Sex Experiment - Cover

Sex Experiment


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mind Control   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Yes, Miss Johnson, this cage of guinea pigs seems to be doing much better than the others. Ahem, that is, group B is doing better than group A!" Betty Johnson peered into the cage to see what it was that Dr. Randolph was looking at. To her surprise the pretty young assistant saw that the four guinea pigs who had been recipients of Dr. Adam Randolph's special combination of glandular extractions were furiously fornicating in the most incredible combinations.

Betty blushed at the sight in spite of herself and then checked her emotions, glancing sideways at the college professor to see if he had noticed her unscientific response. But to her consternation the pretty brunette saw that Dr. Randolph was leering in the most unprofessional manner. "Leering," definitely, and she would almost say, he was drooling as well! But even to think such a thing about the wise, well-thought-of scientist seemed almost sacrilegious. Even though Adam Randolph was not very old, forty-five at the most, he gave the appearance of an elderly man. His prematurely gray hair was partially responsible, and the rest of it was caused by his manner which was that of the absent-minded professor to the extreme.

For several evenings now, however, Betty Johnson had noticed a distinct difference in the professor's manner. He'd been muttering to himself for one thing. Not in the usual way, which she was used to, but in another, rather alarming way, his voice rising and falling in strange cadences as though he were having an argument with some invisible person.

Night work at the University laboratory had been pleasant for the attractive young graduate student up until now at any rate, and she felt herself privileged to be working with the renowned teacher and researcher.

But Betty had a distinct feeling of discomfort as she turned back to look into the cage. "But... but... that's not normal is it?" she inquired. "I mean, this is not the result you expected, surely, Dr. Randolph?" As far as Betty knew, Dr. Randolph was involved with studying the comparative blood-pressure rates of test animals when injected with different degrees of amphetamines.

"Of course, of course!" Randolph replied, his eyes glistening with a smoky lust as he regarded Miss Johnson. "Haven't you ever felt horny after taking a diet pill?"

"What?" The words had such an impact that Betty stepped back as though she'd been given a push. It might not have been nearly so bad if--being naturally inclined toward plumpness--the pretty brunette had not been the recipient of many of the different varieties of diet pills on the market. Not only that, but the 24 year old girl had noticed that she felt a very definite tingling, a kind of urgent longing in her loins, usually be the evening of the day which she had taken the pill. She had kept this information to herself, of course, and it was more than disturbing to find that her private feelings were more or less common knowledge.

"Don't tell me you've never felt horny, Miss Johnson! Come now, every young woman does. Every healthy young woman at any rate. There've been all sorts of studies. Surely you've heard of them!"

"Dr. Randolph! Really, are you quite sure... I mean I think I must be getting along home now." Betty backed steadily toward the door. She'd never seen Dr. Randolph looking so strange or heard him saying such awful things! It was so unsettling that the young woman stumbled against a table and knocked over a beaker of water which was used for the test animals. Flustered, she bent to pick up the broken beaker and attempted to mop up the water, realizing that RandoIph was standing there looking at her uplifted buttocks all the while.

But Adam Randolph was muttering to himself again while watching his pretty young assistant scrambling about in an attempt to get the water up.

"Evidently," he said, "new studies are necessary. Studies which will prove to the general public the efficacy of sex. The wonder of sex and its natural purpose in this world! I could change the entire repressed structure of society if I could make such a study!

Betty Johnson's sensually rounded buttocks jiggled pleasingly within the confines of her tight fitting white uniform as she mopped up the water. Randolph contemplated those salient nether cheeks with a new interest in the light of his latest idea. He was tired of being a revered member of the faculty of the big New York City college. Already it seemed as though his best years were behind him rather than ahead of him. He was doing comparatively unimportant experiments, teaching comparatively unimportant classes. All the rest of his life could be foreseen in one fell swoop. Adam had been depressed about this simple fact for weeks now, maybe months.

Not that Adam hadn't known it for a long while. But knowing it and beginning to let the idea affect him were two different things.

"You're just like an old man!" his wife Helen had said to him the night before in one of her frequent fits of anger with him. And afterward when Helen was asleep in her twin bed, Adam had gotten up and gone to look in the mirror. He not only looked like an old man, but it was true, he felt like one. It was then that he resolved to do something about the trend his life was taking. To take things in hand as it were. Instead of letting things happen to him, he would make things happen!

Adam thought now of Helen's tears. Almost nightly tears they were now, and all about the same thing, sex! Well, sex was on his mind, too, but not the same way it was on Helen's. Helen wanted romance, and Adam had anything but a romantic nature. His interest in sex was more of a curiosity, and therefore he knew that nothing he ever did would truly satisfy his wife. Why bother to try then, was his attitude.

