The Young and The Wild - Cover

The Young and The Wild


Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Dianne had heard their lewd chuckling between them as they left the apartment. She still lay on the bed, obscenely sprawled in her wanton nakedness, her lust-hungered belly a pool brimming with the liquid heat of their thick, viscid sperm. She thought of crying and couldn't. Mark's semblance fought to penetrate the barrier she'd mentally erected against him, but it could not. She stretched out her long legs and lay on her back, letting her small, slender hands wander down over the curves of her naked, white body to the sensual, lusty cunt mouth between her legs, feeling its still generating heat beneath the coating of lewd wet sperm saturating it.

But worse, were the intensive shocks of erotic sensations her exploring fingers sent racing through her yet inflamed young flesh!

Dear God! I'm still alive with the same sluttish want! Why? What's happened to me? Twice I cum, but... but it's not enough! I've got to cum again... and maybe again and again! I'll go mad if I don't... but nothing seems enough! I must be sick! Letting those two animals use me as they did without even a struggle! But even then, they weren't enough! God, I've got to cum again! Either that, or kill myself... !

The latter thought, though only a figure of speech when she'd first thought it, grew immediately, until it was all out of proportion in Dianne's torturously confused mind. She found herself thinking of ways to commit the act, even mentally writing the note she would leave for Mark. It actually helped, because it took her up from the bed and she slipped into a wrapper, going to the kitchen where she made herself a Cuba Libre, then slumped in her husband's favorite chair to contemplate in detail her macabre thoughts.

It was not a lightly passing obsession with the young, anguished wife. God, how could she ever offer herself to her husband, let alone face him, after the terrible things she had done in a matter of a few days? She was sick! Mentally broken, and sexually destroyed! Even if she could lie her way through it, the truth was that Mark could never look to, or satisfy these obscene sensual needs which had incredulously swept over her!

But she didn't have the courage, or whatever demented emotion it took to destroy oneself and the beautiful overwrought blonde girl knew it! Instead, she sat in her husband's chair sipping one yum-yum spiked Cuba Libre after another in an effort to drown the unbelievable sensations of continuously pyramiding desire ravenously licking and taunting her nearly naked, curved body with lustful temptations beyond reason.

God, it was as if she had been sexually starved for eons, rather than just having sucked and fucked two huge, brutal cocks, the result of their merciless ravaging still filling her craving, hot belly with the warm, liquid pool of their lewd semen! And rather than utter debased shame at the obscene thought of ignorant father and son savagely using her defenseless body in which to vent their animal lust, she felt nothing but the greedy, burning hunger in her unsated loins they had merely fed and left tormentively smoldering there! Whether she was ill physically, or mentally losing her wits, hardly mattered at that moment... only the intensive, passionate sensations which had so quickly rekindled into a glowing furnace of salacity in her hot, cum-filled belly and the inflamed, throbbing core between her gently massaging thighs held any meaning for her!

She had to do it... had to do something before she went stark raving wild, the whimpering, drug-provoked Dianne blindly reasoned, almost bolting to her bare feet and hurrying back toward the bedroom, her drink still in her hand.

"Now, don't say anything about me coming, Kye. You got it clear?" Mark instructed his new young ward after putting the Asian boy and his German shepherd in a taxi at the airport. "I'll be right along behind you, but I think a dozen red roses would be kind of nice to walk in with, don't you?"

"Sure, if you think so, Captain Mark!" Kye agreed with his usual exuberance. "American women, they like red roses, eh?"

"They sure do, red flowers of all kinds, in fact, and you better remember that if you plan to catch yourself an American girl," Mark advised, grinning.

"Sure, goddamn, you bet, Captain Mark! Kye'll remember for sure!"

"Now there you go again, Kye, swearing already, after the talk we just had," Mark gently reprimanded, reminding himself again that the transforming task wasn't going to be an easy one.

"Oh shit, I forgot! I am sorry as hell!" Kye quickly apologized. "I will try to be very careful from now on, Captain Mark... !"

The ex-officer shook his head and laughed before closing the taxi door and instructing the driver where to take them. As they drove off, the handsome, broad-shouldered husband sighed to himself. Christ, he hoped he hadn't bit off more than he could chew with those two hellions...

