Lap Dog - Cover

Lap Dog


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Angela lay on her back in bed, eyes wide open, watching the bedroom slowly turn light around her. A few minutes ago she had not been able to see the chair over by the door, brut now it began to loom out of the semi- darkness like the wreck of some old ship under water. Little tendrils of soft light were sneaking around the edges of the window curtains, spilling down onto the carpet, being soaked up in its dark nap.

The young wife had been lying like this for several hours, ever since about three in the morning, staring into the blackness around her, unable to close her eyes. Sleep just wouldn't come, no matter what little tricks she tried, and she'd tried everything from counting sheep to some simple yoga mental exercises she had once seen demonstrated on television, but nothing helped. She just lay there growing tenser and tenser. It would have been bad enough to the young woman if it were just a matter of having drunk too much coffee the night before, or one of a dozen other simple causes, but she knew what was really the matter, why she couldn't sleep, and the knowledge made her feel ashamed.

She was horny. She wanted to be made love to.

Fat chance, the blonde housewife thought bitterly to herself. Jack lay snoring next to her, lively as a log in a swamp, his big arms spread out over the bed in complete relaxation. One of them periodically flopped across her body as her husband changed position in his sleep and Angela would then disgustedly push it away. It was hard for her to tell for whom or what she felt the disgust, but she suspected it was as much for herself as for anything. Once again her treacherous body was dictating moods to her, forcing her mind into carnal channels where all her training told her it didn't belong. For the thousandth time the tortured young woman asked herself what was the matter with her, and for the thousandth time an angry fight went on in her mind -- the more modern, intelligent, well-educated part telling her that she was just exhibiting the signs of normal, healthy physical needs, but the darker part of her unconscious, spoiled by her parents' fundamentalist beliefs, painted her a picture of lust and guilt and hell-fire.

Sensing her husband stir next to her, Angela looked over hopefully to see if he was awake, but his eyes were still closed. However, one of his arms fell across her body once again, this time pressing heavily down against her breasts. It was a warm night and both husband and wife were sleeping naked. This didn't happen too often, since each one of the young couple were somewhat inhibited about nudity, but right now Angela was glad she was naked because there was nothing between her sensitive little nipples and that hairy arm but sensation. Despite herself, the young blonde felt her body moving a little, working her breasts up against the weight above, feeling little trickles of pleasure seeping down into her body.

Angela must have moved a little too much, because Jack suddenly opened his eyes, not really seeing anything, but starting to come awake. Turning toward his wife, he pressed the front of his body close to hers, letting his arm snuggle around her body, his legs bending forward a little. Partly to hide her shame and partly because it was more comfortable, Angela turned away from her husband, lying on her side facing the same direction as he and automatically Jack snuggled up to her, holding his young wife protectively in the curve of his body, one hand unknowingly cupping her breast.

Oh, how Angela liked that, and at the same time was tortured almost beyond endurance. His hand on her naked breast felt like fire and she was terribly aware of the soft fleshiness of his penis pressing gently into the sensitive hollow where her buttocks joined her upper thighs, only an inch or two away from her already moist pussy. For several minutes Angela lay still and rigid, then couldn't keep her buttocks from pressing back a little into her husband's flaccid penis, delighted to feel its soft hotness press a little farther up into that sensitive crack. At the same time she ground her left breast -- she was lying on her left side -- down against the hand that so unconsciously cupped it. The young blonde wife was surprised to find that her breathing was growing faster as she worked herself against her husband's unknowing body, tantalizing herself shamelessly.

'My God, was his penis growing hard?' she thought in wonder.

There seemed to be a stirring high up between her thighs and... yes... pressure was growing against the narrow slit between her buttocks, unmistakably worming up toward her waiting cunt. Rapidly losing all sense of caution, the desperate young woman pressed back harder against her husband's growing rigidity, all the time sliding her nipple lightly around over the palm of his hand.

