Lisa's Stepmother - Cover

Lisa's Stepmother


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Vince Rivers stared after the sensually flowing curves of Shirley Douglas with lustful eyes as the young blonde wife walked away from him to bid good night to some guests who were leaving. He knew there was a noticeable bulge in the front of his trousers if any of the neighborhood bitches cared to take a look. Maybe it would give them a little charge, but he could care less now. Anita Parsons and entourage were no longer even considerations... not after the way Nomad's unique indicator had beamed through to him! Christ, he still could hardly believe it, but when the goddamn mutt began to rub up against them, there was no question... at least, the frigging hound had never given him a bum steer yet!

His loins had begun to churn hotly from the mere thought of the dog getting to that gorgeous display of female flesh, his lecherous plans rapidly charting a new course that he hadn't thought was navigable. He smiled inwardly as he watched Shirley's voluptuous figure glide toward the house with bewitching quivers, accompanying her guests with others joining and tossing in their good nights. Yeah, this cruise had suddenly taken on a whole new aspect for him... not that the scenery hadn't been dazzling all the way, but there was nothing like docking in an unexpected, exotic port to really get the flavor of the natives!

Shirley could hardly keep her mind on what she was saying, she was that angry with Vince Rivers' brazen pass... and he was supposed to be a friend and business associate of Frank's, to say nothing of being a guest in their house! Somehow, she managed to maintain her smile and exchange pleasantries with departing neighbors and friends, until finally everyone had left but the caterers who were looking to the cleaning up. God, she was never so happy to see an evening come to an end... the way Lisa had acted... and Frank getting drunk, then just walking off without so much as a good night to anyone.

She had feared that Rivers might wait around until the others were gone, then try to pick up where he'd left off, but thank God, he hadn't, and she assumed that he'd gone to his room. Damn, but she had certainly pegged him for the louse he was, hadn't she! Poor Frank... she had to think of some way to keep him from making any sort of deal with that man! He was dishonest and she was positive of it! The way her husband was drinking, he was just no match for Vincent Rivers.

She found Frank passed out and snoring loudly in his study. With little tears in her eyes, Shirley went to the linen closet and got a blanket to cover him, then made herself a nightcap, and wearily walked to her bedroom. Sighing, she dropped onto the edge of the bed to sip from the glass and try to unwind. Almost immediately her surroundings brought to mind the forbidden lustful performance she had given herself to with Nomad only hours before... and as lewd and obscene as it had been, she wasn't sorry... even knew that she would do it again if given the chance!

Little tremors of excitement, which had continued to smolder inside Shirley ever since the handsome animal's love-making, grew with intensity as she remembered the pleasureful sensations he had brought her. Even dancing with the German shepherd's despicable master had helped to stimulate her more when the hot feel of his hardening penis had begun to throb against her soft belly. Though she was ashamed at the mere thought of her weakness, the confused and love-hungry girl couldn't deny that it was true.

She finished her drink and with another long sigh arose to undress. Absent-mindedly, she moved about the room, shutting off the air- conditioner and opening the patio doors slightly, her mind unable to ignore the tormenting glow of carnal arousal still simmering in the depths of her sensuous young body. Then, as she was reaching up behind to unfasten her brassiere, she heard the scratching on her door!

A warm sensation of excitement raced through Shirley as she stood there in white nylon panties and lace brassiere staring at the locked barrier. Of course, it couldn't be anyone else... not scratching... and there it was again! She moved quickly toward it, silently withdrawing the bolt and opening it just a crack to peak. It was! She saw the brilliant sparkle of his soft brown eyes reflecting the glow from her vanity lamp, and then he whimpered up at her. Without a word, Shirley opened the door wide enough for him to enter, closing and locking it quickly behind him, then turned to drop down on her smooth rounded haunches, taking his big head between her slender white hands.

"You big darling!" she whispered, her breaths quickening as she kissed him on the nose. "How did you know that I needed you so badly again tonight?"

