Racial Swap-Night - Cover

Racial Swap-Night


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Interracial   Novel-Pocketbook  

Eddie drove to his afternoon group unable to concentrate on anything but the memory of the wild night of uninhibited sex with Sally Dunn. She could still feel her lips around his cock sucking him dry as he parked his car. She had sucked every last ounce of sperm from his cock like she was dehydrated in the desert.

Suddenly the woman that he could see in his mind's eye stuck her head out of the rear of the pro shop and called, "Eddie, you're wanted on the telephone."

"Okay, Sally, thanks," he called loping across the parking lot to the telephone in the pro shop.

"Yes," he said into the telephone, "Eddie Frampton here."

"Eddie it's Nina Marsdale. I'd like to have a little talk with you today. What's your group schedule like today?" "Well, let's see," he said uncertainly. What the hell did Nina Marsdale want with him? "I have a group in a couple of minutes at one, and then one at two, and I think that's it. I should be through here by four at the latest. What is it?"

"I don't wish to discuss it on the telephone, Eddie. Why don't you meet me for a drink about four. How about the Carlton Hill Hotel cocktail lounge?"

The mysterious tone of her voice and the urgency she projected to him, her words surging through his consciousness, held him absolutely intrigued.

"Well, all right, Mrs. Marsdale, if it's important, I'll be there. Carlton Hill at four."

"That's a good little boy!" she said and then she hung up.

"Did I hear correctly?" Eddie asked himself stunned that the wife of his boss would be so flippant with him.

He didn't have time to dwell on it. He had a group to teach and then there would be the matter of breaking the news that he wouldn't be home again this evening to Alyce. Things were certainly getting busy for the young tennis pro.

Between his next group lessons he called his wife.

"Alyce," he said. "I won't be back for dinner tonight. They're having a board meeting tonight and deciding whether they can expand the club facilities and I have to be here. I don't know how late it's going to be so don't hold dinner and don't wait up for me."

She was instantly suspicious. Two late nights in a row. Just what was happening with her husband? But the young wife still felt a bit foolish about thwarting her husband's advances and she didn't want to start a row so she choked back the angry tirade that threatened to rush forth from her mouth.

"Okay, Eddie," was all she could manage. "I love you."

"Oh, Alyce, I love you too. Now don't go getting all worked up because we're separated once in a while. Why don't you call up one of your friends and go to the movies or something?" he said trying to distract her from his guilt.

"Maybe I will," she said none too convincingly. "See you later, dear."

For some reason after his last private lesson before his meeting with Nina Marsdale, Eddie took a long soothing shower and shaved. He patted on some after shave he kept in his locker and carefully dried his hair.

Now, he was glad that he had as he sat side by side with Nina Marsdale in a booth in the dimly lit cocktail lounge of the Carlton Hills Hotel. Eddie decided to have the same drink that Nina ordered, a dry martini, and over their drinks they sat chatting of trivialities as they became acquainted with each other.

Eddie was struck by the petite, yet exotic beauty of the woman. There was the Oriental mystery of her slanted eyes, her jet black hair cut in a precision style flattering to straight hair, the fashionable fit of her dress, revealing her petitely perfect body, the vivacity of her smile, and her animated stimulating conversation. Why had she chosen this place to talk to him and what was it she wanted to talk to him about, for she still had not revealed to him an inkling of the nature of their meeting.

"Eddie," she suddenly became serious, "what are your future plans at Marina? Do you aim for the board or do you want to be a tennis bum all your life?"

Wary now and even slightly angry at her boldness, he said, "Are those loaded questions?" "Well, I haven't told a single soul this, but I would like to move onto the board. You know I took a degree in business administration in college and I have worked in public relations before coming to Marina. I took the job because I couldn't stand sitting at a desk, nine to five, anymore, but now I'm wondering how long these legs are going to stand up in say another ten years? I would like a future with Marina, definitely."

Nina listened attentively, then cut in, "So you do have some ambition?"

"Yes, I suppose so," he said, "don't most of us want to get somewhere in life."

"And what do you want out of life, Eddie? Surely more than just a chance at a new position."

"Well, I'd like to have a family. Of course, Alyce and I have only been married for a couple of months but..."

"But what... you're not having such great luck in the sack, is that it?" she asked dropping the bombshell on all the previously innocuous conversation.

The handsome tennis pro stared at her open mouthed, not knowing what this Oriental woman was getting at... what was she hinting at?

"Why... Alyce is from a very religious Mormon background and she's a little uptight, but we're working it out."

"And while you're working it out," she questioned a lewd little smile playing about her lips, "you've found some new outlets for your sexual frustration?"

He was really getting hot under the collar now. How dare this woman who was practically a stranger to him make these insinuations. "Just what are you driving at Mrs. Marsdale," he asked coldly.

"Don't be coy, stud," she whispered hoarsely, "I saw a little video tape of you and Sally Dunn with your cock rammed down her throat. Now I don't know whether you're aware of it up 'til now but at Marina we usually share and share alike."

"Jesus Christ!" he gasped a scarlet flush creeping up from his neck. Then he saw the smoky light smoldering in her almond shaped eyes and he guessed what was going to be her next pitch.

"What do you want with me, Mrs. Marsdale?" he asked already knowing the answer.

"You, stud," she said, her voice low, throaty, sexy, placing a hand on his thigh and moving it in small massaging circles inching upward to his cock.

Eddie's prick was instantly alert, the blood racing to engorge it, his scrotum tightening below, as her hand caressed him, making him feel that he was in some kind of weird dream. It couldn't be reality. How could reality be his boss's wife sitting at a booth in a cocktail lounge massaging his cock to a throbbing, jerking, almost instantaneous erection when he hardly knew her?

