Lisa's Stepmother - Cover

Lisa's Stepmother


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Once the initial shock of realizing that she had definitely hit upon the truth had passed, Shirley Douglas forced herself to calmly deliberate. She sent for more coffee and the brandy bottle, which Rachael quickly brought; then she seated herself in a comfortable boudoir chair near the opened doors where she could see Lisa's lithe teenage form stretched out beside that of the big German shepherd.

Try as she might, the blonde haired young wife couldn't rid herself of the jealous pangs gnawing at her, but as well was she determined to accept the fact the Nomad's promiscuity was inevitable! After all, he was only an animal, a magnificent one to say the least, yet still just a dog. And there wasn't any doubt in her mind now but what he'd been spreading his sensual favors quite freely among neighboring wives such as Anita Parsons, that... that big-fitted bitch! Oh, just the thought of her seducing the handsome darling made Shirley's blood boil, but she wasn't going to waste her time thinking about her... No, there was more to Nomad's beautiful, almost trained love-making, than what she had ever imagined!

How had Vince Rivers known last night that she and his pet dog were... were actually doing things, or that Nomad had been with her? He had walked in through the open patio doors at precisely the opportune moment. Yes, he'd even been dressed... or undressed... and ready his... his huge penis hard -- as if it had all been part of a plan! Of course, it was! Whatever other scheming dishonesty their guest was up to, Vince Rivers was a practicing lecher who used the innocent, affection-hungered Nomad to help him in blackmailing defenseless wives... and undoubtedly girls like Lisa!

It came back to Shirley suddenly the way he had been ogling the teenager at breakfast earlier! Of course! He was measuring Nomad's new attachment to Lisa, and if everything she was deducing was true, the distraught wife realized that it had to have happened between her husband's daughter and the beautiful animal last night... after Vince had driven the dog from her room!

Again, the green-eyed monster jabbed its claws into Shirley as she thought of the handsome brute ardently licking his loving tongue over and through Lisa's girlish loins just as he'd done to her. Even though the lewd mental picture raised both anxiety and envy inside the voluptuous blonde bride, she couldn't help but imagine the tremendous sensations it must have brought the inexperienced girl -- and Shirley felt certain that the vivacious teenager was definitely that.

It was true that Lisa had been bitter and hateful to her the past six months, but never had she shown any sluttish qualities, and if she were any less than a 'nice' girl, a young man of Paul Fulton's caliber wouldn't be hanging around. No, Lisa was anything but one of the free-loving younger generation, perhaps even a virgin, and Shirley didn't intend that a louse tike Vince Rivers was going to get to her! But how could she warn the unsuspecting girl without bringing everything right out in the open?

Shirley sipped at her brandy-laced coffee while she sat absently admiring Lisa's almost naked, delicately tanned young curves. The brandy churned warmly in her belly, flushing a light tinge to her smooth cheeks. She saw Nomad stir in his closeness against the younger girl's shapely fun thigh, and then Lisa rolled onto her back, her firm, rounded white breasts exposed for the brief moment it took to arrange her loose brassiere. The tiny, berry-like nipples cresting the lush mounds were visible to Shirley for just that fleeting second, their intimate revelation sending a little sensation of unusual incitement rippling through her sensitive loins to register in her brain. The unexpected impulse more than surprised her; it even embarrassed her when she realized it had been caused by the mere glimpse of her step-daughter's ripe young breasts!

Lord, brandy in the morning could do wild things to a girl, Shirley reasoned, a little quiver rippling up her spine. All the same, it had done remarkable things too, toward lessening the guilty feeling she'd crawled out of bed with earlier. And it had made it possible for her to face Vince Rivers over the breakfast table with her head held high while her husband sat there with both of them. On top of that, it was going to fortify whatever courage it took to approach Lisa and talk girt-to-girl with her before Vince Rivers could trap the unsuspecting beauty in -- to a lecherous compromise she would be too frightened to deny him!

Determined, Shirley bounced from the chair and began to undress, quickly finding a bikini to slip into. As she rapidly shed her dress and finally brassiere and panties, habitually watching the smooth ripples of her own softly rounded curves mirrored in her vanity, the long-haired blonde mentally planned the approach she would use. But even if everything else failed and there was no way she could delicately warn her husband's unaware daughter, then she would come right out and lay the whole picture before the teenager, regardless of what it might cost her own self! Lisa had said she was sorry, that she wanted to be friends, and this was going to be the first test of that friendship... especially if Shirley had to tell the truth of what happened between her and their unscrupulous house guest last night.

The young wife returned to the open patio doors as she fastened her bikini bra-strap from behind, then began to arrange the fullness of her amply rounded breasts into comfortable position inside the concealing garment. Once more, knife-like pangs of jealousy raked her inwardly as she saw the curvaceous Lisa sitting upright and leaning forward, her bikini top fallen away to completely expose the jutting twin mounds of white resilience swaying provocatively with her movements. Their round pink nipples seemed strained into a tight hardness visible even from that distance, as holding Nomad's massive head between her small hands, Lisa kissed him between the eyes!

