Her Animal Act - Cover

Her Animal Act


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

There were no seats in the back of the plane, just some sleeping bags and emergency food supplies. Only the cabin, where Pico and Faustina sat, was heated. Once the plane reached cruising altitude Paula found herself shivering. She got a sweater from her bag and put it on, then mastered sign language enough to coax Jose into helping her get blankets from two of the sleeping bags to cover her parents.

Elliott was still unconscious from the drug, but Ruth was awake. They were both bound and gagged, Faustina having come back from the cabin long enough to accomplish the task. Paul sat cross-legged on one of the sleeping bags, looking at her mother's frightened face. She'd tried to talk to her for a while but had finally given up when she realized Ruth could only mumble through her gag in answer to the questions she asked.

An expression of adoration on his coarse-featured face, Jose sat beside Paula. His eyes never left her for a minute. Finally he took her hand, smiling into her face as he locked his fingers through hers and scooted so close their hips touched.

Reluctant to rebuff him, Paula let Jose hold her hand. It was almost nice when he squeezed it affectionately and brought it to his lips. She wondered why her mother's eyes looked so wide and fearful at such an innocent action. Because Jose was such a big ugly Negro, she supposed. But Paula wasn't at all afraid to Jose. He did look awfully menacing, but in his case she felt looks were deceiving. Jose had protected and comforted her when she needed it, and she liked him a great deal for it. She'd never been prejudiced against Negroes like some of the kids her age. Her father had taught her to judge people as individuals--by their actions rather than their race or looks.

And she found Jose to be a warm individual. He wouldn't take advantage of her, she felt sure. Holding his hand was a comforting thing. She could feel strength passing from him to her. And the way he kissed the back of her hand so tenderly was very reassuring. She wondered how such a gentle giant could be mixed up with kidnapers. Pico was obviously the boss of the gang, with mean Faustina taking second place. Faustina fascinated Paula, but she didn't like her.

Jose let go of her hand and put his arm around her shoulders. Stiffening slightly, Paula let him pull her body snugly against his. Her mother's eyes looked frantic. She was mumbling through her gag, trying to get up.

"What is it, Mother? Are you uncomfortable? Would you like a sleeping bag under you?"

Ruth shook her head, mumbled something, nodded toward Jose, then shook her head vigorously and mumbled some more.

"He isn't going to rape me, Mother. Is that what you think?"

Ruth nodded sharply.

"Oh, for goodness sakes. He's as kind and gentle as any man I've ever known. Don't be silly."

Ruth shook her head from side to side, mumbling incoherently.

Shrugging, Paula said, "Well, there's no need to worry about it. If Jose did want to rape me, which I'm sure he doesn't, I don't see how I could stop him... do you?"

Ruth groaned and lay still.

"You're overreacting, Mother. Jose is just being nice to me... trying to comfort me. That's all. We're going to Acapulco-- isn't that exciting? If you've got to be kidnapped, I can't think of a more exotic place to be taken to, can you? I don't care if it takes a whole week to arrange for the ransom to be paid."

Ruth began to cry.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I guess I am being childish, but this is the only really exciting thing that's ever happened to me. Don't worry so much. I don't think they'll hurt us any... and the church is sure to raise the ransom money real quick. We'll be back home before you know it.

"Just think how interested everybody will be! I wish I had a notebook so I could write everything down. Gosh... I can't wait to tell all my friends!"

Ruth shut her eyes and moaned mournfully.

"I wish she wouldn't take it so har-" Paula started to say, turning her head to look at Jose; but he pulled her to him and kissed her, shutting off her words, catching her by surprise.

Stunned by his sudden action, Paula was unable to protest instantly. His soft lips covered hers entirely, pressing warmly and firmly. A shiver was Paula's first reaction. Her heart skipped a beat, then thumped wildly. She'd never been kissed this way by a man. It took her breath and made her feel all funny in the pit of her stomach. By the time she'd regained her senses, she realized Jose's kiss thrilled her tremendously.

She pushed him away and looked blinkingly into his deep-brown eyes. "You shouldn't have done that, Jose."

He smiled confidently, not understanding her words; misinterpreting her soft, quavering voice.

Then he kissed her again, holding her tightly, flattening her breasts against his hard chest. His face moved constantly, his lips rolling hotly on hers. The tip of his tongue darted out and teased intimately between Paula's lips, urging them apart, coaxing her mouth open.