"W-What?" Jack said sleepily, raising up his head a little and looking at the back of Angela's head. She froze, cursing herself for her greed, but for once she was in luck. Letting his head flop back down on the pillow, Jack became slowly aware that he had an erection and that it was shoved somewhere up between his wife's ass-cheeks. Nor was he oblivious to the pebble-hard little nipple digging into his palm. Angela was a beautiful woman, and the young man fully realized it and realized also that they were both naked, her warm sweet-smelling flesh pressed sexilly tight against him. Also, Jack had been having an erotic dream, perhaps brought on unknowingly by Angela's pressure against his loins, and all of a sudden he felt really turned on. Stretching his head forward, he kissed Angela on the ear.

"Oh, Jack," she moaned, and almost acting on its own volition, her buttocks ground hungrily back against his still-growing member.

"Morning, honey," Jack breathed into his wife's ear and then began to worm his swelling cock up between her thighs, aiming its blood-engorged tip up toward the soft curly mound he knew lay ahead. In a second he was burrowing a hot path up into her waiting cunt, already sopping wet and eager for him. With something like wonder he felt his sensitive hardness rub slowly through that warm moist little cleft, gentle little spasms running over his surprised loins.

"What a way to wake up," he whispered happily in her ear.

"Darling, it feels so good," Angela moaned back, arching her lower back a little so that she could feel more of his swollen member up between her hungry thighs. Jack was rubbing a little harder now, his cock quickly swelling to an almost painful hardness. Several times he felt the hot bulbous tip slide across the moistened opening of Angela's vagina but it didn't slip in, since his madly rubbing shaft was nearly at right angles to his wife's eager cunt. At the same time Angela was moaning, "Oh, please, Jack, put it in, put it in."

Sliding down in the bed and moving his upper torso away from his wife's back, the young husband soon had himself placed in a better position to entry and thrust up a little, sensing his trembling cock-head catch again at the very entrance to her beckoning vagina, but not go in. Rather, it skidded away to jab roughly at Angela's tiny throbbing clitoris.

"Ahhhhhh," she moaned, jerking from the wild stimulating touch, loving that spongy hotness rubbing over her vibrating little sensation- bud. Really eager now, Jack rammed one knee between Angela's trembling thighs to force her legs slightly open, and then reaching down with his fingers, began trying to stuff his aching cock up into that hungry little tunnel. It was slippery going, she was so wet down there, and it didn't help that maddened by all the fumbling over her excruciatingly sensitive cuntal area, Angela began uncontrollably jerking her hips.

"Hold still, damnit," Jack snarled, and for a few seconds Angela did her best to obey. With a grunt Jack managed to push the head of his cock part way up inside her waiting vagina and then thrust forward firmly with his huge fleshy penis slid up into the hot wet hole, smoothly, without any pulling at the tender inner walls, they were so slippery with Angela's freely flowing moisture.

"Oooooohhhhhh," the both sighed out together as finally that mighty shaft lay imbedded its full length up inside Angela's quivering little belly. For a long second they lay still together, frozen by the agonizing pleasure of the penetration they had both been working for. Angela felt as if some hotly pulsing electric machine had suddenly been turned on up inside her, sending wave after wave of breath-taking pleasure throbbing through her tender insides. And Jack had the sensation that he was all thick, blood-hardened cock from his waist to his knees. Without even moving he could feel his penis throbbing and growing and realized that maybe he could cum just lying there. Angela sensed it too and begged, "Please, Jack, hold it for awhile if you can."

"I'll try," he answered and meant it. "Just don't move for awhile," he asked. He hoped that if he just kind of let himself soak for a while deep inside her warmly enveloping cunt, the edge would eventually go from his nerves and he could fuck the hell out of his pretty blonde wife. Unfortunately, the young man shifted a little to find a more comfortable position and his massive rod of flesh slip upward into those tender loins another inch. That was too much for Angela, who had dutifully been trying to hold motionless despite the thudding flutters caused by that cock shoved up her from the back.

Giving up their desperate struggle for self-control, her inner vaginal muscles started working, clenching and unclenching rhythmically around her husband's lust-engorged penis, "Uuuummmmhhhhh," he moaned, biting his lower lip. "For Christ sakes, stop it. You're gonna make me cum."

