Two Sisters - Cover

Two Sisters


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Sid, we have to pay the rent this week or Mr. Hansen's going to have us evicted! How could you be so irresponsible? You know I can't pay it out of the money I make from taking in sewing," she complained. Sybil refused to let up her tirade as she cleared the breakfast dishes from the table. In the month since Sid had started teaching the Dunlap sisters, everything seemed to take second place. Sid's meager contribution of taking out the garbage and cleaning out the garage had since ceased, and Sybil was getting tired of having to take full responsibility for everything.

"Damnit! I said I'd get to it," Sid stormed. "Just quit nagging me, will you?"

Sybil, fighting back biting words of anger, dashed out of the kitchen and rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and kicking the wall. She'd lost her temper completely, something she hadn't done since Sid last tried to do those awful things in bed with her.

"The irresponsible bastard! He leaves everything up to me! I'd like to get out this goddamned house once in a while myself! But no... ! I have to stay here and fix broken zippers and hem dresses for other women to pay the rent." She felt more than angry at Sid... a slow, burning hatred was taking over her being and controlling her mind. She felt just like the bills... forgotten, neglected, unwanted. Sid seemed to be living in a different world lately. At times, he was moody and dreamy and wouldn't come out of his study. At other times he'd come home from the Dunlaps and sleep until morning without even trying to make love to her! It seemed he'd lost all sense of time in these past weeks.

Sid stepped on the accelerator, thankful to leave his bickering wife behind closed doors. Sybil had been giving him a hard time lately he grumbled, as he stepped on the car's gas and roared out of the driveway. Maybe she was right to complain, he thought, but a man just had to have room to grow once in awhile. And he'd been growing, all right... inside June's tight little pussy! It was almost impossible to think about paying the rent and making car payments with June around.

The Dunlap girl was young, he thought, but she had a maturity about her that put Sybil to shame! She was intelligent, eager to learn, and eager to teach. Why he'd gone years with Sybil without getting laid properly... and it had taken only one phone call to settle that as well as his formerly distressing financial situation!

May Dunlap sat in a chaise lounge beside the kidney-shaped swimming pool, its turquoise water winking back at her in the mid- morning sun. In her lap a French book was opened and she muttered through her present verbs of to be.

"Je suis, tu es..."

Someone was tapping her on the shoulder and, turning, she saw her older sister leaning over her shoulder, squinting down at the open page. "You're so serious, May..." her older sister said with a sigh. "You've been studying too hard. But I can think of something else that's hard that you'd really like!"

May's eyes brightened. Her sister June was so mischievous, so full of life... but sometimes she got in trouble for all that curiosity. "Like what?"

"Like our tutor's cock!"

"What... ? He's married! My gosh, June, don't you eves quit?" the younger sister chided, her cheeks blushing with the intimacy of her claims. She closed up her book, a knowing expression on her face. "So that's why we've had only two hours of practice a day. Now I see! And I thought you were just giving me time to 'study." May's dark eyes sparkled big.

"You wanna try out our teach... ?

"Oh, June I couldn't..." She paused. "Or could I?" the thirteen year old mused out loud. How this crazy chain of exchanged lovers between her sister and herself had started was still a mystery to the youngest Dunlap; still, she hadn't been disappointed yet by her sister's generous offer of her lovers. "Okay..." Her cheer clouded. "But how?"

"Simple..." her sister directed, sitting down on the squeaking chaise lounge. "When Sid comes to our house he always goes right to the study. He'll wait till I get there... we always make love first thing in the morning before you come down from dressing. Sometimes it's a quickie because we never know when to expect your knock on the door. So all you have to do is be there, and habit will take care of the rest."

June was right.

Sid parked the Chevy in in the service driveway, grabbed his book-laden briefcase from the backseat of the car and whistled his way to the door, Sybil's nagging behind him. Lottic answered the knock, and with the confidence of familiarity, the tutor headed for the study, gave his appearance a quick appraisal in the mirror, popped a dynamint in his mouth to cover up the acrid taste of coffee, and waited.

The moments of expectation were long, torturously bittersweet ones. What would June be wearing? Her peach colored negligee... ? A stylishly European caftan... ? Her string bikini under a terry swim robe... ? That sixteen year old bundle of beauty had never let him down yet. Without fail, he was always excited before she even entered the room, as if her magnetic appeal could penetrate walls and doors like a bionic monster from a science fiction movie.

Finally, the door opened. There she stood: a black haired Goddess wearing a short tennis dress with delicate hand woven lace adorning the bodice and a pair of sandals oil her feet.

"June, you ravishing little piece of ass, come over here and sit next to your teacher." He reached out for her. "Voulez vous couchez avec moi?" he teased. Surprisingly, she drew back from him, stepping backwards out of his reach.