The bounds of the young Asian boy's happiness knew no limitations as he sat in the rear of the taxi hugging the massive neck of his faithful Sergeant. At last, he had a real home and family, and above all he was going to be an American! He would make Captain Mark and Mrs. Dianne very, very proud of him... but he must remember not to swear or use the four-letter words like fuck or cunt any more, as Captain Mark had said. Though he could not understand why, being that they were words he had learned from the American Joes. It did not make great sense to him when his new guardian said that such words were not openly spoken in American society. In Saigon the Joes seldom used any other words at all! Oh well, he would not question it. Captain Mark knew best. But he was happy that the Captain had not said anything about fucking, though he would find someone else and he would not put his cock into Mrs. Dianne any more. He felt certain that his new guardian would not approve of that, in fact, would probably kill him if he knew that he had already done just that as well as let her suck it.

Americans had some unusual ideas when they were in their own land, but he very much liked them and vowed to get used to all of their ways. Right now, he could think of little else but seeing Mrs. Dianne again and telling her everything, and as he climbed from the taxi with Sergeant close behind, he broke into a trot, racing toward their apartment door... !

He didn't bother to ring but flung open the barrier and charged inside, rushing through the empty living room to glance into the kitchen, then running toward her bedroom when he didn't find her there. With Sergeant inches behind him, Kye brought himself up short in her open doorway, his young jaw falling loosely open while his dark eyes immediately lighted with a familiar light.

Almighty goddamn! This was almost the way he had left her, beautifully naked on the bed, except that she now had her hand down between her long tanned legs which were spread wide apart so that he could see her slender fingers working in the wet, pink crevice of her golden, curl- fleeced cunt! Her full, rounded breasts were rippling white mounds of marshmallowy flesh, quivering provocatively from her diligent fingering of her sweet, glistening pussy! She had not yet seen him, but he immediately noticed the glass filled with drink on the stand beside her and remembered then, the yum-yum he had spilled into the bottles!

An empty gnawing suddenly gripped at his entrails. Mother fuck! Had she been drinking the goddamned crazy-wild stuff very long? Captain Mark was going to kill him for sure when he found out! Oh, good goddamn... !

Dianne saw him then, quickly sitting upright, her own glazed green eyes passionately glowing at the sight of her young, handsome lover! "Oh darlings, you've come back to me! Oh God, quick, come and kiss Dianne! Hurry... !"

Kye did, rushing into her held open arms and she hugged him tightly against the full, nipple-hardened mounds of her naked, white breasts, kissing his youthful smiling face while little whimpers escaped her.

"Don't say one word, darling!" she breathlessly gasped, beginning to pun at his clothes. "Just get naked for Dianne quickly, darling! Oh, my beautiful little lover, you... both of you have come just in time! Hurry! Dianne wants to suck and love your delicious hard cock while Sergeant fucks her from behind... !"

"Bu-But, Mrs. Dianne... !" Kye desperately tried as she practically tore the clothing from him and Sergeant whimpered with great head cocked, his ears erect and twitching, the female heat of her sensual passion filling his keen, animal nostrils.

"Oh darling, we'll talk later! Not now!" Dianne gasped as she tugged his jeans and shorts down at the same time to expose his already hardening, familiar young cock which had brought her so much loving pleasure. "Oh God! It's so beautiful, little lover... so beautiful! Quick get on the bed and spread your legs wide so Dianne can get between them! I'm going to suck the cum right up out of those handsome young balls for you... !"

It was this obscene statement and the lewd spectacle of his curvaceous, naked wife lewdly crawling onto the bed between their new young ward's somewhat helplessly spread legs which greeted Mark Keller as he stood in his bedroom doorway holding a bouquet of elegantly wrapped red roses in his hand!

Total astonishing shock was hardly adequate to describe the sickening sensations which made his legs suddenly feel like strands of wet macaroni! The flowers, forgotten, dropped from his hand as he braced himself by catching hold of the door casing. Christ, was he flipping out or was it actually happening! He shook his head as if to clear it, knowing that Kye couldn't have been in the house over ten minutes... !

From his position, Mark could see little else but the obscenely bent-over nakedness of Dianne's curved beauty, the rounded, fleshy moons of her untanned buttocks facing him and spread slightly apart, enough to view the enticing sight of her thin, pink cuntal crevice between her smooth, full thighs. But taking one step to his left was enough to give him a view of her already bloating and hollowing cheeks as she absorbed nearly all of Kye's sizeable, hardened young cock right down into her throat, her hands slipping beneath him to cup his ass-cheeks and pull his teenage loins up tighter to her face! Her eyes were closed, her lushly hanging breasts swaying and jiggling in sensuous delight while mewls of passion hummed from deep in her chest! Good Christ! She was revealing in it like one of his own yum-yummed Saigon bunnies!

