Hollywood Swappers - Cover

Hollywood Swappers


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

For two weeks, life for the Radwin's seemed to have returned to normal. Charles and Lisa had enjoyed each other in bed more than ever before, and if resentment still lingered on the husband's part for his wife's infidelity, he kept it well hidden. She had not seen Don Carpenter since that horrible night in Malibu.

Lisa was lingering over her coffee one brilliantly sunny, unseasonably hot California day, when there was a knock on the door. She went to answer it and was somewhat surprised to see Rachel Carpenter standing there, a large friendly smile on her face. Disarmed by the dark- haired actress's warm greeting, and momentarily having forgotten that Don had implied his wife's complicity in his illicit seduction of her, Lisa welcomed her neighbor into her home.

"I've been meaning to visit for some time," Rachel said with great charm, but I've been working on a new film for Bogdanowitz and I simply haven't had a free moment."

"Would you like some coffee," Lisa offered, leading the other woman into the kitchen.

"Well, I've already had my morning coffee, but I did bring a little surprise for you." And so saying, Rachel pulled from her large purse a bottle with a curious Victorian label on it.

"What's that?" Lisa asked.

"Vin Mariani," the movie star answered. "It's one of the last remaining bottles of this stuff... a wonderful medicinal concoction from another era... You know Nick Ranker, the rock star..."

"Sure," Lisa said, her eyes brightening. As a teenager, one of her first memories of erotic longing had come listening to the wildly pulsing music of Ranker and his super group the High Rollers. "Well, Nick bought the last remaining case of this stuff at an auction, and the darling gave me several bottles as a gift."

What Rachel Carpenter failed to reveal to the young wife was Vin Mariani's main ingredient was cocaine, legal in the nineteenth century, and the occasion for the gift was an orgy she had attended with Nick when his group had toured the United States several years before.

"Would you like some..."

"Is it alcoholic... ? l don't know... I haven't even had lunch yet."

"Live a little, kid," Rachel said, as if she would not take no for an answer... "Get a couple of glasses for us will you dear."

Rachel poured the darkly sweet liquid into cordial glasses that Lisa provided, and they both drank from it. "It tastes kind of funny," the young blonde wife said hesitantly...

"You'll see... the taste rather grows on you," Rachel smiled to herself. It wouldn't take long for the drink to work its magic on an innocent woman like Lisa Radwin, and Rachel poured herself three glasses in the time it took Lisa to finish one. She raised her last glass in a salute to Lisa, who had just finished her first, and drank deeply. She could feel the warmth of it trailing down into her stomach adding fuel to her churning excitement. But her voice was gentle, almost casual, when she said: "How about us taking a little soak in that Japanese tub of yours?"

"Sure... I'll just get my suit..."

"Nonsense... you don't need that... it's just us girls..."

"Well, I--I..." Lisa stammered, feeling that something was wrong but not knowing exactly what. After all, they were both women. And for some reason, she was finding the idea quite appealing, giving her a little thrill of excitement at the prospect of sitting in the warm swirling water with her beautiful neighbor. Her tender young cunt began to tingle, and she finally said: "I guess it's okay... I mean, no one can see us... it's so private back there."

Wonderful, Rachel thought. The little darling doesn't know about the spaces in the hedge between our yards... How I've enjoyed watching this young bathing beauty... when Don would give me a chance.

The two women went out to the yard and Lisa turned on the Jacuzzi heads. By the time she returned to Rachel's side the Mariani, with its aphrodisiac effect, had full and irrevocable control of the young wife now, though she was still not fully aware of the transformation the beverage was encouraging in her. She giggled as she began to remove her clothes. Rachel watching her intently and holding her heaving breath, began to remove her own clothes and the two females stripped themselves at the same instant. Lisa stared at the large, perfectly formed breasts of the lovely older woman, and tried to stifle another giggle; they were really nice tits, and Rachel's gaze feasted on the rounded young firmness of her neighbor's breasts, the fire leaping wildly in her stomach.

Then Rachel's eyes drifted lower and she sucked in her breath sharply, as Lisa's blonde pussy mound glistened in the almost high-noon sunlight, the hint of her tiny oscillating clitoris peeking out from the folds of her pink cuntal slit. Then Rachel turned away, lest Lisa see the look of intense lust contorting her face and interpret it correctly even though the rising passion was probably consuming her own mind by now. "Come on honey, let's climb in."

For a few moments, both women sat in the warm whirlpool tub without touching. But soon Rachel could stand :. no longer; her whole being was crying out for release... for action, and she had to move... this very instant.

"Would you like a little massage," Rachel offered.

"Mmmmm!" said Lisa, her eyes half-lidded, her brain filled with desire and torpor as the water swirled around her nipples, swirled between her legs and played with her hardening clitoris.

Rachel placed her hands on the young wife's shoulders, and then slid them smoothly down her arms along the sides. Rachel's breathing was ragged, spewing hotly from between her teeth, but Lisa seemed to take no notice.

"It feels so good, Rachel," she murmured softly.

The provocative, lust-ridden actress's dark eyes were hotly feverish as she moved her hands below the water level, moving slowly around Lisa's full, firm breasts. The older woman's cunt was secreting the liquid of her desires heavily into the warm water now, and she was almost trembling from pent-up arousal as she continued stroking, slowly, gently, slowly, gently.

Her hands slowly circled Lisa's breasts, and her legs began to open and close, open and close, with the burning fire in her loins. Lisa saw the dark nipples rise under her ministrations, growing firm and hard in the warm water, and suddenly Lisa moaned, her eyes going shut all the way.

"It feels good, doesn't it, honey," Rachel's mesmeric voice droned. "Let's climb out of the tub and I'll rub your legs too..."

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