House of Evil - Cover

House of Evil


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Newton paused for a moment beside the powerful black Chrysler, listening to the cooling engine snap and tick as he gazed around him. It was the next day at Quail Lake and a typically beautiful one. The grey haze of that morning had dissolved and now, just after noon, the sun was blazing down brilliantly as a light breeze from the north stirred and swept away the last layer of cloud. He could hear the tops of the pines swishing and murmuring like hushed voices that reminded him where he was.

A couple of minutes later, Newton heaved a huge sigh of relief as he poked his head just inside the kitchen door at the rear of the palatial Blackwell home and saw John, the skinny grey- haired chef of about sixty, working in deep concentration over the large electric range at the far end of the room.

"Hi, John! I'm sure glad to see you," Newton said as he stepped inside. "I've been looking for Braun and can't seem to find him anywhere." Newton felt a sudden flash of irritation when the thin-bodied older man failed to answer him or even notice his presence. The handsome young chauffeur and maintenance man had just returned from a drive at breakneck speeds into the nearest town to buy a dozen packages of the expensive special smoking tobacco that Mr. Blackwell always used. His wealthy employer had told him late that morning that the tobacco was urgently needed and that Newton should deliver it in person by no later than twelve-thirty.


"Yeah, boy, what do you want?" John finally answered, not even bothering to look up from his task at the stove.

"Uh, I was just wondering... what's for dinner today?" the young brown-haired husband asked tentatively, momentarily intimidated by John's grouchiness. He knew that the chef had a tendency to be cranky at times but realized that the older man might be able to help him find Mr. Blackwell sooner than he could on his own. A bit of interest in another man's work always warmed him up faster than anything, Newton's father had always said.

"Don't know, boy, because I haven't decided yet... This here's for the dog," John said abruptly, still not turning around from whatever it was he was cooking. "Why, you hungry?"

"No, I was only interested in what sort of things the Blackwells like," Newton smiled politely.

"I guess Nadalee can tell you about that a lot better than I can," the skinny chef said mysteriously.

"What do you mean?" Newton inquired, his brow furrowing as he tried to imagine why his ignorant young wife would know anything about the fancy dinners John whipped up every evening. "Nadalee doesn't know a darned thing about cooking-except what I taught her myself after we got married."

"Well, boy, she seems to know enough to keep the boss pretty well satisfied," John chuckled, a hidden smile of amusement on his lips. "But when you look like her, you don't have to know very much about anything."

"What do you mean by that?" Newton snapped suddenly, an angry flustered expression on his face as he pondered the sinister suggestiveness in the other man's voice. "Nadalee's a good God- fearing girl and she wouldn't think -"

"Oh, is that so? Well, it looks like you've got a few things to learn, young fella," the cook interrupted with a knowing grin on his gaunt face as he turned to look at Newton. "Now, what do you want? It's almost twelve-thirty and I've got to get Buck's dinner ready. I've got a feeling he's going to be pretty damned hungry in a little while."

"I-I'm looking for Mr. Blackwell," the young man answered. He was stymied by the unexplained remarks but knew that there was not enough time now to probe into them further. He had been instructed to deliver the packages of tobacco right away and did not want to keep the wealthy man waiting... especially not after what his employer had told him yesterday morning about the savings account for the farm.

"That's what I figured. You'll find Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell upstairs in the study about now," John advised him in a tone of sarcastic formality, adding, "and you'll probably find your hot young wife up there too. Go on up, boy, and see how rich people have fun in their spare time..."

The spindly chef's words dissolved into a long flood of laughter as he stood watching the door from the kitchen to the hallway swing to a standstill after Newton's hasty departure. By God, that hick kid was going to see something upstairs that would rattle him down to earth for a change, John mused as his laughter subsided. It never failed to tickle him when the Blackwells arranged the clever sex games that always left some poor young girl or newly-married couple shaken for life. But this boy from Oklahoma and his sexy redheaded wife looked like extra choice morsels-even if they were two of the most ignorant kids he had ever met. Well, they had to find out for themselves what makes the world go round sooner or later anyway and now was probably as good a time as any.