"Me? Are you sure?" he said stupidly with the excitement rising in him. "I mean, you're Clay's wife and all..."

Her eyes rolled upward and she stated coolly. "Clay and I are adults. He has his affairs and I have mine. The arrangement works out beautifully."

"But what about the videotape?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it, there's a lot of tape floating around the club that has nothing to do with poor volleying on the part of the new students. There are other things to occupy your mind, now."

He reached for her thigh, lying warmly beside his, but she put him off with a gentle hand.

"Not yet," she warned, her eyes promising him a future with her that looked very, very rosy. "We can get a room here."

"Okay, let's do it!" he said huskily.

Instantly, they rose, threading their way through the lounge; he grateful for the subdued lighting, as he walked with his hand in his pockets, trying to hide the obvious bulge of his hardened erect cock, inside his pants.

In minutes they had gone through the farce of registration with a disinterested hotel clerk and found themselves in a rather plush suite.

Eddie was to find this a day of surprises for the Oriental woman went straight to the telephone and ordered room service to bring up a bottle and a cocktail shaker. It was obvious to the young man that Nina had done this kind of thing before.

As she went into the bathroom he watched the ripple of her buttocks under the tight dress, her thighs clearly outlined under the tight material, the contour of her body exciting him, and he felt the familiar surge of blood into his cock. Christ! He'd never had a Chinese woman before.

He answered the knock on the door and let in the room service clerk who was wheeling a cart with ice bucket, bottles and glasses. He tipped the man not daring to look at the bill he had just signed.

Shit! What the fuck am I doing here in this swanky hotel with my boss's wife? This little setup is going to cost me a week's wages. I'm really flipping out. First, Sally Dunn and now Nina Marsdale but it's Nina that can really jeopardize my job even though she was the one that initiated this whole thing... And what about Alyce? This is hardly fair to her. We've only been married for three months, for Christ's sake and already I'm screwing around on her like mad.

Eddie was so caught up in his guilty thoughts that he had not even realized that the Oriental woman was back in the living room of the hotel suite, until her voice came to him from the center of the room. Apparently, she had taken it upon herself to mix the drinks already and now she had two glasses in her hands as she moved toward him.

"You didn't have to wait for me. You could have done the drinks," she said.

Dumbly, he took the glass from her hands. Her words meant nothing to him. He could only stand and stare at her dumbly.

She was incredibly beautiful. She wore a tightly fitted, floor length, Oriental costume of white silk brocade, shining dully in the soft glow from the muted lights of the big room. The dress shimmered and played over her body as she walked sensuously toward him, and he saw that the garment was split from floor to waist, exposing and hiding her legs alternately with each step. There was something forbidden but exciting about the high, mandarin collar that enfolded her neck, covering her chastely as indeed, the entire dress did, except for this sleekly trim legs which were hidden from his view entirely, only when she stopped before him.

Nina stood, looking up at him, the smokiness in her almond-shaped eyes revealing her mood. She reached out to put a hand on his athletically muscular arm.

"Eddie, I'm so glad that you could meet me," she said a trifle breathlessly.in that sing-song voice of hers.

"So am I, but I'm... uh... a little embarrassed about this. I mean even what you said about Clay and his affairs... and all... still...

"For God's sake, Eddie. Let's get over that shall we. I didn't come up here to discuss our respective spouses. That would be too dull for words. Now let's make a little excitement, shall we?" she said after her eyes glimmering like two hot slits.

"Agreed," he said.

The Chinese woman sank gracefully to the floor pulling the cushions from the sofa onto the floor to sit on. She arranged herself on the pillow with her legs tucked underneath and sipped her drink and motioned for him to sit beside her.

The young tennis pro took a huge swallow from his glass and sat down awkwardly on the floor. He wondered, as he lowered himself, whether or not she would have anything on under that fabulous dress she wore.

"What a lovely dress," he said.

"Thank you. I bought it this afternoon when I knew I was going to be seeing you."

"Oh, Nina," he groaned, "you're fabulous. I want you so much. I can't help myself."

With that he reached for her and she came eagerly into his arms, her lips searching for and finding his. Their mouths welded together and their tongues probed, tasting, savoring and exciting each other. His big hands explored her small, exquisite body; her curves under the material of the dress he found unencumbered by other garments. He felt her breasts, massaged them, feeling their smooth firmness under his hand and reveling in the feel of them, wanted them free and naked in his hands now.

Upwardly, his hand slid on her back to her neck, found the zipper, grasped it and gave a long smooth pull to her waist. She shrugged her shoulders and the garment fell forward, exposing her whole body to the navel. He feasted his eyes for a moment upon the golden loveliness of her.

Instantly, his mouth was on her, kissing and caressing those magnificent, mounding orbs of her femaleness, as his hands kneaded her, grasping a nipple and teasing it to erectness in his fingers.

The Oriental beauty lay back upon the cushions forcing him to follow. With a deft movement she removed the dress from her hips and legs, and she was completely nude before his lustful gaze, the swell of her hips, the long tapering legs, those supple dancer's legs, exciting him even more. His cock jerked inside his trousers, making its bid for freedom.

"Let's get those clothes off of you," she said.

Her small, cool hands were efficient, they moved with sure knowledge on his body, and he was soon stripped of his clothing, revealing his manhood, stiffly alert, throbbingly engorged.

"Fantastic!" she said, reaching out to fondle the hardness and length of him, moving the slack skin, experimentally to expose the blood-red head; then she lay back, suddenly, pulling him on top of her.

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