Hero's Mistress - Cover

Hero's Mistress


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Never had the young over-sexed brunette sucked a man's cock as lustfully or as vigorously as she was sucking this one! Steeped in a voracious animalism, Dottie mouthed and pulled at the big Doberman's hardened red penis, her mind reeling shamelessly under the weight of her savage lust. If anyone had ever told her this would one day happen... God, she actually wanted his hot seething dog-cum shooting into her mouth! She hungered for it to dribble lasciviously in thick sticky streams down her quaking throat until her belly overflowed with it! Raging tongues of searing hot flame blazed between her trembling thighs! Her belly seethed and her wildly inflamed cunt glowed with the scalding passion of this wanton moment! She clutched at the loving animal's semen-bloated balls, beginning to milk and caress them as she sucked ever more rapaciously at his thickened rod of flesh. Damn, she was nearly exploding with his crazy tonguing of her saliva-moistened cuntal flesh! She could hear him whining and making strange animal sounds in his own bestial passion... but she did not hear the sound of someone outside her bedroom.

Those same frenetic little whimpering sounds had led Dottie's inquisitive blonde neighbor uneasily to the bedroom doorway. She was frozen there, suspended in time and in space, her eyes wide with the incredible jealousy she felt with every fiber of her being at that moment. Gradually the rawness of her emotion subsided as she glimpsed the lustfully driving scarlet hardness of her precious dog's cock, but Peggy was still benumbed by the possessiveness that coldly turned her heart to stone at the sight of her neighbor so brazenly taking what was hers alone... God, she was sucking him with his cock in between her wetly ovalled lips! And Hero, damn him, was licking her greedy pink pussy-flesh with wild uninhibited sexual frenzy! They looked for all the world like two rabid animals locked together in their lustful heat!

Her friend! Her next door neighbor! And she was sucking her own darling Hero's desire-stiffened penis! All of it was disappearing into Dottie's tightly locked mouth until it must have been reaching down to her very tonsils! Peggy stood spellbound, but not even her furious jealousy was sufficient to stifle the lewdly fascinating surge of envy their bestial entanglement created inside her. Standing there those few moments, the young blonde Navy wife felt a series of frightening emotional upheavals take place inside her... first her violent jealousy began to abate... and then came the maddening onset of carnal lust as she watched this lewdly exciting spectacle... and now this!

More devastatingly profound than any emotion she felt was this stimulating sensuality that the sight of her animal-lover and her good friend was involuntarily fanning inside her helpless loins and belly! Dottie looked so beautiful there on the bed, her suntanned nakedness in stark contrast to the powerful male animal's sleek blackness. Dottie had seen her, she was sure, because she saw her dusky eyes glance toward her for a fleeting instant... but she was captive to her own lusts! She did not stop or even slow down in her impassioned love-making! At that very instant she saw her neighbor for what she was... God, she was more animal than human... a sex machine!

Perhaps it seemed insane, but what else could she do? wondered Dottie as she salaciously tongued and licked the huge animal's throbbing cock in her mouth. Not even Peggy's untimely appearance would stop her in this wild careening tumble into the utter depths of depravity -- and wild climactic fulfillment! She looked with disbelieving eyes as her young married neighbor approached them on the noisily squeaking bed and... My God, she's taking all her clothes off! Peggy was undressing in heedless wicked abandon and now she was completely naked and crawling up onto the bed where the two of them lay writhing in lewd embrace! Dottie tried to look from the corner of her eye as the voluptuous blonde snuggled up tightly behind the great dog's furry back as he lay on his side and her arm snaked possessively around his quivering body. But, incredibly, the dog never stirred! He seemed to recognize her and he went on unceasingly with his tantalizing laving of her hotly steaming cuntal wetness!

