Her Animal Act - Cover

Her Animal Act


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Her mind dulled by the drug, Ruth flattened herself against the door, watching Pico come toward her, naked and ready. His eyes glinted evilly and his lips curled into more of a sneer than a smile. But his face wouldn't hold her gaze. The most threatening part of him stood out boldly from his brown muscular body, and it was there that Ruth finally locked her faintly blurred gaze.

Gasping at the size of his rock-hard cock--it was at least two inches longer and a half inch thicker than the only prick she'd ever seen -- Ruth shook her head and let out a tiny moan.

"No... please don't."

He said nothing, just chuckled and came on toward her, his rod swaying stiffly from side to side.

When he stopped in front of her, so close she could feel his hot breath on her face, Ruth looked up at him. Her upper lip trembled. Fear shone in her pleading eyes as his fingers hooked over the neck of her dress.


He ripped away the front of her dress with one quick jerk, causing her to fall forward. Her tits flattened against his hard chest. His cock pressed into her soft stomach, feeling all hot and hard.

"Oh, my God! No!" She jumped away, turning sideways and cringing against the door.

"Stand up straight. Look at me."

"Go to hell!"

"You shouldn't talk to me that way, rubia."

His voice sounded amused. Ruth hated him all the more for it. "I'd die before I'd give in to you!"

"You are a proud bitch, aren't you? Good. I like your haughty manner. It will make it more pleasurable for me."

"I'll give you no pleasure," Ruth hissed, trying to sound brave but feeling anything but bravery at the moment.

"We'll see. Now stand up straight and look at me."

"No, damn you... NO!"

"Don't curse me. I won't tolerate my women cursing me."

"I'm not your woman. I despise you!"

"That will change shortly," Pico said, then he grunted as he kicked her ass and sent her sprawling face down on the floor.

He stood over her, gloating as she struggled to sit up, sobbing and backing away, the fear so strong in her now that it could almost be smelled. She scooted across the floor, finally backing herself into a corner in her futile attempt to get away from him.

This can't be real! she thought. I'm having a horrible nightmare!

The drug caused everything she perceived to be distorted. The sounds, even her own voice, had an unreal ring. It was impossible for her to focus clearly. The very center of her field of vision was fairly sharp, but the surrounding area was fuzzy, like an out-of-focus movie scene at the beginning of a flashback. Her body felt numb and uncoordinated. Her brain refused to help her. It took in her fear, acknowledged the need to act, but was too sluggish to function properly.

Even the pain in her ass seemed unreal. It was a dull pain, exactly like it belonged in a dream. But she knew it was no dream. Her mind was trying to lie to her. She couldn't let that happen. Too much was at stake. She couldn't let the two-legged animal standing over her and laughing at her have his way. He was real--not a monster in a horrible dream--and he intended to rape her! She had to resist--to prevent it at all costs!

Summoning every bit of strength she could muster, Ruth leaped to her feet and clawed viciously at his handsome face. Through the veil of tears covering her eyes, she saw her fingernails bring ugly red streaks down both sides of his dark face. His smug expression was gone. He yelled, cursed in his native language, slapped her small hands away. She started to laugh crazily, thinking that she'd rebuffed him sufficiently to dampen his lust. Then the breath whooshed from her lungs as his fist buried deep into her guts.

Numb, her insides churning and burning from the force of his blow, Ruth slumped to the floor, a pain-racked groan escaping her open mouth. She lay there piteously, sobbing and desperately gulping for air, her body being jerked ignominiously about as Pico ripped away her slip and bra. She could barely hear him cursing her, and then cursing her panties which refused to tear.

His voice came from high above her. "Take your panties off."


"Take them off or I'll kick your teeth out!"

She saw his foot draw back and aim at her face. There was no choice but to do as he demanded. Quickly she rolled to her other side, keeping her back to him as she slipped her panties off and kicked them away.

"Turn over. I want to look at you."

Something deep inside her ached terribly from the brutal blow he'd floored her with, and it was still very difficult for her to breathe. She didn't dare resist him any longer. Her brain, though dull, functioned well enough to know he would stop at nothing to have his way. All her spunk was gone. She detested what was happening, abhorred the thought of him using her body; but she retained enough common sense to rationalize her plight.

Being raped is a horrible thing, she thought, but it isn't nearly as horrible as being beaten to death!

Accepting her fate reluctantly, wanting to get it over with so he'd go away and leave her alone, Ruth shut her eyes and rolled obediently to her back. She could feel his hot gaze moving over her body, and it sent a wave of revulsion through her.

"You are a true blonde... one of the few I've ever seen. I like it. Your bush is quite hairy for a blonde. A very attractive pussy indeed. Spread your legs. Let me see if your lips are as pink as your nipples."

As her mind screamed a silent protest, Ruth spread her legs so he could examine her.


She spread her legs until the cords connecting her thighs to her body stood out tautly--wishing she could faint so she wouldn't be aware of what was happening to her. Then he touched her with his foot, probing into her with his big toe, pulling her open. She fought the reflex to jerk away, knowing if she did it would probably earn her a kick right at her most tender part.

"Yes, a very attractive pussy, all in all. The lips are not as pink as your nipples, but I like them. They should feel nice and tight around me. Why are they so hot and slick, rubia? Do you feel passion already? Perhaps the show you witnessed had this effect on you?"

Oh, good Lord! she thought. What a filthy animal he is!

But she said, "Get it over with. Do what you want and go away. Please get it over with!"

"Ahhh. You do feel desire."

"No! I feel nothing but disgust!" she shouted.

"Don't raise your voice to me again," he said coldly.

The pain inside her was ebbing away. She could breathe normally again. Do I dare? she wondered. I could kick his testicles and maybe stun him long enough to beat him unconscious with that heavy ash tray.