"What's wrong?" he asked, suddenly worried that he'd done something to offend her, or worse still, someone might be watching.

May's exquisite features recomposed themselves, and she smiled reassuringly at the man before her. He was very handsome, she thought, suddenly realizing why her sister had fallen for a man twice her age plus two.

"When are we going to start the lesson?" she inquired.

Sid blushed and felt a momentary flush of anger. After all he'd done with this girl, why was she turning off to his advances like this? There was something different about her today, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. His rampant penis, however, jerked upward a little more at each sway of the full, sensual hips before him, and he found that this new attitude of hers was highly stimulating, whatever its cause.

"Do you think we have enough time?" asked May, sitting down on the sofa next to the French teacher who's eyes raked over her golden flesh with such penetration that she could almost feel his fingers on her already. "I mean we wouldn't want my sister walking in on us, now would we, Sid?" It was a teasing chide, aimed at his patience, and it worked.

"All the more reason to get on with it, little girl," Sid rasped, his fingers working with practiced haste at his belt buckle, then flew to his shirt to rip that off. In a second he was naked, stripped to the skin. His uncommonly big prick sprang up, semierect; joyfully free, the head gleaming in the window's sunlight, and May sat there, gaping at it, as if mesmerized by the sight.

"Oh, it is lovely," she breathed, all interest in her book gone, "and so big!" she licked her lips, running her pointed little tongue around their fully provocative plumpness, her eyes fixated on his growing cock. Unlike her sister, her sexual experience was sketchy; still, she knew the rudiments, and what she didn't know, she feigned.

"I want to make it bigger... let me suck it until it's bigger, much bigger."

Something about the way she said this made Sid wonder what was going on. She acted as though she'd never seen him in the nude before.

With that, May began to unzip her tennis dress. Sid watched the garment fall away from her well-filled shoulders, leaving her dressed only in a push-up bra and lace panties. His eyes followed the voluptuous line of her well-built body and he suddenly realized that there was something different. Her breasts didn't seem as full today, still he watched agog, eyes staring in disbelief as she began to unhook her bra and in seconds her breasts fell free... golden silky smooth orbs, the nipples like brown eyes, already squirming into rigidity. He gaped as he saw her slip her hands inside her lacy stretch panties and gently ease them down over her flowing hips, exposing the glossy pubic triangle at the vee of her well-shaped legs,

She stepped out of her panties, and as casually as if she were alone in her own bathroom she stood there, her head and shoulders thrown back, her high, perfectly swelled breasts jutting out proudly like twin snow-capped mountain peaks. Her trim waist flared to perfectly molded hips, which fell to long slender, aristocratic legs, so smooth, so velvety. She thrust out her pelvis, her hipbones straining and Sid could see the Sliver of her sparsely hair-lined cunt lips, already moist with the flowing of her vaginal juices, offered to him unequivocally.

He stared at her pussy, and noticed immediately that something was different. There was no rose petal! May... ! her name gasped past his arid throat but he couldn't say another word. He knew now that this was June's little sister. But why? What kind of practical joke was this?

Her loveliness, her stark sensuality overcame him and he could only stare, his eyes bulging. He could feel the pinpricks of desire pinching at his cock creating an almost unbearable ache that demanded relief.

Taking his hand in hers, she communicated her own desire. They lay down on the sofa, the daily scene of lovemaking. May's eyes fastened greedily on Sid's ever-growing prick.

"Oh, Sid," she breathed, "June was right... it's really beautiful!" the thirteen year old complimented. And without another word, she reached towards him and cupped his expanded cock in her two hands. He jerked up off the sofa at the electrifying touch of her cool fingers on the bloated sensitive periphery of his penis and moaned as he felt her run her fingertips along its length. He felt her nail scrape the bulbous bead and jab momentarily at the tiny glans opening from which he knew lubricant was already seeping. Her long slender fingers toyed with the pulsing, webbed underside, testing the resiliency of the sperm- carrying tube, and trailing along till they came to the flaccid, wrinkled sac of his testicles. He hissed out a harsh groan at the tentaclelike fingers gently squeezed his testes, sending chills shooting through him.

May was still staring at the rock-hard cock, as if fascinated by the result of her expert manipulations, and now she lowered her lovely, dark head towards his groin and her little tongue flicked out and licked lightly at the grotesquely distended pillar of masculinity.

"Oh, Christ..." he muttered, turning his head from side to side as he felt the first warm wet sensation of her tongue coating his prick with hot saliva. She ran it up and down its full rigid length, accustoming herself to every inch, every crevice of it, probing at the base, rooting among the wiry tufts, searching for the very foundations. Then she painted his balls with her hungry mouth, trying to catch as much of the wrinkled flesh as possible.

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