Lap Dog - Cover

Lap Dog


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Several days later Angela Sims was out in the yard hanging out the wash. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cold, with an exhilarating breeze. The lovely young blonde cast a fond look to where Hans lay sleeping in the shade of the fence, acting for all the world like this had been his home all his life.

The young housewife felt that somehow the dog had enriched her life and was grateful that Jack had brought him home. Once Jack had sobered up, he had told her all about Harry's rather strange behavior. There was no doubt in either of their minds that there was something about the handsome German shepherd that had caused Harry to try everything he knew to get rid of the big animal. But, whatever it was, neither Jack nor Angela was able to tell, not from the animal's behavior, at least. He was the perfect pet -- friendly, intelligent, seemingly well-trained, and, at the same time, selectively protective of the house and particularly his new mistress. A good all-around dog. Aside from the expense of feeding the huge animal, the young couple could find nothing wrong with him. Harry was no help. Every time Jack started to mention Hans at work, Harry would immediately change the subject.

Not that Angela cared. She loved Hans now, and that was all that mattered. While the animal's presence had hardly cleared up her sexual difficulties with Jack, it at least gave her another companion to share her otherwise lonely days with.

And Hans seemed happy with the change. The big dog obviously enjoyed the freedom available to him at his new home and spent long hours running in the fields and woods. The Sims didn't exactly live in the suburbs as Harry had put it, but instead out in an unincorporated part of the county that was fast becoming a suburb. Just a couple of years ago this had been farmland, and even now there were still a couple of small agricultural operations in the area. But, with the approach of the city, the land had become too valuable to farm, and a few of the smaller developers had put up small tracts of homes, not tracts exactly, but modern tract-type houses scattered in little clumps of twos and threes over the rolling land. The Sims lived in a house like this, modern, inexpensive, yet comfortable. Their house nestled right under the brow of a wooded hill that was all theirs and the only other house near was several hundred yards down the narrow winding road. The young couple realized this situation couldn't last much longer, and that soon they would be in the middle of a vast housing tract, but they wanted to enjoy it while they could, knowing that eventually they could sell out at a considerable profit and move elsewhere,

Angela looked up from struggling with a recalcitrant sheet fluttering in the breeze to see her only neighbor walking down the road towards the house. As usual, Angela experienced sharply conflicting emotions as she saw Sylvia Bennett's graceful figure approach. Was Sylvia Bennett a widow or a divorcee? She never seemed to give a definite answer to the question. A tall, elegant, undeniably beautiful brunette of twenty-seven or eight, Sylvia for some reason had chosen to live out here in the semi- open spaces all by herself, occupying much the same type of house that the Sims had. But Angela knew that Sylvia's loneliness was frequently broken by night-time male visitors whose cars usually remained parked in her driveway until the next morning.

Angela was genuinely fond of Sylvia, being able to sense the older woman's innate kindness and warm friendly nature. But, at the same time, Sylvia was unabashedly sex-oriented and her conversations often had the more innocent younger girl blushing in embarrassment at the wry manner in which she talked about her love fife and the various men she had known. There was also a certain electricity in the air when Sylvia was present that unnerved Angela, but maybe that had to do with sex. Even a simple act like bending down to pick up something assumed an air of sexual provocation when performed by Sylvia. While not as full-breasted or lushly curved as Angela, the taller and older woman had a lithe sinuousness to her elegantly shaped body that cried out a promise of sensuality. In a lovely face framed by a rich cascade of thick chestnut hair, Sylvia's eyes only added to her allure. Large and dark, slanted upward a little at the outside corners, they had been most aptly described by Jack as "bedroom eyes." If Angela had been a little less innocent and trusting, she wouldn't have permitted her husband anywhere near her dark- haired neighbor, for not only did Sylvia like handsome young men, but she was not bothered by the normal scruples about the sanctity of the matrimonial bond. As it was, Jack had only met her a few times, but Angela had been surprised by her usually garrulous husband's inability to hold up his end of the conversation in Sylvia's company. The ingenuous young wife was totally unaware of the powerful stirrings that went on in her husband's loins every time he saw his lovely and so obviously available neighbor.

"Hi honey," Sylvia sang out when she was within speaking distance. "How's the house slave?" Sylvia never seemed to do anything around her house, having contempt for all drudgery, yet her place was always clean and well cared for.

"Just thought I'd take advantage of the weather to do a little washing," Angela said, already flustered.

"You know, if you played your cards right, hubby might pay for his bedtime privileges with a nice new clothes dryer."

"Oh Sylvia, that's not fair," Angela answered, blushing a little. "Jack works hard but, just doesn't make enough money for something like that yet."

"Sorry honey, just my usual female chauvinist piggishness," Sylvia said blithely. "Oh, what's this?" she asked in surprise as she saw Hans. "So this is where that beautiful animal comes from that's been running in the woods the last couple of days."

