The Young and The Wild - Cover

The Young and The Wild


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Shortly after twilight Dianne looked out the kitchen window of their ground-floor apartment and saw Kye talking with Olaf Jensen, the building caretaker's overgrown son. Like most Vietnamese, Kye was as lean as a whip but with surprisingly large bones, and tall for a fourteen year old, Mark had said. He would probably fill out nicely now that he'd be getting the proper nourishment, but at the moment he looked like a gaunt little boy beside the muscular teenager of Swedish heritage he was laughing and talking with, displaying that enthusiastic carefreeness which had been constantly a part of him the entire three days he'd been with her.

The observing, curvaceous young wife of two years absently brushed at her wealth of straight, long blonde hair, sweeping it behind her shoulders on either side as she let her sultry green- eyes play over the friendly scene the two made sitting side by side, facing the smoldering incinerator where Olaf was burning trash for his father. It pleased her that Kye had made a friend so quickly, though she readily understood how and why he would with his young, irrepressible personality. His spirited, toothsome smile seemed almost perpetual, and she doubted that his energy had ever run-down in his whole teenage life. But probably what impressed her most was the innocence in his flashing dark- eyes, after all the horror he had seen and been through, losing his entire family at the age of seven and spending four years as an orphan in an American Mission School, then running away to become a little ruffian, or whatever, in the Saigon streets for the past three years.

That their new ward wasn't drenched in total bitterness was an amazement to Air Force Captain Mark Keller's stunningly lovely wife. Yet even had he been, the love for him he had immediately kindled inside her would hardly have been less; though she couldn't imagine how he could pull at her heart-strings more than he already had.

Actually, she supposed she was being unnecessarily safeguarding with this peeking out the window or door at him every few minutes, but she couldn't help herself. He was still just a boy in a foreign country to her, and Mark's "... Now don't worry about him, Honey, he's very capable of looking after himself..." hardly cut any ice. What he'd been forced to do to survive on the streets of Saigon was to be a far cry from his new life in the peaceful San Diego suburb of La Berdina, California. It would take a little time, but she intended that he would know a different sort of life now, one overflowing with love and kindness.

Sergeant, Kye's big German shepherd dog, a fierce appearing, heavy-shouldered animal with an astonishing docile nature, strolled into the scope of her windowed scene to seat himself before his young master, his massive animal-presence bringing to mind the whole story as Mark had unfolded it to her three days before on his return from Viet Nam.

It had been Sergeant's barking in the hold of the plane which had made Mark order an investigation, turning up their pair of stowaways, and both suffering from lack of proper air-pressure. All the same, her handsome thirty year old husband had told her, Kye was grinning, and obviously proud that he had done what he had said he would the day before... not let Mark go back to the United States without him!

Dianne had yet to learn the particulars of how Mark and Kye had become such fast friends. Her pilot husband, even after eleven months in Viet Nam, had had only a few hours to spend with her, and though both of them were frantic to pass them in a more intimate manner, Kye and Sergeant's presence had made that impossible, along with any lengthy private discussions. Mark had gotten special permission to house the boy and dog in his own home while military authorities and immigration people were deciding what was to be done with them. Fortunately, Sergeant had undergone myriad shots and didn't have to be impounded, Kye producing the animal's papers before the commanding officer at March Air Force Base.

"The truth is, that damned dog is better off than I am," Mark had said with his famous (to Dianne) grin. "Here, I've got to go back to the base to get separated and these two wild hunyaks work their way right into the population."

Dianne had been so over-joyed to see him that if he'd said "peanuts" or whatever, she could have laughed herself silly. She'd hugged and clung to him, hardly noticing the strange boy and his dog during those first few minutes. Mark was home! Safe and sound! Home with her and almost for good!

"It'll take another week or so, baby... processing and all that," he'd said, holding her on his lap in his favorite chair while Kye stood by with a great smile lighting his handsome, young face, his breath-taking German shepherd mimicking him with open jaws and beautifully erect ears. "No longer than that... and it'll only be a matter of minutes if I can catch a flight to cover that hundred miles down here to La Berdina before we're together for good!"

"Oh darlinggg..." she'd moaned, kissing him passionately on the lips.

"It is super to be home again, right, Captain Mark?" Kye's enthusiastic voice and winning smile had interrupted in almost perfect English. "I don't blame you, Joe! She, your Mrs. Captain, is very beautiful!"

"She's Mrs. Dianne, Kye, and I expect you to look after her until I get back," Mark had said. "Can you and Sergeant handle the job?"

"Yes sir! You know we can, Captain Mark! You bet! Right on, eh?" the boy had exuberated.

"Right on, Kye!"

There had been more before Mark had to leave, and the greater share of it pertaining to young Kye Tsen Dang and his German shepherd, Sergeant. Whether the authorities would allow them to stay in the U.S. was certainly questionable and as well, doubtful. But while he was there, Mark wanted Kye to know what the American democratic way was like! Could she find it in herself to put up with him until something was done... ?

"Put up with him? My God, darling, I love him already! Both of them!" she had exclaimed, kissing her husband first, then the teenage live-wire she was presently looking at through the window, as well as Sergeant's massive head.

Dianne backed away from her vantage point, glancing toward the west to see the heavier night shadows creeping onto them. She wouldn't call him. He had been told to come in when it was dark. He still had minutes, but above all, she wanted to know if he would mind her. After all, it was impossible to think of him as a normal boy... at least, as she'd been taught the meaning of the word.