Dottie shivered at the sound of the loving beast's harsh guttural snarl as at that same instant his haunches began to fuck furiously in and out of her mouth, his long skewering scarlet cock plunging to untried depths down the back of her throat. Yet there was still another lascivious surprise in store for the highly sexed brunette! She never would have believed it, but today seemed to be a day for surprises! Sweet innocent Peggy... first Eddie discovers her in the throes of her bestial love-making and now... her girl friend's outstretched middle finger was passionately probing at her, Dottie's, tightly puckered anal mouth! Gently, tenderly, it wormed its way up inside until, like a thin rigid cock, it was sliding eagerly in and out of her nakedly exposed nether passage, moving lewdly around there in the wild swirling movements Dottie loved so much and spawning a million new sensations within her! She moaned out around the thickness of Hero's throat-plunging scarlet cock, sucking it until it began to convulse wildly and jerk crazily there inside her throat like a garden hose suddenly filled with a powerful streaming force of scalding liquid until... it was spewing viciously its scalding liquid cum from deep in the furry well of his hidden testicles, filling her cheeks so rapidly that she gagged on the sudden lascivious flood!

Desperately, the triply skewered brunette sucked and swallowed the viscous animal cum that had filled her mouth before she could swallow it down! Time and time again, as if bursting from a depthless pool of never- ending lust, Hero's pungent semen continued to spurt down her throat, and she felt as if a bomb had exploded inside her as this lust-charging realization fired her own bucking loins with a never-before experienced holocaust of wanton sensual madness. She wanted to scream, oh God, oh God, I'm cumming. Don't stop. Don't ever stop! But her mouth was too full, and all she could do was writhe and moan and twist her pelvis in a wilder plea for fulfillment.

But, like all good and wonderful things, this too had to come to an end and finally Hero's sperm-drained animal cock slipped glistening from her cum-flooded mouth and he moved silently away. Now only Peggy's stiffly extended middle finger remained still thrust deep inside Dottie's clasping nether passage. And then, after a long silence, that last skewering instrument was removed and the two women lay there gasping in their dwindling excitement.

Hero's ears quickly detected a familiar sound and the knowledge of it alarmed him. He knew this peculiar human sound and that it always meant danger or unhappiness and he wanted none of this for his darling mistress. Or for his other new human friend either. He began to whimper beneath his panting animal breath and his eyes were widening in suspicion and alarm... for it was the sound of crying that he heard. Peggy's crying.

"Dottie, oh Dottie, what can I say?" the young naked blonde sobbed hysterically, big tears flowing like rain from her shame-reddened eyes as she sat on the bed beside her friend.

"There's nothing to say, honey," the trembling brunette said softly, running her hand across her younger friend's head and smoothing her curly blonde hair. "It just happened, that's all."

"Oh, Dottie..." Peggy was beside herself in confused helplessness, awash in her own emotions. She could not believe she had done it... but she knew deep inside that she had... she had thrust her own finger deep in her girl friend's anus. Somehow the sight of them fucking so obscenely on the bed had thrown a secret switch in her most private self and she had lost all control... that image remained burned in her brain like a scorching brand on a calf. Hero's hardened thick cock inside her neighbor's lips... his hotly gushing sperm cascading down her gulping throat while he lay there licking and tongue-fucking her steaming pink pussy! "How did you know, Dottie? I mean..."

"You mean, what happened to bring Hero and me together like this? Well, I never would have dreamed it up alone, Peg. The truth is, uh... well, Eddie saw you and Hero fucking Saturday night."

"Eddie! Oh my God, no! Oh, Dottie, how can I go on living?" She exclaimed, and again the tears stained her emotion-flushed cheeks. "I could just die! I'll never be able to look Eddie in the eye again as long as I live!"

Dottie brushed the young blonde's hair back from her forehead maternally and patted her head. "It's not so bad as you say, Peggy. It was an accident. Eddie was trying to catch the newspaper boy and he heard you and Hero going to it. He thought something was wrong and... well, he looked in the living room window and saw it going on. I kinda' suspect he was glad to have a chance to look in your window anyway. He's had the hots for you for so long!"

"Dottie! How can you talk like that? He's your husband and I've never done anything to encourage any such notions. I would simply never..."

"Whoa, gal, nobody said you did anything wrong. I just said my ol' man is dying to get in your panties, that's all."

Peggy flushed with unconcealed shock and humiliation. "Please! Don't talk like that! I don't like to hear that kind of talk!"

"What? You're going to get all worked up over a bunch of words? Why, who was it just a few minutes ago who was all hot and bothered with her finger up my ass?"

Peggy hid her face in her hands and sobbed until there were no more tears. "P-Please, Dottie, p-please... I'm so confused!"

Dottie's tone was soothing and consoling. "I understand, Peggy. You're a highly sexed young woman and this is probably the first time you have ever come to grips with the reality of it."