"Jack got me the dog to keep me happy until he can get me a dryer," Angela said, half in revenge, wanting to vindicate her husband.

"Score one for good old Jack," Sylvia said, a little too familiarly for Angela's taste. "What's his name?"

"Hans," the young wife answered, and, as soon as he heard his name, the big dog got to his feet. He had heard Sylvia approaching but had been too drowsy and lazy to do anything dog-like about it. But now he saw Sylvia's lovely head over the top of the fence and became suddenly interested.

"My-my, look at all that equipment he's carrying around under his belly," Sylvia said lewdly. "There's going to be a lot of happy female dogs in the neighborhood." Angela blushed beet red, and, despite herself, her eyes dropped to the heavy furry sheath that dangled beneath Hans. Even the young housewife had to admit that Hans had a lot of "equipment." She desperately wanted to change to a less embarrassing subject but, as always, seemed at a loss for words in Sylvia's company. Sylvia came to her rescue.

"What I wandered over this way for was to see if you and your charming husband would like to come over some night soon and keep the poor lonely old neighbor lady company. That grateful old lady will cook up a big pot of curry if you do. And now maybe I should extend the invitation to include Hans... That's strange, where did he go?"

Unnoticed by the two women, Hans had padded silently over the grass and out the gate, coming up on Sylvia from behind. The first indication the lovely brunette had of his presence was when she felt his cool damp nose slide up the inside of her naked thigh under her dress. For just a second Sylvia's features lost their cool sardonic control and she looked like a startled child.

Despite herself Angela could not suppress a laugh. "That's his only bad habit," she said, but then, to her embarrassment, she saw that Sylvia was making no overt moves to discourage the big animal who continued to sniff higher and higher up under her dress.

"What's the matter, big boy," she said, looking back over her shoulder at the dog. "You smell a pussy... cat?

"Hans!" Angela barked sharply as she realized that, for some reason, she was becoming more upset than she should. It was just that Sylvia could be so... lewd. As soon as he heard the sharp tone in his mistress' voice, Hans looked up sheepishly, drawing his nose out from under Sylvia's skirt.

"Oh, come on, boys will be boys," Sylvia said languidly. But I must say, I haven't had that quick a pass thrown at me since the night that New York actor stuck his hand... but never mind. Anyhow, I have to go back to my little house and get ready for a trip into the city. Time to recharge my libidinal batteries. After you talk to Jack you will let me know what night you can come over, won't you?"

"Sure, Sylvia." Angela was beginning to feel a little foolish over the way she had let her dog's innocent action work her up. After a few more pleasantries, Sylvia started back down the road toward her house, which was just out of sight around a bend. Angela watched her go for a minute, as usual a little envious of her older friend and neighbor's seductive pantherish walk.

Angela wasn't the only one watching. Hans stood in the road outside the fence, ears alertly cocked forward, all his senses locked on his new acquaintance. There was something in Sylvia's manner that powerfully drew the animal to her. For a moment he seemed about to follow, but something warned him that, for some reason, his mistress would not approve, so he went back to he down once again in his favorite spot. However, it was a long time before the dog was able to settle down once again. He turned and fidgeted and sighed until finally he had found a position that pleased him.

The next day, on one of his regular runs in the cool whispering woods, the dog found himself not far away from Sylvia's house. He didn't actually think of it as Sylvia's house, but that was the direction in which she had gone yesterday. And then he saw her head and shoulders above the fence as she walked through her backyard. For a moment the big German shepherd stood stock still in intense concentration. Then, loping forward, he quickly approached the house. The gate to the backyard was slightly ajar, so Hans pushed it open with his nose and cautiously stepped aside, stopping once again as he saw Sylvia several yards away.

The dark-haired beauty was on the grass now, sunbathing on a large beach towel, wearing only her bikini bottoms, the discarded top lying nearby. Silently the big dog stared at the lovely woman lying half-naked only a few yards away, her tanned flesh shining softly in the warm sunlight. Sylvia seemed to sense his presence and looked around, starting a little when she saw him.

"Oh, Hans. You are a wild one, sneaking up on me like that." Sylvia's soft throaty reassuring voice encouraged the big animal to come nearer and he stopped right next to Sylvia as she rose half up on her elbows, then reached up with one hand to rub his head. The motion of her arm made her taut full breast move sensuously and catch the dog's attention. Without hesitation, Hans lowered his huge beautiful head and then his long thick tongue shot out to lick hotly over the ruby-tipped mound so near.

