Hero's Mistress - Cover

Hero's Mistress


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Novel-Pocketbook  

Dottie took a fleeting look at her jeweled wristwatch, a fifth anniversary gift from Eddie... and then a second, more meaningful look into the Doberman's soul-stirring eyes. Oh Christ, do I dare even think such a thing? She looked down beneath his muscled firm belly at the thickly masculine furry sheath that hid his reddish animal-cock and the heavy dark testicles that hung weightily between his powerful hind legs.

"... talk about getting fucked! Christ, that pecker of his looked like it was a foot long..."

Her feet seemed to carry her but she could have just as easily been walking on thin air... she could see and sense and feel what she was doing but it all seemed somehow to be part of an illusion. She was watching all this take place... but it was some other woman, surely, who was doing this wicked thing! Even Dottie Mangum could not cold-bloodedly make such a move!

"hunched over her that big red prick of his... a mile a minute!"

"Hero, honey, how would you like to come and visit me? Okay?" she found herself saying, her hand on the closed gate of Peggy Davis' back yard. "You want to, big fellow?" she said soothingly and noted with excitement that he began to prance around eagerly on his feet, his short stub-tail wagging frantically.

With the gate now open before him, the sexy brunette backed away slowly and through the open gateway to her own yard. Hero eyed her curiously for a moment and then trotted unhesitatingly in her footsteps, not even stopping when the woman he knew only as his mistress' friend led him into a trailer much like the one he lived in now.

They were standing, both of them, in the kitchen of the Mangum trailer, and Dottie looked down anxiously at the powerfully big dog she had just recently heard so much about. On a sudden whim, she reached behind her back and unhooked the top of her pale pink bikini. Her breasts swelled suddenly free and soared proudly high, her nipples already erect and throbbing.

"Well, what do you think, big boy? Are these as good as what you're used to at home?" she teased, her words more than a little slurred from the unaccustomed gin and the hot sun. She leaned far over to look her canine neighbor in the eye, perhaps a bit closer than she might have if she had not been a bit tipsy. The hardened pink tips of her soft white breasts were almost brushing against his nose, the sweet womanly fragrance of them surrounding his nostrils excitingly and then suddenly... he licked her nipple with one smooth lash of his long wet tongue!

Dottie recoiled instantly from the unexpected contact, but her widening eyes soon mirrored the sparkling gleam she saw in his deep black ones... Eddie had indeed told the truth! This was no ordinary dog... there was something eerily human about him!

With the wicked excitement of something forbidden rippling through her belly, the voluptuous young brunette leaned forward again, consciously this time, thrusting her naked full breasts shamelessly toward him. And again, the dog did it, this time his long rough tongue not stopping with one meaningful graze over the nipple of her left breast... but curling in a heated wetness over both of her smooth fleshy breasts, moving from one to the other to affectionately lick their undersides and then up the deep valley between them! She watched and trembled excitedly as again and again the fluid length of his long pink tongue grazed hotly over the crinkly erect nipples of her naked breasts. Her feverish rapture from before was now suddenly revived and the lust-crazed brunette was seized with a frenzied kind of passion that could only be described as... animal!

"Mmmmmm -- you're really the lover Eddie said you were," she whispered hoarsely in a throaty voice, squatting before him so that her full uptilted breasts were jutting even more enticingly forward in their shimmering white nakedness. She held her breath and waited, sizzling sensation rippling through her eager body as the moisture that seeped from beneath the crotch-band of her bikini bottoms began to spread in a lewd, lascivious dampness down between her thighs, her warm-flushed pussy lips alive and tingling now.

After only a moment's hesitation, the massive black Doberman moved forward and nuzzled his nose in between her nakedly exposed breasts, his long coarse tongue washing provocatively over them as they rose and fell in unashamed desire!

Her mind tumbling under the impact of a thousand different emotions at once, the half-clad brunette stared into the huge animal's dark dancing eyes while his long pink tongue continued to lick fervently at her naked breasts! God, he knew what he was doing as well as any man! Suddenly, his incessantly nuzzling tongue began to sear its way downward over the softly yielding flesh of her smooth belly, pausing to dip teasingly into her navel and then... damn, he was right there between her legs, sniffing there as if he could sense her frantic sexuality... somehow he could really smell the awakening hunger of her desire-moistened pussy!

Dottie suddenly was on her feet, every pore of her trembling frame charged with wanton excitement. "Let's go into the bedroom, handsome, and see if all the stories I've heard about you are true!"

