Her Animal Act - Cover

Her Animal Act


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

In a basement room, one end of which was designed to look exactly like a medieval torture chamber, sat five very wealthy and jaded men. Each man had a woman with him; two had brought along their equally jaded wives, three their very young and beautiful girl friends of the moment. They sat on couches arranged in a semicircle before the torture chamber section of the room, smoking and sipping drinks, chatting among themselves, waiting for the special show they'd paid one thousand dollars each to witness.

None of the couples had met any of the others before this day. Each of the men had been contacted via telephone by the vice-lord Pico. One of the men was an aging Hollywood star who'd brought the girl beside him--a stunning red-haired starlet of nineteen--to Acapulco for fun and games, promising to see that she got a juicy role in his next film. One couple, middle-aged and married, was from Germany, in Acapulco for a week's holiday. The others were Latin Americans, one a local married couple who owned several hotels and bars, the others from South America--an exporter and his lady from Brazil and a rancher and his current flame from Argentina.

The men, at least, all had one thing in common--depravity-- and the sex show they'd been promised greatly appealed to them. An American family--a minister and his wife and fourteen-year-old daughter--both striking blondes--was soon to be brought in and ravished before their very eyes. Juan, the vice-lord host, had assured them it wouldn't be an act, but the real thing.

One by one from their separate rooms, as inescapable as prison cells, Ruth, Elliott and Paula were brought in naked and struggling.

Ruth was spread-eagled and manacled with her back to the wall. Most of the fight and fear was gone from her now. She hadn't eaten for the three days they'd been held captive in Acapulco. Jose had brought her all the water she'd wanted, but nothing more. She was weak and defeated, horrified but docile. Tears of humiliation streamed down her blushing cheeks as her ankles and wrists were fastened securely to the wall by the heavy iron manacles. The ten pairs of eyes in the faces grinning with anticipation bored into her, evoking a deep sense of shame as she sagged helplessly before them.

Elliott was led in next, his hands tied in front of him. He'd had all he wanted to eat and was well over the effects of the drug he'd been given in Juarez. Full of righteous indignation, he was fighting every step of the way as Jose slapped and kicked and shoved him into the room.

"Jesus... it sure looks real," the starlet breathed.

"For a thousand bucks apiece, it better be," her escort muttered.

Elliott raged when he saw his wife hanging from the wall. He broke free of Jose and ran to her, grabbing the chains and trying to rip them out of the concrete they were set in.

"Go along with them, Elliott," Ruth pleaded.

"No, honey... NO!"

"They'll kill us if you don't! There's nothing we can do!"

"They'll have to kill me!" he hissed, turning away to glare at the watchers, sweating from his exertion with the chains.

His voice echoing loudly around the room, Elliott ran toward the onlookers screaming, "Stop them! Don't let them do this! We're decent people!"

Grabbing Elliott up like a sack of potatoes, Jose held him, kicking and helpless, hooked over his hip.

"We've been abducted! Don't you understand? Help us! For God's sake, help us!!!"

Pico stuffed a gag in his mouth, tying it in place as Elliott shook his head and tried in vain to spit it out. When he was silenced, Jose stood him on a box and forced his tied wrists over a hook in a ceiling beam. Then, before Elliott could jerk off the hook, Pico kicked the box from beneath him and laughed cruelly as he swayed, helpless and mumbling.

The audience was tense with emotion, watching attentively as Elliott kicked and jerked on his hook and Ruth sobbed and sagged pitifully by her manacles.

The German wife reached into her husband's lap and took out his erect dick, her hand trembling as she gripped it harshly. "This is real, Karl! Those people are not actors!"

Karl pulled her dress up and gripped the inside of her thigh until she sucked in her breath and sighed, "It's going to be a delicious show... worth every mark we paid. The woman has a whip, do you see?"

Jose hurried from the room, returning a moment later with Paula. She had a worried smile on her pretty face as he led her through the doorway. Then she saw her father hanging from the ceiling and her mother fastened to the wall. Stopping in her tracks, she jerked her hands up to her face and screamed shrilly.

"Mommy... Daddy! Oh good cripes! What have they done to you? What's going on?"

Then she saw the audience and tried to hide behind Jose. His expression very strained, Jose picked Paula up and carried her to the padded massage table where Faustina was waiting.

"Put her pretty little butt here," Faustina ordered, patting the very end of the table. "That's it... now hold her on her back while I tie her ankles."

Paula, who'd also been fed and cared for, fought so hard Pico had to help his sister pull her legs apart and tie her ankles to the table legs. When her ankles were secure, her legs spread wide apart and her squirming butt hanging on the edge of the table, Pico and Faustina moved up and each took one of her wrists from Jose.

His eyes pleading, Jose tapped Pico on the shoulder and pointed to Paula.

