Hollywood Swappers - Cover

Hollywood Swappers


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Don Carpenter, completely naked, his long hard cock standing straight out and throbbing from his darkly hirsute loins, watched with salivating lust the enticing sight of Rachel licking and sucking the passion-crazed young wife's cunt while she fingered herself in time to the lewd slurpings of her mouth and tongue.

The middle-aged actor's balls were throbbing with his increasing excitement, and he held his cock in the palm of one hand now, stroking it lightly, his feverish eyes unblinkingly glued to the carnal scene being enacted on the blanket just a few yards away. He had been waiting behind the bushes that divided their two backyards as per Rachel's plan, and when the lovely blonde wife had shed her clothes and climbed bare-assed into the redwood tub, he'd shed his own clothes and settled down to watch. It had been quite a show so far, with Rachel's hands moving over Lisa's lithe young body and then Rachel's mouth and tongue...

On the blanket, the pretty young wife's cries of animal pleasure were becoming louder and louder as the older woman continued to swirl and flick her tongue around the velvet-like softness of Lisa's pulsatingly soft cunt lips. Her buttocks were jerking and spasming beneath the plunging poker of a tongue. She was going to cum soon, she had to cum soon, it was building and building and building...

Rachel, her own brain a bubbling cauldron of lust and near orgasm as she flailed her finger faster and faster over her throbbing clitoris, down into her wetly fevered pussy, sent her tongue pistoning into the young wife's vagina like some insane, motor-driven machine. Lisa writhed and squirmed beneath the insane licking until she thought she would surely go mad from the sheer ecstatic rapture in her young loins and belly. Her head flailed like a broken puppet's, swirling her long damp tawny ham in the late sunlight, grinding her crotch up into the older woman's lusting face and tongue, and she felt the gathering waves of her orgasm rising, rising, rising to unbelievable pitch...

And then she was there!

She was cumming!

A deep, almost half-human scream erupted from Lisa Radwin's throat as she locked her hands hard in Rachel's dark hair, drawing the other woman into her crotch with all her might. Her juices began to flow from her widespread cunt, inundating the voluptuous older woman's famous face and tongue, flowing down along Lisa's trembling rectum to pool in fragrant stickiness on the blanket. She screamed again and again and Rachel covered Lisa's mouth with her hand so as not to rouse the whole neighborhood, and then she too was cumming, as with her other hand she rubbed her own clit and sent her entice body oscillating with wave after wave of surging cum.

Then, at long last, both girls collapsed as their driving climaxes abated. Lisa emitted a long, exhausted, satiated sigh, her head lolling to one side, her eyes closed, her brain refusing to comprehend anything except the wondrous feeling ebbing gently through her body now. She released Rachel's hair and opened her thighs to allow her to remove her head from between the fevered legs.

Rachel lifted herself onto her knees, grinning down at the beautiful blonde wife, the juices of Lisa's orgasm making her face and mouth glisten wetly in the sunlight. Her head lifted, the smile widening, and her eyes sought the hedge where she knew that Don had been hiding and watching. A new thrill of excitement went through her as she saw him step out from behind one of the bushes, not needing any further summons, and start toward the blanket, completely nude, his huge prick proceeding him like some pagan battle standard. He couldn't wait, Rachel knew, not with what he'd just witnessed; I've given him one hell or an act to follow, though, she chuckled to herself... one hell of an act!

Don reached the two naked women, standing above them holding his cock tightly in his right hand, his face split in a lascivious leer. "Jesus, Rachel!" he muttered hoarsely.

The voluptuous film star laughed deep in her throat, sliding backward on the blanket so she could watch what was about to happen next. Her eyes were already fevered with anticipation, with renewed sexual excitement, and her insatiable pussy was again throbbing. She saw Don drop to his knees, still holding his massive penis, and lean his head down close to the half-comatose young wife's face. Rachel held her breath...

Lisa's eyelids fluttered open and spread apart and she blinked rapidly, focusing her gaze. Then she gasped, her hands clutching convulsively at the blanket beneath her. She was staring up at the darkly handsome actor's huge, blood swollen penis, held lewdly above her face, the dark red head glazed with a thin sheer of seminal emission. Lisa, still drugged from the Vin Mariani, trembled and shivered, her brain whirling with more than confusion, with increasing and renewed lust as she continued to gaze hypnotically at the palpitating expanse of the man's huge prick. She couldn't seem to help herself... all she wanted was cumming, was the wonderful sensations once again churning through her flesh extinguished by the spiraling ecstasy of orgasm. That's all she could think about... all she could care about...

"I want you inside me, Don... Please... Please..."

Then Don, still holding his cock and bending lower, began to stroke the wet, hard head over the naked tits of Charles Radwin's wife, bringing the nipples into instant hardness, causing deep groans of desire to emanate from the young wife's passion-drugged throat. He continued to massage her firm, full breasts with the head of his throbbing prick for several seconds feeling his balls burgeoning with desire and his heart threatening to burst through his chest cavity with anticipation as his mind dwelled on what he would only momentarily be doing to this tight- assed little cunt so totally subjugated before him.

"Okay, baby... up on your hands and knees... That's it, cunt... now turn around a little."

Obediently, the lust-incited woman followed the naked actor's instructions, poising her body on all fours, her firm, rich round little buttocks presented to him, the tight little crevice between them wet with her vaginal secretions and with the saliva of the voluptuous brunette who waited eagerly only a few feet away for what she knew was about to happen. Don knelt behind Lisa, breathing raggedly with inflamed desire, and began to stroke the full splendor of her quivering BASS moons with venereous glee. The lubricated hand of his massive cock was rubbing against her moistly secreting vagina, eliciting moans of increasing delight from the mindless blonde before him. He leaned farther forward so that the hard fleshy head of his cock rested against the hungrily waiting opening of her vagina, then moved his hips lightly until suddenly, savagely, he lunged forward and plunged his cock far up into her hotly welcoming vagina, burying it to the hilt, touching her cervix with the tip of his cock.