A little painful gasp caught in the blonde woman's throat, the keen blades of unwanted jealousy stabbing at her tensed belly once more when she saw the handsome animal's dog-tongue lick out to pinkly caress Lisa's firm young breasts with loving affection! Oh God! And then, Frank's daughter quickly bounded to her feet, securing her swimsuit top and smiling excitedly down at Nomad's open-jawed, tail-wagging beauty... both of them walking rapidly toward Lisa's patio door with the massive German shepherd rubbing against her naked thigh as if he couldn't get close enough.

Shirley unconsciously whimpered aloud as she poured straight brandy into her empty coffee cup with a shaking hand, then raised it to her lips, swallowing it away in two fast gulps. She stood there for a long moment staring through the opened doorway and seeing nothing as the effects of the strong stimulant surged through her. They, whoever they were, could laugh at women's intuition, but through her own gift of it she knew unquestionably what was going to happen in Lisa's bedroom! She had seen it in the girl's sparkling dark eyes, and sensed her erotic arousal in the straining little buds peaking her ripe young breasts!

Unreasonable ripples of sensuality churned within her own susceptible loins and soft belly at the inciting mental scenes her knowing brain was uncontrollably projecting on the screen of her mind! She started to pour more brandy into the cup, then thought better of that. Instead, she stepped outside to see that Lisa's doors were closed... but maybe she hadn't locked the main one off the hallway! If she had, then Shirley would hammer on it until the girl opened it!

The fire-filled emotions eating at Lisa had done nothing short of blind her! She had to have Nomad's huge dog-cock once more, racing up into her hotly excited vagina in all its sleek, slippery hardness, filling her belly and saturating her with those lust-intoxicating sensations when she came! Maybe she was evil, she didn't know or care as she stripped away her brief bikini and stood in trembling, desire-inspired nakedness before the beautiful animal watching her every move with erect, velvety ears.

Just the sight of him standing and waiting, as if he knew exactly what was about to happen, sent frantic charges of erotic excitement soaring through the teenage girl. She moved closer to him, spreading her shapely legs in a wide obscene stance. Then, bending her knees, she smoothed her small hands down over her arched hips and inward between her wide-open thighs to lewdly spread with extended fingers the flushed curl- fringed lips of her cuntal split until its moistened pinkness was exposed to the eagerly staring dog.

"C-Come on, baby! Lick it, for Lisa! Run that gorgeous tongue through her hot pussy!" the dark-haired girl luridly hissed, her lush lips wetly open, her onyx eyes sparkling with tile teenaged lust simmering inside her. Just the audible sound of the obscene word coming from her own mouth excited her all the more. "Do it, darling! Lick my cunt for me! Then, you can fuck me again! Shove your handsome cock right up into my hot pussy-hole!"

Those were the same sensually stimulating words which sordidly reached Shirley's ears as she stood still in the hallway holding Lisa's unlocked door pressed inches inward! She swallowed, her mouth and throat as dry as a desert, standing rigid there and afraid to move, but knowing she had to, Lisa's salacious request echoing and re-echoing in her own liquor-aroused brain. Slowly, the blonde girl eased the door further inward to peek around it and see Nomad move forward between her stepdaughter's naked wide-stanced legs, the curvaceous girl's obscene pose, with her slender white hands holding open the hair-lined lips of her girlish pussy, sending wild sensations of unbelievable excitement charging through Shirley!

With wagging tail, Nomad was obeying, lifting his gallant head and suddenly out the length of his long wet tongue to lick up through the sensitive pink flesh Lisa revealed to him! Shirley watched the shudder of unhidable passion ripple over the lovely teenager's naked curves as she thrust her young loins forward to the German shepherd's avid tongue, a thrill of sympathetic response rippling over her own near-naked body!

"Do it! Do it! More, lover! Lick it... tongue it good for me!" Lisa gasped, squatting even lower and working her softly curved hips and buttocks upward in an obscene arch of movement against his wet laving tongue. "Oh, you're even better than any Caesar could ever be, darling! I love you! You're real, and right here, licking my hot pussy for me... and this is only the beginning."

Shirley had to brace herself against the door-casing to keep from failing, or at least staggering. She sensed the heated wetness seeping down between her swollen, blood-flushed vaginal lips to flood her bikini briefs as she played voyeur, her heart pounding to every lust-throbbing word tumbling from Lisa's hissing mouth. Silently, she eased inside to stand there, closing the door behind her without a sound, still unnoticed by Lisa who now stood in her lewd, knees-bent position with her undulating white buttocks toward Shirley, Nomad's view cut off by the teenager's offered loins he was eagerly licking!

The heavily breathing young wife couldn't comprehend the lascivious emotions this wanton spectacle was causing to electrify her passionate young body! Instead of reproach or anger she was beset from the first witnessing view with a series of feverish erotic impulses, the urge almost overwhelming to rush forward and clasp the beautiful girl's smooth white nakedness hungrily against her!

Suddenly, Lisa saw her stepmother's reflection in the full-length dresser mirror, the eyes of both girls meeting there in a shocked clash, Lisa's lust-fired dark ones rounding into horror while Shirley's sensuously incited sparkle expressed a compassionate understanding that the younger girl never saw! She whirled out of her sordid stance, staggering, her firm high-set breasts quivering and her long hair wildly tossing as she faced Shirley open-mouthed gaping in abject mortification. Nomad growled, then recognized their intruder and began to wag his tail.

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