The huge dog trotted eagerly behind the curvaceous brunette who spoke to him so lovingly in tones much like his new mistress. He had quickly sensed her aroused sensual warmth, her fragrant womanly aura that emanated from the hotly burning crevice of her vagina. It aroused all the eagerness in his masculine animal body, but he knew he must obey his training... he could do nothing until he was told.

He watched her curiously as she began to roll the bottoms of her pink bikini bathing suit down over her smoothly rounded hips. He detected tiny shivering ripples along her smooth human flesh, her breasts quivering anxiously as he looked on. With unflinching eyes, he watched the darkened triangle of her pubic curls and the puffy lips of her glistening cunt as they were now revealed before him. She wiggled lightly and squirmed the bottom half of her bikini over her long trim legs to the carpet at her feet and then she stepped out of them and stood there, thighs pressed forward in wanton invitation and slightly spread as she placed her hands on her hips.

"It's up to you, lover," she murmured deeply, her lurid sensuality hotly aglow now at the thought of the obscene act she hoped was about to happen. She looked deeply into his eyes... Christ, he looked to be as ready as she was! Could that be true? Once again, a series of rippling chills coursed over her as she stood there waiting... but the massive Doberman stood his ground, though his eyes seemed to be filled to overflowing with love and tender anticipation. And then she remembered what Eddie had said... "lying there all naked under him..." Sure, that was it! She needed to be lying down!

Hero watched her avidly, his eyes never leaving her suntanned nakedness, the yearning growing rapidly in his loins as she crawled onto a big bed and lay back, her eyes still locked on his.

"Come on, you big lover you! Let's see what you can do!" the naked brunette suddenly commanded. And he did just what she ordered!

With one graceful leap like a buck deer bounding a forest stream, Hero bounded onto the bed, his loving eyes and near-human face now at her side and then he leaned over to again lovingly graze his long pink tongue over her passion swollen breasts.

"Oh yes, you gorgeous savage! Yes... Yes!" she moaned in happy delirium.

After that episode outside on the chaise lounge, Dottie Mangum hardly needed any urging from this huge male animal's skillful tongue to turn her into a raging inferno of carnal wantonness. This was apparent as she lay thrillingly naked beneath the searing wet caresses of Hero's lust- inspiring tongue, once again hotly stroking the swollen mounds of her pebble-hard nipples. Her feverish eyes watched incredulously his every long, passion-stirring lick, wondering wildly in her secret thoughts how she could have lived so long without experiencing this sensual ecstasy even once!

After California, Dottie had been sure there wasn't anything she hadn't tried, but now she was not so certain!

"Mmmmmm, you big handsome lover!" she purred lecherously into his ear, stroking his big furry head in encouragement while he grazed his thick fiery tongue again and again over her exposed breasts. And now, quite suddenly, he was working his hungry way downward once more and the young brunette's gasping breaths came even closer together and were more pronounced. "Oooooh, yes, that's the way, baby!" she gasped, her full firm thighs spread wide now and quivering with her rekindled passion. "Up between my legs, Hero! That's it! Yes, that's it!"

But though Dottie was far more experienced in the ways of sex and loving than most women, this was still something new and untried for her and she was guessing her way along, hoping that her actions were the right ones. Enticingly, she raised her legs up high to draw her soft rounded thighs obscenely back until the white yielding flesh of her untanned breasts was flattened out beneath her knees. And then, lifting her head slightly from her pillow, she held her breath as she looked down between her legs at the lascivious spectacle taking place!

A sudden potency seemed to ripple through the Doberman's powerful body and he whimpered and lowered his head to sniff once again at her unguarded cuntal wetness... it was all his and fully vulnerable to his wickedly exciting touch! Dottie felt his cold nose like a piece of ice against the desire-flushed lips of her vagina and the sensitive insides of her smooth unblemished thighs and then came that first electric touch... his firebrand tongue touched her there! Impulsively, she squirmed beneath its moist heat as it started to lick fervently up and down the treasured cleft between her tensed and wriggling buttocks! As the blood rushed in her veins from the maddening touch of his sizzling animal-tongue, her heart pounded furiously. Then his tongue lowered to the sensitive flesh surrounding her tightly puckered anus, its burrowing tip worming uncannily into the tiny taut circle of that tightly clenched orifice. God, it was out of this world!