He clutched at her hips, flexing deeper and harder into the warm depths of her vaginal passage from behind, like an animal. feeling his balls slapping hard against the tiny nub of her clitoris, the pressure of his lunge pushing her head down against the blanket and the ground beneath it painfully.

"Oooooohhhh... ooooohhh, fuck it... fuck it... fuck it good baby," the blonde wife moaned crazily...

... And just a few feet away, in stunned disbelief, stood Charles Radwin, a startled gasp bursting from his throat at the sight he had found in his own backyard. He stood absolutely motionless for a long, breathless second, then his body began to sway and his vision clouded, and it seemed for a moment as if he would collapse. He put out his hand blindly, encountered the patio railing, and leaned his weight against that. With his other hand he rubbed the hot sweat from his eyes, clearing his vision, and stared stupefied at the carnal sight his brain at first had almost refused to comprehend.

His lovely wife... the women he loved and trusted... was being fucked from behind like an animal by Don Carpenter, as his wife Rachel watched rubbing her own warmly secreting cunt with glee.

The shocked husband fought to sort out his wildly swirling thoughts, searching for some explanation to the salacious carnality being enacted right before his eyes, in the cherished privacy of his own backyard. But no answer was ready, and he could only stare as if hypnotized at the lascivious actions of his beautiful wife and the rutting middle aged man fucking long and hard into her from behind.

But then his eyes fastened on another incredible sight exposed to his shocked eyes. The dark hair-fringed cunt, moist and glistening in the afternoon sun, of Rachel Carpenter, who was staring with inviting lasciviousness at him now.

And suddenly, insanely, his cock began to stir and throb crazily in his pants, to rise slowly into an erection as he stared at the lewdness before him. God, it couldn't be true. But he was being wildly aroused by the sight of his wife being fucked like a dog... and his desire was building for the famous actress whose thighs were spread before him.

Then Rachel rose to her feet and began moving towards Charles. As he began to walk similarly toward the dark-haired beauty, his prick was hammering with a fiery intensity and his balls were aching, aching with the need for release, aching with the need to take part in the obscene orgy.

Now, just a few feet from the couple on the blanket, Rachel stood before him, naked and proud, her pelvic region thrust out to him, the sun shining tantalizingly off the dark brown, thickly soft pubic hair partially hiding her wet pink insatiable cunt. Her smile was age-old, her face sheened with excitement and sweat, and she stared straight into his burning eyes. "Hello, Charles, darling," she cooed softly.

"Lisa... my wife..." he groaned mindlessly, his painful confusion returning momentarily.

"Yes, darling... your wife... she's enjoying it, isn't she? She's enjoying Don's big hard cock inside her..."

"Oh God... Oh God..."

"Why don't you and I do the same thing, Charles?" she droned on. "Why don't we fuck like they're fucking... all of us fucking together, Lisa and Don, you and me... your cock is so hard, Charles. I can see that it is, wouldn't you like to have it inside my ass, honey, fucking me with your big cock while you watch Lisa..."

A low, tortured guttural sound purled from the lust-incited husband's throat and by that sound, Rachel knew that she had won. She stepped forward, pressing her hot, voluptuous nakedness against his body, her hand slipping down to cup and stroke his cloth-encased genitals. He didn't move, his eyes still fastened on his wife, and just stood there as the panting brunette unfastened his belt, pulled his trousers down and his undershorts aside, and began to stroke his naked, bulging cock, her little finger extended downward to tantalize the burgeoning sac of his balls. She pressed her naked firm breasts against his bare arm, rubbing the nipples over the hairy flesh, and began kissing him on the neck and throat with her hot, moist lips as she continued to fondle and caress his prick and testicles.

On the blanket, Lisa Radwin had begun to moan in delighted pleasure and her brain was reeling furiously, while her long silken blonde hair swirled like a soft cloud around her head. The totally abandoned, totally aroused young wife buffeted back harder and harder against the dark-haired actors pistoning shaft, feeling his bloated testicles slap harshly against her throbbing clitoris.

"Oooohhhh, yessss, Don," she heard her voice screech, "do it to me... harder, harder, do it, do it, uuummmmmm!"

Charles heard his desire-drugged young wife cry out, the words which she chanted so passionately, so mindlessly, words which now were tremendously exciting to the lust-delirious husband, causing his cock to palpitate with incredible pressure in the tight, hot clasp of Rachel Carpenter's fingers. Charles kissed Rachel now with his eyes wide open, watching his wife before him. Lisa's eyes were closed, her head flailing wildly, and there was such a look of wanton passion on her face that it was incredible. God damn! This is insane.

Below, his throbbing cock lurched crazily in Rachel's hand, and furiously he stabbed his tongue into the older actresses mouth to savor her sweetness. She matched his fury as she sucked back avidly and his hands were brutal now with passion, confusion and anger. For a moment, Rachel released her grip, and Charles knew what he wanted to do... her pussy, gleaming at him in the sun was like a hot molten magnet... He had to eat it, had to lick the moist hot opening to her womanhood. He grabbed one of her full mooned buttocks in either hand and his fingers dug cruelly into the soft pliancy of her flesh, which oozed through his fingers like kneaded bread dough. She moaned softly up into his mouth. At the same time he heard Lisa on the blanket.

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