Vince Rivers watched it all from the darkness of his cracked-open doorway. He grinned lecherously to himself as he saw his dog enter the woman's bedroom and her door close without a sound. Like clockwork, he thought, reaching down to lewdly stroke a hand over his desire-swollen penis cramped inside his pants and shorts. But not for long, the scheming forgery artist mused, backing inside to snap on a fight and begin to strip.

He'd give the mutt a little time to swing into his act and just hope she didn't change her mind and close the patio door he'd watched her open from the shadows of his own pool-side verandah. If she did, he'd have to figure something else, because he was damn sure going to get in there... but the element of surprise... just walking right in to catch her with the tucking dog right at it! Christ, this was going to be the brass ring... and big daddy was stoned to his ass in the study... perfect!

Naked, Vince Rivers slipped on a robe, tying the belt around him so that it held the swollen length of his long thick cock up snug against his lean belly, then walked out into the evening darkness. He could see the faint glow of her light showing through the narrow space of the still opened patio door. He moved stealthily toward it, his own breathing sounding like a bellows to him in his lustful excitement. Then, he saw them!

Jesus Christ! For a moment, he could only stand there with his eyes riveted on the wild goddamn performance taking place on the bed, and he couldn't help but remember the first time he'd seen Nomad working on that gambling gypsy's slob of a wife in their carnival sideshow! Except the long, widespread white legs the mutt was between at the moment belonged to a luscious young beauty who was anything but a slob! Never in his fucking life had he seen such an array of smooth, rounded curves, and never had his aching hard cock ever throbbed more anxiously to be buried hilt-deep in a bitch's hot, sheathing pussy!

From where he stood, Rivers couldn't see that intoxicating part of her anatomy, only a portion of the gilt her blonde pubic hair offered, but the way Nomad was licking between those crab-like spread thighs, he knew he was going to revel in it! Then, she was drawing those same smoothly rounded thighs up and back, still yawning open as she reached down between them to catch hold of the mutt's ears, the generous arch of her hips and nakedly revealed buttocks beginning an upthrusting tucking motion that caused her lush, pink-nippled breasts to quiver like heaping mounds of marshmallow!

He walked in!

Nomad raised his head and growled with a show of gleaming white fangs. Shirley choked out a gasp, not seeing him at first, then jerking her head to twist around, her long blonde hair flailing with the effort!

"Oh! Oh, my God!" she rasped, her blue eyes widening in shocked horror, her every word and reaction exactly as he'd anticipated, except that she didn't scream, or try to scramble from the bed, just laid there as if suddenly frozen into her obscenely inviting position.

"Excuse me, but this is the whore of the manor's room, isn't it?" Vince said, grinning lecherously down at her, unable to resist using the upper hand he knew he held after her "loyal wife" routine earlier, and the way she'd been chilling him for three days. "I hope I haven't interrupted anything sacred..."

Shirley could only gape up at the horrible apparition standing beside her bed and grinning down at her lustfully exposed nakedness with an expression of conquering lechery. Undiluted panic, made up of spontaneous shame, shock and helplessness, raged frantically through her. She thought of screaming, but she couldn't make a sound. Nomad's deep-throated growls reached her and she wondered why the dog didn't leap on his master and tear that grinning face to pieces! She remembered her husband Frank dead- drunk in the study! And Lisa wasn't even in the house.

"Out, mutt!" Rivers was ordering, moving backward to pull the patio door open wider. "Out! You've had your fun and games... now it's time for the master, boy! Move! Get out!"

Reluctantly, Nomad backed from between her lewdly upraised thighs and bounded down to the floor, only half looking back with flattened ears and a growl as Vince Rivers closed the door behind him. Slowly then, Shirley lowered her long naked legs to the bed, drawing them together protectively as she stared in growing, unhidable dread at the too-handsome man who had suddenly invaded and somehow held control over her most intimate life!