She opened her eyes and looked up at his face. It was too far away. All she could see was a blur. But his big cock was closer, and she saw it clearly. His scrotum, too, hanging between his legs and swaying as he toyed at her clitoris with his big toe.

Stop it. It doesn't feel good. I can't let it feel good!

But it did; and she squirmed reflexively.

Kick his balls, she told herself. Quickly, while there is still time! But I can't... he's standing between my legs and I can't kick him! His balls are big--like his penis. It would really hurt him if I could just get my foot into position to kick them. But I can't. Damn it... I can't get at them!

He bent over her, still standing between her legs and making it impossible for her to kick his vulnerable organs. His fingers bit into her upper arms as he grabbed her roughly and jerked her to her knees. The head of his cock pushed hotly at her tightly clamped lips. Frantic, she turned her head, feeling the clear fluid his passion had caused streak across her soft cheek.

"Kiss it. Kiss my cock."

"I'd rather die!" she wailed.

He snorted, then grabbed a handful of her hair and lifted her, screaming, to her feet, bringing their faces close together. His eyes were angry slits boring into hers. Then he smiled and shoved her toward the bed.

Her legs couldn't move fast enough to keep up with her body. She tumbled to the hard floor and slid part way under the bed before she stopped. He was at her instantly, grabbing her ankle and dragging her from beneath the bed, her tits and palms squeaking on the worn linoleum.

"I'm through toying with you. Get up. Get on the bed."

Ruth struggled to her feet. Trying to stall for time, she asked, "Do you want me to take off my stockings and garter belt?"

He took his cock in one hand and Ruth's left nipple in the other, squeezing both until she was whimpering with pain.

"You're hurting me!"

He twisted her tender pink bud, pulling down as he did, forcing her once again into a kneeling position before him.

"Ohhh... don't! Please don't."

"Kiss my cock or I'll twist your tit off!"

The intense pain in her nipple made Ruth do as he said. She brought her full lips quickly to the blood-engorged head of his cock and kissed it.

"Lick it."

She hesitated; but when he twisted her abused nipple harder, she let her lips part and licked his hot glans. His hand cupped the back of her head and pulled her mouth forward, sending his bulging knob between her teeth and over her rapidly retreating tongue. It bumped the back of her throat, making her gag and choke.

His dick left her mouth as quickly as it had entered. His hands hooked under her arms and lifted her from the floor. Ruth couldn't see anything. Her eyes were full of tears from the awful pain in her tit and the gagging and choking his cock had caused. She felt him toss her into the air, and she gasped at the helpless falling sensation. Then she hit the bed, the mattress sagging with her weight and the springs groaning in protest.

The old bed was still bouncing when Pico leaped on it and covered her body with his. His knees worked between hers, forcing her legs apart.

"Oh, dear God!" Ruth moaned, feeling his hot, hard glans probe at her vulva.

She squirmed in an effort to evade him, sobbing and beating at his shoulders as fast and hard as she could.

"That's it," he panted. "Fight. Fight me, rubia!"

"Animal... you miserable animal," she moaned, raking her fingernails across his back so harshly it hurt her fingers.

"Aargh! Again!"

When she realized her scratching was bringing him more pleasure than pain, she buried her face into the crook of his neck and bit with all her might. His glans pressed into her hairy opening, dilating her, stretching her painfully. She bit him harder.

He screamed, suddenly hunching forward, filling her completely as he lunged in to the very hilt. His heavy balls made a splatting noise as they arched forward and hit into the crack of her ass.

Ruth sucked in her breath raggedly, quivering from head to toe as the searing pain from his brutal thrust raced through her. She knew he'd ripped her apart with his thick cock. The whole room spun dizzily around. She clenched her hands into tight fists, lying beneath him docilely now, biting her lip against the pain in her loins. Her chest heaved as she fought desperately for air. Her eyes clenched firmly shut, she threw back her head and rolled it from side to side, sobbing and gasping.

"Hot," Pico sighed contentedly. "So hot and tight!"

Ruth refused the kiss he tried to give her. She jerked her head to the side and snarled, feeling his mouth cover her ear and his tongue lick wetly inside it. It sent a chill up her spine. She could feel the head of his rod deep inside her belly. Never had Elliott penetrated her so thoroughly. His ass began moving in a tiny circle, causing his glans to flip maddeningly at her cervix.

All too soon her pain was gone. She wished it back, preferring it to the new sensations rushing in to take its place. Wetly, his tongue worked snakelike in her ear, affecting Ruth despite her resolve to ignore it. She tried hard to ignore his tongue, but she couldn't; nor could she ignore the incessant massage his cockhead was giving the mouth of her womb. It was too much for her. Before she realized it she was rolling her hips along with his, rubbing her awakening clitoris at the sharp bone under his pummeling pubic mound.

Stop it! her conscience barked.

But I can't help it... he's raping me, her body protested.

You don't have to like it, her conscience snapped back. Only whores like it! Lie quietly, the way you usually do with Elliott!

"Wha-What are you doing?" Ruth gasped, looking up at Pico's lust- racked face, struggling to keep him from pinning her hands helplessly to the mattress.

He chuckled, easily forcing her arms to the bed on either side of her body and holding them there. "The preliminaries are over. I think you're ready to be fucked now. Give me a good ride, rubia."

She groaned as his cock began thrusting with long, slow strokes. He was right, she knew. She was ready--more ready than she'd ever been in her whole life! But she wouldn't let herself enjoy it. She couldn't permit that! It was unthinkable! A decent woman just couldn't find rape to be a thrilling experience!

"My husband will kill you."

"You scare me," he said, smiling down at her frightened face.

"You'll go to prison. Stop... stop right now and I won't tell my husband or the police."

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