Racial Swap-Night - Cover

Racial Swap-Night


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Interracial   Novel-Pocketbook  

Eddie Frampton folded his tall but lithe and muscular frame into the brand new Porsche, started the motor, jerked it into reverse gear and rocketed the machine down the drive into the quiet street. Tires squealing and engine reving like mad, he headed toward Manna Avenue and back to the club. The ache in his loins and his feeling of sexual deprivation told him, only too clearly that there was a big void in his married life although in almost every other direction, his life had changed for the better.

Jesus Christ! Alyce looks she'd be the most fabulous lay of the century... that luscious body, it sure fooled me. Why does she just lay there like a sack of flour when I fuck her? She's so goddamn passive, I feel like I might as well shove my cock into an inflatable doll. It's not normal. She thinks everything but the missionary position is only for perverts. Even with the missionary she just lies there and throws her legs up and waits for me to get it over with.

I better keep my mind on the road, he suddenly realized after just roaring right past a stop sign. But presently his attention was focused back in his groin. Fuck! I've got such an ache in my balls! I don't have to go home for lunch. It would be just as convenient to have it at the club, but I like to see my wife but apparently she isn't that happy to see me.

He let his mind drift back over the little scene he had just gone through.

Still in his tennis gear, the handsome pro bounced into the house, entering the kitchen where Alyce was preparing lunch. He enveloped his wife of three months in a great bear hug, giving her a lingering kiss, hard on her upturned lips, leaning his head down to her and using his tongue to force open her lips to him. The uptight young woman had made this concession to her lusty husband; his desire for what she considered unnecessary sexual contact, especially, in a casual kiss of greeting or goodbye.

The lovely blonde was a little repulsed, but she had decided that it was a small thing for her to do if it was something that Eddie really wanted.

"What's on the menu, darling?" he asked, looking around the kitchen.

"Tuna salad," she said, "we're going to go strictly low calorie around here."

"Sounds great to me," he said, "those five pounds I put on over our honeymoon sure show up when I'm playing. I think it was all those chocolate eclairs for breakfast."

"Yes," she answered with mock sterness, "no more decadence at the table. I don't want this body looking like someone blew me up with a bicycle pump."

"I'd like to pump you right now," he leered at her in a suggestive manner.

His hands made suggestive motions down her back, as he smoothed them across her buttocks, reveling in their firm protuberance, cupping the rounded mounds of them in his huge hand and pulling her pelvis in hard to his now stiffening prick beneath his neat white tennis shorts.

Alyce could feel the warmth and the bulging, warm firmness at his crotch, and she knew that he wanted her. She could hardly stand the thought of having sex in the middle of the day and she knew that he felt that it was an added extra with his lunch break.

"Don't you have a group at one o'clock," she asked hopefully. "I mean you won't have time."

"Baby, I've always got time for a good fuck. We could go right over there by the sink and I could stick it in you while you're washing the lettuce."

The handsome tennis pro gave his wife a playful slap on the ass, as she turned to the counter to begin serving the lunch she had prepared for them.

Ignoring his lewd comments she said, "It's almost ready you'd better wash up, Eddie."

The sway of her hips, as she walked away from him, held his attention, his eyes riveted on her, watching the undulating flesh inside the jeans, mentally undressing her and he liked what he saw. That was the reason he had finally married. This woman seemingly had everything.

"I wish it was your cunt I was eating instead!"

Alyce shot him a look back over her shoulder at him. She saw her husband's lust-filled eyes, as he watched her, and she wished that she could learn how to handle Eddie's sexually suggestive innuendoes and lewd interjections.

She turned away from her husband, embarrassed, in spite of herself, the beginnings of a frown creasing her lovely face as Eddie left the kitchen and headed for the bathroom.

The things he says! That look of his when he wants to make love to me, which I think he wants twenty-four hours a day, is pure lust! It's pure animal lust and it makes me feel crawly and dirty. I wish I could learn to understand it, to respond to his lewd demands, or any rate to reply without blushing to his comments.

The blonde wife finished setting the table and called him to the table. They ate the meal together, she somewhat bird-like only pecking at the food but Eddie ate ravenously as athletes will. His appetite always seemed to match his size but she knew that he was inclined to pack away a little too much sometimes so she was cutting down on the calories. A fat tennis pro was not exactly an asset and even though he burned up a lot of energy on the courts it wasn't quite enough to match his sweet tooth so she had decided to restrict his intake of fattening foods.

Eddie gobbled up his tasty tuna salad, sighed contentedly and reached for his wife.