Turning away, the shapely blonde girl in her skin-tight, white shorts and pullover jersey began to take the dishes from the dishwasher and put them in their proper place. A tiny smile of excitement played around her sensuous young lips. It was almost beyond belief that Mark was back and that in a few more days he would be with her for ever and ever! Then, again she thought of Kye. Would she feel the same about him if it were not for Mark?... Yes... yes, she would! He was a beautiful boy! My God, in just three days she'd come to have such a strong, warm affection for him! They would adopt him! The authorities had to understand, and although she knew nothing about such things, she felt certain they would agree. Why wouldn't they? Wasn't that better than sending him back to the horror of war? God, no one could be that inhuman! Mark would find a way, especially once he knew how she really felt... !

He was so wonderful, her Mark! God, what a perfect marriage they'd had from the very beginning... finding each other sexually that first time... a rarity, she knew... but they had! And the last magnificent night before he'd left her... she'd taken him in her mouth!

Remembering, Dianne had thought both of them were going to lose their senses! It hadn't been a new thing in her mind, only in the doing... and she had, gulping and swallowing the seething, delicious nectar of his excitedly boiling sperm right down into her belly! She'd lived a year on that memory, with the occasional help of her fingers, and at that very moment she could think of little else! Days... hours... that was all, and she would do it again... !

"We have come in, Mrs. Dianne!" Kye interrupted her sensual reverie, barging through the rear door with Sergeant before him. "The sky is darkened, besides, Olaf doesn't believe many things I say. Oh, come off that shit, he says, and I don't know what to think!"

The crude four-letter word struck Dianne with a bit of an impact, but not enough for her to make an issue of it. She reminded herself that she had to remember all of the unbelievable ingredients that went to make up this boy, this entire picture, plus her own accepted responsibilities to him. Besides, it wasn't as if she'd been raised in a household where such terms weren't tossed about. Though her mother had been religious and her father, somewhat, her dad had always shown a tendency toward ribaldry in his remarks... and many of them dealing with sexual aspects. Both of her brothers had been wild, while her younger sister wrote her letters that Playboy wouldn't print.

"I-I wouldn't let anything that Olaf says bother you, Kye, if I were you," she casually replied. "These American boys are different and can be pretty harsh sometimes, dear..."

"But he is Swedish he says. Did he lie?"

"No. His parents are Swedish. He is an American, Kye, born in this country," Dianne explained, wiping her hands. "Just as your sons will be American, darling, when they are born here."

"Do you think that will really happen, Mrs. Dianne? Will they let me stay?" he questioned excitedly.

"Well... Captain Mark is working on it, Kye. I don't know. Let's hope so, eh? We both want you to remain here..."

"You really mean that, Mrs. Dianne?" he almost gasped out, his young mouth and dark eyes agape.

"Of course I mean it, darling...

He bounced forward then and kissed her on the cheek while Sergeant barked in a throaty tone she'd not heard before from him. Kye said:

"You make me so very happy, Mrs. Ma'am! I want to dance... but instead I'll go take my shower! Thank you! Thank you... !"

His exuberance, his open heart-felt joy, had softened Dianne like a wet sponge. Even her breathing was uneven as she walked to her bedroom. Oh, Mark had to do something! The authorities must be made to understand the necessity of keeping this boy here! His whole future depended on it, and after all, wasn't that the basis of the United States of America?

She began to undress, thinking these things, the pleasant mood her thoughts had woven for her responsible for the little shivers of happy excitement which continued to flutter through her. In the privacy of her shower, those same tiny thrills persisted, and magnifying considerably whenever she let her mind dwell on Mark and what their first night in bed together again was going to be like!

God, she was acting like a wanton little hussy, and reveling in the knowing of it, the sensually incited young woman shamelessly realized as she smiled to herself. And why not? There was certainly nothing wrong in a wife's having erotic desire for her own husband, she happily thought, toweling dry and slipping on her short, green chiffon nightie with its almost see- through over-wrap. She would read awhile and hopefully unwind some, but sleep wasn't going to come easily for her tonight, though she was determined not to do it... and tonight he had even left his door open with the light still burning.

Peering around the frame of the opening, the young wife wearing her usual smile, poised her knuckles to tap against the casing... but never did! Instead, her smile seemed to crystallize into a waxen-like expression of stunned amazement, her large eyes widening accordingly as she stared at the unbelievable scene taking place on the bed before her! At first in those rushing flash of seconds, she couldn't quite comprehend that it was actually happening... it was too lewdly bizarre!... With the door wide open... and lying there totally naked... ! But it was! He... Kye was playing with himself, his legs stretched out and locked at the ankles, his nudely exposed young loins straining fervidly upward off the bed to the rhythmic massaging of his hand!

Dianne might have jumped back out of respect for another's privacy had she not been taken so completely unaware by the lewdly shocking spectacle, but as it was there were still a few seconds before Sergeant, lying at the foot of the bed watching his young master's eagerly strenuous actions, saw her and barked his greeting. During that lapse of brief moments before she was recognized, Dianne couldn't help but fasten her widely disbelieving eyes on the focal point of the long, thickly hardened penis which he was clasping tightly in a rapidly working fist! She gaped at its bulbous young head being moistly exposed with every vigorous down-stroke, and the size of his excitement bloated testicles resting against his tightly joined thighs, the racy impression that his genitals were the most developed part of his slim young body registering incredibly in her mind.

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