Lisa's Stepmother - Cover

Lisa's Stepmother


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Vince Rivers penned the name out expertly once more. He smiled to himself as he examined it, satisfied with his authentic skill. An hour before, he'd managed to steal a company check from the bookkeeper's desk while she was out for coffee. He'd chosen one twenty pages ahead, carefully tugging it along the perforated lines, then used her little check-machine which inserted the amount in red-embossed lettering before he left her office. He was confident that no one had seen him, and even if they had there wasn't a soul in that plant who would question Vincent Rivers.

In the office that Frank had allotted him, Rivers studied the oblong piece of valuable paper with intent eyes. Twenty-three thousand-eight- hundred-and-forty-seven, he read the embossed figures. Had he grabbed enough? Yeah, no use being stupidly greedy. Anything over twenty-grand could raise a telephone call from a bank exec, he knew from experience, but it was not apt to in this operation. The Douglas company wrote a lot of twenty-five-G checks. He shouldn't have any trouble passing it... But the forgery artist's mind wasn't exactly on his work.

That voluptuous little bitch! Nomad had gotten to her and he knew it! Christ, what an enchanting hunting-ground this was to pass up! His cock still ached with the idea of plunging it belly-deep into Shirley Douglas' hot pussy, to say nothing of lovely young Lisa's! That teenage bitch! What a fuck she'd be! Something to really scratch on his score card! He remembered the exposure of her tight, young ass-crevice at the party the night before, and the way her full ripe breasts had strained at the bit behind the thin strip of cloth hiding them, and his loins throbbed.

Maybe it wasn't too late either, he thought, trying to carefully analyze the actions of the mutt that morning at the breakfast table. Goddamn! He would visualize her stripped and lying there helplessly open, her young teenaged cunt vulnerably gaping up at him! What the hell, why not? Big Daddy was off someplace in the plant... and he had his own wagon available! Less than thirty-minutes drive... he could be gone to lunch if Frank wanted to know! Yeah, why not? In fact, he better, the way his cock was pounding. But first things first!

He slipped off his jacket and seated himself at the typewriter, rolling the stolen check into it. Carefully, he dated and punched in his own name as the bearer; then he went to the desk, took a scrap of paper and practiced Frank Douglas' signature several times before finally scrawling it at the bottom of the check.

Perfect! Rivers grinned to himself. Now, for a little needed entertainment. A light breeze from the opened window ruffled the few papers on his desk as he went into the adjoining lavatory and washed his hands. His mind continued to race lecherously with lustful thoughts of Lisa Douglas' curvaceous young body. His heavy penis stirred goatishly in his pants and he grinned into the mirror as he slipped on his jacket once more.

"Okay, doll-baby, here comes old Vince for a taste of that tight pussy the mutt sampled last night!" he said under his breath, walking out the office door...

Passionate sensations charged through Shirley as with her naked buttocks raised high and her tremoring thighs widespread, she twisted her head with cheek pressed against the pillow to watch what was happening behind her lewdly positioned body. She saw Nomad standing with ears erect and lax-jawed, his lengthy pink tongue hanging loose to one side while his huge brown eyes gleamed in their fixed stare at her excitedly displayed loins. At the same time, she saw and felt her stepdaughter's small hands on the stretched white ovals of her ass-cheeks luridly spreading them wider apart.

The teenager's onyx eyes danced with lustful sparks at the intriguingly sensual beauty of Shirley's exposed cuntal flesh. The tiny puckered mouth of her anus was pink and smooth just above the fleshy, blonde-fringed folds of her soft-looking pussy, the tight slit revealing just a thin line of its moist pink inner-flesh. She sensed her own girlish loins and belly tingle with excitement, electrified by the alluring sight, her mouth actually watering with a desire she was too aroused by to be ashamed of! And before Nomad could move in closer, Lisa mindlessly lowered her own head as if magnetically drawn.

An intense shiver rippled over Shirley's smooth, naked body when she felt the younger girl's face nuzzling warmly between the soft inner cheeks of her wide-stretched buttocks... then the breath-taking sensations her moist lips incited pressing hotly against the sensitive folds of her clasped little anal mouth! Lisa's tongue-tip quickly followed to lick and probe, pressuring and worming up into the muscle-controlled opening while Shirley gasped in lewd pleasure beneath the delightful mouthing. She heard Nomad's whimper then and felt Lisa's delicious manipulations stop.

"Okay, okay, lover!" Lisa hotly whispered. "Don't be jealous... I just couldn't help myself! That's it... right in close, darling... you know how."

