Rajah - Cover



Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Interracial   Novel-Pocketbook  

Wafto, the hunch-backed dwarf, became immediately attentive in his hiding place inside the huge antique wardrobe in Sharon Court's room when he heard the door being opened. He maneuvered his deformed body so that one eye was pressed to the small hole which had inconspicuously been bored in the left-hand door, his muscles tensed with barely repressed excitement.

The light snapped on overhead, and he could see the lithe, voluptuous blonde wife as she ran across the room and flung herself on the bed. She began weeping unabashedly, obviously upset, her lovely face twisted with emotion. Wafto smiled tightly, pressing his eye hard against the hole; he could tell by the brightness of her eyes, the flushed appearance of her cheeks, that the marijuana which she had partaken of had done its job well. And he thought he knew, too, why she was weeping; his master always became uncontrollably horny when he smoked pot, and Mark had likely taken the insatiable Lena somewhere for a satisfying fuck -- somewhere not too far removed from the naive young eyes of the beautiful Sharon Court.

Yes, Wafto was sure that was why Sharon was crying. She wouldn't have expected to see her friend Lena so abandonedly spreading her legs for Marlowe, and in her semi-drugged condition she had probably fled in humiliation to her room. Good, good, thought the grinning dwarf. Everything was working out exactly as they had planned...

After a time Sharon raised herself on the bed and dried her eyes. She heaved a shuddering sigh and got tremulously to her feet. The little hunch-back watched hungrily as she began to undress slipping out of her organdy dress, removing her sheer panties and brassiere until she stood naked for a moment in the bright light overhead. Wafto sucked in his breath, small beads of perspiration breaking out on his forehead, as his watching eye feasted on the dark soft silkiness that covered the junction of her perfectly formed legs, the thin red hair-lined slit that was temptingly visible running the full-length of her pubic triangle, the alabaster contours of her hips and the white rounded spheres of her breasts with their pink little nipples turgid from her agitated mental state. His mouth watered. He could hardly wait to get his hands and mouth on those tempting buds, to twist and churn them into the rock hardness of helpless passion.

As he watched, Sharon took a thin diaphanous nightgown from her suitcase and slipped over her nakedness with the sibilant rustling of silk. Then she sat down on the bed, sighing once more. Wafto held his breath again, willing her to look at the bedside table, to see the bottle of Sherry and the glass he had placed there before entering the wardrobe to hide. Come on, my little beauty, the salivating dwarf thought. It's for you, all for you. A little potion which will set that lovely little pussy of yours twitching, as it has set so many pussies twitching in the past. A maddeningly irresistible aphrodisiac mixed with the Sherry, and all for you...

As if her mind somehow read and interpreted the evil little hunch- back's thoughts, Sharon's eyes swiveled to the night-stand and rested on the bottle of Sherry. Obediently, she reached out a hand and closed it around the bottle, raised it, poured some of the ruby liquid into the glass. She needed a drink, she thought in her half-drugged mind, something to steady her nerves after the terrible, unnerving scene she had witnessed downstairs -- something to make her sleep, sleep away the images of the naked entwined bodies of Mark and Lena which seemed burned indelibly on the retinas of her eyes.

Wafto smiled in anticipation when he saw her lift the glass of Sherry to her lips and drink deeply from it. She drank again, and then lay back on the bed, reaching up to switch off the light and send the room into semi-darkness. It took Wafto's eyes a moment to adjust to the change but he could still see her slim form stretched sensuously down the length of the bed. He clenched his fist tightly as she squirmed around before, trying to get comfortable; he'd show this proud little American bitch who had everything and who had looked so pityingly at him. He would really show her! But he had to be patient, had to wait a few more minutes. He wanted no crying out, the potion had to have time to reach its full effect. His body was soaked in sweat now from the thought of that haughty young bitch squirming in helpless surrender beneath his hardened, oversized cock. The seconds of waiting ticking by seemed like hours -- and finally he could stand it no longer. His cock throbbed achingly in his pants; he had to have her, on his terms, right this moment!

He opened the wardrobe door slowly, pushing his head into the semi- darkened room. There was no sound but the soft breathing of the now completely motionless young wife on the bed. He closed the door softly, peering intensely through the darkness at the bed. The head of the sleeping girl was facing straight ahead at the ceiling, and her eyes were clenched tightly shut as if in a deep, hard sleep -- yet she moved slightly from time to time as though dreams were coming to her from the haze of a nether-world.

The dwarf, dragging his clubfoot, moved catlike around the foot of the bed, not taking his gaze from the reclining figure sprawled there. Sharon had drawn one knee up flat on the bed even with her hip, the smooth white flesh of her soft inner thigh gleamed faintly in the darkness where the gown had pulled up in her restlessness. The soft dark hairs covering the exposed, still slightly closed lips of her vagina were plainly visible now to his beady eyes.