He couldn't believe it... but there it was, right before him, his little morals-minded house wren sucking the youthful, if seasoned, hard cock of the boy he'd pledged to give a home to!

Fuck! The whole world was turning upside down, because even as he watched the lewd, impossible scene, his own lusty length of prick-flesh had begun to stretch and jerk! Just the mere sight of his ethical Dianne sucking a young boy's stiffened rod, and especially this case-hardened, young veteran pimp whose very teenage sister had sucked Mark off nightly with a skill western girls could only hope to ever attain, was somehow setting him tight off! Tit for tat! And he couldn't seem to hate his obscenely slaving wife or the scrawny, ungrateful bastard beneath whose straining cock she was furiously trying to draw the sperm from! Christ, he had to be losing his mind, but truthfully, all he could suddenly think of was that everything was going to be all right for them!

Kye saw him then and began to blurt out frightened exclamations in his native tongue, at the same time struggling to force Dianne's hungrily fastened lips and sucking mouth off the length of his hardened boy-cock.

"A little late for that, isn't it, buddy?" Mark spat at him, moving close to the bed.

At the sound of his voice, Dianne's feverishly working head jerked upright to stare in growing, glazed surprise at the presence of the husband whose existence she had temporarily forgotten.

"It is my fault, Captain Mark!" Kye cued, quickly scurrying from the bed to stand nakedly before this man he loved, his young lengthy hardness rapidly losing its rigidity. "You must not blame her! Go ahead, kill me now, I am ready... !

"Shut up, you little cock-hound! I'll take care of you in a minute!" Mark ordered, unable to control his anger at catching them this way, even though the obscene spectacle had quickly fired the sensual passions of lust he had gluttonously been feeding daily for the past year. Then, to his wife who had raised up and was sitting back on her naked, curved haunches like some artistically sculpted work of white marble, her lovely face slackened as it gaped upward at him, he hissed: "I think you were putting it mildly, baby, when you said you were all getting on well together! Just how long have you been in the whoring profession, anyway... ?"

"Oh Mark, darling... please? 1-1 can't stand it! Fuck me, lover! Right now! I'll go crazy if you don't! Beat me... anything... but please fuck me!" she begged, reaching down with one hand between her slightly spread, smooth thighs to sink an extended finger into the wet, hair-lined crevice of her pinkly flushed cunt and obscenely stroke the wetly glistening inner flesh around the tiny bud of her excitedly erect clitoris.

The unexpected lewd act caused Mark's hardening, thick cock to give a wild lurch inside his shorts, while his brain reeled in a mixture of mounting lust, self-blame, and a fierce urge to punish both of them! Christ, he'd never even known this voluptuous bitch... !

"Please, Captain Mark, listen to Kye! It is all my fault! Do you not see it in her face... her eyes? She is high... on yum-yum!"

The native term for Dhattura slammed into Mark's brain with the force of a clubbed blow! What only seconds before had been building anger and a raging urge for revenge was as quickly wiped away by his immediate frightened concern for his voluptuous naked wife's uncontrollable passion. The aphrodisiac was as old as time, and though non-addictive, a sexual stimulant which swept away morals like a tidal wave as it raged through the female organs! He'd seen his own girls fuck as many as twenty men, one after the other while they slavishly sucked and fingered themselves for additional orgasms in between, stopping only when their young naked bodies were totally exhausted!

"Jesus Christ! How much has she had?" Mark snapped, grabbing the naked boy harshly by the shoulders. "Answer me! How much... ?"

"I-I do not know, Captain Mark! I-I put it in the bottle of whiskey... but not very much, just a sprinkle!" Kye exclaimed, his young voice cracking.

The urge to slap him hard across the face was almost uncontrollable for Mark, but somehow he held himself back, and the reason was the panting curvaceous girl on the bed... his beautiful naked wife who was still fingering her impassioned young pussy and staring at both of them through desire-hazed emerald green eyes. Goddamn, he'd take care of him later, but right now they both... yes, even Sergeant, had a job to do! It was the only way, even if they had to work in shifts! They had to fuck that potent, mind-blinding drug out of her system if it took them the rest of the day and night! Otherwise... ?