But wouldn't it be interesting to see Miss Johnson's response to the hardness of his impatiently throbbing penis? Adam was newly aware of the raging erection that he had and found the phenomenon extremely interesting. He couldn't remember ever having an erection in the laboratory, and the fact that he had one now was certainly something new. It was all in line with his new trend of thinking though, with his new life, and Adam felt a surge of excitement, beyond the lust that he was already feeling for the flustered Miss Johnson.

He advanced slowly, thinking to himself that Miss Johnson would make experiment number one. The first in a series. The first indeed in what he intended to make an extensive research project!

Betty Johnson looked behind her and tried to get up from her kneeling position, but Dr. Randolph grabbed her by the arm and forced her to remain as she was.

The feel of his hand, hard and oddly cold on her arm made the young, dark-haired woman suddenly hysterical. She was certain that the professor had gone stark raving mad and that he was about to do something dreadful, kill her maybe. The papers were full of such things!

"Oh, please, PLEASE!" she cried, "LET ME GO, LET ME GO!"

"Just a simple experiment, Miss Johnson. I must say, you've been a wonderful assistant thus far. Now with my new work, perhaps you'll be equally as talented." Adam's voice was calm now, as calm as it was when he was talking to his students in class, for he was on home territory, in a way, and his mind was already taking note of Miss Johnson's reactions to his advances.

Easily, he got down to his knees, unmindful of the cracking that betrayed a lack of exercise. Betty was trembling and crying, begging him not to hurt her.

"But why would you think I would hurt you?" he asked curiously. "I assure you I have no such intentions." Already he could smell Miss Johnson's crisp perfume, mixed with the heady sweat of her aroused emotions. The scientist's nostrils flared as his fingers began to move along Betty's arms. Then, still holding the girl firm with one hand, the professor let his hand drop down to the hem of her white smock. He hiked it up unceremoniously and thrust his fingers up underneath. The tips of his fingers encountered her warm smooth thigh flesh and her panty-enclosed buttocks that quaked as his fingers ran hungrily over their surfaces.

"Calm, calm," he told her as though speaking to a lab animal. "This won't take long!"

Betty couldn't believe that it was happening to her. Many late nights she and her roommate would stay up talking about such things, but Betty had never dreamed such a thing would happen to her. She had contented herself with the thoroughly predictable advances of her boyfriend, Carl, with whom she made love approximately once a week at his minuscule Greenwich Village flat. She enjoyed Carl, although it wasn't difficult to imagine a more forceful lover, an energetic lover who would make her quiver with anticipation at odd times of the day or night! Betty had never had the chance to find such a person though, and Carl was really the first person with whom she had had an intimate relationship. She couldn't really count the boy who had first taken her virginity in the back of her father's hardware store in Schenectady. No, that hardly counted at all.

But this counted! It was odd how just thinking about it could make the strange behavior of her professor something totally different. Instead of the horror that came with being forced to submit to the teacher's lewd and obscene advances, somewhere inside, the experience was being changed into something different, something real and much more exciting than anything that she'd ever known. This is what her teacher was offering to her now, an erotic experience that would top all the experiences she'd ever had!

The young brunette's moans of desperation slowly changed as she felt Adam's fingers slipping upward to the elastic waistband of her nylon panties. He was tugging them downward over the smoothly rounded mounds of her buttocks. Already, sensing the young woman's compliance, Randolph no longer used a restraining hand on her arm, but both hands were busily peeling down the young assistant's panties. He gave a gasp of admiration as he saw her warm, naked ass-cheeks, unblemished, delectable!

Despite herself, Betty couldn't help wondering just what he would do next. But whatever she had expected, it was not what happened, for suddenly she heard her professor moan hungrily, and then she felt him drop down behind her nakedly offered buttocks. The next thing, the dark-haired graduate student felt was his heated breath and then a thrilling wetness back between her spread thighs. Dr. Randolph was tonguing her from behind, sticking the quivering tip of his tongue deep into the wetly throbbing lips of her pussy and licking lewdly within her sensitive layers of cuntal flesh.

"Oooooh!" The dark channel of Betty's hair-trimmed pussy began to twitch in heated arousal. No one had ever done such a thing to her. Could she? she wondered. Could she actually enjoy such an obscene act? Her nakedly exposed buttocks were oddly still as Betty's humiliation turned into a blatant carnal excitement. It was a stirring deep in her loins as well as in her mind as wicked tingles of pleasure wove in and out of the pores of the sensitive flesh up between her legs. The gentle stroking of her attacker's tongue made her feel totally wanton, totally free in a way she had never dreamed was possible! Her very position, half naked with her panties halfway down, kneeling on the floor of the lab like this, brought a greater excitement, and the pretty young assistant felt all control slipping away. All thought was mercifully blotted from her mind, whereas with her boyfriend, all she did was think, think, think through the whole thing. This was something wildly different, though, and she was a writhing mass of feminine sensuality, created for loving, and nothing more or less.

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