"Ahhh," Sylvia gasped involuntarily as that thick wet tongue sent little shivers running over her sun-sensitized flesh, making her nipples rise into hard little buds of desire. Without thinking, the dark-haired woman pushed Hans's head away. "Hey, Romeo, give a little warning, huh?" she said. Hans backed away a moment, momentarily discouraged by the stern tone of Sylvia's words. But he began to whine excitedly, his front feet doing a little shuffle that moved him nearer and nearer to the lovely taut-nippled breast he had already tasted. Seemingly unable to control himself, the big shepherd licked out once again, laving his moist tongue over the same breast, and then turned his attention to the other one. When Sylvia crossed her hands over her breasts to fend off the big dog, Hans snuffled a hot trail down over her smooth belly and then began to sniff excitedly at Sylvia's skimpy bikini-bottoms, letting his nose slide all over the stunned woman's scantily covered loins.

"Hey, what kind of dog are you, anyway?" Sylvia said, half in alarm, half in awe. She was sitting up now, drawing away from the dog's persistent attentions. For a moment Hans stepped back, stymied, whining eagerly and staring with unmistakable hunger at the almost naked female body before him. A slow look of comprehension began to come over Sylvia's face.

"Well, I'll be damned..." she started. Just this morning she had once again talked to Angela, who had told her about the strange conditions under which they had gotten Hans. Suddenly Sylvia knew what that mysterious defect was in Hans's character that had made Harry so desperate to get rid of him.

The huge German shepherd was sexually attracted to women!

"Well, I'll be damned," Sylvia said again. Wait till she told Angela. Oh, what a riot. No wonder Harry had been so anxious to get rid of the dog. That was the last thing a man needed in his house -- an adulterous pet! Already the lovely brunette was beginning to savor the shocked look that would come over her innocent neighbor's face when she told her about the dog... but then suddenly a cold calculating look came over Sylvia's own features. Maybe this required a little further thought; no sense in being hasty and maybe regretting later that she had let the cat out of the bag.

"You sure are a handsome bastard," she said to the clearly excited dog. "And you sure can lick a tit." Slowly an incredibly lewd idea was taking possession of the lovely brunette, one of the most lewd she could ever remember having, and that was saying a lot. While Sylvia was at heart a warm friendly person, she had never let her good nature get in the way of her truly phenomenal desire for new sexual experience. Only once had she made a mistake in this area when she was very young. Mistaking her precocious sexual attachment for romantic love, she had married an older man when she was only eighteen. In many ways that marriage had been a disaster. Her husband was a gambler and a heavy drinker, but he was also a good match for Sylvia's ever growing physical hungers, giving her an education in sexual license that had shaped her whole subsequent life. After her husband had been killed driving while drunk, the young widow had continued her licentious training with a staggering succession of men, more than she could possibly remember. Right up to this moment Sylvia hadn't believed that there was one sexual perversion she had not tried, but now, looking up at Hans, she knew she was going to have a hell of an interesting afternoon.

Half closing her lustrous dark eyes, the sensual widow lay back on the beach towel, letting her arms move down to her sides. Then pressing them in, she squeezed her sleek breasts together, making them peak up together like miniature pink-capped mountains.

"Okay, Tiger," she crooned up to the dog, "lick 'em." She didn't have to say it again. Hans moved forward eagerly, dipping his head to let his cold nose thrust inquisitively into the deep cleft between the taut white mounds, and then once again his massive tongue shot out, licking wetly over the soft resilient flesh below.

"Ooooohhh," Sylvia breathed out blissfully. "What a tongue... what a wonderful tongue. Where has that tongue been all my life?"

She arched her back a little, pressing her throbbing breasts upward, moving them in little circles, trying to help Hans's big tongue as it trailed hotly over her palpitating flesh. "Oh, lover, lick, lick hard, make my tits hurt," Sylvia moaned. Her legs were slowly writhing, her heels digging into the soft grass as Hans licked on. Closing her eyes, letting her head roll aimlessly back and forth, the panting young widow let an army of fantasies invade her mind. For long moments she imagined vast hordes of men crowded around her, each one straining forward to slide his hot grasping mouth over her shivering nipples. But then she suddenly realized she didn't need fantasy. What thought could be more lewd or exciting than the reality of her neighbor's German shepherd standing over her, his huge tongue dipping into her soft breasts, driving her to a frenzy.

Reaching up, Sylvia gently took Hans's head in her hands and began to guide his muzzle over her nakedly quivering flesh, first one nipple, then the other, then underneath to stroke up and over onto the pebble-hard sensitiveness of the tips. With each hot burning swipe of that pleasure- giving animal tongue, Sylvia could feel an answering spasm deep down between her legs as the wildly erotic sensations radiated outward from her tortured breasts to pluck maddeningly at her hungry loins. She could feel the hot juices building up inside her vaginal slit, beginning to soak the narrow thick crotch-band of her bikini bottoms.