Mark thought about that for a moment, remembering the fifteen year old girl someone had given a heavy dose to right in his own brothel and they'd found her trying to ram a whiskey bottle up inside her tight, young vagina! Christ! He reached down and ran his hand through her passion-filled, naked wife's long blonde hair. He'd never realized how much he loved her, he thought, as she whimpered to his touch, then grabbed his hand and began kissing it. Wild charges of masculine lust burned through him at the thoughts of the sensual hours before them. Sonofabitch, he was as much, or more of a goatish bastard than the young boy who had admittedly confessed to him!

"Please, Mark darling! Please? Don't make me wait any longer... ?" she pleadingly begged, clutching at his hand. "Oh God, darling, I need you so bad! But now... now...

"Almighty goddamn! You want to kill me, Captain Mark?" Kye half-whimpered.

"Don't talk like a stupid little ass!" Mark snapped, beginning to pull at his clothing. "We're going to give her the shock treatment... all of us, and hope to Christ that wears her down a little bit!" he added, unable to restrain the lust-filling excitement firing through him at his intentions as he stripped himself naked, watching in uncontainable excitement her slender white fingers working feverishly in the exposed pink flesh of her shimmering wet pussy. He swallowed tightly and ordered in the sadistic tone he knew he had to use: "Get up on your knees, wife! You like your fucking bizarre, don't you? Well, you're going to get it, and in a manner you'll never forget! Because I'm going to punish you for being a bad little girl while daddy was gone! You understand that?"

Lost in the intense heat of her maddening desire, Dianne had no idea what sort of chastisement was in store for her, but well knew as she was aware of her own name that some was coming... and she wanted it! Dear God, she deserved and wanted it so badly... whatever he chose to do to her! Obediently, she dropped forward onto her hands and knees, bending her head low to again raise the slavishly presented, spread mounds of her quivering buttocks in masochistic, servile delight.

Dianne felt the weight on the bed behind her, and abruptly, the heat of his strong, masculine body as he moved in between her spread legs from behind! Oh God, he, too, was going to do something terribly beautiful to her, she reasoned in her befogged brain. Yes... yes... he was going to punish her! Then... then she felt his big warm hands on her trembling, naked buttocks, smoothing over them and up toward her waist and back down to her thighs, moving in between them to tease the moist, erogenous lips of her hotly inflamed pussy! He leaned over her back, his long, thick cock heavy and poling between her sensitive, inner thighs, pressing against the quivering, hair- fleeced mound of her inflamed, waiting cunt.

"I'm going to fuck you in the ass, Dianne!" he huskily whispered down against her hollowing back. "I want you to know so that you can cringe when I start to worm my cock up into your tight little asshole and you'll know what's happening and why! You've been naughty! And I'm going to punish you for it... not gently either! So prepare yourself, wife, because if you make the slightest move to right me, I'll whip your ass until you can't sit down for a week!"

"Oooooohhh... yesssss... yes, Mark darling... do it... do it! Split me open back there! I want you to, lover!" Dianne mindlessly chanted. "Oh God... please... yes! Punish me, baby! Fuck my ass! Hurry, darling... hurry!"

A tremulous jolt of shameful excitement roared through Mark, kneeling animalishly up behind her. Christ, already he was losing his sense of mental balance to irresistible, mounting lust! A year of eastern debauchery was showing its effects and he knew it with those sadistically whetted sensations which were ripping through him... but he could pacify himself in the knowing that it was the only way he could help her... that it had to be done for her sake!

He gaped down at her curved, white nakedness spread lasciviously open for him, the fleshy smooth ovals of her beautiful rounded buttocks waggling in hungry invitation, the tight, little pink mouth of hairless, puckered anal flesh defenselessly exposed before his already throbbing cock. Damn! He couldn't stop now if he wanted to... !

He slipped his middle finger up into the liquid heat between the furry, desire-flushed lips of her pouting cunt, beyond its nibbling vaginal mouth up into the sleek, throbbing tightness of her hotly clutching channel. Her upturned, white hips and fleshy ass-cheeks jerked spasmodically from the erotic intrusion, repeating the tremor when he smeared the warm, viscid moisture over the dimpled little hold of her offered ass. He did it several times before dipping the blood-engorged head of his swollen cock between those wetly saturated pussy-lips, finally nuzzling its rubbery tip snugly up against her tiny, excitedly working anal lips.

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