"Wh-what do you think you... you're going to do?" she heard her own voice ridiculously whine as he began to pull at his robe.

Rivers sniggered. "Well, for openers I thought I might take up where the mutt left off... You know, eat some of that hard-to-get pussy of yours. Then I had in mind fucking you cross-eyed! Any objections, Mrs. Douglas?"

Shirley moaned as if she'd been jabbed with a series of tiny stabbing needles, the lewd sounds of his pornographic words and lustful intentions sending confusing, apprehensive chills racing frantically over her naked flesh.

"Y-You can't! My God, you can't!" she gasped, raising to her elbows as he jerked open his robe, her widened blue eyes level with the long thick length of his blood-filled hardness falling into its menacing right- angled position to the lean hairy slenderness of his naked loins. Below, at its widened base, Shirley saw the massive bulge of his sperm-filled testicles, and she couldn't resist centering her eyes on the reddishly bulbous head half-hidden in its thick foreskin, with a tiny pearlish drop of his semen oozing from its little end-slit.

"You like it, Mrs. Douglas?" he taunted, reaching down to lewdly grasp the husky length and begin to stroke it, tugging its sheathing foreskin back to reveal the blood-engorged head in its entirety. "Suckable, eh? Even better than the tucking mutt's, right? Makes your mouth water." He laughed and kneed his way up onto the bed, moving toward her feet, the waggling shaft of his huge cock ever facing her in her elbowed position.

"Oh please... please don't, Vince... I'm sorry... sorry for everything!" Shirley suddenly gasped. "Pleaseeeeee... I beg you, don't... for Frank's sake... he's your friend!" she whined as he took her feet and spread them apart, his eyes gleaming and his lips stretched wide in a lecherous grin the equal of which she'd never seen. Wider, he forced them, until her long legs were spread as open as they'd willingly been for Nomad, and the pink inner-flesh of her moist cuntal split was completely exposed to him! "Oh... oh don't... I can't fight you... but you know you shouldn't... no matter what, you know it's wrong, damn you!"

Outside, Nomad stalked the darkness of the grounds, though they might have been flooded in sunlight for him. Animal rage seethed inside his powerful muscular body, as well as unfulfilled ruttish desire. This was not a new torment for him to be confronted with by his master, but before it had never seemed to matter as it did this time. He had very much wanted to mate with the golden-haired female, and he couldn't rid himself of that desire. Eventually, the huge, handsome animal found himself a place in the shadow of a bush to lie down, and with open, panting jaws he lay there watching, his feral loins throbbing heavily with the aroused instinct his golden-female had inspired within him.

"Spread 'em, baby... spread 'em wide for me!" Rivers taunted inside the bedroom, moving up between Shirley's smooth open legs until his face was only inches above the curl-fringed flesh of her vulnerable loins. He stiffened out, pressuring the hardened length of his long thick cock down into the give of the sheeted mattress as he ogled the wet pink delicacy of Frank Douglas' own private cunt!

She was panting loudly now from her parted lips, her head raised, and her eyes wide as she began to squirm, with the full white columns of her satiny thighs stretched apart to capacity, the glistening crevice of her sparse, hair-fringed pussy starting to rotate in little circles as if her ass-cheeks were resting on a lazy susan! Goddamn... that mutt had really worked her up! The gorgeous bitch couldn't help herself, even though he knew fucking well that she'd kill him if she could.

Rivers laid his thumbs on either side of her fleshy cunt-lips, the gossamer texture of her golden pubic hair sending a wild charge of excitement ripping through him. He heard her moan at the erogenous contact, and then louder as he began to churn and massage those sensitive lips against one another, the heady essence of her stimulated desire filling his flaring nostrils. He pinched and taunted, chafing the tiny erect bud of her clitoris between his fingers until her hips began to jerk and writhe convulsively, her flat belly tensing with muscular spasms, her breath choking out in ragged gasps.

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