Hollywood Swappers - Cover

Hollywood Swappers


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Charles had been sound asleep when Lisa finally arrived home the night before, and the beautiful young wife had spent a guilty sleepless night at his side. She awoke early to avoid seeing him before she could pull herself together with a shower and some coffee, yet still felt nothing but a confused agony when Charles finally came downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning, darling," her handsome blonde husband greeted her. "You were with the Carpenters pretty late last night..."

"Oh well, they had such entertaining stories about the old Hollywood... it was just fascinating..." she lied, and hoped Charles would not ask her too much more about the previous night. She breathed a deep sigh of relief, when he merely sat down at the breakfast table and buried himself, as was his usual custom, behind the LA Times.

"How would you like your eggs this morning, darting?" she asked.

"Over easy," he mumbled, and then suddenly, with an abrupt motion that startled her, he threw his paper down. "Damnit," he said... "I promised myself I was going to enjoy breakfast with my wife this morning... and this damned force of habit almost made me forget..."

"Oh, that's okay, dear..." My Cod! she thought. She appreciated his desire to be a better husband... but why couldn't he have picked another morning to turn over a new leaf. Her nerves were all on edge, and Charles was so perceptive, she was terrified that he might start prying about what was bothering her.

"It's not okay, Lisa," he answered, "and I know it." He reached out one powerful arm and grabbed her by the back of her head, pulling her mouth down hard on his. Lisa didn't return the kiss, feeling suddenly a confusion of feelings where guilt and anger at Charles mingled painfully in her heart.

"I realize I haven't been much of a husband to you lately, darling," Charles said, assuming her coldness was merely her pent up resentment. "I've been really working like a son-of-a-bitch... But now that the first rushes are in--and they look terrific, just incredible--I'm gonna have more time for you, honey. I've seen a lot of big shots in this town, and they seem empty and half alive. And that's not going to happen to me. And I've met their wives--bored miserable women who spend their time on Rodeo Drive spending money to cover themselves in furs and expensive clothes, and they look like zombies because their hearts have been untouched for years..."

Charles's speech surprised his wife, and she wanted desperately to believe that things would be different. After all, she had put up with this neglect for so long, it shouldn't be so easy to rectify with just a short speech. But she didn't resist as, wordlessly, he took her hand and led her toward the stairs. Her tormented mind did not want to make love, and she held back as he started to climb the stairs to their bedroom.

"What's wrong, Lisa?" Charles asked, turning to her.

"Nothing... I... there's just so much I have to talk to you about..."

"Words can always wait, my love?" Charles smiled suggestively.

Lisa paused, gazing up into her husband's eyes. "I love you, darling," she finally said.

"And I love you, and that's all that matters," Charles replied.

Lisa responded dutifully as he kissed her gently on the lips. She wanted him so badly, but her conscience still fought her desire, her thoughts turning to Don Carpenter again, and what had happened only the night before in the Malibu beach house. She still remembered the erotic pleasure of his expert kisses, the unbelievable excitement of his huge cock as it had slipped inside her, hurting her and yet bringing pleasure at the same time. She could not forget the degradation he had submitted her to, but somehow the thought still managed to excite her. And even now, with her eyes closed, she could imagine the man who was holding her was their famous neighbor and not her husband.

"Let's go to bed," Charles said, waking her from her illicit reverie. The pleasure of his husky voice in her ear aroused the only barely suppressed desires within her, and she could feel her honey-brown nipples tighten beneath her sheer nightgown. He held her tightly to his side and the legs rubbed sensuously together, exciting her even more as they walked up the steps to their bedroom.

Lisa felt her husband's large hand cup her smooth breasts, covered only by the thin material of her gown as he stepped slightly to the side and let her go through the door before him. Lisa felt her mouth begin to involuntarily salivate and she knew she wanted to suck Charles now, suck him even as she had her sadistic neighbor: but she knew that she could not, not unless he tried something first. She dared not to do anything that would reveal to her husband that she had been unfaithful. She knew she could never let him know about Don and the threat he posed to their lives. What was she going to do?