John grinned licentiously as he reached one hand over to the electric console next to the stove and, finding the right button, pressed it with his index finger to warn his employers that the boy was on the way up to deliver the tobacco. He checked his watch once again and saw that the timing was perfect.

Newton strode quickly along the thickly carpeted upstairs hallway, still angry at John and yet just as much curious about the real meaning behind the normally grouchy chef's outburst of laughter and the remarks about Nadalee. The young man sensed intuitively that the older man had been trying to imply something terrible and untrue about his wife's dealings with the Blackwells, the generous people who now held the key to his dream of having a farm to work with Nadalee at his side. Besides, what would she be doing alone with the middle-aged couple up here-during working hours-that could be thought of as fun?

Eight, nine, ten, he counted silently, satisfying himself that the half-open door ahead of him was the entrance to the study. It was open, he saw with relief, noting happily that a faint path of sunlight poured out from the interior of the room to the dark corridor. He walked up with an innocent smile on his mouth and was just about to lower his raised right fist to knock when suddenly he froze, his handsome young face paling as he blinked his eyes and swayed slightly as though he were about to lose consciousness.

"Dear God, no, no!"

Newton's mind blanked completely with shock for a moment as he beheld the lewd sight in the room. The young husband wanted to scream, to turn and race back down to the kitchen, to somehow pretend that what he saw inside was not really true, but his whole body was paralyzed and he stood there unmoving as though his feet were too heavy to lift from the floor.

Nadalee was in there! She was sitting on a huge leather couch with her eyes and teeth clenched tightly shut-and she was completely naked! Mr. Blackwell and Braun were in there too, both naked from head to foot as they stood on either side of the beautiful eighteen year-old redhead and peered down at the shameless, sinful thing she was doing to herself! Her rounded white legs were opened wide as she probed with her fingers at the moist pink lips of her contracting vagina, widening them. She slipped her middle finger in and out smoothly between the lubricated ragged flanges with her legs jackknifed back now, knees pressed back tightly against her full white breasts. The wanton redhead's soft rounded buttocks rose and fell in response to the inquiring finger, her facial muscles tightening as she joined another finger with the first and, grimacing a little, pushed both of them into the hungry pink folds. They disappeared with a soft sucking noise and a low moan of pleasure purred from her parted lips.

Newton tensed in greater shock at this obscene indignity and shook his head as though to clear away the lewd spectacle from his unbelieving mind. But it was true, all right, and the little bitch was obviously loving it so much that she was out of her mind with Godless passion. Blinking again, he focused his eyes on the vulgar exhibition of his own wife driving her fingers into herself in uncontrollable passion. The rapidly increasing rhythm brought grunts of pleasure from deep in her throat as the fingers sank into the tight, pink opening, making wet sounds of suction as she withdrew them only to push them in again. Her beautiful young face was flushed crimson as she strained for orgasm, groaning in frustration as her own fingers thrust harder and deeper. They were not enough. Her head rolled from side to side on the low leather roll at the back of the couch, her long red hair swaying and flowing in her frustrating effort to bring herself to climax. But she kept on, her hand beating a wild staccato against the spread, straining buttocks, her grunting noises becoming louder and faster by the moment as she continued.

Suddenly, out of another part of the room, Buck, the huge black-and-brown German Shepherd, appeared. Newton saw the ferocious-looking dog lumber up to Nadalee on the couch, growling in vicious warning as he sniffed along the insides of her defenseless, upturned loins. Her eyes were jerked open wide in terror and the back of her hand was pressed tightly to her mouth to keep from screaming. She made a slight movement to lower her legs and roll to one side on the couch but the giant German Shepherd growled more menacingly and she froze in the helpless position of masturbation, her thighs still spread wide apart and her knees drawn up tightly to her breasts. It was impossible for her to move without bringing another snarl of threat from Buck.