Automatically, Shirley tried to spread her straining thighs even wider, salaciously picturing the obscene positioning of her own voluptuous nakedness in her desire-inflamed mind's eye. She heard the massive animal's panting and sensed his hot breaths against her lushly offered white mounds. Abruptly, she felt his familiar tongue's wet heat slithering into the velvety nether crevice separating her ass-cheeks. She moaned aloud at the fiery contact, immediate impulses of lust stabbing ever stronger through her erotically seeping pussy and quivering belly.

The impassioned young wife felt her new stepdaughter's small hands eagerly clutching at her upthrust buttocks, gently pulling the resilient mounds ever farther apart to give the loving animal full access to her sensitive little anus! His laving tongue began to caress it lewdly, then moved wetly down to splay open her blood-swollen cuntal lips, grazing the seething pink flesh on its way to her erect little clitoral bud! She gasped in her lust-building joy, straining her knees another fraction of an inch apart to open the throbbing pink slit between her thighs wider to the big handsome dog. His long, curling animal-tongue thrust repeatedly, sweeping in a liquid flame through the sizzling wet flesh and flicking at the hungrily grasping mouth of her vagina, inciting her loins to a more intensive sexual heat... before he suddenly moved into the position she had been almost fearfully awaiting!

Shirley couldn't help but tense up as Nomad's huge furry body crowded in behind her excitedly raised buttocks, aware that he was standing on his hind legs, his powerful forelegs gripping at the nakedly flaring flesh of her hips. She craned her neck with her cheek still against the pillow to gape wildly back at him! God, he was... he was going to fuck her, and Lisa was pressing him on!

"That's it, lover... do it for Shirley like you did for me! She needs your big handsome cock, sweetheart!" the teenager luridly whispered while she stroked the dog's broad back. "Don't be frightened, Shirley! I know you're going to love it as much as I did!"

Shirley's brandy-grogged brain spun with the unbelievable obscenity of it! Inwardly, she was as tense as a bowstring, her naked flesh trembling to the feverish stimulation both Lisa's and Nomad's magic tongues had fired in her receptive loins. Then suddenly, in her stepdaughter's dressing mirror, she was seeing the salacious spectacle of their lewd positions, an uncontrollable gasp of base sensuality escaping her at the bestial sight!

"Look, Shirley! Can you see it in the mirror? His cock... it's getting hard!" Lisa hissingly exclaimed, watching through wildly fired young eyes the glistening scarlet length slipping wetly out from its long furry sleeve. The young girl bent as close as she could to see its tapered thickness waggling forward inch by inch, its bevel-tipped head almost reaching to probe Shirley's moist pink-slitted pussy!

Shirley felt the German shepherd's powerful animal-body stagger against her smooth buttocks and saw his dangling, hardening cock trying to seat itself in the vertical crevice of her upturned vagina! She heard his loud, almost desperate whine as his forepaws clutched tighter at her hips and he jerked and stumbled on his hind legs, trying to thrust the huge throbbing spear of raw hardness up inside her palpitating cuntal passage.

While she stared at it all in the mirror, Shirley could hear Lisa's loud breathing blending with her own. She shifted her lustfully elevated buttocks in little circles back at the still growing animal penis, the tension inside her reaching a nearly unbearable point! Oh God, she had to have it... that long thick beautiful dog-cock burning right up into the passionate channel of her hotly throbbing cunt.

"I'll help him!" Lisa suddenly offered, reaching down between their awkwardly gyrating bodies to gently grasp Nomad's hot slippery hardness in her fingers, the wet searing feel of it like an electric shock charging through her teenage body! The dog whimpered a low guttural sound at the contact as she lovingly squeezed and tried to stroke it before spreading Shirley's silken blonde pussy-hair with its cone-shaped head, guiding the hot tip up into her small, desire-drenched vaginal mouth.

Abruptly, the massive animal humped forward, bursting his solid cock from Lisa's grasp to plunge the long thick rod of penile hardness up into Shirley's vulnerable vagina while the younger girl lustfully watched! She saw it stretching the fleshy cuntal lips wider and wider, knowing it was doing the same inside Shirley's sensitive vagina, remembering how the hard, burning length had driven deep up into the churning heat of her own virginal belly!

To Shirley, the mirror was like a pornographic film and she gaped at it in lust-fired fascination. She saw as well as felt the huge, reddish length of blood-swollen dog-flesh slither forward with a savage charge, burying itself to the very hilt in her shockingly stretched vagina! At the same time, she both felt and saw her animal-lover's heavy, sperm- bloated balls swing down solidly to slap against her blonde pussy curls as her breath rushed from her lungs!