"Mmmmmm, honey, is there anything you can't do?" Dottie gasped in amazement, "Surely you didn't learn all this from Peggy!" His taunting tongue flicked over her small puckered anus until she finally felt his tongue-tip tracing a burning wet path slowly upward toward the sensuously distended lips of her cunt! As his tongue swept wetly along the moistened pink crevice between her lasciviously spread thighs and naked buttocks, a sudden tremor of lewd bestiality raged through Dottie's quivering body in a blinding flash of animalistic desire! Radiating outward from her snugly tensed little anus, it rippled relentlessly to the desire-swollen edges of her cuntal lips and then finally to the agonizingly erect bud of her pulsating clitoris!

A soft surrendering moan escaped the lush ovalled lips of the aroused brunette and she lifted her head higher to see even better the unbelievably lewd tonguing this sleek black animal was giving her down there between her salaciously drawn-up thighs and open buttocks! Seething stabs of mounting lust saturated her naked flesh at the very sight of his caressing tongue curling moistly over the lust-inflamed lips of her vaginal crevice! Again and again he did it while she watched, gasping and choking as his long tongue spread deeply through the flowing moistness between her legs. Her eyes rolled in frantic disbelief... he was as good as any man she'd ever had and better than most! It was too good to be true!

She prayed it would not stop and her supplications were answered as his deliciously wanton tonguing went on and on... and on.

Hero's hotly laving tongue was spraying the glistening pink flesh of her desire-maddened cuntal slit until finally, as she watched with eyes as big as coffee-cups, his loving tongue suddenly thrust far up into her lustfully incited vaginal sheath!

"I don't believe it... I just don't believe it!" Dottie muttered over and over again, like a teenage girl getting it for the first time. She could actually see her sensuous curves spasming insanely beneath his incredible cunt-licking and suddenly she ached for the one thing that would add to this exquisite moment of bliss... a thick fleshy penis between her moist ovalled lips! God, how she'd like to suck a cock right now! That pungent rubberiness crammed down her throat until she gagged on it... Oh, what she'd give for one! She'd suck it like she'd never sucked before, until it squirted in a seething torrent down her ravenously clasping throat and she'd cum a dozen times just from the delicious taste of it gulping down into her belly!

"Oh, lover baby! Tongue-fuck it good, honey! That's it, you big hunk of man you, way up deep in me there! Oh yes, lover, that's the way!" she groaned, lifting her quivering loins and shimmering ass-cheeks up higher to rub them against the wild cold moisture of his loving animal- nose. "All the way, baby! Stick that big hot tongue up inside me as far as it will go!"

Having lost all control, she reached down between her widespread thighs, grasping Hero's furry huge head to pull his long snout even tighter into her wetly throbbing pussy-flesh! His fiery-hot tongue shot up into the seething hair-rimmed little hole of her vagina like the tip of a whip that had been dipped in gasoline and set aflame! His softly whimpering animal whines matched hers as he lashed her quaking inner flesh with an incredible skill and frenetic intensity she had never known before!

"Aaaawwwwww, lover! You sweet cunt-licker you, I'm going up the wall, baby! I mean it..." Dottie was hissing through clenched teeth, her head still raised and her eyes licentiously wide with her torrid passion. All she needed was that cock -- any cock -- and she would have been completely lost forever in this heavenly, forbidden bliss!

Hero felt his flanks and loins ruttishly pulsing from the scented liquid heat flowing from the open cleft of her pussy. But there was an even greater fire raging inside the dark-haired woman, a frighteningly powerful, almost savage passion that was stronger than any the big dog had ever experienced... more than his new mistress or his mistress before her or any of her friends that he had performed with! Somehow in his animal thoughts, it was not the same with this human... the soft yielding smoothness of her naked skin and the hot spicy fumes of sensual excitement that emanated from the warm pink, hair-lined slit between her wide open legs incited a fierceness in his loins that he seldom felt.

Instinctively, he sensed the lack of loving tenderness in the warm sensuality of her nakedly curved human body, but he did not think less of her for it... she was almost one of his kind and somehow that excited him even more!

Dottie had lapsed into a sort of mesmerized rhythmic tempo of passionate gasps as she lay beneath the huge animal's lewdly licking tongue still fucking snake-like up inside her lust-inflamed cuntal walls. Deliriously, her head rolled from side to side, her hands still holding his huge furry head by the ears between her upturned thighs. She lifted her head again to watch... and then she saw it!

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