"What do you mean?" the blonde asked, seemingly mindless of Dottie's hand now resting gently on her naked white breast.

"Just what I said," she answered evasively, her fingers beginning to knead the soft resilient flesh of her married friend's breasts, her nipple tender and smooth between her fingertips. "I had the same problem once, until Eddie and I found our solution in California."

"Solution? What solution?"

"Well, we sort of came into it gradually. It really was not something we had planned; it just happened. There was this group we were running around with, see, and pretty soon we started hearing about these wild parties. You know, guys and girls running around the house naked and couples swapping, the whole bit..."

"Swapping!? You mean you and Eddie went for that kind of thing?"

"Well, not at first. But it came later and I don't regret it for a minute. You know, Peg, I read a magazine article recently where a world famous scientist said that women, if there were no social restrictions placed on their behavior, would sometimes fuck as often as fifty times a day with lots of different men! Think of it, honey, fifty times! That's why you get those gnawing pains in your belly sometimes and you think you're going to go up the wall if you don't find a cock somewhere. Women are really made to fuck a hell of a lot more than men, but it's a man's world we live in and we've all just been brainwashed to believe we should make do with a little now and then, whenever the ol' boy's feeling up to it. Well, swinging solved that problem for me... eight in one night once, honey! Think about that for a minute -- eight!"

"Oh Dottie, I just can't believe that you did such a thing! I mean, what about Eddie? Did he ever find out?"

Dottie laughed, but it was not maliciously. "Peg, you don't quite follow me. Eddie was right there... he was in the room with me most of the time and he saw it all going on. That is, when he wasn't too busy fucking one of the eight men's wives!"

"Dottie! How can you talk so calmly about such a thing as that? I mean... eight men... it's just... well, it's... it's adultery!"

The worldly-wise brunette could see that her hot-blooded young blonde friend was confused and perplexed. But she could see also that her legs and thighs were twitching nervously beneath her as she sat on the edge of the bed. There was real frustration there... a woman's own kind of frustration and Dottie knew just the way to get rid of it.

"You've got a hot little box, Peggy, just like me and the sooner you face that fact, the sooner you'll start to really get something out of life," Dottie said softly, brushing her hand down over the plane of the naked blonde's gently quivering belly toward the tempting little cuntal mouth nestled there beneath her golden pubic curls. She was not surprised at all when the younger girl moaned soulfully and voluntarily opened her thighs to the tantalizing explorations, and her hand went down to feel the heated wetness which had seeped from the trembling blonde's moisture- coated pussy-lips to spread in a lewd stain on the insides of her slightly spread thighs.

Peggy breathed in short gasps at the delicious feel of Dottie's fingers suddenly contacting, then caressing the intimate fluid flesh of her hungrily simmering cuntal slit!

"We can make quite an afternoon of it, Peggy girl," the aroused brunette breathed throatily into the married blonde's eager ears. "I still haven't been fucked by that magnificent animal of yours and if we do what I have in mind, we can both get our cookies... How about it, honey?"

Peggy could barely speak, but she managed a hoarse gasping reply from her quaking throat. "Oh yes, Dottie... please! Please, yes!"

Hero watched this strange scene unfolding with more than average interest... it was new to him, for during his life with his former mistress, he had seen human men and woman together many times. His mistress alone he had watched with her human male a dozen times or more... but this was not the same and yet in a way it seemed very much the same! They were lying on their sides again as when he had left them, except they were much closer now and his new blonde mistress had spread her legs, her top one doubled so that her foot rested on the bed. He could see her softly rounded hips facing him and her pale hair-fringed cuntal slit as well, wet with her pungent moisture as the other woman played with it with her sensuously caressing fingers. His breath was heavy and his tongue dangled loosely from between his powerful jaws as he saw the dark-haired woman lower her face closer to his golden-haired mistress' wetly glistening vaginal crevice. He was fascinated by this new strangeness and his eyes widened in puzzlement.

It may have been new to Hero, but to Dottie Mangum it was something she had done for years... she'd always liked to tongue pussy nearly as much as she liked sucking cocks, but never had she wanted to suck one as badly as she hungered for this young blonde's softly flushed cunt. She let her eyes glut on the narrow ribbon of glistening pink cuntal flesh, resting her cheek on her friend's satin-smooth inner thigh, close enough for her lips to be tickled by the wispy silken hair curling softly up between them. Christ, it was such a wonderful sight! She could even see the frustrated blonde's tightly puckered anus spasming occasionally in her passionate need. Yes, this little honey needed some loving all right!