"Since there's no sweets at the table I think I'd like you for dessert."

The exquisite blonde had just risen from the table, and she moved to escape him, trying to pick up some dishes from the table as a distraction. He rose, swooped and captured her easily holding her immobile in a vise- like grip, the dishes tailing back to the table with a clatter. His lips sought hers and he kissed her hard and long. Finally, she placed both her hands on his chest and pushed him away from her.

"Come on, baby, give me a little bit."

"Eddie, please it's the middle of the day. It just doesn't seem right somehow."

"Right. If it feels right what does the time have to do with it. I want to fuck. I'm not going to wait for the darkness."

"Well... I do feel better about it... at night, darling."

Undiscouraged, he again bent his head down to her, capturing her full lips and he was kissing her long and passionately, probing her mouth with his tongue, his hands busy on her body, exploring the womanly curves of her, kneading and caressing her, trying to communicate his great need of her through action.

The big man's fingers found the zipper on her jeans. Fearfully she heard the scraping whisper of the fastener as he opened it and the garment fell with a sigh of the material, sliding down over the swell of her hips to land in gathers around her trim ankles. She broke the kiss pulling her head back to one side.

"Eddie! What will our neighbors think?"

"The neighbors! Do you think that they have nothing better to do than to watch us?" he said, vehemently, as he dipped his hands under the elastic waistband of her panties to grasp a smoothly rounded buttock cheek in either hand.

She persisted. "But what if someone did see us through the window without our clothes in the middle of the day. Eddie, it just wouldn't be right."

Desperate to convince her he continued with greater emphasis, "Listen, we're husband and wife and this is our home. I'll do what I want in it and when I want to. No one's going to stop me. Why are you so concerned what other people think? It's our life, not theirs so why don't you just get over yourself."

Then, with a deft movement he pushed her panties down over the smooth, rounded curves of her buttocks, and the wisp of nylon joined her jeans at her ankles. The clasp of her bra occupied his attention only momentarily. He flung the garments from her, and she stood, nude, statuesque and magnificent in the middle of the kitchen, leaning into his tanned arms, pliant and unresisting.

Her innocent face flushed with the shame of it. imagine being stripped naked during the lunch hour right there in the kitchen with the curtains opened. She thought of making another complaint but she bit her tongue deciding that she would only irritate her husband more by nagging about his unseemly behavior. It seemed to her that she was always on the defensive and she didn't want Eddie to think that she objected to everything all the time although in their short marriage it was beginning to look like she did.

"Oh baby, I want you. I want to fuck you now. Your body turns me on so much!"

His muscular arms swept her up; lifting her, easily, he carried her to their bedroom, leaving the trail of her clothing behind them on the way. He deposited his wife on the soft yielding mattress and stepped back to kick off his shoes. He clawed his tennis garb from his body, frantically, scattering it about the room in a flurry of quick movements for which he was famous on the tennis court.

Alyce watched her young husband undress, admiring his athlete's body but as she did a tidal wave of conflicting thoughts and emotions coursed through her.

Alyce was a body fitness fanatic and she admired her husband's body almost abstractly like he was a specimen not a human being. But she just could not get over his sexual appetite. His passion rises so fast she thought and he gets so hard. Look at his penis. It's standing up already and it's so huge. The head is blood red and it's throbbing so dangerously I feel afraid of it. I wish he'd give me some time to get in the mood, wait until the evening. I love him but I can't allow his lust to ruin our marriage.

Eddie came to the bed and lay down beside his wife. He reached for her, grasping one full, firm breast in an enormous hand, he massaged it, roughly, the mound femaleness soft and yielding under his kneading fingers.

His great need was apparent in the urgency of his husky voice. "Jesus, Alyce, I'm so horny. I've got to fuck you now. I want my cock in your cunt."

As disgusted as she was by his obscene words and even more lewd demands she tried to remain calm.

"Let's wait until tonight..."

His hungry lips stopped her, his tongue lashing into her mouth, as his hand left the breast it was massaging and moved downward across her belly, coming to rest on the golden, softly curling hair of her pubic mound. His hairy hand was stopped there; he couldn't move it, easily, between her thighs and into her vaginal slit, because she had clamped her legs tightly together.

Alyce twisted her lips away. "No, Eddie, please let's wait until tonight..."

Ignoring her feeble entreaties the big man began to insinuate his middle finger into the soft, hair-lined crease, but he couldn't get it in far enough.

"Spread your legs!" he ordered.