"I-I can't help it," Angela moaned in despair, and then to make matters worse her buttocks began a mad machine-like jerking back against her husband's loins. With this extra motion, not to mention the snug way his aching cock was trapped between his wife's soft voluptuous thighs, Jack had had it. He could feel the old familiar explosion deep down in his swollen balls as his sperm started the mad uncontrollable race up along the fully burgeoned length of his cock-shaft.

"Aaaaaauuuuugh," he moaned. Brutally rolling Angela over on her stomach, her legs still straight and clamped together, he loomed above her, massive cock disappearing up between her milk-white thighs, pinning her flailing form to the bed. "Jesus H. Christ, here it comes," he roared. Suddenly his arms stiffened, palms flat against the mattress and his back arched, so that he was bent like a bow, his agonized face glaring up at the ceiling in unrestrained lust.

"No, no, no," Angela sobbed, struggling on her belly beneath him, but she knew it was no use. The first hot gush of his semen jetted up into her needing cuntal depths, but filled her with a frustrated hunger rather than the completion she so sought. Again and again that obscenely impaling pole jerked and twitched up inside her, for a minute making her hope that it might kick her over the edge and start her own orgasm, but then suddenly, almost without warning, it was over, and Jack collapsed with a wet smack on her back, pressing her down into the mattress so that for awhile all she was concerned about was being able to breathe.

After a few panting seconds she felt her satiated husband pull his still half-hard penis from between her trembling thighs and the unhappy young woman was aware of every potentially lust-quenching inch of it as it slid wetly out, then dragged over the back of her leg, leaving a sticky white trail behind it. Even after she felt his weight leave her, Angela continued to lie on her stomach, not wanting Jack to see the tears of frustration rolling down her cheeks. But he could not miss the helpless motion of her hips as they ground mindlessly down against the sheet, seeking the fulfillment that had been so near.

"Gee, honey, I'm sorry..." Jack started to say, and then clamped his lips tightly together, feeling guilty and becoming angry at his wife because he felt guilty. "Hell no," he blurted out. "Why should I be sorry. I told you to hold still and then you had to go wild on me. Christ, I coulda made it, so don't blame me!" Getting no answer from his wife, the young man rolled angrily out of bed and went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Angela lay on the bed, still face down, stunned by her husband's unfair attack. She wanted to do something to make things right again, but somehow seemed incapable of moving. This whole "Sexual charade had been going on for so many months that there was nothing left inside the unhappy young woman but a vacuum of misery and despair. So while her husband took a shower in record time and then stomped around the bedroom getting dressed, she just lay there, her head turned toward the wall, wishing the whole miserable mess would go away and she'd find herself a little girl again, back in bed at her parents' house, ignorant of men and sex and the way they could pull a woman's soul apart.

Fortunately for her mental health, a slow anger began building up inside Angela for the neat way her husband had turned the tables on her, making her feel guilty for what seemed to her to be his inadequacy. But it hadn't built to its full head of steam until after Jack had stalked stiffly through the living room, ready for work, and gone out the front door, slamming it behind himself.

"The bastard!" she suddenly cried out, abruptly sitting up in the bed. "The dirty rotten bastard!" For a moment the angry young woman sat there, then she got lithely to her feet, Her flashing eyes and heightened color made her look like some aroused goddess in her cream-white nakedness.

"Well, I'll show him," she muttered to herself, something finally snapping inside her. In this one moment of rebellion, about half a lifetime's inhibitions were swept out of her mind. Wasn't she entitled to some sexual satisfaction, she thought bitterly to herself. After all, she was a married woman and shouldn't have to go through life half out of her mind with frustration! This was a major change in the young woman's outlook. For the first time in her life she didn't look on her natural sexual urges as some kind of depraved inner weakness. By now they had become too familiar to her, Eke her own arm or leg. If she was hungry she'd get something to eat, she reasoned, and by God, she swore to herself, it would be that way with sex. She'd show her husband that she didn't need this frustration anymore!

This didn't mean that for even one second the enraged young housewife had made up her mind to find a lover -- those inhibitions were still firmly fucked into her faithful little mind. No, it merely meant that she now felt relatively uninhibited to satisfy herself -- with her own hands!