Her heart sounding like a tom-tom in her ears, Paula whimpered and let his tongue creep wetly over the sharp edges of her parting teeth. It rushed deep into her mouth, licking and caressing as it came. Before she knew what she was doing, her own tongue was licking back at his.

Catching herself, fighting the strong urge to throw her arms around his powerful body, Paula jerked away. She put her hands on his chest and held him away. She was trembling all over, her eyes clamped shut and her chest heaving for breath.

"Don't... please don't, Jose," she moaned weakly.

Again it was her tone of voice and not her words that Jose responded to. She sounded excited and reluctant, both of which pleased him greatly. He tried to pull her mouth back to his.

"No!" Paula snapped, looking away from him, her eyes locking on her mother's tortured face.

Looking hurt, Jose followed her gaze. Then he smiled and got to his feet. He went to Ruth and turned her, putting her face toward the wall of the plane so her large eyes couldn't see Paula. He pulled the blanket over her head and held her firmly in position long enough to make her understand she was not to turn over again. Standing and pulling his turtleneck shirt over his head, he glanced questioningly at Paula.

His V-shaped torso drew her gaze and held it. She gasped at all the muscles and the dense patch of curly hair on his chest. His upper arms looked as big as her thighs, and much more powerful.

His fingers groping at his belt, Jose came toward her.

Paula threw up her hands, wagging them as well as her head.

Again Jose misunderstood. Thinking her hands were pointing at the lights, that she wanted them out, he strode to the cabin and opened the door. Using sign language, he informed Pico of his intentions and asked him to turn off the lights in the back of the plane.

Pico nodded approval and turned off the lights in the cargo area. In Spanish, not a word of which Paula understood, Pico said, "The girl is all yours for as long as we are in the air. Have her; enjoy her."

Also in Spanish, Faustina said, "Let me hear her scream when you enter her, Jose. Don't bother being gentle with her; break the little bitch in right! "

Smiling weakly, Paula sat huddled in a ball as Jose turned from the cabin. While he was shutting the door, she got a quick glance at his face. He looked angry for the first time since she'd met him, and Paula was struck numb by his distorted face. She had no way of knowing his anger was directed at Faustina. She thought he was angry with her for refusing him.

Her teeth chattering, she clutched her knees to her chest, holding her breath as he shut the door and cut off all light save the faint moonlight coming in the two small windows. Two thumps sounded as he kicked off his shoes. A pause, then a zipper sounded, followed by the rustle of clothing which she barely heard over the soft drone of the engines. A shadowy figure now, he padded barefoot toward her. When he passed the opposite window, she got a frightening glimpse of the swaying cock standing out from his loins. He was going to rape her. She was sure of that now, and the thought of his big prick pushing into her made her feel faint.

But she dared not refuse him again. If one refusal could make him as angry as he was already, what would a second rebuff do? She shuddered at the thought, visualizing herself beaten to a pulp with Jose getting what he wanted anyway.

Then he was beside her, pulling her down onto the sleeping bag, taking her in his arms and holding her to his nude body. His large cock, hot and hard and throbbing, lay between them. Paula felt a tremor sweep over her as the long instrument pressed intimately against her stomach. His lips were moving over her face, starting on her forehead and kissing very tenderly toward her mouth.

It was all she could do to lie still and allow him to kiss her eyes and nose and cheeks. His lips felt hot, and he was breathing harshly; but he was being gentle, and she was grateful for that. She didn't want to be beaten and raped. The very thought of it terrified her. He intended to possess her, though. There was no doubt in her mind as to what he wanted -- especially when his large hands cupped her asscheeks and pulled her pussy snug against his hard cock.

She tried to pull away. But he held her, hunching lightly as his mouth descended and his lips claimed hers. His mouth was open, his lips covering hers, his tongue probing for admittance. A tiny sigh of resignation sounding through her nostrils, Paula opened her mouth and let his wet tongue come spearing in.

They kissed for a long time. Paula's fear was driven out by the growing number of those strange butterflies fluttering so wildly inside her stomach. In a daze, she put her arm around him and began to suck willingly on his ever-moving tongue. His thick shaft pressed between the lips of her cunt, feeling hot and hard even through the thickness of her clothing. Soon her clitoris crept from beneath its protective hood and started bombarding her mind with thousands of wonderful sensations.

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