"Buck likes young ones, doesn't he, Braun?" Newton heard the millionaire ask of the bald servant.

"Yeah, Mr. Blackwell... I like 'em too," the excited moron grumbled in reply.

Newton jumped when the huge animal moved forward a step toward his defenseless wife. His first impulse was to fly through the doorway and into the room to her rescue but for some strange reason-one he could not understand-he was unable to move. Somehow, the very helplessness of his beautiful teen-aged wife leaning back against the leather couch, shaking with fear before the snarling dog, was sadistically fascinating to him. He could not even turn away his eyes. The lewd thought of the giant German Shepherd raping his naked and defenseless wife, right in front of his eyes, sent shivers of wicked curiosity tingling through him. And besides, the little whore deserved anything that might happen to her now, now that she had stooped to such evil carnality that she shamelessly played with herself in front of two naked men!

His thoughts jerked back to the scene from which his eyes had never wavered. The monstrous dog lowered his head to the young redhead's soft, hair-covered loins and began to sniff in earnest. His brushy tail wagged in evidence of his excitement as though he had finally found the best mating partner of his canine life. Nadalee moaned in fright as his cold nose suddenly made contact with her tiny puckered anus. She tensed as his tongue snaked out and licked wetly up and down the crevice in which it nestled, the tip burrowing slightly into the rubbery brown ring of flesh. For a moment, she tried to squirm away but Buck raised his head and growled again, then began greedily lapping at the narrow pinkness of the slit above her anus. He ran his tongue hotly up the full length of it, from the tightly-closed anal opening up over the fluted pink ridges of her pussy until it grazed the tiny bud of her clitoris at the top of her pubic mound. His great tongue spread through the silky softness of the hair-covered swelling like a knife through soft butter. It flicked relentlessly between the young redhead's wide-spread legs, pausing sometimes to curl its way deep inside her. She jumped automatically, squirming under the hot wet onslaught of the fleshy spear lapping and goring her cunt.

Holy Jesus, the wanton cheating bitch was actually moaning as though she liked it! At first, Newton thought his ears were betraying him but gradually he realized that the frightened sounds of before had changed to soft mewls of pleasure, pleasure that even she had never dared give voice to when he had made love to what he had thought was his sweet, pure young wife... even though it had always been for the sake of making her pregnant with his son. But still, Newton could not take his eyes from the forbidden sight. He shuddered and gasped at the change coming over her more and more as he watched. She was totally immersed in her own pleasure, her entire voluptuous body writhing as the thick tongue licked slitheringly between her legs. Then he saw her raise her hands to hold them aloft for a moment, as though in indecision, and then drop them to the beast's head.

She grasped the dog's ears and with a deep animal sound of her own, kicked her smooth white legs back over her head even further and pulled his pointed nose forward into her well- lubricated pussy. His long pink tongue thrust up the moist passageway like an attacking lizard, ravishing her naked secret parts without mercy. Whines and wild incoherent groans streamed from her lips, pleading and encouraging the dumb animal who was salivating so freely between her writhing white buttocks.

The aroused dog worked like the savage creature he was, driven by the rutting lust of the wild in him. The staggered husband watched his wife's milky-white flesh quiver as the maddened animal drank from the teasing open slit. This perverted stimulation was driving her insane and she squirmed forward so that the snake-like thickness of the long tongue could give her more pleasure. She was willingly rolling her naked white buttocks against the face of the animal, seeming to drown in the weirdness of the obscene unnatural act.