Stalking over to the chair, Angela decided that this would be a good time to start, and sat down heavily. Now that her anger had subsided a little, the frustrated young blonde realized what frantic signals her unfulfilled little belly was sending out. She felt that any moment painful cramps might double her over as her love-starved insides shuddered and twitched. Sliding down in the chair so that her buttocks were resting on the forward edge, her body curved forward, Angela looked down at her pussy and decided to go ahead. After all, who would know? But still, her hand hesitated a second before she was able to make it reach down, but finally it dipped with decision, her forefinger sliding between her cum- slippery cuntal lips. With fascinating the young wife stared down at the way her slender finger pushed aside the thin pink ribbons of flesh, delving deep into the moist little slip. She found she could make the sensations constantly change and grow by rubbing here, then there, by fondling the thick full cunt lips themselves, and best of all, by slowly circling her finger around and around the outer periphery of her erect little clitoris.

"Ooooohhhhhhhh," she moaned as she pushed gently right on the center of the hot little nubbin. It was almost as if it were an electric button that shot high voltage through her helpless body, she found herself thinking. For several minutes the dreamy-eyed young woman fondled and played with the aching flesh up between her thighs, her long shapely legs stretched out in front of the chair, slightly opened.

But she knew what she liked best was to have her pussy filled, and so, hesitantly at first, she passed her questing middle fingertip over the softly petaled opening to her vagina, looking down as she did so so that she could actually see it push aside the tight muscular opening and slip a little way up inside her cunt. From the first, she knew that one finger would not be enough experience over the past few weeks had taught her that -- so she put two fingers together and rather brutally shoved them far up between her widespread legs. They went in easily, she was so aroused and wet up there, and the panting girl started sawing them in and out, finding that she got additional excitement from the obscene wet sucking sound they made as they slid up as far as they could go into her desire-swollen vagina. Unfortunately that was not far enough. Compared to the way her husband's huge penis had stabbed up nearly to her womb, Angela's fingers were plainly inadequate -- just a bad joke, but at least she knew that there was no danger of their cumming prematurely!

Angela's head was lying back against the top of the armchair, her eyes half closed while she savored the growing ecstasy in her cunt, when suddenly she was able to see from under her lashes a stealthy movement by the door.

"Hans!" she called out sharply, stopping her fingers for a moment. "You go back in the living room!" The big dog had his handsome head stuck around the edge of the door, wondering what was going on in the bedroom. "Go on out, I say!" Angela ordered again. Quickly the big head was pulled back around the comer and she could hear his nails clicking down the hall. The suddenly liberated housewife may have felt justified in satisfying her needs herself, but somehow she just couldn't face doing it in front of the dog.

With a grateful sigh, Angela sent her fingers sliding once more in and out of her hungering pussy, but somehow the dog's intrusion had spoiled the effect. Try as she might, Angela could not get the same burning pleasure from the act as she had done before. A few minutes ago she had known she was on the way to orgasm, even if she wasn't in a hurry, but now, her fingers just didn't seem to be doing the job. Impatiently she inserted a third, but even though it made a thicker mass going up into her more and more disinterested cunt, at the same time she was not able to get them in so deep.

"Oh, damn, damn, damn," she moaned aloud. Was she to be frustrated another time? God, she hoped not. Her belly still screamed for release even if her fingers were able to provide it. Determined, now that she had made up her mind to handle her own sexual problems, the young blonde housewife got up from her chair gum-faced and walked naked into the kitchen, heavy taut breasts swaying sensually from her purposeful stride. Opening the vegetable bin, she rummaged around inside for a moment, frowning in concentration and obviously trying to make a decision, then with a grunt, she straightened up holding a huge fresh carrot in her hand. She stared at the massive root for a moment, noting the tiny bits of dirt clinging to the outside and grimaced, distastefully. Going to the sink, she washed the carrot and picking up a potato peeler began to strip off the skin in long brightly colored curls. In a moment the big vegetable was naked in her hand and then the frowning housewife turned her attention to the sharp tip. That would never do, she mused, and picking up a knife, carved the end of the carrot into a blunt rounded shape, never really letting her mind think for too long about the lewd thing she was about to do.

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