Three-Way Weekend - Cover

Three-Way Weekend


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Carlo leaned back in his chair, taking in the scene around him with his usual practiced gaze. Inside, there were only a handful of warmly dressed tourists; outside, all of the patio tables were empty--the impending spring shower had driven all but a few stout-hearted tourists indoors. There was no money to be made today, he thought, as he lifted the cup to his lips, sipping tentatively at its hot contents. Alas, it was just as well; there was much too much to be done anyway. First there was the matter of Nino, and then he had to call Marceau and complete the arrangements for tonight... he let his thoughts drift, speculating on the satisfying possibilities it should bring...

Abruptly, his pleasurable thoughts were interrupted by a group of noisy tourists entering the cafe. "Damn," he swore under his breath, "where is that stupid, pussy-eater? He should have been here by now!" He glanced at his watch again--about the night before--and that sensuous blonde getting fucked silly... ; and about the apartment--and how he had managed to sneak out after they had both fallen asleep. But, most of all, it had set him to thinking about tonight--and his plan...

It was simple, really. He knew the one thing above all others that would appeal to Nino. Not a girl. Not sex. No, it was neither of these. He would hit him where he lived--with greed, with the promise of money, wealth. And then he would take over from Nino--with that beautiful, salacious bitch... Elaine. He would teach her things Nino had never even thought of... He would make her beg for cock, and more cock, until she...

The spring shower broke without warning as Nino was hurrying along the street toward the cafe. Cursing, he hastily buttoned the jacket of his new lightweight suit and sprinted the final few yards. But the sudden rain was heavy enough to soak him even in those few minutes. When he entered the cafe, the sight of Carlo comfortably settled in one of the cafe's chairs, his long legs resting on top of another chair, did nothing to improve Nino's temper. Neither did Carlo's amused grin.

"Shit!" Nino spat out. He wrenched off his jacket and hurled it down on a vacant chair. "What a day I've had! And then I get caught in a cloudburst..." He threw himself into an adjacent chair and lit a cigarette.

"You're late," Carlo said. "You said you would be here by two o'clock. It's half-past now. And I told you that I'd be needing the apartment this evening."

The effect of Carlo's remark was explosive. It was what he had expected--and what he had wanted. Nino's face flushed a dull red and he leapt to his feet, his voice rising rapidly as the words gushed out.

"You need the apartment, huh? I suppose you think you own the place? Well, my claim is as good as yours and you know that I've got to have it tonight. I've already told Elaine we'll be going there, and if you think you can get away with this, then you're mistaken; I'll see you in hell first..."

Carlo lit himself another cigarette while Nino raved. When the torrent of words stopped for a second as Nino drew breath to continue his ranting, Carlo threw up his hands and said sharply: "Stop that and listen to me!"

His tone was commanding. In surprise, Nino stopped. "Now listen," Carlo went on when he was sure that he had the other's attention. "There's no need to get hysterical about this. I asked you to meet me so that we could discuss things sensibly."

"Who's getting hysterical?" Nino's voice was still pitched higher than it was normally, but he had slumped down into his chair again.

"It happens to be my turn to use the apartment," Carlo continued. "And for once, I'm going to take advantage of it. You've had the place plenty of times instead of me--in fact, you've been given almost a free run. But this time, I'm not fooling. I am using the apartment tonight."

A sulky pout turned down the corners of Nino's mouth. "I told you," he muttered, "that Elaine thinks we're going there tonight. How do I get out of that, tell me, eh?" He glared at Carlo, accusingly.

The answer he received was brisk and brought him out of his chair, sputteringly.

"What do you mean, Elaine and I are through?" Nino croaked, beating the table with his clenched fist. "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do!"

Carlo smiled, his thin upper lip curled in contempt. He said nothing. Finally, Nino stopped beating the table, ground his teeth in impotent rage and slumped into his chair. He sat rigid for a few moments, his hands still clenched into tight fists. When he sat upright again, the expression on his face had changed. He adjusted his shirt and his tie, at the same time giving his friend a crafty look.

"Carlo, you know you only use the apartment for telephoning..." he began lamely, waiting.

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