Lisa's Stepmother - Cover

Lisa's Stepmother


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Did you have to be quite so nice to my stepmother?" Lisa snapped, not looking in her boy friend's direction, but off at the city's lights below. Beyond was the ocean with a moon to fight it, the reflection like gleaming light on a treasure chest of glittering gems. And she'd wanted all of her plans to sparkle with the same blinding facets.

"Dammit, do you have to keep calling her your 'stepmother' as if she were some kind of witch?" Paul Fulton retaliated, trying to measure in his young mind what could possibly be wrong with such a beautiful woman. "I-I mean... well... after all, Lisa, she is your father's wife, and he seems to be happy."

"Ha! How would he know that? He's been drunk since the day he married her! She's making an alcoholic of him!"

"I don't believe that!" the youth interrupted before she could finish. He shifted in his seat. "He's doing it to hide something... his own problem! I don't know anything about it, but I'll bet Shirley isn't to blame the way you see it... !"

"Shirley? Shirley! You mean you're calling her by her first name now?"

"Oh, for Christ sake, Lisa, don't be stupid..."

"Shirley! That's what you said."

"Well, that's her name, isn't it? Not 'stepmother'!" Paul Fulton snapped, thoroughly disgusted with the attitude this girl he loved had adopted toward a person whom he felt sure was totally innocent. "Why don't you grow up, Lisa? For God's sake... !"

"Yes, for God's sake!" she interrupted, never-before-known anger for him raging inside her. "You dumb ass, Paul! And after what I had planned for us tonight! Well... you've killed that! What would you like to try for seconds?"

"Oooohhh..." he managed, quickly imagining what she might mean. Had she really meant that... ? Christ! "Look, I only said that..."

"I know what you said... and what you meant... and where your feelings seem to lie, Mr. Fulton!" she said, nestling down in the bucket seat and folding her arms in her lap. "Now, if you will, please... take me home."


"Take me home!" she ordered with sharpness.

"But, honey, you won't listen."

"You listen! This is my car and I've asked you to drive me home! Will you, please?" she insisted, never wanting him to, fighting the tears dimming her eyes, wishing she knew why she was doing it.

"Yeah! You bet your ass I will! I'll take you home, Lisa, and for good unless you wake up!" Paul spat, kicking the motor into action.

Neither of them spoke again throughout the race-driving trip to the Douglas home, though Lisa almost desperately searched her young, wretched mind for an opening. Damn, she didn't want their evening to end this way... she'd had such beautiful, intimate plans, her whole body alive with tiny quivers of anticipation all afternoon and evening... until that bitch had interfered! But when Paul didn't speak, or try to smooth things over in the first few minutes, she knew he wasn't about to. Oh, she wasn't worried over the 'I'll take you home for good!' business... they'd gone through that before... but the other, their love-making, her wild decision to give him her virginity being thwarted and hopeless now, she realized, was causing the tears that were nearly blinding her.

He swung into their drive with a squeal of tires, cut the engine and hopped out of the car without as much as a good night! Lisa gasped aloud as she sat uptight to watch his slender form move through the darkness to his own car. She couldn't believe it, he'd never before been quite so angry! She fought the urge to call out after him. Never! Damn him... damn him! And then, with another screech of rubber, he was gone, the roar of his car motor gradually fading, until it was absorbed by the quiet night surrounding her.

Lisa cried then in her frustration and rage. She slammed from the shiny new "consolation prize" her father had given her and ran toward the house, her teenage brain whirling with one vindictive thought after another...

Nomad watched from a secluded position beside the building. He had heard the vehicle's approach and the closing of its metal door, the noises of human life drawing him from his brooding place beside the bush. Immediately the big German shepherd recognized them, saw the male leave with no voice sounds passing between them, then the young female with the long dark hair running toward the house, little unhappy whimpers coming from her. For a long moment, he stood in the shadows, then silently retraced his steps to the rear of the building, approaching the still closed door where his master was with the golden-haired female he liked so much.

Anger seethed inside the powerful animal as through a small area where the glass was not covered he saw the grinning man's nakedly stripped body standing beside the bed where the pretty golden one lay just as he had been made to leave her. The human phallus of his master hung limp and the face of the soft naked female was turned from him. They made sounds to each other, but those noises held no meaning for the embittered, witnessing animal...

"Christ, you're something else, Mrs. Douglas. I haven't been sucked- off like that in years!" Vince Rivers lewdly tormented, his hands on his naked hips as he stared down at the sprawled, still spasming loveliness of the young wife whom he knew was suffering the full shameful effects of her infidelity.

