Racial Swap-Night - Cover

Racial Swap-Night


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Interracial   Novel-Pocketbook  

Alyce's smooth, long-legged tanned beauty topped by her upswept golden sun-streaked hair was reflected back to her in the bathroom mirror as she stepped gingerly from the tiled shower on to the fluffy bath mat. Vigorously, she toweled herself dry, being especially careful of the upthrusting mounds of her breasts; they were rather tender to the touch and in particular the darker pink of the nipples, standing erect now from the stimulation of the terry toweling. She looked into the mirror with intense inspection.

The young blonde wife surveyed her body minutely as she catalogued the areas where she could still feel the imprint of Eddie's strong hands. She examined the creamy, lustrous skin of the generous hemispheres of both breasts. She felt almost disappointed that there were no marks because they would have been proof to her what an absolute sexual beast her husband was.

Running her hands over her body, she winced with disgust as she became aware of tender places on her curving thighs and rounded buttocks. Then, her hands found the silky triangle of her womanhood, moving, gently, over the private parts of her, there exploring any damage he might have done. With both hands now, she spread the lips to determine the extent of the havoc her lust-maddened husband had played upon her genitals during his desperate attempt at a "nooner." She ran a finger, cautiously, into the slit and around the vaginal opening; the raw, exposed nerve endings signaled, their tender state.

She moved onward, upward to the clitoral bud, instantly feeling the electric tingle of sensual pleasure as she touched it. She did not dwell there. The thought the very idea that she might generate in herself a towering, sexual climax ran counter to every fiber of her conscious being.

Every time I've felt like doing it to myself, there it is. It's in my brain yelling loudly. It's a sin an the eyes of God. Don't do it. Maybe that's the reason I can't be the kind of woman Eddie wants me to be. I even try to stop him from touching me there. But, Lord, how I've desired him to do it anyway.

Even in the privacy of her own bathroom, she felt the flush spreading in her cheeks as the thought of the pleasure she had received, on those few times, when Eddie had stroked her clitoris to hard erectness, bringing her a feeling of indecent shame.

Alyce was trying desperately to rationalize her conditioning. Life in Salt Lake City with her strict Mormon upbringing gave the young woman little chance to think for herself. The strict religious community of which her family played a leading role gave her little chance to do anything without the watchdog eyes of everyone upon her. Always present and in the forefront was the consideration of what other people thought... about what you did, or didn't do. Her church life had been her entire life and even though she did not have a religious nature her conditioning had imposed one on her. And now even though she was almost two thousand miles away from Salt Lake she still felt like the eyes of the Elders of the church were on her. Judging. Judging. Her body had escaped the physical restraints of the place, but her mind was still bound, an unwilling prisoner of her past.

She dressed quickly, covering her body, blotting out its demanding sensuality from herself. In the face of the growing awareness of her need... a desire for sexual fulfillment, she could not trust herself; her beautiful young body reflected in the mirror screamed for it, and she was frightened. The naughty part of her mind knew that she only had to reach her hand out to herself to gain a pleasurable release but her reasoning conditioned mind rejected it, completely.

The young wife glanced at the clock as she finished dressing. She noticed that it was almost three o'clock. Three. Already. Oh God, she thought. I was supposed to go over to Nina Marsdale's for drinks this afternoon. This was the day she'd been invited by Mrs. Marsdale, wife of the director of the Marina Tennis Clinic to socialize with some of the other women associated with the club and she was rather pleased about it.

Quickly, she dabbed some perfume behind her ears and frantically raced around looking for her car keys. At last she found them and was on her way. She arrived a little late but hoped that Mrs. Marsdale was sufficiently flexible to tolerate tardiness.

Nina Marsdale stood framed in the doorway in answer to the doorbell, a radiant smile on her lips, her beautiful, oriental eyes accented, tastefully, dominated a doll-like face. The Chinese woman was much shorter than Alyce, perfectly proportioned and she stood with the animal grace of the exotic dancer she was before marrying Clay Marsdale. She moved toward Alyce to an inner rhythm of her own, her body under complete control, projecting an image of the completely realized woman, fulfilled, self-confident and madly in love with life. She spoke with a warm, throaty, softly modulated voice, her slight Oriental accent charming but her English was cultured and correct.

"Oh Alyce, you look lovely today. You really have a great tan... come in."

"Thank you, Nina," Alyce said following her in.

Nina steered her expertly among the women gathered in small groups, introducing her graciously to those whom she did not know; finally leaving her over at the bar where a bartender was taking drink orders.

The chatter and gossip of the women was really juicy and she was soon caught up in it, listening to them, as they wittily tore to shreds all their friends who were not there. Feeling too new to the group, and also not knowing many of the people, Alyce contented herself with only a few nods or interjections.

Gradually, the women began to filter out of the Marsdale's residence back to their homes as it was nearing the dinner hour.

"Why don't you stay and have another drink?" Nina invited.

Although liquor had been a strict taboo in the Mormon religion Alyce had rather turned her back on the church now to some extent and did have a social drink now and again more out of politeness than any great desire for its effects.

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