He involuntarily drew in his breath at the unbelievable sight before him. He had fucked many drugged young women in the home of his master, Mark Marlowe, but never any like this! Never any so pure, innocent, proud; never any that he would enjoy humiliating so much.

The thought of helpless mewling grunts of pleasure coming from those untouchable lips, that had scorned and pitied him before, goaded his already half-erect prick into granite hardness. He could feel the blood throbbing painfully into its large expanded head, tiny droplets of thick white seminal fluid already beginning to seep from the sensitive contracting gland to smear wetly against his thigh. He silently opened the fly of his trousers, easing the pain slightly.

Slowly, Wafto massaged the heavy thick foreskin back and forth over the jerking head of his huge, disproportionately thick cock, a member he was sadistically proud of, his only claim to power and masculinity. Many a woman had cowered before the monster in the past, and many more would so cower in the future; he may have been a dwarf, a hunch-back, but the huge, throbbing prick which; he now massaged in his gnarled fingers was indeed his equalizer; it gave him all the stature he needed in the world...

Now he advanced toward the proud young bitch who lay totally at his mercy. The marijuana and the aphrodisiac had done their work well, indeed, and he now intended to teach this haughty young American wife a lesson she'd never forget. This rod which he would ram deep, deep between those open thighs would teach her and her kind to treat him like he was a pitiable sideshow freak!

Wafto's pants dropped heavily to the floor as he opened the last button at the top and fully exposed his long thick member. It stood out in proud menacing erection over the spread-eagle body in the bed beneath. He removed the rest of his clothes, then, and stood for a moment longer hunched over the motionless flesh, stroking himself into rigidity that threatened to explode into streaming white hot spurts at any moment. For a second he considered it. It would be a beautiful sight to see his hard penis throbbing out its load into the helpless young wife's face and down over her soft white tits. He lewdly pictured it dribbling down over her chin to the hollow of her throat and forming warm sticky pools between those lush, quivering breasts. But no, he had better plans for her tonight, plans which would be the major first step in the total debauchery the proud, aristocratic American bitch...

Still, he couldn't resist one thing before he continued according to plan. He knew the risk was great of losing his load, but he had to see those little ruby lips around his cock just for a moment. He had thought so much about it while he was waiting in the wardrobe for her to come upstairs. He swung his dwarf body up on the edge of the bed by her head and turned it gently toward his erected member. When it was several inches away, he pushed his hips slowly forward toward her upturned face, laying the wet sticky underside of the palpitating head between the small valley formed by her closed, lipstick covered lips. He placed one thumb under her nose and the other on her chin, pulling slowly out until the underside of the heavy head dropped slightly through the stretched lips and rested against her white teeth, the soft flesh of the pink puckered lips forming a furrow along its length. He flexed his hips slightly back and forth until several small droplets of cum flowed from his throbbing gland, and lubricated the mouth that was half surrounding it. He could feel the warm air from her nostrils pushing hotly against it as she breathed in and out restlessly.

Looking down directly into her face, he could see small rivulets run slowly down the corners of her mouth on either side, dribbling like tears down the sides of her cheeks. Goddamn, he would like to shoot his hot boiling semen down that soft, trembling throat and see her Adam's Apple bob up and down as she gulped it on into her belly. Maybe later on during her stay he would have that opportunity; he couldn't be greedy now...

The deformed hunch-back reached one hand down to the hem of the flimsy negligee, pulling it up slowly over the young wife's rounded snow- white belly, over the large globular breasts, until her whole naked body was exposed. He had seen it through the hole in the wardrobe while watching her undress, but it hadn't excited him nearly as much as having it here now, spread helplessly beneath him, where he could touch and fondle it at his whim.

He used the thumb and forefinger of his right hand to push her lips tighter against the purple-veined cock between them, gently continuing the slow sawing motion of his hips. The other hand moved over the magnificent breasts, tweaking the nipples until he could feel them mechanically hardening under his manipulations.

Sharon Court shifted slightly beneath him, moaning softly as though aware of his presence. He held still, and his rod fell from between her loose lips down over her chin, leaving thin threads of warm white stickiness trailing behind it.

"Neal, Neal darling," she mumbled thickly through the fog of the drug. "Come to me, my darling husband... I want you..."

Wafto smiled to himself above her. So, he thought, the bitch thinks I'm her husband, eh? He chuckled lewdly to himself. Well, she'll see the difference before I'm finished, no mistake!

He stroked the giant throbbing cock slowly, reaching down and running his other hand over the awakening mounds of her tits and down over her belly to the soft fleshy folds of her cunt.

"Oooohhh, Neal, lover," Sharon moaned, dreaming that her beloved husband was near her, about to make love to her, her body becoming alert now to the caresses of the magic hands that were stroking her flesh into a hot sheet of desire. God how she wanted him now, wanted Neal, and her body ached with her rising aphrodisiac-induced need to be touched as he was touching her this very moment...