"It's all right, my friend," Pico assured. "Your precious Paula will be harmed in no way. Now, go sit down out of the way. I'll call you when you're needed."

As Jose moved reluctantly away, Paula felt her body being stretched tautly. Her arms were pulled out straight above her head, then apart, Ropes were fastened around her wrists as she whimpered and bit her lip. Then, in turn, her wrists were tied to the opposite table legs from her ankles.

"The young girl is first," Juan, sitting off to the side, announced. "I regret you cannot see her lose her virginity. I'm told the Negro took that from her during the flight from Juarez, where the family was abducted. Nevertheless, you will see her reaction to her first experience with Lesbianism. When you're ready, my dear."

Faustina, wearing boots, leather skirt and bra, all black, nodded to Juan, then bowed to the audience. Smiling, she moved to the table and began running her hands over Paula...

Cringing, Paula said, "Don't... please don't touch me like that."

Ignoring her, Faustina rubbed her palms over Paula's soft abdomen and cupped one of her firm young tits. "She is very lovely, no?"

Paula squirmed, trying to move away from Faustina's hot hands.

"And so reluctant to be loved by a woman," Faustina added, taking Paula's pink nipple between thumb and forefinger, pinching slowly down on it.

Paula whimpered.

Her grip tightening, Faustina brought her face over Paula's and smiled cruelly down at her.

"You're h-hurting me! Stop... p-please stop!" Paula gasped, her upper lip twitching and her eyes wide with fear.

"Kiss me, little one. Maybe I'll stop hurting you then... if you kiss me passionately enough."

"No! I w-won't kiss you!"

Her teeth clenched, Faustina twisted Paula's nipple with all her might.

Screaming at the top of her healthy lungs, Paula bucked her body up from the table only to have the ropes bite painfully into her wrists and ankles. She fell, shuddering and sobbing, back to the table, Faustina's evil fingers gone from her tit but the pain lingering on.

"Cripes," she moaned. "Oh, cripes!" Then she felt Faustina taking her sore nipple between her thumb and forefinger again. "No! I'll kiss you... oh, God! I'll kiss you!"

Elliott kicked his legs wildly, trying to get himself free of the hook so he could rush to his daughter's aid.

"That's better," Faustina said, gloating into Paula's pain- racked face. "I don't want to hurt you, sweet one. Love is what I desire with you. Give it to me and you will feel no more pain."

"All r-right," Paula stuttered, not sure she could believe Faustina because she could feel her fingers holding lightly to her abused, throbbing nipple.

"I'll kiss it and make it well," Faustina cooed, moving her head to Paula's breast.

Her head slid down Paula's stomach, cupping her cunt as she pursed her lips and kissed the pink tip of her tit. Her mouth opened. She took Paula's tender bud inside and began sucking and licking her, her fingers moving jerkily through the blonde pubic hair. A slurp sounded as she lifted her head.

"Is that better, little one?"

Afraid to do otherwise, Paula nodded.

Faustina laughed, then dropped her head and took nearly all of Paula's tit into her hot mouth. Sucking softly, she rolled her face and stroked her hand intimately over Paula's loins. Her fingertips traced lightly from asshole to clitoris, going up the inner slope of one cunt lip and down the other, making Paula squirm and shut her eyes.

"Why," Faustina exclaimed with mock surprise, "I think you like what I'm doing to you, little one!"

"I don't," Paula moaned. "Not a bit."

"I think you lie to Faustina. Look at your nipple. It's becoming hard, no? And what is this?" she asked, lifting her hand from her pussy and rubbing her fingers together. "Do I feel the moisture of love coming from you already?"

"No, no, no!"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes," Faustina chuckled.

"Leave her alone," Ruth sobbed. "For God's sake... leave my little girl alone!"

Faustina's head snapped around, her eyes turning instantly cruel and threatening as she glared at Ruth. "Shut up, puta! This one no longer is yours. She now belongs to Pico and me! Another word out of you will earn you a taste of my wheep!"

"Whip her!" the German woman hissed. "Whip her!"

But Faustina paid no attention to her. She stared Ruth down, then turned, smiling warmly, back to Paula. "Now I'm going to make the love with you. Before I'm finished, I think you will not be able to deny you find it good."

Her heart beating wildly, Paula watched Faustina's face move over hers. It descended quickly, lips finding lips, fitting together eagerly and hotly. Faustina kissed Paula wetly, her lips trying to work the girl's open, her hands moving constantly on both firm young tits.

Trying to think of anything but what was happening to her, Paula lay very still. She didn't want to respond to this perversion, and she felt sure she wouldn't because of her hatred of the woman forcing it upon her. But little by little she realized her body was betraying her. Her nipples began to harden under the incessant barrage of light pinches and tweaks. Faustina's darting tongue was between her lips and teeth, leisurely licking back and forth over the smooth inner surface of her lips, trying to coax her teeth apart and enter her mouth.

