The Young and The Wild - Cover

The Young and The Wild


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Captain Mark Keller didn't dare look over at the beaming Asian boy beside him in their plane seat, afraid that he would start kissing him all over again. And, he could be thankful, too, that Sergeant was below in the hold. He grinned to himself, as pleased as was the shrewd, appreciative boy beside him who had finally settled down enough to look out the window at the peaceful country below them.

The handsome, young ex-Air Force officer was happy now that he had not told his wife all of the truth when he'd called earlier in the day. The facts were that he had been separated from the service that very morning, and had then been informed that Major- General Whip was arriving for an overnight stay at the base and that an emergency hearing had been set up for Kye with the old General setting on the panel. Mark's commanding officer had arranged it all, emphasizing General Whip's influence with the Immigration people. If he took to the boy, and Mark, there was no doubt that he could pull the right strings. The surprise had come when the General dryly insisted that the hearing be held immediately, that he had other things scheduled besides setting on panels having to do with the future of dogs. So less than an hour after Kye and Sergeant had stepped off the plane in Riverside, they had been rushed into the hearing!

Damn, Mark could still hardly believe it! "After all, gentlemen, isn't finding some measure of peace for these war-torn people... especially the young... what we are all fighting for... ?" General Whip had tossed amongst them, and that was all that had been necessary. Five minutes later it was over, and it had taken them exactly two hours to clear the base and climb aboard this commercial plane which was flying them back south to San Diego and La Berdina.

All in the same day, and what a surprise it was going to be for Dianne when they walked in on her, waiting in the apartment and wondering. Goddamn, she had a son, now! Son and dog... plus a rich husband... who still didn't know exactly how he was going to break that news to her, or how she would take it. But he'd made up his mind to tell her the whole bit, including the history behind "Mr. Ace". It was the only way if they were ever going to make it... a clean slate with nothing weighing on his conscience. As for the sexual end of it... ? He still wondered how he was ever going to re-adapt himself in that category after knowing the never ending delights of his eastern bunnies... but he was damn sure going to try. His Dianne was more than worth the effort. Yeah, and now that his family had suddenly grown, it was going to need room... a little ranch, maybe, on the outskirts of someplace... half-way up a mountain and with a swimming pool!

Of course, re-educating Kye, as well as Sergeant, away from their sex-oriented patterns of existence wasn't going to be an easy, overnight job. Christ, they were steeped in it, both of them, and a certain Mr. Ace could take a good share of the responsibility for that... which was another reason why he had to lay it all on the table for Dianne. It was going to require every bit of patience and understanding both of them together could find inside themselves to Americanize these two street hellions, and probably then some, which was why he'd suggested that Dianne play guardian to them for a few days once he'd decided to try to help them.

Knowing Kye's innocent use of street jargon, and spiced with four-letter words, he'd had no doubt but what the boy would naturally resort to it on an average of every other breath, and he'd reasoned that if Dianne didn't blow her fuse on that score the young tiger might have a home. And evidently she hadn't! He remembered her reply over the phone when he'd asked her how they were all making it together. "We're doing fine... they just can't send them back... can they... ?"

As yet, Mark and Kye hadn't found time to discuss the boy's stay with Dianne because of their crammed schedule, but the youth's unsolicited, glowing praise for his young wife was enough to convince the ex-officer they'd managed to hit it off well. That it was all going to work out for them, Mark felt certain. There was just the one problem... sex... and in a few hours he was going to be better able to evaluate their future in that department...

"Spread 'em out for me, honey!" Knute Jensen lewdly commanded the mindlessly keyed-up blonde wife kneeling nakedly between the spread legs of his son. "Reach back with both little hands and pull them pretty ass-cheeks apart for old daddy, eh?"

Dianne knew that she should be screaming in fear and debased shame, but she felt none of these emotions, though she was nearly dwarfed between these two massive brutes... father and son, both of whom were stripped as obscenely naked as was she! Time after time the delicious young spear of rigid hardness she was passionately sucking had nearly strangled her as Olaf rammed it toward her throat with cruel, boyishly excited thrusts, but the incessantly burning desire brought on by the yum-yum powder was greater than any pain they could possibly bring her and she answered with little uncontrollable groans around its long, throbbing thickness.

