Lisa's Stepmother - Cover

Lisa's Stepmother


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Lisa slipped the white terry-cloth shift on over the brief bikini she had bought especially for her party. With a flourish she freed her long raven hair, shook it out and began to brush with intentions of up-sweeping it into a practical pony-tail. She smiled to herself as she visualized the expression her boy friend Paul would undoubtedly light up with at first glimpse of her teeny-weeny black bikini. At least, she hoped he would; she'd bought it with him in mind. While it actually provided all of the conventional coveting society demanded, it had been designed to provoke the male senses more than nakedness ever could... depending, of course, on what one had in mind.

The vivacious, dark-eyed teenager sipped at her vodka-tonic as she sat before her vanity adeptly styling her coiffure, the little cogs of her mind working right along in unison. She'd been more disappointed than angry when Paul hadn't shown up for their private swim-date earlier, but he'd put her at ease with a phone call, belated as it was. A sudden interview for a position at one of the local banks had come up and he'd only had a few minutes to make it. Consequently, he hadn't been able to call her until after, and as always, the handsome lamb had been full of apologies. It had been something his father had arranged for him with the bank manager, a business acquaintance Paul had said, but he really had no idea what his chances were of getting the position.

She hoped to God he didn't have any! Lisa could think of nothing more devastating than a life with a banker-husband and living close to everything she wanted to get away from... well, maybe not everything... not daddy, anyway... but Paul's doting, religious parents, and that crafty bitch Shirley who had hoodwinked her father into marrying her. The thought of an existence amidst them was nauseating. Oh, the Valley was a tremendous area all right, but a few thousand miles separating them would be a hell of a lot better, especially between shrewd Shirley and herself. Her mom had probably turned over in her grave, poor darling, and there was no question but what that blonde whore had daddy well on the way to becoming an alcoholic. Of course, he realized his mistake now, after it was too late... saw her for what she was, but she'd already sunk in her fangs. No matter which way he turned, she was going to financially bleed him, and as much as anything, Lisa didn't want to be on hand to watch that. God, she might throttle her with her own little hands!

The well-proportioned teenager gulped from her glass as if to wash away the mounting, never-absent resentment she couldn't help but feel for her "stepmother." She was hardly a drinker, but for the last year her father had permitted her one or two before dinner if she wanted them. She preferred the non-lingering effects of a little marijuana, though Paul got uptight when she even mentioned it, so she'd been careful to only sneak a joint in now and then with her girl friends.

Lisa had long since made up her mind that nothing was going to go wrong between Paul Fulton and herself. She loved him and had for several years, even knew way back then that she was going to marry him the moment he was out of college, and now he was! He had his degree, was a financial specialist, and she didn't intend that all of those long years of waiting while he prepared himself should be wasted with him ending up in some crummy bank job! There were bigger and more beautiful things in store for them, she felt certain!

Tonight was going to be one of those spectacular events... a happening... because she intended to give him the virginity she'd been carefully saving for that moment when they both arrived! And they had! The education bit was now behind them. She had no desire to go on and be anything but Paul Fulton's wife, and he possessed the credential which could and would support them! They'd get married right away and use the trust fund her mom had left her for a start... go east somewhere... a couple of thousand miles at the least, far from all of this and the bitch of a "stepmother" who had kept her from her own father's wedding!

But she didn't want to think of Shirley, or any of the immediate environment suffocating her... only Paul... the way he kissed her... the myriad times she had unwantingly pressed his creeping hand from between her hot thighs, or away from the swollen fullness of her straining breasts... feeling his throbbing hardness against her aroused, soft belly when he held her tightly against him! Those were the ultimate things in her life, and tonight she'd show him with no limits, right in the back seat of his car, the tiny bikini she was wearing not only the enticing prop which was going to seduce him, but the easiest garment in the world to be rid of in an emergency!

Vincent Rivers enjoyed meeting new people, they were all potential contributors to his livelihood. He enjoyed flashing his practiced smile, holding a wife's hand a second too long, watching the way they made over Nomad. Women, hungry wives, had always intrigued him in veins even going beyond sex, specifically gold ones, though that sensual sport invariably played a part in the final accomplishment.

He was pleased with the multitude of female guests milling about Frank Douglas' pool-side, hardly noticing their male companions as he quietly sat in a deck chair, arising only when someone chose to introduce him. Nomad lay stretched out, leashed beside him. It wasn't quite time to let the powerful German shepherd do his Geiger-counter thing, though Vince had no doubts but what he would in grand style. The mutt hadn't failed him yet... and he'd thought he was being taken in that poker game... that fucking gypsy...

A teenage dollie jumped into the pool and came up with one firm, white breast exposed, causing his heavy loins to stir reflexively while the other kids laughed heartily, one boy making an attempt to help the unembarrassed girl conceal the resilient nipple-tipped mound back inside the wisp of her bathing suit brassiere. He watched their hell-raising antics, the enticing young chicks constantly pulling and tugging at their tiny bikinis, the fellows paying no attention. Maybe he was more highly sexed, he thought as he went through the motion of lighting a cigarette, confident that his smile was more handsome than lecherous...