"G-Get out... please... for God's sake, leave me alone!" Shirley managed in a broken tone, sitting up and reaching for the sheet to cover herself.

Rivers caught at it, tugging it out of her grasp. "Hey... not so fast, baby! Let's not cover up all the sexy scenery, eh? Old Vince isn't finished yet... not by a damn sight. Remember, bitch? He's going to fuck you cross-eyed."

"No! No more!" Shirley exclaimed, trying to get up from the bed, but he was on top of her, pressing her helpless body back down to the mattress and holding her there. She tried to struggle, but it was useless. And then, he sniggered in her face, his strong, hairy leg locking over her hips and loins to easily subdue her. She felt the flaccid length of his spent penis and the wiry hair of his muscular loins grinding against the sensitive, smooth flesh of her hip and thigh. "Oh God, please... no more, Vince... I beg you.

"There now, pussy-girl, don't get all disappointed. In a minute this cock'll be harder than a ramrod!" he hissed at her. "In the meantime, let's play kissey games," he taunted, beginning to knead one sore, swollen breast with his hand.

Shirley's whole being recoiled at the nauseating thought of kissing him, the fleeting realization that she could actually suck his lustful penis with a passionate hunger, yet cringe at the idea of letting her lips touch his almost making her scream out. Again, she struggled, her sickened mind desperately working.

"Listen to me, please!" she rasped. "Frank is very apt to come to that door... he does when he wakes up after drinking... !"

"Then I'll duck out the way I came in. No sweat, baby..."

"Oh please, Vince... he'll kill us both if he ever finds us this way!" Shirley begged, ready to say anything in her desperation. "L-Let's not take chances... there'll be other opportunities... please?"

Yeah... maybe she was right, the lustfully keyed-up con-artist gave it second thought. It wouldn't be very fucking smart to blow his operation over a piece of tail... not after what she'd just said about their being other opportunities... though his cock was aching again to worm deep up into that tight little pussy he'd just licked into a frenzy. But he needed this hit -- he was bad-broke. Yeah, she was right -- that hot sweet cunt would keep for him.

Nomad backed away from the patio door when he saw his master get up from the bed and the golden-haired one cover herself with the white bedding. Only seconds before, he had been ready to charge through the glass, his fury was so great at the man who was cruelly holding her down, and at the same time he had heard a clicking sound off to his right. Instinctively, the big animal who had become totally familiar with the surroundings, recognized it as the door being opened ajar to the younger, dark-haired female's room. He moved hungrily toward it...

Lisa was nothing short of riding a marijuana high when she crawled naked onto her bed in the darkness. She had smoked two joints, one after the other, knowing she had overdone it, but at least she was no longer torn up inside from Paul's unforgivable performance, or the way he had ruined her passionate plans. She had hoped, too, that the grass might help soothe the sensual impulses in her soft belly and loins which she had been intentionally feeding with erotic thoughts most of the day. But they still smoldered there, more intense if anything, almost as if the pot had worked in the opposite direction.

Oh Paul... why did we have to fight... tonight of all nights? The aroused young teenager groaned to herself in the darkness. She moved restlessly, smoothing her shapely legs against the soft sheets beneath her, the quivering movements of her firm full breasts erotically adding to her excitement. The irresistible urge to feel and caress them was more than the hungering girl wanted to deny as she narcissistically smoothed her small hands around over their soft resilience, gently massaging their lush fullness and teasing the tiny nipples with little pinching tweaks into straining buds of hardness. Her breathing increased as she brushed her hands sensuously down over her narrow waist and the rounded curve of her hips, then inward toward the base of her smooth flat belly to the sensitive mound of silky, hair-sprinkled flesh. There she pressured tauntingly, her slender young fingers exploring, the light dampness to her fingertip at the peak of her vaginal slit sending a feverish little tremor of excitement tingling up her spine.

Damn, she was going to do it herself... had to if she were ever going to get any sleep this night! God, she was so hot, and Paul had been such an idiot! She would have let him... wanted him to... yes wanted him to be the first boy to ever fuck her! Ooohhh... just thinking the lewd four-letter word sent further sensations of self-lust rippling through her. Yes, she would have felt his long hard cock, played with it and gotten to know it, while he slipped his fingers up into her hot, needful pussy... and then they would have fucked! Fucked!