Now, Knute Jensen's lascivious demand only added new fuel to her sensuously inflamed desire. When she'd first felt him taunting her upraised pussy-lips from back behind her, she knew something wonderful was going to happen to her, additional ripples of erotic anticipation charging pleasurefully through her. And now, as he had ordered, she reached back with both hands while she spread her thighs wider, then lewdly pulled the soft, fleshy ovals of her buttocks apart, nakedly exposing the entire panorama of her seething cuntal slit and anus to the huge, bearded man.

Knute Jensen's red-rimmed eyes were like glowing hot coals of lecherous fire, his heavy length of long, thick cock already beginning to feel as if it were weighted with lead at the sight of her perfectly rounded young ass. She was undulating it seductively around while she did as he had commanded and reached back to luridly draw apart the full, smooth ovals. As she did so, he saw the warm glistening droplets of seeping moisture in the sensitive flesh of her pink, spread-open cuntal crevice! Christ, he couldn't stand much of this! The tip of his cock was beginning to burn like a lighted torch! He inched forward on his knees between the long, tanned legs she had invitingly opened wide for him, grasping hold of his long, heavy-veined hardness as he moved, levelling and pressing its blood-filled tip just inside the nibbling wet heat of her fleshy, hair-fringed cunt-lips. He heard her groan around his son's swollen cock at the electrified contact of his fingertip, and he grabbed the sweeping arch of her smoothly rounded hips brutally in his hands, driving its full, thick length solidly up into the liquid sheath of her hotly throbbing vaginal passage!

Dianne had excitedly felt the huge bulge of his fiery cock- tip slip wetly between the lips of her hotly seething pussy... then, the soaring charge as its long, thick rod of blood-stiffened flesh burst into her from behind, plowing its way deep up into her helpless belly with ferocious delight, crashing savagely against her cervix to shockingly confuse her for a moment with its sharp pain-pleasure, and she grunted helplessly around the pumping, hard cock in her mouth! It seemed for that long moment of sensual torment that her mercilessly invaded vagina was ablaze, impaled on a searing length of white-hot metal, its blunted end smashing half way up to her breasts... and God, yes, she wanted it to!

Oooohhhh! The absolutely obscene deliciousness of it! She couldn't get enough, even between the two of them salaciously fucking into both ends of her defenselessly bent, naked body! Blindly, she thrust her small hand down between her hotly quivering thighs to find the pulsing nerve-center of her tiny clitoris and flick her fingernail teasingly against it!

Oh Godddddd... Oooohhh... !

Knute Jensen quickly concluded he'd never had anything to equal the likes of the curvaceous young bitch bent in slavish nakedness before him! The goddamned sight alone of her voluptuous white body in its obscene position, prostrate and helpless beneath his rod-hard length of aching cock fucking furiously up into her, had immediately caused the swirling pressure to begin building in his heavy cum-bloated balls. Christ, they felt as if they weighed a ton! His time was coming damn soon! He could feel the tightly locked cuntal ridges inside her still giving way before his battering onslaught as he tried to tunnel deeper up into her hot, tremulous belly.

He hunched in closer behind her nakedly quivering young body, gritting his teeth in goatish lechery as he fucked into her from behind with long, hard lunges. His heavy buttocks hollowed and rippled flabbily with every brutal thrust, his massive, sperm- filled balls swinging down hard to slap against the wet, simmering flesh of her wide-splayed cunt-lips below. Sadistically, he held her upturned, hips in total subjection to his mean, stone-hard cock skewering relentlessly up into her, his own broad hips and pelvis flattening the smooth, white moons of her resilient buttocks with loud, breast rippling smacks. He squeezed her soft, satiny flesh in his cruel hands into thick ridges... small, bloodless hillocks of her untanned hips and buttocks, until when he released them the ridges settled back slowly, leaving angry red marks fringed with white bloodlessness on her creamy, unsunned skin. Each time he thrust, his fingers gripped harder, mauling her sensitive, tender flesh from waist to thigh with sadistic delight, wondering if the cock-happy bitch was completely immune to pain!

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