Peggy's whole body was charged with utterly salacious sensations she had never known before and her belly seethed with this strange and wonderful desire! Oh yes, Dottie was going to lick her there and make this awful gnawing anguish go away! And then she and Dottie could share their wonderful Hero as their very own! God, it would be like heaven on earth! She extended her head forward and opened her eyes to see what she could, but her vision was suddenly filled with the unexpected sight of Dottie's dark-fringed cuntal lips only inches from her moistly quivering mouth and lips! She could see the seeping moisture that dampened the tender flesh between them, and a wildly exotic craving flashed through her body like a million volts of high-tension electricity! But she waited... she would see what her more experienced neighbor did first and then she could copy her.

Her eyes wide with lust, the naked young housewife watched as the brunette's lovely face moved closer toward the anxiously waiting little pussy up between her thighs! And then... yes! She was nearly overcome with the incredible erotic emotions and physical tremors that rippled through and over her nakedly vibrant flesh as she felt lingering kisses being planted all along the soft flesh of her supple inner thighs. She could sense the warmth of the other woman's breath pulsing there on her sensitive wetness and then, the wickedly exciting contact of Dottie's tongue licking in the exposed cleft of her naked pussy. Oh God, it felt so good! Dottie was licking in long brushing strokes, from the very bottom of her vaginal crevice near the small rubbery circle of her anus, to the top, taunting but not yet entering her vaginal opening as Peggy's hips began to undulate involuntarily to meet each tantalizing up-lick of the magic tongue over the sensitive flesh of her cuntal mouth!

Peggy felt her clitoris quivering in its tiny erection and knew it was peeking out from its thinly spread lips, enravishing with the first gentle stab of ecstatic bliss as her friend's tongue sizzled over it. She expelled her breath with a loud hissing sound and tossed her blonde head from side to side in rising passion as Dottie eased her probing tongue inside the desire-moistening slit and drew it lingeringly upward toward the nakedly spasming little clitoral bud.

Her lips mumbled out incoherent sounds in chorus with Hero's anxious whining breath again as new shattering emotions flooding throughout her body with each passing second. Dottie, whose own feverish loins were alive with nipping tongues of lustful flame, hungrily pressed her cunt- moistened lips closer, separating the fleshy outer folds of Peggy's wetly fringed pussy with them and immediately her mouth began to ravish the lewdly smoldering flesh beneath it.

Ripples of lustful passion twitched through Peggy's helpless body as she moaned and squirmed to the rapturous mouthing of her burning cunt and she began to pant explosively, spreading her legs open as wide as possible and thrusting her steaming loins obscenely forward to bring the fervid touch of her friend's mouth tighter into her widely splayed pussy! She could hear Dottie's panting gasps, too, as if she could scarcely breathe, never once breaking the wild electric contact of her cunt-spreading tongue and lips!

"Ooooohhh, Dottie, Dottie! I'm cumming! I'M CUMMMMIIINNNGGG!" Her voice became a whimpering sob and then broke out anew in a thin wailing groan as orgasmic ecstasy deluged her nakedly spasming young body, intensive sensations sweeping through her inflamed loins like wildfire. In her sweet agony, she writhed and jerked and trembled, but never pulled away from the openly sucking mouth pressed tight against her wildly climaxing pussy! Waves of electric ecstasy continued to crash through her ravaged nervous system as Dottie's tongue kept up its caressing pace incessantly as if she would never end it.

Peggy opened her eyes and found she was facing the bedroom doorway... and the man standing there watching! "D-Dottie... Oh my God, Dottie!" she screamed.

"Well, well, is this a private party? Or can anyone join in the fun?" Eddie Mangum had parked his car and come in without either of the girls hearing him but now that he had stepped into the doorway, Hero began to growl menacingly and seemed about to leap for the poor husband's throat... in his own bedroom!

"No, Hero, it's all right!" Peggy managed to shout quickly and the advancing Doberman seemed to grudgingly quiet down, though his eyes were still filled with mistrust and suspicion.

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