Nomad's keen ears immediately picked up the siblant vibrations of the young girl's rapid human breathing as he moved noiselessly in through the opened patio doorway, until he saw her on the bed in her spread-legged position, the darkness no obstacle to him. Her small hand was busy between her parted legs, slender fingers moving tauntingly up and down and sometimes in a circular motion at the slitted opening there, little hissing sighs coming from within her. He watched her rounded feminine buttocks lift from the bed to cooperate with her lewdly stroking hand, the sight very similar to the one he had seen the golden-haired human make earlier that day. He sensed his blood heating at the vision of her lovely nakedness and what she was doing to it, his heavy loins reflexively quivering as he took several more steps into the room...

A darker movement in the shadows caught Lisa's attention and with a gasp, she quickly snapped on her bed lamp. The pot she had smoked dulled what would have been an automatic reaction, and as she recognized her intruder the voluptuously naked girl realized she still lay in her lewd position, her fingers insinuated between the tight-flushed lips of her exposed pussy! Oh, thank God, it hadn't been anyone else!

"And... and just what do you want in here, young man?" she whispered, something of a lustful little smile tugging at her drug-laxed mouth as she raised up on the elbow of her free arm, while she continued to tease slowly with her middle finger at the narrow strip of glistening pink flesh between her curl-fringed vaginal lips. Already, lurid impulses of excitement were flitting pell-mell in her soft smooth belly and desire- infused young loins at the sensual thought of having an audience watching her do it to herself... especially one that couldn't talk! "All right, handsome, and I won't even charge you admission!"

Other thoughts bordering on the obscene, but too wild for her to yet organize in her pot-dazed mind, raced through the vivacious teenager's head as she suddenly hopped up from the bed to close and lock her patio door, carefully drawing the drapes so not even a crevice of light could be seen from outside. Then quickly reassuming her lewdly spread-open position on the bed, she raised her head to look excitedly down at the big German shepherd standing at the foot of her bed. Her dark eyes gleamed as she stared into the deep brown pools of seeming wonder, his tail giving a friendly wag.

"Come up here, big boy... come on... up on the bed with Lisa! She wants to show you something you might like," the naked young virgin heard herself whisper hoarsely, the thought of her obscene intentions firing her lust like a second stage rocket booster.

Lisa's heart gave a little leap as the dog effortlessly bounced up onto the bed, his powerful massiveness never so ominous as at that moment when she gaped down between her scissored-open white thighs at his huge furry body, second thoughts making themselves known in her glazed mind!

Nomad sensed the girl's sudden apprehension and whimpered as if to reassure her, still wagging his furry arched tail, though he instinctively knew that the demands of his craving loins would not allow him to be driven off or denied this time. Fiery blood pounded through his lithe animal body as he slowly moved up between the smooth white columns of her open legs until he was hovering over her and her head dropped back onto the pillow, her pretty eyes wide and gaping in confused arousal.

God, he didn't seem to need any coaxing, the dark-haired girl silently told herself, her anxiety of seconds before leaving her as quickly as it had struck, the bestial sight of him standing there between her open thighs and over her naked, soft body reminding her of the book she had read that the girls had excitedly passed around at school. Was that where she'd suddenly gotten her lustful notion? She remembered the German shepherd's name, Caesar, and the way he had brought wild animal love to young wives in the Valley, licking their pussies and... and actually fucking them from behind! God, she'd read and re-read it, making herself cum every night for two weeks!

Oh! Oh, he was going to... and he did... abruptly lowering his great head to lick out with his hot, wet tongue against the naked flesh of her soft trembling belly! Lisa felt the searing sensation of his brushing tongue all the way to the very center of her virginal loins. She gaped with rounded eyes and gasping breaths as the burning wet coral length licked just as Caesar had done to his excited girls at the sensitive flesh of her muscle-tensed belly!

Over and over he did it, the heated wetness of its pink flesh broadening almost affectionately against her tingling skin. With raised head, her gasping breaths causing her full uptilted breasts to heavily rise and fall, Lisa strained to see the laving tongue inching slowly upward over her helpless body. Oh God, was it possible? Ooohhh... he was tongue-lapping the rounded underside of one ripely swelling breast, then creeping upward over it toward its bursting little nipple!

Lisa couldn't restrain the gasping moan when his feverish licking actually encompassed the highly sensitive bud to send unknown spasms of carnal delight charging through her young naked body! Ooohhh... just like in the book... and she'd never believed it could really happen... thought of it all as just a wild story! But it was... and she could only hope he would do everything... everything... the way Caesar had done!

Nomad's deep-throated whimper broke into her drugged thoughts and she saw him backing down in the bed between her widely gaping legs. Lisa followed him with her small hands, intending to entice him if need be... but it wasn't necessary! Her breath caught in her throat as she raised higher to watch him poise there, his handsome head between and above the juncture of her open thighs!

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