Her tongue ran slowly around her moist lips, savoring the sticky pungent taste of the strange moisture that covered them; the odor wafted through her flared nostrils, breathing it deep inside her body. It did strange things to her, the male odor and the pungent taste coursing through her entire being like a sweet soothing balm, lighting tiny fires in her turgid nipples and causing a sensuous throbbing in the nerve ends of her tight hot pussy. She could feel dew-drops of moisture rising there between her open legs as the exposed hair-lined lips began a slow spasmodic contraction, palpitating wetly.

"Oooohh, Neal take me darling, take me now, I need you soooo!"

Wafto, the little dwarf, grinned evilly, his greedy eyes feasting lewdly on her unconsciously squirming nakedness. He moved around on the bed, crouching on all fours over the white sensuously twisting body, pushing her unresisting milk-white thighs apart. He crawled between them, his knees pressing between her ankles, and his face panting a few inches above the hair-covered vee of her opened-wide thighs. His mouth salivated as his eyes looked down at it rotating sensuously, expectantly, just below his lips. Saliva dripped from his open mouth, mingling with her juices in the delicious narrow split that started at the bottom of her smooth white belly and trailed down through the rounded creamy spheres of her buttocks.

Through half-slitted eyes Sharon could see the shadowy figure of her husband, Neal, crouching between her wide-splayed legs. She could feel the flat palms of his sweating hands pushing against the softness of her inner thighs, holding them wide apart. Her secret treasure was open to him to do as he willed. She watched with bated breath as his head lowered slowly... slowly... slowly...

And then --

"Aaaahhhhhhh!" she cried, her body convulsing as his moist hot lips closed over the soft mound at the base of her belly. His hazy face disappeared from her view into the soft pubic fleece as he planted wet tickling kisses on the still-closed aperture, his tongue flicking lizard- like at the quivering opening.

Her own hands moved sensuously down over her throbbing breasts and slid down her smooth, flat stomach, coming to rest on either side of his lips. Her fingers stroked softly for a moment at the flexing hollows of her inner thighs, then slowly spread the fleshy, hair-rimmed lips of her moist hot cunt apart, allowing his hungry questing lips complete access to the secret mouth down between her open thighs.

The beauteous young wife's elbows pressed tightly against her ribs and her head lolled uncontrollably from side to side on the pillow as the hot searing tongue shot out, its soft flicking tip circling the quivering erected bud of her clitoris. The lips sucked, drawing the warm soft folds deep, deep into the hot cavern of his voracious mouth, the tongue continuing its maddening licking against the straining pink button of her womanhood. She groaned deep in her throat as the hot probing tip worked its way up and down the length of the narrow wet slit, starting at the lower belly and pressuring its way down, down over the elastic-rimmed opening of her clasping vagina and into the crevice of her flexing buttocks where it stopped momentarily to tease the tight brown nether ring of the quivering anus there. Her hips ground wildly into the squeaking bed now, soft mewling animal sounds spewing from her lips.

Wafto the hunch-back worked hungrily, feeling the soft wet pubic hair brushing tantalizingly, against his cheeks. A feeling of power was in him. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever expected to have such a proud pure bitch like this squirming under his ramrod tongue and completely at his mercy. And she was loving it! Her groans drove his probe faster and faster along her moist hot slit. He wanted her begging for it when he was ready to ram his great oversized cock to her and she was almost there. He had never seen anyone so hot, even with the potion -- and this was just the beginning!

The evil dwarf knew she was too far gone now to fight anything he did to her and his mind began to form weird erotic pictures of the positions he could put her in and the things he could do at will to her limp desire- contorted body. He chuckled obscenely as he felt her hands desperately clawing at his hair, guiding his slickly groveling face to the trembling opening of her cunt. He ran his tongue into the soft-fleeced flesh, flicking at it for a moment, then quickly withdrawing it to tease again around the quivering pink edges.

Wafto let her force him this time, pressing his mouth directly over the tight little aperture in her squirming lower belly. As his lips rounded and covered the clasping viscous opening, he thrust his tongue again deep down into it, bringing a low guttural groan from the young wife whose soft warm thighs closed convulsively around either side of his moving head. He could feel the wet flesh slip moistly around his long extended tongue as the walls of the invaded cunt opened and closed in a hungry sucking motion, attempting to pull the probe deeper and deeper into it. He could scarcely breathe; his nose was pressed tightly against the tiny hard clitoris, breathing in the pungent odor of her secretions and her womanhood, and it incited his penis to a hardness that he could no longer control.

He had to fuck this little haughty bitch or he would explode his juices all over the mattress and her quivering, sweating flesh!

Wafto grabbed her flailing legs behind the knees and shoved them roughly back against her shoulders, slithering up her sweat-soaked body at the same time. His rigid cock rammed against the wet pubic hair. He planted his hands on either side of her shoulders, her ankles locked tightly behind his neck. He could look down between their bodies and see her upturned buttocks completely exposed to his lusting gaze.

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