The hot secretions bubbling deep inside Sylvia's still covered vagina began to become apparent to Hans too. A heavy, rich, musky smell began to permeate his sensitive nostrils, further exciting the eagerly licking animal. For a moment he was unable to tear his attention away from the softly quivering breasts beneath his lashing tongue as Sylvia held his head down tight against their trembling curves. The lovely brunette was half-mad with passion now, writhing and moaning on the sun-warmed grass below the eagerly licking dog, little choked gasps escaping through her clenched teeth. It might have gone on endlessly, but, finally, the heady seductive odors wafting up from under those tiny bikini bottoms proved too much for the big German shepherd.

With a whine of exasperation, Hans pulled his head away from Sylvia's grasp and began to nose at the moaning woman's partially covered loins. Desperately the excited shepherd licked at the wispy piece of cloth, trying to get at the maddening essences beneath, his huge tongue spilling over and rasping across the tender flesh in the hollows of Sylvia's loins.

To the sensually writhing brunette, this proved even more exciting. Rolling her nipples harshly between her own fingertips, the moaning young widow ground her hips down into the grass, tantalized almost beyond endurance by the long pink animal tongue licking over and around her screaming pussy depths, fended off by her single remaining garment. For just one second Hans nosed aside the tight cloth, his nose pressing into the softly curled pubic hair, but the material slid back fast to block his access to her sweet-smelling cuntal depths.

"Oh God," she moaned, reaching down to slide her fingers under the offending material. She was just starting to work it down over her hips when she suddenly realized where she was -- right out in the open air on a bright sunny day. Not one to be prudish, the gasping Sylvia decided nevertheless that perhaps it might be a little wiser if she and Hans went inside.

Staggering to her feet, the raggedly breathing brunette started towards the sliding glass doors just a few yards away, not even trying to cover her nakedly swaying breasts as she came above fence level.

"Come on Hans," she called needlessly. Hans would have followed her through a pack of cats. For a moment, the lovely half-naked woman stood in the middle of the living room, not knowing quite what to do. There was a large fur rug at one end of the room, and, after a moment's hesitation, Sylvia headed for it.

Standing right in the middle of the thick white fur, the still- trembling brunette once again hooked her thumbs in the elasticized waistband of her bikini bottoms and pulled down, all the way down to her ankles, bending over gracefully as she did so. With one kick the bikini flew across the room and Sylvia stood up, completely naked, her lovely sleek body a seamless curve, its perfection highlighted by the twin rosy peaks that capped her breasts and the rich dark curls that punctuated her smoothly swelling hips. Brown was her color, from the rich cream of her skin to the lustrous thick cloud of hair that spilled down over her slender shoulders, making a perfect frame for her dark beckoning eyes.

"Come here Hans," she said again, her voice husky. She stood waiting as the big dog came nearer, then, slowly sinking to her knees on the white fur rug, the lovely naked woman took the dog's massive head in her hands. He licked her face for a moment, then once again darted his tongue out to her firm-pointed breasts, but Sylvia pushed him away for a moment and lay down full length on the rug, her lovely coloring warming the fleecy white fur. Drawing up her legs so that her knees were slightly bent, Sylvia let her thighs fall wantonly open, baring the passion-drenched slit nestled high up between her long graceful legs. Reaching down, the excited woman slowly pulled apart her pussy lips with her fingers, exposing the glistening pink flesh within.

"Lick it, Hans," she begged. "Lick my pussy like you licked my breasts."

Would he do it? she wondered. Would he thrust his powerful tongue up into her hot cunt the way he had let it lash into her breasts? Hardly daring to breathe, the panting woman watched that big head move closer to her defenselessly naked genitals. For a long moment, Hans just stared at the hot moist feast spread out below, then his nose thrust forward inquisitively, sliding up the tender flesh of Sylvia's inner thigh.

"Oh!" she gasped out from the sudden shock of that cold dampness against her naked flesh. She gritted her teeth to keep from crying out in tortured frustration as the nose swept lightly over her pussy hair, barely touching the needing cunt lips below. Oh, God, she thought to herself, she needed more, much more if she were not going to go completely out of her mind. Then suddenly without warning Hans's tongue shot out to dart lizard-like in between her waiting pussy-flesh, splaying out wetly over her soft pubic mound, digging insistently between the desire-swollen outer lips to trail a line of fiery bliss into the moist inner pinkness.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh," Sylvia half sobbed, her lovely body spasming into an arched curve as the first wild shock of that invading tongue rocketed through her waiting body. "Aaaahhhhh... aaaaahhhhhh," she continued to moan as time and time again that mighty tongue licked out, sliding wetly the full length of her palpitating little pussy slit, starting at her tiny anus puckered below, and trailing up over her clenched vaginal opening to finally end with a nerve-shattering swipe over her erect and painfully- throbbing clitoral bud. Again and again Hans licked at her glistening wet nakedness, driving the sex-maddened woman to heights of passion she had never known before.

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