The expanding sensation of progressively increasing impalement registered seconds later, exploding through her loins, and she grunted out in combined pleasure-pain, "Unngghhh! Oh... oh God, Lisa!" Her glazed eyes gaped blindly as the panting German shepherd began to fuck rapidly in powerful, rhythmic thrusts up into her from behind! Her head jarring from his every flesh-rippling lunge, Shirley concentrated on the reflected bestial picture his long, thick rod of huge scarlet cock made plunging lewdly up into her as she began to move in feverish tempo back to meet his mind-shattering animal strokes!

Lisa, her bedroom, the very world itself nothing existed except the intoxicating sensations of lust spreading through the young wife's sensuously slaving body heaving backward onto the ever-thickening dog-cock skewering deeper and deeper up into her raging, flame-filled belly. Furiously, Nomad's muscular animal beauty battered and thudded with resounding slaps against her roundly yielding ass-cheeks, his pulsating dog-cock a shaft of hot liquid fire driving to its full length up into unreached depths in her greedily clasping vagina! Whining uncontrollably, she rotated her buttocks lewdly back at him in a mounting, sluttish furor, grinding her clasping vaginal sheath back over the cunt-filling hugeness of his animal-cock in anticipated fulfillment!

Nomad did not have to be told that he was pleasing the pretty golden- haired female bent over bitch-like before him. He knew by the responsive movements of her soft white body as he hammered instinctively up into her hot slippery mating hole while she thrust her soft, hair-fringed cunt back onto his aching hardness. The wet heat of her tight human channel was clutching greedily at it, as much as had the dark-haired girl's last night. His tongue hung loose and dripping from his open jaws with the fierce pressure growing inside his raging loins. Suddenly, he saw the younger, dark-haired one's naked white body crawling upward on the bed, but he paid little attention. Only his thundering hardness roaring up into the hotly milking core between the golden female's long white legs meant anything to him!

"Oh Shirley... your face... you look so happy!" the young virgin whispered, leaning down close to her. "I didn't lie to you, did I? Is a man's cock as good, darling? Please tell me!"

"Oh... oh Lisa... don't ask me now! It wouldn't be fair! But it's beautiful... everything you said... and more!" Shirley gasped, her lengthy blonde hair flailing as she uncontrollably tossed her head from side to side with the sensuous rapture Nomad was bringing her.

Vaguely then, she realized that Lisa was positioning herself on her back before her face, spreading her shapely young legs wide apart and inching her smooth teenage hips downward until her raven-haired loins were directly below Shirley's face, laying part-way back then, her small hands stroking down over the smooth white flesh of her flat belly and rounded hips, moving inward with slender fingers extended toward the pouting, hair-fringed cunt lips, its moistened, thin-lined pinkness peeking erotically from between!

Further excited by this new lustful sight, Shirley tried to hold her head steady, a nearly impossible feat with Nomad's pummeling cock racing with trip-hammer velocity up into her steaming pussy-hole and quivering belly. The young impassioned bride sensed her mouth grow wet with a singular hungering desire as Lisa's fingers slowly spread the soft tight cuntal lips apart from either side, the pink inner flesh of her pussy moistly sparkling, separating viscidly before Shirley's eager eyes. The vibrant weighty feel of her own swollen breasts quivering and swaying beneath her only amplified the intensive feelings saturating her prostrated nakedness, as, slave-like, she drank the erotic display of young teenage cuntal flesh purposefully exposed to her.

Lisa held it flowered so that the wet inner folds and delicate pink petals were completely revealed in a lewd shimmering exhibition, her tiny clitoris erectly quivering, the babyish slit of her urethra clearly visible, while the ovalled lips of her tight vaginal mouth worked with a newly awakened hunger. The sparsely framing dark curls bordering the desire-moistened pinkness were in sharp contrast with the smooth whiteness of the girl's belly, widespread thighs and ovalled ass-cheeks with the tiny puckered anus nestled entrancingly between, and it was more than Shirley could resist -- even had she wanted to!

"Please, darling... do it for me!" Lisa passionately whispered. "Only Nomad ever has... but I'd love you forever if you would! Oh please, Shirley, lick my pussy... I'm so hot."

Had her young stepdaughter not said one word, the carnally inflamed wife realized that she would have done it anyway, though she had never even conceived of such a lewd thing before! But Lisa's pleading request served to add unneeded fuel to the bed of erotic coals blazing hotly within her naked body. Though it might seem that she hesitated as she lowered her face closer and closer toward the teenager's uplifted loins, it was only to feast her devouring eyes on the intoxicating girl's alluring genitals! She had never been this close to another girl's cunt, nor had she touched one except her own before Lisa's earlier. Then, the teenager's hands moved away, the tightly resilient outer lips folding back in their youth to kiss one another, leaving a narrow pink slit that was the more entrancing to Shirley!

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