She obeyed him, reluctantly. Snake-like, he ran his hand down over her pubic hair, cupping the whole of her naked loins in his big hand, pressing it all up tight between her open legs, compressing the folds of flesh, and kneading her, as he had her breast moments before. She gasped and she remembered the furious lovemaking of the previous evening. She did not want to subject herself to his perverted demands again and especially not in the middle of the day.

"No... I don't... want it..."

"You never do but I have to get my cock inside you. My balls are burning!"

The innocent blonde moaned in answer to his frantic demands and the fear in her groin. She wanted him to be satisfied but his demands were just too much for her to put up with.

"Stop it... you're going to be late for work..."

In answer, his finger went straight to the furrow of her cunt, moving in the pink, tender flesh, insistently, now then, upward, through the slight moistness to find the hidden bud of her clitoris. He rubbed at it, stroking the tiny button, trying to rouse it to alert erectness, but it lay flaccid and unresponding under his frantic fingers, refusing to leave its canopied protection.

Suddenly, with a desperate gasp, Eddie heaved himself to his knees; he couldn't stand the wait any longer. Kneeling over his wife, he placed himself between her partly spread legs, pushing outward with his muscular thighs to spread her limbs even further apart.

Eddie's cock was fully erect, its huge, blood-engorged length jutting out from his hairiness like another arm. He took the monstrous cock in his hand, and came down, slowly, upon her, as he guided it to the soft, hair-lined slit at the opening of her pussy. He pressed the lust-inflated head against the reddened flesh of her, trying to force the lust raging cock into her barely moistened and unwilling cunt.

"Stop it, Eddie... I'm not ready... I don't want it..."

"You never do. What am I supposed to do with this hard cock of mine?"

"You're an animal... you're unnatural wanting sex all the time like this."

Eddie's face froze, the anger rising in him, as he spat out, "so now I'm some kind of beast, am l? Is that what you think about me?"

She was instantly contrite. "No, I didn't really mean it. It just popped out."

But Eddie was furious now. "I want to fuck you within an inch of your life. If you'd get into it, you'd enjoy it."

His base, vulgar language was cutting into her like a knife, slicing, slashing and jabbing at her mind. Her body stiffened, and her face froze into a mask of injured self-righteousness.

"I've had enough of this," she said with a voice like icewater thrown in his face, "let me up."

"Oh, Alyce, stop acting like an injured virgin," he said calmly trying to placate her.

"Don't speak to me like that. I won't have it. This is supposed to be lovemaking not that other..."

"Good Christ, will you be reasonable!" he shot out now completely exasperated.

"You be reasonable!" she snapped at him, furiously attempting to release herself from his pinioning embrace.

Eddie was rapidly becoming exasperated with her feeble objections and he found that the growing anger within him was dampening his ardor. His cock was still rigid, but the inner turmoil was taking its toll; he could feel the change taking place in him. Some flaccidity of his virile organ was already evident. He tried one more time to get things to a mutually happy solution.

"Come on, Alyce, honey... let's..." he began, awkwardly trying to apologize.

"You're not going to treat me like some whore you just picked up off the street," she fumed, twisting herself free of him, finally, and sitting upright on the edge of the bed.

"But, darling, we're married. What do you expect me to do, beat off, all the time?"

"I'm sure I don't care," she said coldly.

The rejected husband heaved himself up angrily from the bed, gathered up his tennis gear and plunged toward the bathroom, slamming the door hard behind him. He turned on the cold shower and jumped under it bathing his aching cock to ease the frustration of his incomplete sexual act. Then, he dressed, quickly, to go back to the tennis clinic. At least, he could throw himself into the group he would have at the one o'clock session, smashing backhands against the ball machine as fast as it threw them out. He seethed, inwardly, his anger mounting higher each moment.

Just thinking about the way his new wife constantly thwarted his attentions made him seethe. Almost everything else in his life was coming together. He had just been hired at Marina Tennis Clinics as a pro. It was something he had always wanted to do and this club was really the creme de la creme with all the latest equipment. They had video tape equipment to instantly record the students progress and to point out their mistakes in technique before they became habit. The other pros at the club were a friendly crowd and the owner was a very agreeable sort as well. For the first time in his life he felt like he had it made. He had married a gorgeous young virgin who was one of the women signed up for the tennis groups and it seemed like it was a marriage made in heaven. They made a striking young couple but Eddie thought ruefully, it was all a front.