A glowing heat built slowly but surely in her loins, until finally Paula found it impossible to remain still. It was hard for her to breathe. She couldn't seem to suck in enough air through her nostrils.

Ripping her mouth from Faustina's, flinging her head to the side, Paula groaned and fought for breath, her chest heaving with the effort.

"Yes, baby... yes!" Faustina cried, licking down Paula's sweat-damp throat to her tits, then going rapidly from one to the other, planting wet kisses on her hardened pink nipples. Her hand shot down and felt the girl's cunt. "You're all wet now... nice and ready for love!"

"No," Paula panted, feeling two fingers enter her and another toying with her clitoris. "Please don't... please... I don't want you to touch me there!"

But Faustina's gaze was fixed hotly on her blonde cunt, and if she heard Paula she didn't show any sign of it. She moved between her legs, bent over, spread Paula's tensed thighs, then her cunt.

"Now, little one... now I'll make your body sing with joy!"

Holding Paula's slippery cunt lips apart with her fingers, Faustina lowered her head and pressed her face to the girl's loins. Her lips covered Paula's wet cunt; her tongue shot deep inside.

"Ohhhh... ohhhh," Paula moaned, suddenly very weak and willing.

It was the same as it had been in the plane. She'd melted then, just as soon as Jose had begun loving her with his mouth. She melted now as Faustina made oral love to her. Not wanting to like it didn't matter in the least. It was a bodily response her mind had no control over. She lay quivering and panting as Faustina's lips sucked at her and her tongue thrust hotly up her weeping cunt.

"Don't stop!" Paula yelled, when a moment later Faustina lifted her face and smiled wetly up at her. "Suck me... suck me some more!"

Chuckling with victory, Faustina pressed her lips to Paula and smacked a loud kiss dead center of her swollen cunt, then she hurried up the table and took Paula's face between her hands, bringing her sex-slick mouth down for a kiss.

There was no hesitation this time. Paula gladly opened her mouth and accepted the woman's kiss. She allowed her tongue to jab easily into her oral cavern, sucking it immediately, finding the exciting taste of herself clinging to it.

"More," Paula moaned, when Faustina pulled away.

"You'll get much more, little one," Faustina said, climbing onto the table.

"What are you doing?"

"Making girl love!" Faustina exclaimed, straddling Paula's face and flipped up her leather skirt. She bent over her then, bringing her face to Paula's loins and her loins to Paula's face. "You want me to suck you more?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Then you have to suck too," she sighed, lowering her hips, pushing her hairy twat close to Paula's mouth.

"I don't know how!"

"Do like I do," Faustina ordered.

"I don't want to... kiss you there!"

Faustina brought her lips to the top of Paula's cunt, taking her protruding clitoris between them, rolling it as she sucked and licked maddeningly at it.

"Mmmm... so good!"

And those moaned words were the last Paula uttered for several pleasure-laden moments, for the next instant Faustina's dripping hot cunt pressed demandingly over her mouth. As if by instinct, Paula formed her lips to the perfumed slit and jabbed her tongue inside. The heady taste was wildly thrilling, the sex smell overpowering. With mild shock, she discovered that kissing Faustina's dark-lipped pussy was every bit as satisfying as sucking Jose's coal black cock--which she'd done for him three times since their arrival in Acapulco, taking him all the way to orgasm and drinking his hot juice each time.

Just as she did when she was sucking Jose, she forgot everything else. "Cut me loose!" she yelled, her words muffled by the cunt over her mouth. "Cut me loose!"

"Do it!" Faustina barked, lifting her mouth from Paula's puffy cunt only long enough to speak the two words, then going at her hungrily again.

One ankle came free, then the other. Paula threw her legs up beside her body so Faustina's wonderful tongue could reach even deeper into her spasming cunt. Then her wrists were cut free and she wrapped her arms around the moaning woman above her, her hands gripping her buttocks and holding her messy cunt tightly to her mouth.

In seconds both Paula and Faustina plunged into a shuddering simultaneous orgasm, each holding to the other, moaning and groaning out their bliss with their mouths still locked firmly to one another's juicy cunts.

When it was over, Paula lay weakly on the table, watching Faustina jump up as refreshed as if she'd just had a good night's sleep rather than a soul-sapping climax, as Paula had experienced.

With no show of affection at all, Faustina walked away from the table. "Take your girl friend back to her room and lock her in, Jose. We're through with her now. Hurry back. We'll need you shortly."

Jose, happy that Paula hadn't been hurt, nodded quickly and strode to the table. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms, kissed her forehead, then took her from the room.

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