Suddenly, the slavering dog lifted his head from her moist cuntal opening and Newton heard his impassioned lusting wife cry out in disappointment. My God, she was actually pleading out for more of the horrible, debasing excitement as though the very last of her natural resistance against sin had vanished under the lapping of the German Shepherd's tongue. She was enslaved by the huge animal panting over her, her quivering body spread-eagled under him as he reared up to place his forepaws on the couch beside her shoulders. Newton thought he would pass out from sheer shock as he saw his lust-crazed young wife strain forward with one hand to touch the sheath that enclosed the dog's penis. His heart beat crazily as he watched her take hold of the hairy sheath and begin to milk it, first gently and then with increasing urgency. She seemed to flinch in fear when Buck began to respond, his natural desire flaming up and jerking his muscles to greater life. She labored steadily, carefully, gasping for breath as she squirmed back against the couch cushions, pushing the wet swollen lips of her cunt down hard in a useless attempt to douse the fire before it was too late. The brief contact with the leather seemed only to further ignite the fire raging out of control in her loins.

Newton observed a bizarre look of almost masochistic pleasure light his sex-hungry wife's eyes as the glistening red penis slipped out from the dog's sheath, dancing and jerking lewdly in her hand as Buck began to make humping movements and squirt tiny premature jets of clear semen on the cushion between her upturned legs. The massive black-brown dog's head lowered again and the thick tongue slithered out into the exposed crevice between Nadalee's pale-white thighs. The German Shepherd's tongue lashed her for another long avid moment as she gasped, laboring for breath, and then the young husband saw his own wife sob with desire as she thrust forward her rounded buttocks in an attempt to capture the steadily lengthening red shaft with the pulsing lips of her grasping, hungry cunt. What Buck wanted was plain to see- and the beautiful redheaded girl wanted it too, her white globular ass-cheeks lifted and spread open with both of her hands now. The creature's hot tongue had lashed her into servile surrender, crushing her resistance and pride with its unmerciful and unyielding attack on her sensitive female crevice for what had seemed like an eternity.

The shining scarlet penis had slipped all the way out of its furry casing, dripping steadily from the tapered tip, dancing in the young girl's hot wet crevice as the dog trembled with the anticipation of sinking the thick shaft into her body. Newton saw his girlish wife continue to heave toward the long throbbing dog prick like an animal herself and the very thought of his own Nadalee actually wanting to be fucked by a brute sent another electric chill of unwanted sensation through his male loins. His own heart was starting to pound like a tom-tom as he leaned forward a little from his position at the doorway to watch the sharp tip of Buck's cock jabbing between his wife's open legs, trying to enter her, missing again and again and even prodding against her cringing anus once or twice.

The lithe-bodied brunette saw his bride of a year wince and tense, jerking in an attempt to evade the bending, up-slipping prod in sudden fright, but the dog returned immediately to the attack after having had his first taste of success. He began to thrust blindly, the thin point sliding frustratingly high, into the soft hair-nested slit to rub against the erect clitoris. Newton saw that the hot scarlet of the dog's penis jabbing wildly contrasted excitingly with the fevered pink of the girl's passion- inflamed pussy, spreading the lips wider as the unhoused shaft searched between them.

Newton held his breath as he stood watching the huge dog bucking against his moaning wife, attempting to skewer her on the shiny head of the ever-lengthening taper of the long, dripping penis. Out of control, Buck growled in frustration as Nadalee, in final desperation, reached down and grasped the slippery cock to guide the point of it into the moist pink slit, Buck's every forward thrust spreading it wider and wider apart. The stroking member slipped out of her fingers and found the tiny opening of her anus by mistake, popping into it cruelly.

"Ooooooohh, nooooooooo!" she screamed with the pain of the unexpected intrusion, twisting to one side in an effort to escape the obscene impalement. But Buck was not to be discouraged and returned to the attack of the helpless girl with all the lust of the wild, mindlessly, savagely humping against her hard, throbbing clitoris and then slipping down further to thrust between the lips of her white-hot pussy. Nadalee deliberately and shamelessly grasped the dog's rigid prick again with one hand as with the fingers of the other she parted the hair-lined lips of her vagina, holding her mouth open in an O-gape as the giant German Shepherd jerked forward and suddenly buried his huge penis deep between her legs.

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