Shit, she doesn't even like me to finger her let alone ever let me eat her cunt. If I could just get her sample a taste of that she'd probably go out of her mind. God, the first time I did it dog-style to her instead of missionary, I thought she was going to call the cops.

It's my own fault. All the guys said I was an asshole to marry a virgin. I should have found out how she felt about sex before we got married. Now it's too late. It's been almost three months and instead of getting better it's getting worse.

Sitting at the traffic lights, his attention was diverted momentarily; it was the body of a woman that had caught his eye and he was sure that he recognized Sally Dunn in her white tennis dress walking along the street carrying her racquet on the way to the tennis club.

That's a body! Jeeeeesus! I've always thought she must be the hottest cunt in the club and standing around in the pro shop all day she nearly drives me nuts sometimes. I wonder what it would be like inside that hot little cunt? I bet she'd be a fabulous fuck!

Eddie, old boy, you're getting a little ahead of yourself. You've gotten married and already you're thinking about other women. This is not a good sign.

... Christ, though, my cock aches! Why doesn't Alyce let herself go? What makes her so uptight?

Suddenly, he found himself almost abreast of Sally Dunn. The provocative swing of her hips and the flashing smile of recognition she threw over her shoulder toward his new Porsche, combined to cause him, on impulse, to steer the car over to the curb and stop beside her. He leaned across the seat, looking up and out at her where she had stopped, waiting, hesitantly.

"Mrs. Dunn... can I give you a ride over to the courts?"

She trotted over to the low-slung automobile. "Why Mr. Frampton. Hi! You're a lifesaver. I didn't realize it was so far on foot."

The tanned tennis pro opened the car door for her and she got in, revealing her long, tapering legs to good advantage. Eddie took a good, long look, feasting his eyes on her female loveliness. She had even more beautiful legs than he had remembered from seeing her in the pro shop over at the Marina.

"Where's your car?" he asked her when she had settled herself in the low bucket seat, moving her hands to her hair to fling the long tresses over her shoulders. The movement accented her heaving breasts; the outline of her bosum prominent under the thin white material of her tennis dress.

"It stalled just around the corner and I discovered that I had left my wallet at home. I don't have a dime with me and all my credit cards are at home so I'm walking to the club to call David to have the car towed."

"I'm glad I happened along. Always glad to rescue a damsel in distress," he joked, easing the car back into the traffic.

Trying to be as unobtrusive as possible, he glanced over at her, appreciatively, noting the swell of her tanned thigh, which the white tennis skirt accentuated. Her legs were bare as far up her thigh as he could see and he wondered about her panties which were the only things keeping her decent. Keeping her cunt away from his prying eyes.

Against his will, he felt the familiar, pleasurable throb between his legs, as his penis began to engorge with his racingly hot blood, building an erection. His scrotum began to tighten and to pull his testicles up, the crawling sensation, again, making him acutely aware that he had been thwarted in his noon-time attempt to make love to his own beautiful wife.

The handsome husband took another sidelong look at the lovely olive- skinned beauty of Sally Dunn, her deeply wide-set dark eyes, straight brown hair and her straight attractive nose. Her trim dress fell in natural folds around her breasts, revealing the generous nature of them. The contours, softly rounding, made him wonder whether or not she was wearing a brassiere. The curve of her thigh was firm, her skirt stretching and straining to cover it but slightly. He followed the curves on down to tapering lower thighs and delicate knees, the calves swelling gently and muscularly. He could see her trim ankles peeping over the tops of her tennis half socks and saw that they were in perfect proportion to the rest of her voluptuous body.

Eddie's prick jumped in his own tennis shorts. Quickly, he glanced down at himself to ascertain whether his throbbing erection was going to be obvious to his passenger.

Sally was a well put together bundle of womanly beauty, he decided, but the fact that she was David Dunn's wife and David was another pro at the club and she worked in the pro shop made the thought of having any physical contact impossible. She was forbidden by the moral rule that the instructors didn't have anything to do with their co-workers.

Of course, he couldn't help but notice her around the club and they had exchanged a few brief words but that was it. He wasn't going to let himself be tempted and besides he didn't want to compromise his growing friendship with her husband, David.

In this moment, however, he began to see Sally in a new light in view of the events of the last hour with his own wife. She was a fully mature woman... a very desirable woman, and Eddie needed a woman and desperately. He stole another glance at her. He decided that she was, definitely a very sexy young woman.

I wonder if I should try and come on to her? I wonder if she'd be open to that? It probably wouldn't be fair to especially thinking about David. After all, I do have to work with him.

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