the last day of his life. Teaching the girls in his study might ease some of Sybil's doubts about his tutoring intentions, and with relief he remembered that Tuesday was Sybil's afternoon for the hairdresser and shopping. The threesome hopped in the blue Chevy-II and headed for the freeway back to his house.

"I don't want either of you saying anything personal now," he warned, shaking a finger at the incorrigible June whose directness made him shudder at times. "Sybil's a very proper woman," he laughed, thinking of how she'd die of shock if she even suspected what he'd been up to with the sisters.

"How do you know she doesn't have a lover behind your back? You men think you're so clever," put in June.

Sid laughed out loud, the thought of Sybil taking a lover seemed so far-fetched. She barely tolerated sex in the legal confines of marriage! Yet, a sudden pang of jealousy stabbed through him at the thought, and he realized that in spite of everything, he did miss Sybil's gentle affections, modest though they were.

When they got to the house, Sid ushered the girls directly upstairs to his study, listening as they climbed the steps for the hum of Sybil's sewing machine down in the kitchen, and sighing with relief at the emptiness of the silent house.

Leaving them to find their own amusement in the hodgepodge of books, magazines and text outlines that littered his desk and the floor, he said, "I'll be back in a second," then closed the door behind them.

Downstairs he found a note on the kitchen table next to Sybil's open sewing machine.

"Sid... I'm waiting for Mr. Hansen to come by to pick up the rent. When will you get paid?"

Sid grinned smugly to himself. By God, things were looking up all right. Once he got hold of that check June was holding in her hot little hand, he'd set Sybil straight and go about his 'tutoring' of the girls with the clear conscience. With a lighter heart, he took the steps two at a time up to his study. When he opened the door the girls ran up to him, laughing and each taking an arm, dragging him over to the thick pile rug on the floor.

"Hey, come on, girls... We've got work to do remember? You promised... no funny business in my house."

"Oh, I see! Anything's okay in our house, but not in yours, huh?" teased the younger Dunlap.

Playfully, they began to tickle him until he rolled around on the rug, doubled up with mirth. Taking advantage of his defenselessness, they began to strip off his clothes.

When they finally got him naked, he propped himself up on his elbow, and looked appreciatively at the lush, naked bodies of the two girls. Their tans had become deeper from their long summer days out of doors and the only obvious effect of their summer of intense sexual activity was a subtle ripening of their womanly curves, giving them a more mature, worldly appearance. How could he be angry at a time like this?

"I want to fuck you this time," shouted June.

"Okay, but I'm gonna keep one eye on the clock, because my wife is gonna be home from the hair dresser soon, and I don't want her up here listening through the door. Fifteen minutes, that's all you get!" He struggled to sound firm.

He was stretching out luxuriantly on the rug, thinking how the emancipated behavior of the girls and their frank demands no longer intrigued him. In fact, although he'd hardly dared admit it to himself, he was beginning to get a little bored with their incessant game playing and acting. Now that he had almost run the gamut of sexual experience with them, he thought he would be quite happy to spend more time at home... maybe pay more attention to his wife. He didn't want to wreck his marriage completely. Sybil had been more and more distant, he realized and he hadn't done a thing about it! In fact, he'd been acting pretty badly!

His thoughts were interrupted by June, who was beginning to mount him, straddling his belly. His overworked cock started into semi-erection and June lovingly cupped it in her hands, rolling it around between her palms, coaxing strength into it. He could feel her tight little buttocks pressing into his thighs and her golden breasts bounced as she continued to massage his swelling prick.

May had settled back against the wall happy for once to be an audience.

He sucked in his breath as he felt June's smooth lips around his prick and then her tongue flicked out and began to lick it carefully with her salival juices. Her hand gently cradled his balls and tenderly squeezed them, holding the fragile flesh carefully. Her tongue continued its warming coating and Sid's cock began to respond. She dabbed at the little slit with the top of her tongue, burrowing deep into it and she pressured the hypersensitive area under the head with her forefinger, burgeoning the tip into bulbous fleshiness.

His prick now stood up from the tuft of his pubic hair like the thick stump of a tree. The teenage girl raised herself over the towering instrument, one leg on either side of the tutor's prostrate body, and lowering her hands, gentle drew aside the fleshy folds of her cunt, laying bare the fuzz-guarded cuntal opening. Sid could see her lick her lips in anticipation and then slowly, she bent her legs at the knee and began to lower her wide- split, open cunt down towards his excitedly throbbing penis. She poised herself just over the blood engorged head and holding its rangy length with one hand and still separating the folds of her pussy with the other, she steered it towards her waiting orifice. A gasp exploded in her throat as she felt the initial touch of his hard rubbery flesh on her frail pink cunt and then she lowered herself a fraction of an inch so that the ragged pink edges flared open and barely grasped the knobby head. Lowering herself a little more, she drew in her breath sharply as she felt the thick bulbous head slip inside her. It felt rock hard as it filled her delicate sheath and she could feel the throbbing or it as it vibrated off her moist pussy wall.

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