And then, she made her appearance, the belle of the occasion, Miss Lisa Douglas... and wearing a black bikini that was nothing short of nothing! On a body like hers, it could be called "inciting to not!" Damn! When she turned from him he saw that about two inches of her deep young ass-crevice was on display, and any man could hardly ignore the voluptuously rounded ovals of those full teenage buttocks... unless he was looking at her stepmother! Christ knows, he'd feasted his eyes on the both of them enough the past few days, but only in wishful thinking. Right now he had no intentions of lousing up his big score with daddy, and making a pass at his women-folk could sure as hell do it. On the other hand, should either one of those dolls give him the eyes, which wasn't likely, he was damn certain he wouldn't pass it up.

What surprised the casually dressed, roving-eyed house guest was that lovely blonde Shirley Douglas seemed to be on the up and up. At first, he'd figured her for a cool, seductive operator who was putting her own bite on the old boy and using her ass as the tender trap, but that wasn't adding up. They didn't even sleep together, and Frank was zonked most of the time. Still, they got on great together, no outward animosity, with her always right there to look after his wants and needs. A crazy frigging setup... a luscious broad like her with no obvious cock keeping her happy... or maybe she was a lez! Could be! She certainly chilled him right from the beginning. But if she was, little Lisa wasn't her partner, not the way those two got on.

It was obvious that the kid had no use for her "stepmother"... and the way she could spit out that word, like it was burning acid in her pretty teenage mouth. Yeah, Lisa was jealous, all right, or it might just be that the kid didn't like the cut Shirley would get of the family jewels should something happen to daddy. Well, neither of them were going to have too much worrying over that end of it. He intended to help alleviate their problem and damned soon, as quick as he was satisfied that he had Frank Douglas' signature down pat and he could lay his hand on a company check.

Speak of the devil... Vince saw the big grey-haired man walk onto the scene wearing swim-trunks and a broad gun, with a drink in his hand. He was tall with heavy shoulders, but softening, a layer of tanned flab and the beginning of a paunch showing his age. Once, he'd probably been quite athletic, Vince thought, watching his mark shaking hands and spreading greetings around amongst smiling, drinking friends. Everyone seemed to like the old boy, or at least they were pretending to... and why not, invited to a free bash like this, servants and the whole smear. Lucky bastard, sitting on his pot of gold... while he walked around with fifty bucks in his pocket and the goddamn finance company trying to locate his Continental. Shit, he had to make his move soon...

A burst of rock sounds filled with twilight, drowning out some of the laughter and voices. Vince watched Lisa with her wide-eyed, skinny boy friend join some of the other teenagers in a series of sensual gyrations they camouflaged under the term "dancing." Paul Fulton reminded him of a jack-o'-lantern the way he was grinning and bug-eyeing the curvy young bitch's near-naked breasts, and Christ, Vince couldn't blame him much. Those firm full mounds were doing a mind-bending dance all their own, like the half-revealed ovals of her rounded ass-cheeks, and there weren't too many of the older male generation present who were missing the attraction. Not that the pool-side was lacking in sexy young female pulchritude, but Lisa Douglas was by far the star, over-shadowed only by her blonde stepmother and she was hiding her voluptuous charms beneath a silky summer-slack outfit as she moved among the guests.

Vince felt his penis stir agitatedly in his pants as he watched the generous curves of the provocative teenager ripple and sway temptingly to the rhythm of the music. Christ, what a delight it'd be to sink his thick cock between those, young, tender thighs. He wondered if she was a virgin? Probably not... rarities these days... but was she wasting it on that scrawny bastard, Fulton? Shit, he didn't look as if he'd know what to do with it... and she was a friendly kid, too, at least she had been so far with him. No come-on or anything like that, but no chill the way blonde Shirley stirred him, either...

Nomad's sudden whimper beside him caught Vince River's attention. He looked down to see the big animal staring in the direction of an approaching redhead. She was smiling down at the mutt, a shapely doll about his own age, Vince appraised, her over-abundance of breasts straining the multi-colored halter trying to harness them. Her hips and thighs were just a little meaty, but maybe it was the tightness of the shorts she was wearing. Christ, the outline of her pussy-lips was as distinct as the part in his hair!

She bent down and petted the dog, giving Vince an ample display of deep white cleavage before beaming him a smile. "You're Vincent Rivers, aren't you? I'm Anita Parsons, next door neighbor," she introduced herself as he stood up catching her hand to hold in a gentle pressure. "I've already met Nomad. He's dropped by for a snack a couple of times..."

I'll bet, Vince thought, nodding and smiling as she rambled on. So, the old Geiger-counter was working true to form... and her hubby was an attorney... probably with some loot stashed, too, but nothing like daddy Frank was sitting on. Well, she would do for a romp or two if nothing better turned up, the slick con-artist decided, fileing her into his mental archives. And she was turning it on for him like a whore on holiday... Then a couple more neighborhood wives joined her, all with special attentions for the lecherous mutt who always got the gravy before he did, and by the looks of things the four-legged cock-hound had really been getting around.

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