Lisa's Stepmother - Cover

Lisa's Stepmother


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Though Lisa continued to sound out whimpers of pain to his heavy cock fucking viciously up between her legs, Rivers knew they were growing less distressful and more impassioned in their rhythmic gasps, tempoed to his plunges skewering deep up into the clenching heat of her soft little belly. The teenager's naked body in its defenseless, bent-double position beneath him was beginning to respond of its own accord. Her rounded hips and taut white buttocks had fallen into a gentle undulation, rotating the clasping slippery walls of her young, tight vagina around his pulsating hardness that was stuffing the wide-split crevice clear to his aching balls.

While Shirley watched in sickened helplessness, she recognized the change gradually creeping over her beautiful stepdaughter's once grimacing face and cringing young body. The obscenely stretched lips of her pussy had begun to slither wetly up to devour the huge rod of Vince Rivers' torturous cock. His heavy sperm-bloated balls smacked down hard into the damp, smooth crease of her naked buttocks, her moans now edged with tones of masochistic delight.

At least most of the painful torment was passed for her, Shirley gave silent thanks as she gaped in growing fascination at the lustful sight of Rivers' pumping buttocks tensing heavily each time he drove forward with cruel force to sink his long thick hardness into Lisa's greedily accepting, stretched teenage channel. Sometimes, he didn't drive it up into her to full capacity and Shirley could see a narrow white stretch of the thick shaft showing beneath the sway of his semen-inflated balls. Then, on the next stroke she would wince when his hairy pelvis crashed down hard against Lisa's, and she stared as he withdrew and thrust, withdrew and thrust in ever increasing rhythm, the underside of his huge swollen cock-head becoming visible with each withdrawal!

The watching blonde wife sensed her own belly quiver rapaciously with re-kindled sensations at the brutal tucking the lecherous no-good was giving the helpless teenage girl pinned obscenely beneath him. But even as her own susceptible loins began to tingle with smoldering desire, the still furious wife tried to desperately conceive of some way to stop this unscrupulous animal before he ruined all of them! Then she saw him free Lisa's long shapely legs and quickly wrap them around his hips, her heels pressed tight against the cheeks of his hollowing buttocks, straining of their own accord to pull him back inside her each time he withdrew.

The cords on the insides of her stepdaughter's smooth, white thighs flexed tautly as she raised her skewered loins back up over his glistening member, her quivering buttocks lifting inches off the bed while she struggled in her effort to absorb the entire length back into the fleshy Pink folds of her greedy cunt! A wet viscid sound lewdly filled the room as they fucked, and then Nomad began to growl with bared fangs beside Shirley, his unsuspected nearness startling her.

Absently, Shirley reached down to pet the massive head of the beast beside her, his obvious dislike for his master and what he was doing registering in her distraught, sensuous brain for the fast time. Of course... it was very apparent now when she actually thought of it! The beautiful animal hated Vince Rivers... and that was when the wicked idea struck her!

"Up, Nomad!" Shirley hissed, bending down to whisper the command. "Up, baby... behind him! Go on... up!"

Vince Rivers was too lecherously engrossed to even feel the weight jarring the bed behind him. Nor was he aware when the massive animal suddenly mounted him from behind, his powerful forelegs clinging to his master's hips... the pleasure of the con-artist's own plunging cock was so lustfully overwhelming.

Salaciously and with obscene vengeful intentions, Shirley reached beneath the huge German shepherd to curl her soft hand around his still sheathed cock. She felt him lurch to the contact as she began to lewdly stroke the long furry sleeve, while with the other hand she reached between his legs from behind to gently scratch her finger nails along the underside of his heavy balls! "Oh please, baby, make it hard for me! Quick, darling," the blonde girl whispered, lewd impulses racing through her now simmering loins and belly at the feel of the animal's penis growing searing hot and hard in her caressing hand! It emerged then, inching out more quickly as she stroked it, its wet, beveled tip of raw glistening hardness more resembling a weapon than the beautiful love-tool she knew it to be... but this time, that was in keeping.

"Wh-What the hell is going on?" Vince Rivers gasped out, trying to twist his head and look back, but Lisa's locking arms and legs, scissored around him in her blinded passion, made that impossible. He grunted, lurching ahead when the tip of something wet wormed up into the tight little hole of his rectum, his brain beginning to race in wild confusion. Christ, was that Shirley's finger?

By the time he'd decided that it couldn't be, it was already too late! Shirley had guided the scarlet, tapered animal-cock into the hairy opening of his anus, and before Rivers could break free or defend against it, the stiffened rod of burning dog-flesh had buried itself half-way up into his rectum while he froze and Lisa's upthrusting loins sucked his jerking cock back into the omniverously milking channel of her climax- building vagina!

Rivers gasped and swore while Shirley couldn't help but laugh in vindictive delight at the absolutely obscene sight. Then, with his fangs bared, Nomad threatening growled his disapproval at any anticipated changes his master might be entertaining. Beneath the naked man, Lisa began to whimper in tiny mewls as she clung to him like a voluptuous human vine, her upthrusting young buttocks gyrating wildly as her seething cuntal channel clasped and pulled at his ever-growing cock! Again, he swore from the branding torment of the beast's reaming hardness, and suddenly it lunged to the very depths of his belly right up his painfully clenching anus.

Shirley slipped her hand between the handsome dog's spread hind legs once more to tenderly caress the underside of his bloating balls, simultaneously hugging him as he tucked with a seeming revenge of his own up into the wide-stretched rectum of Vince Rivers with savage animal thrusts!

It was a dapper young man from a finance company who maintained he was looking for a George Edwards, or William Avery, or Vincent Rivers, all one and the same person, which made Frank Douglas head out in a hurry from his office to the one he had been letting the man he knew as Rivers use. He found it empty and the dapper one behind him smiled. He didn't seem in the least surprised. But Frank Douglas was more than that; he was shocked.

"I've been chasing that Continental for six months," the young man said with a shake of his head. "Up and down the California coast. That bastard's a shrewd one, but he'll wind up with the dirty end of the stick sooner or later."

He was saying more that Frank didn't hear. An oblong piece of paper on the floor had caught his eye. It struck out from beneath the desk where it had probably blown from the breeze coming through the open window. He picked it up and read it, his eyes slowly beginning to bug at the sizeable figure embossed on it. Christ! And his signature... but he'd never signed this check... nor any other made out to Vincent Rivers!

It didn't take long for the older man to put two and two together! One son-of-a-bitch of a con-man had nearly gotten to him, and there was a good chance the guy was packing his bags right at that moment in one of the bedrooms of his very own home!

"Come on... follow me!" Frank snapped at the dapper finance agent. "If we hurry, we may not be too late to get that Continental for you. Unless I miss my guess, Vince Rivers doesn't realize yet that he's lost this gem!"

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