"Your breasts are so perfect," Charles half-moaned as he put his hand to her firm breasts and kneaded the softly pliant flesh. The now trembling wife put her arm around her husband's powerful waist as they walked toward the bed, her other hand rubbing across the growing bulge in his trousers as she reached to unfasten his belt. She must try to make him happy; she must try to be a good lover for him, and then somehow, some way, they would make out all right.

The young couple stood facing each other as they worked at each other's clothing. Hurriedly, Charles slipped the nightgown over her head and tossed it aside at the same time taking off his pajama bottoms which she'd drawn down to his ankles. The tops came off quickly and he kneeled before the temple of her womanhood as the sweet scent of the dampness that was flooding her desperately yearning vagina entered his dilated nostrils and he kissed her belly, nibbling at the golden skin about the silky pubic hairs that glistened in their clean blondeness.

Kiss me lower, darling, Lisa prayed silently to herself. Do what Don did, please! Make me want you more than I wanted him!

The long time without sex had caught up with Charles, and he was now fined with desire. His thobbingly erect penis felt now as if it were going to burst... and Lisa had not even touched it yet in its fully naked state. He could sense himself being filled with a rising torrent of passion that he could not hold back, and there was no method, no plan to his love-making. He was guided only by what was closest, and at that moment the softly wet lips of her moistly flowing vagina were nearer to him than anything. Not thinking that his wife might reject him, he lowered his head a few inches and started to nuzzle his nose between her legs into the silky resilient hair that covered the enticingly raised mound of her womanhood.

Instead of being revolted as she had always been, Lisa found herself further excited by the fact that her husband was venturing into hitherto forbidden territory, that he was going to do it to her just like Don had! Her straining heart pounded at a furious rate as she felt his nose slide through the dew-dropped pubic hair between her trembling legs, and part it gently for an infinitesimal moment. But then, immediately, he pushed her back on the bed, and she fell with her legs spread wide resting most of her weight back on her shoulders as she lifted her quivering hips to open herself to his probing mouth.

"Ooooohhhh," she moaned lasciviously. "Don't stop darling. That's sooooo gooood."

Charles was too engrossed to be surprised at his pleading wife's actions. He thought that his wife, too, had been without sex all this time and would be ready for anything. He would not even be surprised if, in order to satisfy herself, she had been masturbating during their long abstention. The thought of Lisa finger-fucking herself brought an involuntary twitch to his blood-filled penis, already jerking in anticipation of what was to come, and he nuzzled in closer, his tongue licking wetly at the smoothly pink flesh that enclosed the puckered, hair- lined opening to her becoming vagina. Then, pulling himself up so that he, too, was completely on the bed, he felt her tugging desperately at him, urging him to turn his muscular body so that she could also indulge in sucking him.

God, Charles thought to himself. She's really ready. I've never seen her like this before. Eagerly, he turned so that his massively thrusting cock neared her swaying head, pulling at her phallus-like clitoris with pursed lips at the same time, torturing the moistly throbbing bud until Lisa thought she could no longer stand it.

"Oh, my darling," the quivering young woman gasped aloud as she pulled her husband's aching shaft of flesh toward her pursed lips and with a lascivious groan, sucked the huge bulbous head into her moist warm mouth at once, swirling her tongue around it voraciously.

"Ooooohhhh, baby," Charles moaned in ecstasy, feeling her hot lips hungrily caress the length of his painfully hardened cock. Her sharp teeth toyed carefully with the edges of his sensitive glans-eye, like razor blades cutting into the swollen flesh, and then gulped at him lovingly, even though her mouth was not as full as it had been with Don Carpenter's great cock. This was better, because this was the man she loved! The man she really loved!

The young husband pointed his tongue and expertly entered the openly waiting passageway to his wife's velvety soft insides, her silky flesh burning at his touch. The tongue circled quickly around the inner flesh of her seeping vagina, while he sucked at her with steadily increasing fervor.

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